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National Nanometer Industrialization Favors TEDA
February 27, 2006

    TIANJIN, China, Feb. 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Tianjin
Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA) announced
today that the Ministry of Finance has appropriated RMB38
million to the National Academy of Nanometer Technology and
Engineering ("NANTE"), located in TEDA, to support
the key industrialization projects in nanometer research
during the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan."  Using the
NANTE, and in virtue of the advantages of over one hundred
universities and research institutions in Beijing and
Tianjin, TEDA will build a high-tech platform in China for
the industrialization of nanometer technology.

    Now the NANTE has established partnerships with many
universities and research institutions, including the
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, Peking
University, the Military Medical Science Academy, Beijing
University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nankai
University and Tianjin University, they can not only set up
a platform for the research, development and application of
nanometer technology in fields like electro-information,
biology, medicine and micro-machinery, but also form a new
development mode for the technology industry featuring
dynamic alliances, joint technological breakthroughs and
systematic integration.  This will serve as the impulsion
for the innovation of nanometer technology in TEDA.

    Through governmental initiatives, such as the
formulation of industrial development planning, special
fund support and policy promotion, TEDA has created an
environment favorable for regional technology innovation,
built a platform facilitating technology innovation, thus
realizing the effect of talent aggregation.  Now TEDA
serves as home to 23 national engineering and technology
research centers, 11 enterprise technology centers, 37
R&D Centers for transnational companies, 43
post-doctoral workshops for enterprises, 3 universities and
212 approved high-tech enterprises.

    Brief Introduction to Tianjin Economic-Technological
Development Area

    Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area
(abbreviated to TEDA, with "Taida" as its Chinese
transliteration) was established in 1984, upon the approval
of the State Council of the People's Republic of China.  It
was one of the first state-level economic and technological
development zones in the country. 

    Located in the centre of the Circum-Bohai economic
circle and in the east of the Eurasia continental bridge,
TEDA is a portal to such two metropolises as Beijing and
Tianjin and a vital passage to Northeast China. So far over
3,300 overseas-founded companies have settled in TEDA.  Of
the Fortune 500 enterprises, 57 overseas transnational
companies from 10 countries and regions have made
investments in 123 enterprises that are based in TEDA,
including companies such as Motorola, Sumsung and Toyota. 
In 2000, TEDA was acclaimed by Fortune of U.S. as "the
most admired industrial park of China." In 2002, it was
elected by the United Nations Industrial Development
Organization (UNIDO), along with five other Chinese cities
and areas including Shenzhen, Suzhou, Pudong New Area of
Shanghai, etc., "the most dynamic regions of

    For more information, please visit
http://www.investteda.org , or contact:

     Ding Lei of TEDA
     Tel:   +86-22-2520-1616

     Xu Hui of TEDA
     Tel:   +86-22-2520-1118 

SOURCE  Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area

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