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UserJoy Selects BigWorld Technology Suite
July 26, 2006

    TAIPEI, Taiwan, July 26 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- UserJoy
Technologies, the Taipei, Taiwan-based game studio behind
the successful Chinese MMORPG The Legend of Three Kingdoms
Online, The Twin Heroes Online, the newly-released Angel
Love Online, and the successful PC title Fantasia Sango,
today announced that they have selected the BigWorld
Technology Suite as their development platform for future

    Tse Wen, Chu, General Manager at UserJoy is excited
about the agreement.  "It takes a lot of time, human
resources, and risk to engage in developing a
next-generation MMOG engine.  After a detailed 3 month
evaluation, we decided to use the most professional engine
for online games; that is the BigWorld Technology Suite,
which has been particularly developed for MMOG."  Chu
continued, "It saves us plenty of time, manpower, and
cost to use the BigWorld Technology Suite, allowing us more
time and people to concentrate on the essence of the game
and developing innovative gameplay.  Meanwhile, the
integral support and training session provided by BigWorld
allows us to get into production and start the project
right away."

    The BigWorld Technology Suite, which will be shown to
the industry this week at the ChinaJoy expo in Shanghai, is
an integrated set of tools, software and systems that
provides all of the underlying technology and content
development tools required to produce an MMOG.  BigWorld
has licensed their technology for use a number of highly
anticipated games, making it the de facto standard MMOG
development platform.

    John DeMargheriti, CEO of BigWorld, was similarly
excited, "It is an honour to be selected by UserJoy
Technologies as their MMOG platform.  UserJoy have
consistently created highly-rated MMORPGs and we look
forward to working with their very talented staff and
seeing the exciting new games that they will produce on the
BigWorld platform."

    BigWorld Technology Suite provides operators and
studios with a lower total cost of ownership through
several innovations.  The BigWorld Server architecture
allows operators to run several games on a single server
cluster, dramatically reducing the cost of running the
game, while the enhanced Content Creation Pipeline reduces
the cost of building and filling out the complex worlds
required in next-generation games.

    Michael Shih, President of UserJoy, also praised
BigWorld's strategy of constant technology development,
"MMOG technology evolves very fast and selecting
BigWorld Technology Suite allows us to stay at the
forefront of this very competitive market."

    About the BigWorld Technology Suite

    Comprised of the BigWorld Server Software, Content
Creation Pipeline, 3D Client Engine Package, Live
Management Tools & Instrumentation, BigWorld Technology
Suite is the only complete MMOG solution, providing all of
the difficult technology required to produce an engaging
next-generation MMOG.

    About BigWorld Pty Ltd

    BigWorld Pty Ltd was formed in 2002 to commercialise
years of intense R&D, which started in 1999 and
continues to this day.  BigWorld Pty Ltd is a privately
held company based in Australia that licenses its BigWorld
Technology Suite middleware platform to game studios and
publishers around the world that are looking to produce
successful next generation Massively Multiplayer Online

    BigWorld Website


    About UserJoy Technologies

    UserJoy, a creative and customer-caring company,
develops PC and online games with enthusiasm.  There are
almost 110 people in our R&D teams presently, working
on projects not only for Taiwan and China, but also Japan
and other international markets.  Fantasia Sango (published
by Falcom Inc.) was a great hit in Japan and The Legend of
Three Kingdoms Online always keeps a good record in China,
with more than 90,000 concurrent users and still growing.

    UserJoy Website


    For more information, please contact:	

     Maretta Buckley
     Marketing Assistant
     BigWorld Pty Ltd
     Tel:   +61-2-6162-5120
     Email: buckley@bigworldtech.com

     Nicole Wang
     Special Assistant to General Manager
     UserJoy Technology Co.
     Tel:   +886-2-8226-9989
     Email: wytnicole@uj.com.tw

SOURCE  BigWorld Pty Ltd
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