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netomat Announces Motorola Ventures Investment
February 28, 2006

    NEW YORK, Feb. 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- netomat, Inc.,
pioneers in Mobile-PC convergence, announced today that
Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT) through Motorola Ventures, its
strategic venture capital arm, made an investment in the
company.  Financial terms of this agreement were not

    netomat's IP-based platform was built from the ground
up to make it is easy to get and share content -- both
user-generated and 3rd party -- across any IP-connected
device, including mobile phones, PCs and set-top boxes.

    The company recently launched netomat hub, the first
group picture, text and RSS sharing service for mobile
phones and PCs.  The service seamlessly integrates multiple
essential services for real-time group communication,
including picture and text messaging with presence, RSS
syndication, trusted social networking, digital photo
storage and update alerts.  

    "Motorola and netomat share a common vision of
seamless mobility," said Matthew Growney, managing
director of Motorola Ventures.  "Consumers want to be
connected to the people and content that matters to them
regardless of the device or network they happen to be

    "We are extremely pleased Motorola decided to
invest in our company," said Alan Gershenfeld, CEO of
netomat.  "We share their vision for IP-based
convergence and are excited by the range and power of their
devices, which are optimized for convergent services. 
Motorola's investment will further enable us to develop our
platform, which enables friends, family and colleagues to
stay connected instantly to whatever is important to

    About netomat

    netomat is a software company whose mission is to break
down barriers to communication.  The company is privately
held and financed by a group of investors including venture
capitalists, foundations and individuals reflecting the
company's genesis as a network based art project as well as
the company's goal to build an innovative, responsible and
profitable software company.  For more information visit
http://www.netomat.net .

    About Motorola Ventures

    Motorola Ventures (MV) is the global, strategic venture
capital investment arm of Motorola, Inc. MV invests at all
stages in developing companies of strategic value to
Motorola in order to accelerate access to new technologies,
new markets and new talent. For more information, visit
http://www.motorola.com/ventures .

    About Motorola

    Motorola is known around the world for innovation and
leadership in wireless and broadband communications. 
Inspired by our vision of Seamless Mobility, the people of
Motorola are committed to helping you get and stay
connected simply and seamlessly to the people, information,
and entertainment that you want and need.  We do this by
designing and delivering "must have" products,
"must do" experiences and powerful networks --
along with a full complement of support services.  A
Fortune 100 company with global presence and impact,
Motorola had sales of US $36.8 billion in 2005.  For more
information about our company, our people and our
innovations, please visit http://www.motorola.com .

    NOTE:  netomat and netomat hub are registered
trademarks of netomat, Inc. All other registered or
unregistered trademarks are the sole property of their
respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:

    Gary Byrd
    FortyThree, Inc. 
    Tel:   +1-831-621-3773
    Email: netomat@fortythreepr.com

SOURCE  netomat, Inc.
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