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Will Logistics Considerations Limit Global Sourcing of Parts?
July 14, 2006

    LONDON, July 14 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Leading
automotive executives like Dr Karl May, Vice President of
Logistics Planning and Transport Logistics at BMW are
predicting that logistics considerations are going to
seriously limit the global sourcing of parts.

    With more and more North American OEMs and carmakers
starting to source from China, quality issues could become
the least of their worries. The North American automotive
industry is undergoing considerable upheaval at the moment
and Tier Ones and logistics companies are feeling the
repercussions. In addition to plant closures (and
openings), the flow of material into the US from Asia, and
China in particular, is increasing, and carmakers and LSPs
are struggling for capacity at ports, on the roads and the
railways. Can carmakers afford to compete for space with

    At Automotive Logistics Global, the forum for senior
automotive executives which takes place annually in Detroit
(Michigan), delegates will try to find solutions and derive
strategies to address these challenges within the North
American market.

    The event has grown and developed into the exclusive
business meeting for global automotive logistics
executives. Automotive Logistics Global is regarded by many
industry players as a genuine business meeting where, most
importantly, new relationships are fostered and information
is exchanged.

    The speaker list reads like a Who's Who in automotive
logistics and includes:

    Charlie Hyndman, GM SPO 
    Tom McMillen, General Motors
    Peter Weiss, DaimlerChrysler
    Deb Schroeder, Toyota Engineering and Manufacturing
North America
    Tony Minyon, Toyota Motor Sales, USA 
    Frederiek Toney, Ford 
    Jim Terry, DaimlerChrysler
    Harry Chase, Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama
    Scott Jeffe, Volkswagen of America
    Michael Silvio, Cooper-Standard Automotive
    Bob Edge, ZF Industries
    Emmanuel Boudon, HBPO North America
    Julie Krehbiel, Union Pacific Railroad

    The conference is supported by Ryder as premier
sponsor, Midwest Express Group, i2 and Panalpina as gold
sponsors and NYK Logistics, Tenmark, Union Pacific
Distribution Services and UPS as silver sponsors.

    For more information, please contact:

     Jeanine Leuckel
     Marketing Manager 
     Ultima Media Ltd
     Tel:   +44-208-987-0967
     Email: jeanine.leuckel@ultimamedia.org

SOURCE  Ultima Media Ltd

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