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The 10th China International Fair for Investment & Trade -- `Matchmaking Symposium for Investment Project' Held in Xiamen
July 13, 2006

    XIAMEN, China, July 13 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- As part
of the 10th China International Fair for Investment &
Trade -- "Matchmaking Symposium for Investment
Project," will be held in Xiamen International
Convention & Exhibition Center on September 7, 2006;
authorized by the State Council; sponsored by the Ministry
of Commerce of the People's Republic of China; co-sponsored
by UNCTAD, UNIDO, OECD, IFC and WAIPA; and undertook by
Beijing Fortune Chan Investment Consulting Co. Ltd.

    The China International Fair for Investment & Trade
was approved by UFI (the Global Association of the
Exhibition Industry), and is the world's largest
international investment promotion event aiming at
bilateral trade.  With themes of "Introducing
FDI" and "Going Global," CIFIT is
characterized by its focus on investment negotiation
between capital and projects all over the internal and
external market.  CIFIT has received high-praise from
investors and program owners.  During the last 9 sessions,
11,363 investment cooperative projects were signed with a
contractual foreign capital of USD 60.098 billion.

    CIFIT was highly praised by the Secretary General of
UNCTAD, Mr. Supachai Panitchpakdi, "In the past 10
years, CIFIT's latest sessions, have reaped a fruitful
harvest, attracting participation from a continual influx
of foreign businesses around the world to share business
opportunities through this platform.  This session of CIFIT
is efficient and successful.  As a co-sponsor of the CIFIT,
UNCTAD will consistently support this grand international
meeting and deliver strong support to the overall
development of China's economy."

    The "Matchmaking Symposium for Investment
Project" is one of the most important seminars of
CIFIT, which is a large-scale event with numerous visitors
taking part, including 31 provinces and autonomous regions,
governments of municipalities, national business
associations, as well as key foreign bureaus and

    At present there are more than 20,000 projects with
resources related to a total of more than 100 industries. 
These include the construction of gymnasiums, shopping
malls, natural resource plants and environmental bases; the
development of tourism and entertainment industries; as well
as biology and medicine programs.

    The "Matchmaking Symposium for Investment
Project" is undertaken by Beijing Fortune Chan
Investment Consulting Co. Ltd and they provide the exact,
complete investment and financing opportunities and
up-to-date, credible information and policies to investors
and project units.  To see related news please check
http://www.chinafair.org.cn , or contact the committee
directly at +86-10-8446-6672.

    About the Committee of the Matchmaking Symposium for
Investment Project

    The Committee of the Matchmaking Symposium for
Investment Project is composed of the International
Exhibition Department of Beijing Fortune Chan Investment
Consulting Co. Ltd. and the Committee of CIFIT.  Their main
responsibility is to contact the related units and prepare
the fore work for the fair.  They have an experienced team
who specialise in numerous areas and who work as a team in
order to provide the best opportunities for the development
of China's investment and financing business. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Jean Xiong
     Beijing Fortune Chan Investment Consulting Co. Ltd.
     Tel:   +86-10-8446-6672
     Fax:   +86-10-8446-6671 x6832
     Email: ifm@fci.cc

SOURCE  Committee of the Matchmaking Symposium for
Investment Project

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