Red Herring Releases Short-list of Finalists for The "Red Herring Asia 100" Awards

July 26, 2006

Leading Private Asian Technology Companies will Be Honored at Red Herring Asia "Meet Asia's Innovators" Summit Hong Kong, August 28-30, 2006
BEIJING, July 26 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Red Herring announced today that it has narrowed the field of contenders for its annual "Red Herring Asia 100" list to 200 companies. Well over 600 privately held technology companies were submitted to this year's edition of the prestigious award, proving the reviving innovative and entrepreneurial strength of the technology ecosystem. The names of the 200 companies short-listed as finalists for the "Red Herring Asia 100" can be found online athttp://www.redherring.com/rhasia06 . Following another rigorous review process, the "Red Herring Asia 100" will be unveiled in the coming weeks, and the Red Herring Asia "Meet Asia's Innovators" Summit,will be hold on August 28-30 in Hong Kong, during which the technology industry's most-innovative CEOs, venture financiers, and corporate strategists will gather to exchange deep insight into the Asian technology scene. "The level of entrepreneurial activity in Asia is no longer surprising," said Joel Dreyfuss, editor-in-chief of Red Herring. "The biggest shift is the emergence of innovative and disruptive companies that can play on the world stage." The "Red Herring Asia 100" award, now in its second year and open only to private technology companies headquartered in the Asia Pacific region, is given to the top 100 Asian tech companies on the basis of technology innovation, management strength, market size, investor record, customer acquisition and financial health. The CEOs of the Top 100 companies are invited to present their winning strategies at Red Herring Asia 100. Last year,the winners like Suntech power, Vimicro has successfully access to IPO,and verisilicon,ChinaInterActiveCorp,WangYou have closed their new round of financing. For the past months, hundreds of companies in the telecomm, Web 2.0, software, hardware, biotech and energy related industries from countries like Kazakhstan, Korea, China, India, Japan and the Philippines have sent in their submissions to qualify for the award. At Red Herring Asia 2006, both the finalists and winners of the Top 100 will showcase their uniqueness and business potential. The nominees were rigidly evaluated on both quantitative and qualitative criteria such as financial performance, technology innovation, quality of management, execution of strategy, and integration into their ecosystem. This unique assessment of their potential is complemented by a review of the actual track record and standing of a company, allowing Red Herring to see past the "buzz" and make the list an invaluable instrument for discovering and advocating the greatest business opportunities in the industry. "Meet Asia's Innovators" Red Herring events such as Red Herring Asia 2006, have long provided keen and prescient insights into the past, present and future of global technology trends and breakthroughs. Industry leaders, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs and Red Herring's own business intelligence team are brought together in the spirit of collaboration and growth in an attempt to foster business alliances and bring together entrepreneurs and investors. Participation is always by invitation only, and all speakers are registered participants. For registration and conference update, please go to http://www.redherring.com/rhasia06 . About Red Herring Red Herring is a sophisticated insider's guide to the business of technology, featuring unparalleled insights on the emerging technologies driving the economy, from the Internet to wireless communications and digital entertainment. Red Herring reports on how innovation and entrepreneurship are transforming business and how the business of technology is transforming the world, providing readers with a deep understanding of venture capital and capital markets. Recognized as an essential resource in today's fast-changing business world, Red Herring gets the right answers before anyone else even thinks to ask the questions. More information on Red Herring is available on the Internet at http://www.redherring.com . About Xinhua PR Newswire As a strategic partner of Red Herring, Xinhua PR Newswire has helped many of the 200 finalists increase the global awareness of their companies by assisting them with a cost effective means to distribute news and information to over 24,000 media outlets and over a million investors worldwide. Finalists, including SmartPay Jieyin, Jade Technologies, Cgogo, Toodou and Yeepay, have all been using Xinhua PR Newswire's services to keep the global media, investment community and the general public abreast of key developments. Backed by the unchallenged media network of PR Newswire in 135 countries, Xinhua PR Newswire has been the exclusive and trusted news disseminator for hundreds of leading companies in the region. The 200 companies short-listed as finalists for the "Red Herring 100 Asia" are (in alphabetical order): Company Country Industry 24/7 Customer India Outsourcing 24X7 Learning India Software 51.com China Internet and services 51show China Internet and services 9You China Internet and services abKey Singapore Computing ACL Wireless India Communications Actela Korea Security Advanced Radio Engineering India Communications Aidi Communications Japan Semiconductors Aigo China Computing Airoha Taiwan Semiconductor Allyes AdNetwrok China Internet and services Antig Taiwan Energy AppLabs India Software ASKnLearn Singapore Internet and services Aurigo Software Technology India Business software Avesthagen India Biosciences Axstone Korea Communications Baihe Online Technology China Internet and services bbmao.com China Internet and services Bluebird Soft Korea Computing Britesoft Solutions Malaysia Software BuzzCity Singapore Internet and services CGen media China Entertainment and media Cgogo China Internet and services China Broadband Communications China Communications China Data Group China Outsourcing ChineseAll China Internet and services Chipnuts China Semiconductor CinemaChoice China Internet and services ClearTrail Technologies India Communications Clipcomm Korea Communications ColorME China Internet and services Comat Technologies India Software Comsenz China Internet and services Converge Labs India Communications Coruscant Tec India Internet and services Creative Mobile Korea Communications CSDN China Internet and services Daumsoft Korea Internet and services dianping.com China Internet and services DideoNET Korea Communications Dratek China Internet and services Drishtee Dot Com India Software and services DynaScan China Entertainment and Media EC Navi Japan Internet and services eDuShi China Internet and services eInfochips India Semiconductor Encore Software India Software Enovation Australia Business software Ensoltek Korea Biosciences ESQUBE India Communications Euglena Japan Biosciences Evalueserve India Outsourcing eWarna Malaysia Internet and services Exist Software Engineering Philippines Business software gammaStar China Biosciences Gbaopan.com China Storage Geotude Malaysia Internet and services GetData Australia Security GigaDevice Semi China Semiconductor Gmedia China Communications GNI Ltd. Japan Biosciences GoPets Korea Entertainment and media Gpans Korea Security Hansun Tech China Internet and services HiChina China Internet and services hoodong China Internet and services Huanxin China Internet and services Hurix Systems India Software and services Hutchison MediPharma China Biosciences I.T. UNITED China Services i1 China Business software IamEmo Australia Communications Icon Lab Korea Communications Ideamov China Communications Imagis Korea Semiconductor IndiaIdeas.com India Internet and services iNFOiSLIVE China Entertainment and media Infozech India Communications INKA Korea Entertainment and Media Innoviti Embedded India Communications Innoxius Singapore Communications InstaColl India Business software Intellicus Technologies India Business software iSoftStone China Outsourcing i-Sprint Innovations Singapore Security iVista India Software and services iWOW Singapore Communications Jade Technologies China Semiconductors Jataayu Software India Communications KaiTone China Communications LDK Solar Hi-Tech China Solar Linguamatix Malaysia Internet and services Madhouse China Internet and services Majitek Australia Computing MakeMyTrip India Internet and services MassMedia Studios Australia Internet and services Mauj Telecom India Communications McubeWorks Korea Communications MetricStream India Business software Miartech China Semiconductor midas India Communications MindTree Consulting India Outsourcing Mobile2win India Internet and services MobilityOne Malaysia Internet and services Mofile China Internet and services Morpho, Inc Japan Software Mostitech Korea Computing MTEKSOFT Korea Computing MyZus India Communications Nano Carrier Japan Biotech Nano Fusion Japan Energy Naukri.com India Internet and services Naviblog Japan Internet and services Nayio Media Korea Internet and services NeoAccel India Communications NetAlter India Internet and services Netinfinium Technologies Malaysia Communications NetMagic Solutions India Outsourcing Netpia Korea Internet and services new rock tech China Communications Newgen Software India Software n-Logue Communications India Internet and services Noah Education China Computing Novatium Solutions India Computing Oak Pacific Interactive China Internet and services Ocimum Biosolutions India Biosciences PayEase China Internet and services Peering Portal Korea Software Pentamicro Korea Semiconductor People Interactive India Internet and services Persistent Systems India Software Personal Computer to Network China Software Phi Microtech Japan Semiconductors PI R&D Japan Electronics Pinstorm India Internet and services PIVoD Technologies Australia Entertainment and Media POSDAQ Korea Internet and services Powai Labs India Semiconductors Pulse Australia Internet and services RAMSWAY Korea Semiconductor Rock Mobile China Communications/wireless Shanghai Hintsoft China Internet and services Shanghai Nanamimi China Internet and services Shanghai Sunway China Biosciences shenzhen horizon China Internet and services SiBiono GeneTech China Biosciences silk road China COmmunications SIMmersion Holdings Australia Software Singular ID Singapore Nanotech SkyWave Japan Communications SmartPay Jieyin China Internet and services SoftJin India Semiconductors SoftRun Korea Computing SoGua China Internet and services sss China Internet and services Str8Up China/USA Internet and services Sun Wah Linux China Software SunTec Business Solutions India Software Symbio China Outsourcing Syscan Digital Systems China Internet and services Taiwan Liposome Company Taiwan Biosciences TechnoDex Malaysia Software Teledata Informatics India Software TELiBrahma India Communications-mobile tenCube Pte. Ltd. Singapore Handsets Teruten Korea Security Thin Multimedia Korea Communications tianji.com China Internet and services Tmsuk Japan Computing Tomato LSI Korea Semiconductors Toodou China Internet and services Toonz Animation India Entertainment and Media Trinity Japan Security Trusted Delivery Singapore Security Ubicod Korea Media and entertainment Ultra Chip Taiwan Semiconductors Vembu India Computing-storage veredus laboratories Singapore Biosciences VietnamWorks Vietnam Internet and services WaaWoo Korea Computing WAPTX China Internet and services Wayz Japan Japan Business software Wealink China Internet and services Winitech Korea Business software WITS Interactive India Internet and services Worksoft Creative Software China Services WSO2 Sri Lanka Business software XCome Taiwan Communications XPlus China Internet and services xueda China Internet and services xunlei China Internet and services YASU Technologies India Business software YeePay China Internet and services YiCha Online China Internet and services YourAmigo Australia Internet and services zhongsou China Internet and services Zio Interactive Korea Entertainment and media For more information, please contact: Asia Tel: +86-10-8591-1166 USA Tel: +1-650-3215544 SOURCE Red Herring
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