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PC-WARE in The Far East - Subsidiary Established in The People's Republic of China
March 26, 2007

    LEIPZIG, Germany, March 26 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
PC-WARE Information Technologies AG, one of the leading
European IT service providers, announces the foundation of
a branch office in the Chinese Silicon Valley in Peking.
The start-up with 6 German and Chinese employees trained in
the German headquarters is expected to make around euro 5
million in the first financial year. 

    "We have been maintaining business relations for
several years now and have prepared our entry into the
Chinese market thoroughly. Over 20 percent of our corporate
clients own subsidiaries or participations in China that
expect a trustworthy partner locally. We are now able to
offer these companies our on-site services at the familiar
high-quality level", said Dr. Knut Loschke, Chairman
of the Board of Directors of PC-WARE.

    In addition to the licensing deal, PC-WARE especially
sees a particularly high potential in the Software Asset
Management sector and in eProcurement. First cooperation
agreements with local IT service providers and system
integrators were already concluded.

    With its entry into the Chinese market, PC-WARE is also
following the demands of the technology manufacturers.
Besides collaboration agreements here with numerous
partners like Citrix, VMware, Symantec, Altiris, McAfee and
IBM, PC-WARE is the third international Large Account
Reseller (LAR) of Microsoft and Adobe Licensing Centre
(ALC) in China.

    PC-WARE considers the Chinese market to be especially
growth- and profit-friendly. According to the Chinese
Ministry of Information Technology, for example, the
Chinese software industry made a sales volume of 61 billion
US dollars in 2006 - with a strong upswing. Official
predictions see the Chinese national economy as the
strongest in the world in 2020, with growth rates of over
30 percent in the IT sector.

    In addition to the economic perspectives in the
People's Republic, the current resolutions of the People's
Congress on copyright piracy and pirate copiers play a
decisive role for the involvement in China. Over the next
few years PC-WARE sees a rising demand by both Chinese as
well as international customers for legal software

    Please find additional facts and information on this
subject at
http://www.pc-ware.com/pcw/cn/cn/about/group/main.htm . 

    For more information, please contact:

     Kathrin Sieber, Communications
     PC-WARE Information Technologies AG
     Tel:    +49-341-256-8171
     Mobile: +49-163-729-5159
     Email:  public.relations@pc-ware.de  
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