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National Albanian American Council Strongly Condemns the Planned Attack on Fort Dix Army Base in New Jersey
May 09, 2007

    WASHINGTON, May 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The National
Albanian American Council (NAAC) issued the following

    The National Albanian American Council (NAAC) strongly
condemns the planned attack on Fort Dix Army Base by a
group of people who reportedly plotted to attack the base,
and we congratulate the law enforcement authorities for
their swift apprehension of the conspirators, thereby
preventing a possible tragedy.  While details are still
being released, it was reported that these individuals, who
plotted the attack on Fort Dix Army Base, included persons
with "radical jihadist views" with national
origins from Turkey, Jordan, and Macedonia.

    "As Albanians, we have lost brethren in the World
Trade Center in the 9/11 Tragedy and fought willingly
beside US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq during the US-led
war on terror, suffering significant casualties.  We are
particularly sensitive about the actions of these
individuals, some of whom seem to originate from the
Balkans, as others with unsavory political motives may
attempt to ascribe these actions to Albanians but, as
Albanians, we remain the most pro-American people in the
world," NAAC Executive Director Avni Mustafaj said in
an official statement.  "As a people, Albanians have
significant percentages of our population worshiping all of
the major faiths of the world and have never suffered from
religious strife among our people.  In fact, we have been a
role model in Europe and, even represented the only nation
in Europe that saved 100 percent of its people of Jewish
faith during World War II.  Furthermore, we provided safe
haven for all the Jews that fled the Holocaust to Albania. 
We aspire to have Albania join NATO in the coming year and
are working with the US and other democratic Western
nations to establish an independent Kosova which will be a
global role model for religious and ethnic

    Mr. Mustafaj further stated that, "Fort Dix is a
uniquely special place for Albanians for this is where
refugees who fled ethnic cleansing from Kosova into
Macedonian refugee camps were brought to the US. The
refugees were registered and provided numerous services and
assistance to begin their new life in America.  We are all
relieved that this tragedy was avoided and ask that those
who sought to harm innocent American service men and women
be brought to justice immediately."

    American and Albanian relations mark the 85th
Anniversary this year and the relations between our two
nations have never been stronger.  In fact, this coming
June President George W. Bush will be making an historic
visit to Albania in support of Albania's bid to join NATO. 
Thousands of Albanian Americans have and continue to proudly
serve in the US military, and soldiers from Albania serve
side-by-side with US soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan and in
numerous other locations.

    "We, as the people who gave the world their
greatest symbol of peace, Mother Teresa, hope to continue
her life's work as a people and contribute to eliminating
religious hatred from the world and promoting peaceful
coexistence among all people," added Mr. Mustafaj.

    The National Albanian American Council is a
not-for-profit organization dedicated to advocating for
Albanians and promoting peace and economic development in
the Balkans by fostering democratic policy, promoting
respect for human rights, and conducting educational and
developmental programs. For more information on the
National Albanian American Council visit us on the web at
http://www.naac.org .

    For more information, please contact:

     Avni Mustafaj
     Tel:   +1-202-466-6900
     Email: naac@naac.org
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