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ProBioGen and Virbac Signed a Licensing Agreement to Use ProBioGen's Novel Avian Cell Line AGE1 for Production of Biological Products
May 31, 2007

    BERLIN, May 31 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- ProBioGen,
Germany, announced today that Virbac has entered into a
licensing agreement with ProBioGen to develop biological
product candidates using ProBioGen's novel avian cell lines

    Under the terms of the agreement, Virbac will use the
permanent cell lines based on duck retina AGE1.cr and
somite cells AGE1.cs developed by ProBioGen as the
production platform to develop biologicals. The financial
details of the agreement are not disclosed.

    "This is a breakthrough in the commercialisation
of our avian cell line," said Michael Schlenk, CEO of
ProBioGen. "The development of new designer cell lines
under the full guidelines of the FDA is a long and
challenging process. We are very proud to have developed
such a cell line which not only satisfies these stringent
requirements, but is also safe and cost effective for
vaccine and biological production."

    About ProBioGen AG

    ProBioGen is a specialist for cell line design, viral
vectors, and the manufacture of glycoproteins for the
biopharmaceutical industry. The German biotechnology
company is headquartered in Berlin. Its range of products
and services include the development of highly productive
cell lines, the design of novel cell lines from primary
tissue, the manufacture of glycoproteins for clinical
studies and R&D, as well as the production of viral
vectors and antibodies for in vitro diagnostics. ProBioGen
possesses the manufacturing authorization for
pharmaceutically usable active substances for testing in
clinical studies and meets the quality standards
recommended by the EU (EMEA) and the FDA. A certified cGMP
multipurpose facility is available for contract production
of biopharmaceutical active substances. The Company is
specialized in mammalian cells and combines the know-how of
molecular biology scientists with the experience of experts
in cell culture technology and process engineering.
ProBioGen thus accompanies its clients from the early
development of product candidates up to late clinical
testing phase.

    For more information, please contact:

     ProBioGen Contact:

     Hing Kin Chan, PhD
     Goethestrasse 54
     13068 Berlin
     Tel:   +49-30-924-006-0
     Fax:   +49-30-924-006-19
     Email: hingkin.chan@probiogen.de 
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