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Savi Networks Provides RFID-Based, Electronically-Sealed Cargo Information to Western Digital for Efficient and Secure Transport in Thailand
March 26, 2007

Secure Free Zone Project in Cooperation with Royal Thai
Customs Helps Speed Inspection Processes and Security
Validations, Reduces Time and Costs

    BANGKOK, Thailand and MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., March 26
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Savi Networks and Western Digital
have dramatically cut time and costs from customs
clearances while boosting security measures by automating
shipment information from active Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) seals on freight transportation
trucks in Thailand.

http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20060109/NYM086LOGO ) 

    During the last four months, the "Secure Free Zone
Project" has enabled Western Digital and Royal Thai
Customs to monitor and validate in near real-time more than
11,000 trips of RFID-sealed truck trailers that transport
high-performance hard drives from manufacturing and
distribution facilities through Customs inspection points
in Bangkok.  Having the ability to electronically validate
the security and contents of a truck from origin through
government inspection points has sped up Customs clearances
of shipments destined for the United States.

    The ongoing operation involves agreements with Royal
Thai Customs and the Thailand-based TIFFA EDI Services Co.
Ltd., resulting in key benefits for Western Digital, which
include:  enhanced automation; a reduction in overhead;
reduced waiting times for Customs clearance; less
individual transaction cost and increased accuracy of
shipment information. 

    "Through cooperation from government authorities
and leading-edge, tracking systems provided by Savi
Networks and TIFFA EDI Services, Western Digital's
operations in this project are more competitive and secure
while enabling us to provide better service to our
customers," said Narong Dockpetch, director for
Western Digital in Thailand.  "We view this as a
win-win for everyone involved, and a model that can be
expanded and replicated elsewhere to improve the flow of
commerce while ensuring greater security."

    "The Secure Free Zone Project with Western Digital
demonstrates that use of advanced technology can provide
both compliance and security value while increasing the
efficiency of cargo movement," said Lani Fritts, chief
operating officer of Savi Networks.  "Tangible business
benefits like these provide the return on investment for
real-time shipment and security information implementations
in the global supply chain, which enables public and private
sector value."

    Today, the "Secure Free Zone Project"
includes active RFID readers and transaction processing
software at critical logistics checkpoints, such as
manufacturing loading docks, entry and exit gates and
Customs inspection stations.  The infrastructure is
installed in the Nava Nakorn Industrial Estate and the
BangPa-In Industrial Estate, which are duty-free zones set
up to stimulate import/export business where the facilities
and checkpoints are located.

    TIFFA EDI Services Co. Ltd., a 100% Thai nationally
owned and operated company, runs an electronic document
exchange service center and provides software development
services that specialize in Customs formality and
logistics.  To learn more about TIFFA EDI Services, please
visit: http://www.tiffaedi.com .

    Savi Networks, the operator of a global network
providing real-time information services on in-transit
inventory, is a joint venture between Savi Technology,
Inc., a Lockheed Martin company (NYSE: LMT), and Hutchison
Port Holdings.  To learn more about Savi Networks, visit:
http://www.savinetworks.com .

    For more information, please contact:

    Media Contact:

     Mark Nelson
     Savi Networks
     Tel:    +1-650-316-4872
     Email:  mnelson@savi.com 

     Anusorn Lovichit
     TIFFA EDI Services Co. Ltd.
     Tel:    +662-672-7000
     Email:  anusorn@tiffaedi.com
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