

ニュースサイトなど宛てに広く配信された、ニュースリリース(プレスリリース)、 開示情報、IPO企業情報の備忘録。 大手サイトが順次削除するリリースバックナンバーも、蓄積・無料公開していきます。 ※リリース文中の固有名詞は、発表社等の商標、登録商標です。 ※リリース文はニュースサイト等マスコミ向けに広く公開されたものですが、著作権は発表社に帰属しています。



High Demand for Weight Management Product Throughout European Pharmacies
May 18, 2006

OLIBRA(R) 'mini-shot' Brand Slim 10/10
    KARLSHAMN, Sweden, May 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Following completion of an exclusive Distribution Agreement
with Laboratoire Physcience, France, for the rights to
market LTP's satiety ingredient Olibra(R), as a single dose
mini-shot, in France, Belgium, Spain, and Portugal,
Physcience has successfully launched its Slim 10/10 product
into these markets.

    "This is our most successful ever product launch
into the French market, we have never seen such a
success," says Jean Saint-Cricq, CEO Laboratoire
Physcience. "During the quarter January/March 2006,
Nielsen data has positioned Slim 10/10 as the lead product
in terms of demand within the weight management category,
throughout French pharmacies.

    "We have had such a positive response to Slim
10/10, from Health Professionals, Journalists and the trade
sector. Our extensive above and below the line marketing
support for the launch of Slim 10/10, including National TV
campaigns throughout the whole of the launch period, has
created high visibility & awareness of the

    Slim 10/10 was successfully introduced in three other
European countries: to date, Slim 10/10 is on shelf in 1600
pharmacies in Spain and at key retailers such as El Corte
Ingles, in 1200 pharmacies in Belgium and in 400 pharmacies
in Portugal.

    Slim 10/10(TM) is a single effective 7.5g dose of
Olibra(R), a natural ingredient, which can be safely taken
orally, or added to normal food, taken at breakfast and/or
lunch. The single dose product is packed in convenient
strips for easy use.

    LTP's functional food ingredient, Olibra(R), which
addresses weight management, is derived from palm oil and
oat oil. When applied as a food ingredient, the product has
a scientifically substantiated* effect of prolonging the
feeling of fullness, resulting in significant reductions in
energy intake at subsequent meals.

    *Four (4) published clinical studies

    LTP Lipid Technologies Provider AB (
http://www.lipid.se ) is a Swedish company specialising in
lipids and lipid systems for functional foods, drug
delivery and skincare.

    Laboratoire Physcience ( http://www.physcience.com ) is
a French market leader in the field of food supplements,
distributed at pharmacists and health food stores. Its
extensive range covers the main market sectors of slimness,
femininity, menopause, beauty, well-being and sun products.

    For more information, please contact:

     Alan Wilson, International Sales & Marketing
     LTP Lipid Technologies Provider AB
     Tel:    +44-1455-55-93-95
     Email:  alan.wilson@lipid.se

     Jorgen Quick, Managing Director, 
     LTP Lipid Technologies Provider AB
     Tel:    +46-705-49-30-38
     Email:  jorgen.quick@lipid.se

     Olivier Theulle, International Business Director,
     Tel:    +33-1-44-40-55-10
     Email:  o.theulle@physcience.com

SOURCE  LTP Lipid Technologies Provider AB 
Aplix Announces New Cross-Platform BTO (Build-to-Order) Mobile Phone Software Solution
May 18, 2006

New Full Features Build-To-Order Operators-Certified RI Offerings Designed for Manufacturers to Add/Replace/Swap Components Easily on Multiple Platforms
     * Multi-platform, multi-vendor, full features
build-to-order solution
     * Maximizes value of various third party software
     * Easy to add/replace components to differentiate
customer product
     * Operator certified, easy to configure, fast time to
     * Available for various platforms such as Linux and

    TOKYO, May 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Aplix Corporation
(TSE: 3727) today announced a new full features BTO
(build-to-order) mobile phone software solution that
enables manufacturers to add/replace/re-use the different
software components easily to differentiate their products,
and to meet the different operator requirements in a timely

    Software integration work had been growing
significantly in the face of increasing customization
requirements by wireless operators.  To develop many
variants of handsets on multiple platforms with throughout
features required by the different operators, manufacturers
require a flexible operator-certified solution that allows
them to "plug-in" and "plug-out" the
different operator-specific software modules and swap these
components easily.

    To make this possible, along with the opening of the
"Platforms Development Center" in April and the
ongoing integration works with the many different
middleware / component partners, Aplix is developing a RI
(Reference Implementation) to meet the whole software
stacks required by leading operators.

    In order to allow the different software modules to be
swapped easily to fulfill different operators'
requirements, Aplix aims at creating a RI for each wireless
operator and make it available to various platforms so that
manufacturers can realize BTO (build-to-order) to quickly
build mass-customized competitive products.  To start with,
Aplix is now developing a RI based on Linux and another RI
based on BREW(R)/MSM in parallel so that its customers can
select each operator specific software module to their

    Aplix CEO Ryu Koriyama said, "Building on our
direct work relationships with leading operators and
pre-development of porting layers/glues with the different
middleware/component partners, Aplix is proud to extend our
product offerings from pure JavaTM platform to the ENTIRE
mobile phone software solution that conforms to the
specifications of different operators.  We hope to provide
full operator certified RIs that meet manufacturers' needs
in the development of high-performance mobile phones, and
at the same time, increase Aplix's revenue and profit by
raising the per unit income."

    About Aplix Corporation

    Aplix Corporation is the global leader in deploying
Java technology in mobile phones. Aplix was first
established in 1986 and has been a Sun Java licensee since
1996. Aplix was publicly listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange
(Mothers) in 2003. On August 24, 2004 Aplix and the Taiwan
based company iaSolution finalized the integration of the

    Headquarters:  Tokyo
    Other offices: San Francisco, Munich, Taipei, Shanghai,
                   Seongnam and Seoul 

    For more information, please visit:
http://www.aplixcorp.com and http://www.iasolution.net

    * Java and all other Java-based marks are trademarks or
      trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United
States and other 
    * All other product or service names are the property
of their 
      respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:

     Akiko Sharp Doi,
     Aplix Corporation 
     Tel:   +1-415-558-8800 
     Email: pr@aplixcorp.com
     Web:   http://www.aplixcorp.com

SOURCE  Aplix Corporation
Aplix to Offer Full Operator Certified Build-To-Order (BTO) Solution for QUALCOMM Chipset
May 18, 2006

    TOKYO, May 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Aplix Corporation
(TSE: 3727) announced today that it will be designing and
developing mobile phone software for QUALCOMM's Mobile
Station Modem(TM) (MSM(TM)) MSM6280(TM) chipset platform. 
With the different middleware / software partners it has
lined up, Aplix's customers will be offered by Aplix a
total software solution that conforms to the specifications
of different operators, with initial availability for the
Japan market.

    With innovation and competition continually driving the
industry, manufacturers are under tremendous pressure to
develop, test and deliver devices -- with ever-increasing
data features and capabilities -- according to the
different operator specifications faster than ever before. 
It is a real challenge for them to meet all of these
requirements, re-use them in other phone models, and
replace certain components (to differentiate their models)
easily in a cost efficient manner.

    For authorized and interested manufacturers using
QUALCOMM chipsets, Aplix aims to create and offer a
Reference Implementation (RI) for each wireless operator
and allow the different software components to be swapped
easily between each RI.  The RIs will take full advantage
of QUALCOMM's BREW(R) solution, which enables the
portability of software components across various devices. 
As a result, manufacturers can fulfill the different
operators' requirements easily as well as utilize the same
platform to create different products at lower cost and
time. Furthermore, the RIs are designed in a way that
various third party middleware and applications can be
added easily.  As a result, phone manufacturers can realize
Build-to-Order (BTO) to quickly build mass-customized
competitive products.

    About Aplix Corporation

    Aplix Corporation is the global leader in deploying
Java technology in mobile phones.  Aplix was first
established in 1986 and has been a Sun Java licensee since
1996.  Aplix was publicly listed on the Tokyo Stock
Exchange (Mothers) in 2003.  On August 24, 2004 Aplix and
the Taiwan based company iaSolution finalized the
integration of the corporations. 

    Headquarters:  Tokyo
    Other offices: San Francisco, Munich, Taipei, Shanghai,

                   Beijing, Seongnam and Seoul 

    For more information, please visit: 
http://www.aplixcorp.com and http://www.iasolution.net

    * Java and all other Java-based marks are trademarks or
      trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United
States and other 
    * MSM and MSM6280 are trademarks of QUALCOMM
    * All other product or service names are the property
of their respective 

    For more information, please contact:

     Akiko Sharp Doi 
     Aplix Corporation 
     Phone: +1-415-558-8800 
     Email: pr@aplixcorp.com
     Web:   http://www.aplixcorp.com

SOURCE  Aplix Corporation
Caterpillar Powered Coal Methane Gas Project in China Will be Largest in the World
May 18, 2006

Use of Caterpillar Generator Sets Expected to Help Improve Mine Safety, Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Generate Electricity from Methane Gas
    BEIJING, May 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Caterpillar Inc.
(NYSE: CAT) has been selected to provide 60
methane-gas-powered generator sets to produce 120 megawatts
of power at the Sihe Coal Mine in Jincheng City, Shanxi
Province, China.  The Shanxi Jincheng Anthracite Coal
Mining Group Co., Ltd. is the project developer for the
methane gas power project, which is expected to be the
largest of its kind in the world when it is fully

    "The residents of Shanxi Province will benefit
from this power plant, which is a great example of the
progress that is possible when companies like Caterpillar
and its dealers work closely with industry and
government," said Stu Levenick, Caterpillar group
president with responsibility for China."  "This
project will improve environmental and economic conditions
and mine safety while increasing trade between the United
States and China." 

    Methane gas is found in coal seams and can be hazardous
if not properly managed and ventilated from mines.  The
power plant project is expected to improve methane gas
ventilation at the mine site, improving safety while
providing an environmentally friendly fuel source to
generate electricity.  Historically, the methane has been
vented into the atmosphere, generating greenhouse gas
emissions.  By capturing the previously vented methane gas
and converting it into electricity, the Caterpillar
generator sets will significantly reduce greenhouse gas
emissions while also improving the capacity of the local
power grid.  It's estimated the project will reduce
greenhouse gas emissions by 4.5 million tons over a 20-year

    "Caterpillar has a strong commitment to safety and
environmental stewardship, and we are honored to be a
partner in this important project supporting China's
efforts to pursue sustainable economic development,"
Levenick added.  

    It is anticipated the planned power generation plant at
the Sihe Coal Mine will use 60 Caterpillar G3520 generator
sets, paralleling switchgear and four steam turbines driven
by recovered exhaust heat to produce 120 megawatts of power.
 Project partner Shanghai Electric Group Co., Ltd. will
provide the steam turbines.  The entire methane-fired power
plant is expected to be fully operational in 2007. 
Caterpillar will work closely with dealer WesTrac China
Limited on product commissioning and ongoing support for
this project.   

    "For more than 20 years, our Lafayette, Indiana,
Large Engine Center has produced the 3500 series of engines
for use in electric power projects all over the world,"
said Bill Rohner, Caterpillar vice president with
responsibility for the Electric Power Division.  "The
engines that will be the heart of this coal methane power
plant have a proven track record and will provide years of
dependable electricity for the people of Shanxi
Province," Rohner said. 

    Caterpillar has a long history in China. The company
sold its first products there in 1975 and opened an office
in Beijing in 1978. Beijing is home to Caterpillar's
marketing headquarters for China, and it is also the
headquarters for Cat China Financial Leasing.

    In the 1980s, Caterpillar launched technology transfer
agreements with Chinese manufacturers who began building
Caterpillar licensed products. Caterpillar's expansion in
China accelerated in the early 1990s with the establishment
of a more significant local production strategy.  Today,
Caterpillar operates 13 facilities -- both joint-venture
and wholly-owned businesses -- which, together with its
network of independent Caterpillar dealers, offer customers
in China the best-in-class products, services and support
that have made it a global leader.

    For more than 80 years, Caterpillar Inc. has been
making progress possible and driving positive and
sustainable change on every continent.  With 2005 sales and
revenues of $36.339 billion, Caterpillar is the world's
leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment,
diesel and natural gas engines and industrial gas turbines.
  More information is available at http://www.CAT.com .


    Certain statements in this release relate to future
events and expectations and as such constitute
forward-looking statements involving known and unknown
factors that may cause actual results of Caterpillar Inc.
to be different from those expressed or implied in the
forward-looking statements.  In this context, words such as
"expects," "anticipates,"
"intends," "plans,"
"believes," "seeks," "will,"
or other similar words and phrases often identify
forward-looking statements made on behalf of Caterpillar. 
It is important to note that actual results of the company
may differ materially from those described or implied in
such forward looking statements based on a number of
factors and uncertainties, including, but not limited to,
changes in economic conditions, currency exchange rates or
political stability; market acceptance of the company's
products and services; significant changes in the
competitive environment; changes in law, regulations and
tax rates; and other general economic, business and
financing conditions and factors described in more detail
in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange
Commission, including the financial release filed on Form
8-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission on April
24, 2006.  We do not undertake to update our
forward-looking statements.  

    For more information, please contact:

     Jim Dugan, 
     Corporate Public Affairs, 
     Caterpillar Inc.
     Tel:   +1-309-675-5813
     Email: dugan_jim@cat.com 

SOURCE  Caterpillar Inc.

Bloomberg Establishes First Benchmark Bond Fixings
May 18, 2006

-- China's Leading Banks Join with Bloomberg to form China Fixed Income Forum
    HONG KONG and NEW YORK, May 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/--
Bloomberg, the leading global provider of data, analytics
and news to the financial community, today announced that
it has established the first China bond fixings in
cooperation with the largest Chinese bond market
participants.  The China bond prices can be found on the
BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL(R) service via the function CFIF
< GO >.

    Bloomberg, along with thirteen leading market
participants, has formed the China Fixed Income Forum to
establish the first standard market methodology for
selecting benchmark bonds for the Chinese bond market.  The
China Fixed Income Forum has agreed to a common set of
criteria for the pricing of fixed and floating rate bonds
issued by the China Development Bank. Similarly, the China
Fixed Income Forum will provide a single standard by which
to evaluate and price China Sovereign Bonds.  This
fixed-income market standard will apply to both short-term
and long-duration fixed-income securities.  Bloomberg uses
these benchmark bond prices to calculate the market
standard par coupon and spot rate curves for the China
Sovereign and China Development Bank Bonds. These curves
are then used by Bloomberg to create the first set of daily
modeled mark to market pricing for illiquid China Sovereign
and China Development Bank Bonds.

    The thirteen Chinese bond market participants include
the Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, Bank of
Communication, Bank of Shanghai, China Construction Bank,
China Development Bank, China Merchants Bank, China Postal
Savings & Remittance, Industrial & Commercial Bank
of China, Industrial Bank of China, Nanjing City Commercial
Bank, Shenzhen Development Bank Co. Ltd., and the Tianjin
City Commercial Bank.

    "In establishing the China Fixed Income Forum, the
thirteen leading bond market participants in China and
Bloomberg together have created the first common framework
for selecting and evaluating benchmark bonds for this
important market," said Gerard Francis of Bloomberg. 
"The China Fixed Income Forum and the daily mark to
market prices represent an important milestone in the
evolution of the Chinese bond market, and underscores
Bloomberg's continuing commitment to the development of
Asia's financial markets."

    About Bloomberg

    Bloomberg is the leading global provider of data, news
and analytics. The BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL(R) service and
Bloomberg's media services provide real-time and archived
financial and market data, pricing, trading, news and
communications tools in a single, integrated package to
corporations, news organizations, financial and legal
professionals and individuals around the world. 
Bloomberg's media services include the global BLOOMBERG
NEWS(R) service with more than 1,900 professionals in 125
bureaus worldwide; the BLOOMBERG TELEVISION(R) 24-hour
business and financial network produced and distributed
worldwide on ten separate channels in seven languages; and
BLOOMBERG RADIO(SM) services which provide up-to-the-minute
news on XM, Sirius and WorldSpace satellite radio around the
world and on WBBR 1130AM in New York. In addition, Bloomberg
publishes magazines and BLOOMBERG PRESS(R) books for
investment professionals.  For more information please
visit http://www.bloomberg.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Judith Czelusniak 
     Bloomberg LP
     Tel:   +1-212-617-4273 
     Email: jczelusniak@bloomberg.net

SOURCE  Bloomberg

Louis Vuitton at the 59th Cannes Film Festival 2006
May 18, 2006

    CANNES, France, May 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- During
the Opening Ceremony, on May the 17th 2006, the President
of the Jury of Cannes Film Festival, Mr. WONG Kar Wai, the
Chinese director was wearing a tuxedo from Louis Vuitton.

http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20060517/213248 )

    For images: 

    Login: cannes

    Password: 2006

    The pictures are free rights.

    You must associate the mention Louis Vuitton Cannes
2006 for each publication of these pictures.

    For more information, please contact:

     Service de Presse
     Caroline Deroche Pasquier
     Tel: +33-1-55-80-32-00
     Fax: +33-1-55-80-37-35

SOURCE  Louis Vuitton 

British Movietonews Has Been Named Footage Library of The Year
May 18, 2006

    LONDON, May 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The newsreel
company was awarded the honour at the Focal Awards, the
Oscars of the archive film industry.

    The gala evening was held at the Savoy Hotel in London,
hosted by Lord David Puttnam and Greg Dyke, the former
Director-General of the BBC.

    In continuous business since 1929, British Movietonews
enables people to fully research and view the library's
entire collection of historical newsreels on-line at its
modern database http://www.movietone.com .

    The award was received on behalf of the company by
Barry Florin, its Managing Director.   

    For more information, please contact:

     Barry Florin
     Tel:   +44-(0)1895-833071
     Email: barry@mtone.co.uk 

SOURCE  British Movietonenews Limited

Elsevier and Endeavor Information Systems Provide Chinese Academic Consortium with Online Access to ScienceDirect
May 17, 2006

Chinese Academic Library & Information System Consortium Transitions to Online Version of Leading Scientific Information Resource
    DES PLAINES, Ill., May 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Elsevier, a world-leading scientific and healthcare
publisher, and Endeavor Information Systems
(http://www.endinfosys.com ), one of the leading worldwide
providers of library management software and a wholly owned
subsidiary of Elsevier, today announced that the more than
100 member organizations of the Chinese Academic Library
& Information System (CALIS) will transition to the
Web-based version of ScienceDirect by July 2006. 
Previously, those organizations utilized a localized
version of ScienceDirect to access the more than
seven-and-half million articles, 2,000 journals and
hundreds of Elsevier books available through this
comprehensive information resource.

    "Elsevier continues to deliver innovative
solutions that provide our global customer base with
seamless access to a wealth of scientific, technical and
medical resources," said Frank Vrancken Peeters,
managing director, Academic & Government, Science &
Technology, Elsevier.  "In particular, our success in
working with a number of institutions in China is a direct
reflection of the strength of Elsevier's content, our
flexibility in providing multiple delivery channels for
that content and our willingness to meet our customers'
linguistic requirements."

    Previously, CALIS' localized version of ScienceDirect
required a weekly update of articles and journals achieved
by uploading content accessed from CD-ROMs, which were sent
directly from Elsevier's Amsterdam headquarters.

    "Elsevier and Endeavor share in the privilege of
providing the members of the CALIS consortium access to
ScienceDirect," said Roland Dietz, president and CEO,
Endeavor.  "As recent technologic and
telecommunications advancements have made online access to
ScienceDirect faster and more secure, this 
Web-based model will allow us to realize increased
economies of scale while delivering the latest academic
research in 'real time.'"

    While in the past, language and distribution barriers
have prevented Chinese research from becoming more widely
accessible.  In June 2005, Elsevier launched its
comprehensive Chinese Journal Cooperation Program (CJCP)
partnering with Chinese publishers, societies and research
institutes, to improve international quality and
distribution of Chinese journals. The CJCP oversaw the
recent addition of Chinese journals to the ScienceDirect
China Collection, announced in March 2006 with the goal of
providing unique online access to peer-reviewed literature
from an emerging global player, on the world's leading
full-text platform.

    Previously, in November 2005 Elsevier launched a joint
translation center with Science Press, a leading
scientific, technical and medical publisher in China.  The
translation center aims to reciprocally promote books and
journals in the Chinese and international markets. 
Additionally, in December 2005, research from the Robert
Gordon University in Scotland examined patterns of Chinese
international co-authorship and the impact of Elsevier
journals.  The study revealed that 9.4 percent of
Elsevier's published articles had at least one Chinese
author; a favorable comparison given the wider Chinese
world share of 6.52 percent. 

    About ScienceDirect

    Over a quarter of the world's full text scientific,
technical and medical (STM) articles -- managed by renowned
editors, written by respected authors and read by
researchers from around the globe -- are available in one
place: ScienceDirect (http://www.sciencedirect.com ). 
Elsevier's extensive and unique full text collection covers
authoritative titles from the core scientific literature
including high impact factor titles such as THE LANCET,
Cell and Tetrahedron.  Over 7 million articles are
available online, including Articles in Press which offer
rapid access to recently accepted manuscripts.

    The critical mass of information available on
ScienceDirect is unsurpassed.  Coverage includes over 1,800
journals published by Elsevier and dynamic linking to
journals from approximately 350 STM publishers through
CrossRef.  An expanding program of online major reference
works and book series in all fields of science seamlessly
interlinks with primary research referenced in journal

    About Endeavor Information Systems

    Endeavor Information Systems produces advanced library
management systems for research and public librarians
seeking to integrate ever-increasing electronic resources
within their collections.  Since 1994, Endeavor has
pioneered library management systems by offering enhanced
functionality coupled with intuitive interfaces that
increase usability and efficiency.  Its heritage of
technological innovation and service to libraries as well
as its significant financial strength as a wholly owned
subsidiary of Elsevier combine to make Endeavor Information
Systems an industry leader.  Visit Endeavor at
http://www.endinfosys.com for more information.

    About Elsevier 

    Elsevier is a world-leading publisher of scientific,
technical and medical information products and services. 
Working in partnership with the global science and health
communities, Elsevier's 7,000 employees in over 70 offices
worldwide publish more than 2,000 journals and 1,900 new
books per year, in addition to offering a suite of
innovative electronic products, such as ScienceDirect
(http://www.sciencedirect.com/), MD Consult
(http://www.mdconsult.com/), Scopus
(http://www.info.scopus.com/), bibliographic databases and
online reference works.

    Elsevier (http://www.elsevier.com/ ) is a global
business headquartered in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and
has offices worldwide.  Elsevier is part of Reed Elsevier
Group plc (http://www.reedelsevier.com/), a world-leading
publisher and information provider.  Operating in the
science and medical, legal, education and
business-to-business sectors, Reed Elsevier provides
high-quality and flexible information solutions to users,
with increasing emphasis on the Internet as a means of
delivery.  Reed Elsevier's ticker symbols are REN (Euronext
Amsterdam), REL (London Stock Exchange), RUK and ENL (New
York Stock Exchange). 

    For more information, please contact:

     Brian Schwartz 
     Endeavor Information Systems
     Tel:   +1-847-227-2634
     Email: brian.schwartz@endinfosys.com

     Lee Lee Pui
     Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd Beijing Representative
     Tel:   +86-10-851-85800, ext 208
     Email: lp.lee@elsevier.com/

SOURCE  Endeavor Information Systems
SmartPay, China Unicom and Agricultural Bank of China Launch Mobile `Toll Stations' in Anhui Province
May 17, 2006

Jointly Launched `China Unicom Toll Stations' Assist in Narrowing The Information Gap Between China's Rural and Urban Areas
    ANHUI, China, May 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- China
Unicom Anhui Branch ("Unicom Anhui"),
Agricultural Bank of China Anhui ("ABC") and
SmartPay Jieyin Ltd. ("SmartPay") today held a
press conference announcing the launch of jointly developed
"China Unicom Toll Stations" in rural areas. 
These "toll stations" allow registered SmartPay
dealers to facilitate mobile transactions, including
topping-up China Unicom prepaid mobile phone users. The
increased distribution and ease of access to wireless
networks for end customers is aimed at narrowing the
"information gap" between urban and rural areas.

    At the recently held 4th Plenary Meeting of 16th Party
Congress in China, clear goals were set to increase rural
earnings and bring the "information highway" to
rural areas.  This drive has opened up large new potential
markets for mobile operators, as well as new challenges. 
Through SmartPay's "toll-stations", mobile
operators can rapidly deploy pre-paid top-up and mobile
payment services to allow rural residents access to service
faster and more conveniently.

    SmartPay has been a leader in electronic payment that
enables Chinese consumers and merchants to send and receive
money anywhere, anytime, and has built on its reputation for
service leadership since its formation in 2003. 

    "Toll Stations" can be established by any
Unicom mobile phone user with a proper identification and a
special account at ABC.  The "Toll Station" owner
can then top up fellow customers and earn commissions on a
per-transaction basis, relying on SmartPay's mobile
payments platform linking the banks, telecom operators and
user.  SmartPay provides systematic support for the service
including call center, training service, system support,
business demo and marketing. 

    China Unicom Anhui General Manager Tian Wenke noted,
"The successful application of `Unicom Dealer Toll
Station' benefits from the win-win business model of
Unicom-Dealer-User, and presents a business model which
will answer a huge market opportunity.  Greg Shen, Chief
Executive Officer of SmartPay noted, "We believe that
successful mobile payment systems requires the contribution
of many different skill sets and tight integration with
partners, and we have assembled a team that reflects that

    SmartPay and China Unicom both expect to extend this
business model to additional regions over the coming

    For more information, please contact:

     Grace MA
     CEO & CFO Office
     Tel:   +86-21-5385-5299 x160
     Fax:   +86-21-5385-5320
     Mob:   +86-139-186-88991

SOURCE  SmartPay Jieyin Ltd.

Boston Scientific to Add New European Institute for Therapy Advancement Campus to Global Medical Education Network
May 17, 2006

-- New Second-Generation Training Center in Brussels to Help Medical Professionals Advance Standard of Patient Care
    NATICK, Mass. and PARIS, May 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) today announced
plans for the construction of a new state-of-the art
medical training facility in Brussels, Belgium designed to
help health care professionals advance the standard of
patient care.  The Company expects the new addition to be
completed in early 2007.

    "From our work at the Institute for Therapy
Advancement over the past five years, we have learned which
type of training is important to health care
professionals," said Professor Jean Marco of the
Institute Pasteur in Toulouse. "This experience is a
guide to building a second generation Institute that better
addresses the specific needs of medical professionals at all

    The new facility will be able to host thousands of
health care professionals annually and will offer medical
education and skills training on the latest developments in
the medical device field. Founded in 2000 by Guidant, the
Institute for Therapy Advancement is a leader in medical
education programs that address the real-world practical
needs of health care professionals and is now part of a
Boston Scientific global medical education network with
campuses in Tokyo, Japan, Brussels, Belgium and St. Paul,
Minnesota in the United States.  Boston Scientific acquired
Guidant on April 21.

    "This new Institute for Therapy Advancement
facility is a reflection of our commitment to helping
physicians put into practice the latest developments and
guidelines," said Jeff Goodman, Senior Vice President
and President of International of Boston Scientific.
"We understand that time is a scarce resource for
clinicians today so the effectiveness and efficiency of
continued medical education has become increasingly

    Programs at the Institute for Therapy Advancement are
designed and taught by independent physician experts. As a
result, the majority of programs hosted by the Institute
are CME accredited. More than 15,000 health care
professionals have participated in the Institute's programs
to date.

    Boston Scientific is a worldwide developer,
manufacturer and marketer of medical devices whose products
are used in a broad range of interventional medical
specialties. For more information, please visit:
http://www.bostonscientific.com . 

    This press release contains forward-looking statements.
The Company wishes to caution the reader of this press
release that actual results may differ from those discussed
in the forward-looking statements and may be adversely
affected by, among other things, risks associated with the
regulatory approval process, reimbursement policies,
commercialization of new technologies, education and
training of health care professionals, litigation, the
Company's overall business strategy and other factors
described in the Company's filings with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.

    For more information, please contact:

     Geraldine Varoqui
     Boston Scientific PR Manager International
     Tel:   +49-2102-489-461
     Email: varoquig@bsci.com

     Maren Koban
     BSC press office
     Tel:   +44-20-7973-4497
     Email: mkoban@hillandknowlton.com 

SOURCE  Boston Scientific Corporation
Continental Global Engineering Excellence Initiative: Study on the Future of Engineering Takes Shape
May 17, 2006

- Eight Top International Universities Compile Initial Findings of Their Research on Engineering Science - Internationalization of Universities a Key to Success
    BOSTON and HANOVER, Germany, May 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/
-- Universities with highly demanding engineering programs
must intensify their internationalization activities
significantly if they want to keep pace with the ever
increasing dynamics of economic globalization and the
growing complexity of challenging worldwide value-added
chains. This is the interim findings of the first
comprehensive study on the future of engineering education,
currently being compiled by eight renowned top international
universities in the scope of the Global Engineering
Excellence (GEE) initiative, instigated by Continental AG.

    In November of last year, the international automotive
supplier started the Global Engineering Excellence
initiative in close cooperation with the top universities
to study the perspectives and social position of engineers
as well as their education and impact on the performance
capabilities of economies, and to draw conclusions from
these findings. At the most recent meeting of the study
participants at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT) in Boston, the initial findings of the study were
discussed. Concrete recommendations are then to be
formulated during a second project meeting at the Tsinghua
University in Beijing at the end of June. The full findings
will be presented during a two-day event with
representatives from all participating universities as well
as high-ranking representatives from the world of politics
and business on November 9 and 10 in Frankfurt.

    The results compiled to date indicate that there is a
tight intermeshing between the increasing economic
globalization and the resulting changes in requirements for
an engineering education.

    The professors involved in the project uniformly
concluded that, as a consequence, a tight intermeshing of
the research and development departments is also essential
in a global society in which value added chains and
distribution channels are permanently expanding and

    "The trends in a globally networked economy must
be reflected in the education concepts at
universities," said Prof. Bernd Widdig from MIT in
Massachusetts, calling for "close coordination and
intensive cooperation between the engineering and science
branches -- at a world-wide level." Prof. Reiner
Anderl of the Technical University of Darmstadt, which is
heading the study, summed it up by saying that "the
goal can only be a globally-oriented engineering

    The research team feels that it is up to the
universities themselves, the companies and, last but not
least, those bodies in charge of educational policies to
attain this goal. A call for action and recommendations are
to be presented on November 10 at an international press
conference in Frankfurt.

    The Continental Corporation is a leading supplier of
brake systems, chassis components, vehicle electronics,
tires and technical elastomers. In 2005 the corporation
posted consolidated sales of EUR13.8 billion. It currently
has a worldwide workforce of around 80,600 employees.

    Information about the initiative you find on the
internet under:
http://www.global-engineering-excellence.org and the
Corporate Image and Video Library of Continental under:

    For more information, please contact:

     Hannes Boekhoff, Head of Press Relations, 
     Continental AG
     Tel:   +49-511-938-1278
     Fax:   +49-511-938-1055
     Email: prkonzern@conti.de

     Bettina Korner, Press Officer, 
     Continental AG
     Tel:   +49-511-938-1640
     Fax:   +49-511-938-1055
     Email: prkonzern@conti.de

SOURCE  Continental AG
TAXUS(R) Express (2TM) Coronary Stent System Cited by EuroIntervention for Superiority in Diabetic Patients
May 17, 2006

-- TAXUS Benefits Demonstrated in Non-Diabetic Patient Population CarryOver into Insulin-Treated Diabetic Patients
    NATICK, Mass. and PARIS, May 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
EuroIntervention, the peer-reviewed medical journal
affiliated with the Paris Course on Revascularization,
today released an integrated analysis that further supports
the strong performance of the TAXUS(R) Express (2TM)
paclitaxel-eluting coronary stent system for the treatment
of coronary artery disease in diabetic patients.  In the
analysis, diabetic patients who received a TAXUS stent
system had significantly lower rates of restenosis and
repeat interventions than those who received a bare-metal
stent.  They study appears in the May edition of
EuroIntervention, which is the official scientific journal
of the annual Paris Course on Revascularization.

    The authors stated in the article that "The TAXUS
benefit provided for the high-risk diabetic population is
in contrast to outcomes with bare-metal stents, which are
worse for diabetic patients.  The contrast between
pro-stenotic forces with bare-metal stents and
anti-restenotic effects for diabetes receiving TAXUS
suggests that paclitaxel may also block restenotic pathways
unique to the diabetic milieu. For diabetic patients,
especially the high-risk insulin-treated group, this could
dramatically improve clinical and angiographic outcomes and
offer a less-invasive approach to a population with impaired
wound healing."

    According to the authors, a number of mechanistic
factors may contribute to the observed TAXUS benefit.  They
state that the unique mechanism of action of Paclitaxel, the
drug used in TAXUS stents, supports their conclusion of
emerging evidence of the excellent efficiency of TAXUS in
insulin-dependent diabetics.

    "We are pleased to see that, in this analysis, the
well-established benefit of TAXUS in non-diabetic patients
is carried over into the diabetic population, including the
high-risk insulin-treated subset," said Jeff Goodman,
Senior Vice President and President of International of
Boston Scientific. "Diabetics account for almost
one-quarter of patients undergoing treatment for coronary
artery disease, so these findings are very

    The study is the first to use an integrated analysis of
randomised data to examine aggregate results in a lower
frequency but higher-risk diabetic population. Four TAXUS
clinical trials (TAXUS II, TAXUS IV, TAXUS V and TAXUS VI)
were included in the analysis, involving a total of 3,445
patients with coronary artery stenosis, 814 of whom had
diabetes. Assessments of lesion characteristics showed that
diabetic patients on average had more complex lesions than
did non-diabetic patients. While diabetes has been
identified as a strong predictor of restenosis after
implantation of bare-metal stents, the angiographic and
clinical results of this integrated analysis with similar
outcomes independent of diabetic status suggest a
significant advantage of the TAXUS stent system in diabetic
patients, including the high risk insulin-treated subset.

    The pooled clinical trial results at nine months
reported a target lesion revascularization (TLR) rate of
5.4 in non-diabetic patients in the TAXUS group and a TLR
rate of 5.8 per cent in diabetic patients (insulin-treated)
in the TAXUS group.

    Boston Scientific is a worldwide developer,
manufacturer and marketer of medical devices whose products
are used in a broad range of interventional medical
specialties. For more information, please visit: 
http://www.bostonscientific.com .

    This press release contains forward-looking statements.
The Company wishes to caution the reader of this press
release that actual results may differ from those discussed
in the forward-looking statements and may be adversely
affected by, among other things, risks associated with
clinical trials, the regulatory approval process,
reimbursement policies, commercialisation of new
technologies, litigation, the Company's overall business
strategy and other factors described in the Company's
filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

    For more information, please contact:

     Geraldine Varoqui
     Boston Scientific PR Manager International
     Tel:   +49-2102-489-461
     Email: varoquig@bsci.com

     Maren Koban
     BSC press office
     Tel:   +44-207-973-4497
     Email: mkoban@hillandknowlton.com

SOURCE  Boston Scientific Corporation

Misys Banking Systems Brings Advanced Treasury Operations and Risk Management Capabilities to China Bohai Bank
May 17, 2006

    BEIJING, May 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Misys Banking
Systems announces today that China Bohai Bank, China's
newest bank, has gone live with Misys Opics and its risk
management module, Misys Opics Risk.  Misys Opics
introduces a high degree of automation and reduces the cost
of processing complex transactions, while Misys Opics Risk
brings market-leading risk management capabilities to the

    Since going into operation, the bank's system has
achieved straight-through processing of treasury operations
from front-to-back office, improving the levels of automated
business processing.  The system can implement cash flow and
interest rate sensitivity analysis and risk value analysis
on foreign exchange, money market, securities and
derivatives transactions.  Market risks are monitored in a
timely and comprehensive manner, greatly improving the
bank's risk management capabilities.

    The bank was established in the Bohai area in February
2006 and is expected to expand aggressively with plans to
open branches in the Yangtze River and Pearl River deltas
in 2007.  Using Misys Opics, the bank will be able to run
highly flexible front, middle and back office treasury
functions which will allow fast growth and a high level of

    Chief Information Officer of China Bohai Bank, Mr. Liu
Zheng Quan, is excited about the prospects for the bank. 
"We have very dynamic plans for this bank and need
robust, state-of-the-art treasury systems to help us drive
growth.  Misys Opics has already made a real impact in
China's banking market and most of the leading players here
have adopted the system.  We like the fact that it is proven
in the market and will easily link in with Vanda's Core
Banking and Reuters dealing networks.  We want to be able
to do business right across this range of systems whilst
growing quickly and Misys Opics allows us to do

    Murray Sargant, Managing Director, Treasury &
Capital Markets Asia, Misys Banking Systems adds:
"This is the tenth Chinese bank that has signed up to
use Misys Opics which is evidence that we are fast gaining
a great reputation in the region.  Many of these banks are
set to grow quickly in the next five to ten years and we
are delighted that so many of these banks have chosen to
base that growth on Misys products." 

    About Misys Banking Systems

    Misys Banking Systems supplies over 1,200 customers in
over 120 countries, among them 49 of the world's top 50
banks, with software and solutions for retail banking,
wholesale banking, treasury and capital markets and risk
management.  It has 2,600 people around the world, over 70%
of whom are outside of the United Kingdom, and sales,
implementation and customer support teams in over 28
countries. Misys Banking Systems is part of Misys plc. 

    About Misys plc

    Misys plc (FTSE: MSY), the global software company, is
one of the world's largest and longest-established
providers of industry-specific software.  Founded in 1979,
Misys serves the international banking and healthcare
industries, combining technological expertise with in-depth
understanding of customers' markets and operational needs. 
In banking Misys is a market leader with over 1,200
customers, including 49 of the world's top 50 banks.  In
healthcare Misys is also a market leader, serving more than
110,000 physicians in 18,000 practice locations, 1,200
hospitals and 600 home care providers.  Through Sesame, a
wholly-owned subsidiary, the company is also a leading
provider of support services to about 7,800 financial
advisers in the UK.  Misys employs around 6,000 people who
serve customers in more than 120 countries. For more
information, visit http://www.misys.com .

    Misys. Making things that really matter, work better

    For more information, please contact:

     Deborah Choong
     Marketing Manager, Treasury & Capital Markets -
     Misys Banking Systems
     Tel:   +852-2230-2302
     Email: deborah.choong@misys.com

     Edward Taylor
     Global Head of PR
     Misys Banking Systems
     Tel:   +44-(0)20-8486-1661
     Email: edward.taylor@misys.com

     Caroline Parker / Dan Davies
     Financial Dynamics
     Tel:   +44-(0)20-7269-7295
     Email: caroline.parker@fd.com / dan.davies@fd.com

     Julie Wang
     Financial Dynamics
     Tel:   +852-2293-2258
     Email: julie.wang@fd.com

SOURCE  Misys Banking Systems

Wachovia Announces Opening of Office in Hanoi
May 17, 2006

Office is the Second in Vietnam for Wachovia Bank, N.A.
    CHARLOTTE, N.C., May 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Wachovia
Corp. today opened a new representative banking office in
Hanoi, Vietnam -- demonstrating Wachovia's commitment to
Vietnam, and complementing Wachovia's existing presence in
Ho Chi Minh City as a major global correspondent bank and
trade service provider.

    "We have been in Vietnam since 2003 and are
extremely excited about our expanded presence in this
important country.  Vietnam is a growing and vibrant
market, and supporting our correspondent banking clients is
consistent with our global strategy of providing payment,
collections, trade and capital markets solutions to
financial institutions," said Chuck Silverman,
managing director and area head for the Asia South region.

    The Hanoi representative office will be led by Linh
Trinh who joins Wachovia's chief representative for
Vietnam, Phong Nguyen, and the representative for Ho Chi
Minh City, MaiLe Dao, in covering this market. 
"Through our expanded physical presence, we are
well-positioned to continue providing excellent coverage to
our correspondent partners in the northern part of
Vietnam," said Mr. Nguyen.

    Wachovia's International Division has a 200-year legacy
in International correspondent banking. FImetrix Research
recently ranked Wachovia the number one correspondent bank
provider in Asia in market share, and the number one bank
worldwide in overall customer satisfaction.  Wachovia is a
global leader in correspondent banking and trade services,
and maintains more than 7,000 correspondent relationships
in more than 130 countries through a network of 44 offices,
including seven overseas branches.    

    About Wachovia

    Wachovia Corporation (NYSE: WB) is one of the nation's
largest diversified financial services companies, providing
13.4 million household and business relationships with a
broad range of banking, asset management, wealth management
and corporate and investment banking products and services.
Wachovia operates as Wachovia Bank through 3,159 offices in
16 states from Connecticut to Florida and west to Texas,
and, until merger integration activity is completed, will
continue to be known as Western Financial Bank in
California. Two core businesses operate under the Wachovia
Securities brand name: retail brokerage in 49 states and in
Latin America, and corporate and investment banking in
selected industries nationwide. Globally, Wachovia serves
clients through more than 40 international offices. Online
banking is available at wachovia.com; online brokerage
products and services at wachoviasec.com, and investment
products and services at evergreeninvestments.com. Wachovia
had assets of $541.8 billion, market capitalization of $90.2
billion and stockholders' equity of $49.8 billion at March
31, 2006.

    For more infomation, please contact:

     Vicki Wolfram, 
     Tel:  +1-704-715-3915

SOURCE  Wachovia Corporation

NIKE, Inc. Announces Unfavorable Arbitration Ruling of Approximately $52.5 Million Involving Converse Subsidiary
May 17, 2006

    BEAVERTON, Ore., May 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- NIKE,
Inc. (NYSE: NKE) today announced an arbitration ruling
arising from a contract dispute between the company's
Converse subsidiary and Alon International, S.A., a former
licensee for Converse in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and
Uruguay. The arbitrator awarded Alon $52.5 million in
damages, plus legal fees, less some amounts previously paid
to Alon. This potential liability had not been accrued by
Nike, and will likely result in a charge to earnings for
the company's fiscal 2006 fourth quarter ending May 31,

http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/19990818/NIKELOGO )

    "We disagree with the ruling and will exercise our
legal right to challenge both the award and the amount of
damages," said Nike, Inc. General Counsel Jim Carter.

    Standard confidentiality provisions in the arbitration
rules forbid the company from commenting on the substance
of the ruling.

    The actual amount of the fourth quarter charge will be
decided by the arbitrator's final determination of
attorney's fees, as well as Nike's assessment of the likely
outcome of any further proceedings. Nike expects to report
its fourth quarter and fiscal 2006 year-end earnings near
the end of June 2006; the company has not yet announced the
exact date.

    About NIKE, Inc. 

    NIKE, Inc. based near Beaverton, Oregon is the world's
leading designer, marketer and distributor of authentic
athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for a
wide variety of sports and fitness activities. Wholly owned
Nike subsidiaries include Converse Inc., which designs,
markets and distributes athletic footwear, apparel and
accessories; NIKE Bauer Hockey, Inc., a leading designer
and distributor of hockey equipment; Cole Haan, a leading
designer and marketer of luxury shoes, handbags,
accessories and coats; Hurley International LLC, which
designs, markets and distributes action sports and youth
lifestyle footwear, apparel and accessories and Exeter
Brands Group LLC, which designs and markets athletic
footwear and apparel for the value retail channel.

    For more information, please contact:

    Investors Contact:

     Pamela Catlett,
     NIKE, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-503-671-4589

    Media Contact:

     Alan Marks,
     NIKE, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-503-671-2673

TAXUS ATLAS Trial Supports Excellent Deliverability and Proven Outcomes of TAXUS(R) Liberte(TM) Stent System
May 17, 2006

Boston Scientific's Second Generation Stent Compares Favorably to Market Leading TAXUS Express2(TM) Stent System, Even with More Complex Lesions
    NATICK, Mass., and PARIS, May 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) today announced
nine-month data from its TAXUS ATLAS clinical trial.  The
results confirmed safety and efficacy and demonstrated the
excellent deliverability of the TAXUS(R) Liberte(TM)
paclitaxel-eluting stent system compared to the TAXUS
Express(TM) *and TAXUS Express2(TM) paclitaxel-eluting
stent system.  The Company made the announcement at the
annual Paris Course on Revascularization (EuroPCR) held
this week in Paris.

    "The TAXUS ATLAS trial expands one of the largest
DES data collections and extends the consistent clinical
outcomes seen in the TAXUS clinical program to a new stent
platform," said Mark A. Turco M.D., F.A.C.C.,
Director, Center for Cardiac and Vascular Research,
Washington Adventist Hospital, Takoma Park, MD, and trials
co-principle investigator. "The TAXUS Liberte stent
provides improved deliverability and conformability and the
ATLAS trial results support excellent performance in complex
lesions more consistent with evolving clinical practice

    The TAXUS ATLAS trial is a global, multi-center pivotal
study comparing the TAXUS 

Moderate-Release TAXUS(R) Express(TM) Coronary Stent System Demonstrates Sustained Long-Term Outcomes In High-Risk Patients
May 17, 2006

TAXUS VI Trial Results Support Positive Safety and Efficacy Profile
    NATICK, Mass., and PARIS, May 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) today announced
three-year follow-up data from its TAXUS VI clinical trial.
 The data demonstrated that the safety and efficacy benefits
associated with a moderate-release formulation of the
TAXUS(R) Express(TM)* paclitaxel-eluting stent system were
maintained at three years.  Analysis of the data was
presented by Keith D. Dawkins, M.D., Co-Principal
Investigator of the trial.  The Company made the
announcement at the annual Paris Course on
Revascularization (EuroPCR).

    The randomized, double-blind, controlled study of 448
patients at 44 international sites is designed to assess
the TAXUS moderate-release paclitaxel-eluting coronary
stent system in reducing restenosis in high-risk patients,
including long de novo lesions with overlapping stents,
small vessels and diabetics.  Lesion size ranged from 18 -
40 mm in length and 2.5 - 3.75 mm in diameter.  TAXUS VI is
the first randomized, controlled clinical trial to
demonstrate durability of drug-eluting stents in complex
lesions at three years.  Follow-up at three years included
98.2 percent of the patients initially enrolled at three
years (432 out of 440).  

    "The three-year data from TAXUS VI demonstrates
sustained safety and efficacy of the moderate-release TAXUS
paclitaxel-eluting stent system in patients with long
lesions treated with multiple, overlapping stents,"
said Dr. Dawkins. "It's reassuring to see that even in
the most complex lesions ever studied in a drug-eluting
stent trial, moderate-release TAXUS stents offer sustained
target lesion revascularization benefits over time with no
compromise to safety." 

    "The TAXUS VI results show continuing patient
benefits in the longest lesions ever studied in a
randomized clinical trial," said Paul LaViolette,
Chief Operating Officer of Boston Scientific.  "This
data is consistent with the strong, long-term safety and
efficacy results seen with the slow-release TAXUS stent
formulation and attests to the durability of the
moderate-release technology even among this high-risk
patient population." 
    Continued efficacy

    The study's results indicate a continued significant
reduction in target lesion revascularization (TLR, or
retreatment rate) as compared to the bare-metal stent
control group at three years.  The study reported a
three-year TLR rate of 11.7 percent (25/213) for the TAXUS
stent group, as compared with 21.2 percent (46/217) for the
control group (P=0.0082) (only four TLR events were reported
between two and three years for the TAXUS stent group).  The
rate of patients living free of TLR events was 88.4 percent
at three years for the TAXUS stent group, as compared to
79.1 percent for the bare-metal stent control group.

    Long-term safety

    The three-year results for TAXUS VI support long-term
safety with the increased levels of paclitaxel in the
moderate-release formulation used in the study.  Even with
an in vitro dosing rate 8-10 times greater than the
commercialized slow-release formulation, no compromise in
safety was observed.  Stent thromboses remained unchanged
between two and three years at a low 0.9 percent for both
the TAXUS group and the control group.   

    Boston Scientific launched the slow-release formulation
TAXUS Express2 paclitaxel-eluting coronary stent system in
Europe and other international markets in February 2003 and
in the United States in March 2004. The TAXUS Express
moderate-release paclitaxel-eluting stent is not approved
for commercial distribution.

    Boston Scientific is a worldwide developer,
manufacturer and marketer of medical devices whose products
are used in a broad range of interventional medical
specialties.  For more information, please visit:
http://www.bostonscientific.com .   

    This press release contains forward-looking statements.
 Boston Scientific wishes to caution the reader of this
press release that actual results may differ from those
discussed in the forward-looking statements and may be
adversely affected by, among other things, risks associated
with new product development and commercialization, clinical
trials, intellectual property, regulatory approvals,
competitive offerings, Boston Scientific's overall business
strategy, and other factors described in Boston Scientific's
filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 

    * TAXUS Express is an investigational device not
available for sale

    For more information, please contact:
     Geraldine Varoqui, 
     Boston Scientific PR Manager International
     Tel:   +49-2102-489-461
     Email: varoquig@bsci.com

     Maren Koban, 
     BSC press office, 
     Tel:   +44-20-7973-4497
     Email: mkoban@hillandknowlton.com
SOURCE  Boston Scientific Corporation
WinZip(R) Improves File Distribution Software
May 17, 2006

The Maker of the World's Most Popular Zip Utility Announces the Release of WinZip Self-Extractor 3.0
    MANSFIELD, Conn., May 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- WinZip
Computing significantly improves the effectiveness of its
file distribution solution with today's release of WinZip
Self-Extractor 3.0.

    This latest version of WinZip Self-Extractor supports
the same improved compression technology (PPMd) and
advanced encryption (AES with 128- and 256-bit keys) found
in WinZip 10.0 and WinZip 10.0 Pro. This allows users to
create self-extracting Zip files that are smaller and
offers the ability to distribute encrypted information. 
WinZip Computing broadens the feature set of WinZip
Self-Extractor further by adding support for enhanced
deflate compression and high-resolution (XP-style) icons.

    A self-extracting Zip file is an executable file (.exe)
that contains a Zip file and can extract (unzip) its
contents automatically. Users can run a self-extracting Zip
file the same way they run any other program: simply double
click on the .exe file. This makes self-extracting Zip
files ideal for electronic file distribution.

    In the business world, WinZip Self-Extractor 3.0 is a
straightforward and cost effective method for distributing
programs, drivers and data, without confusing instructions
for the end user. For personal use, WinZip Self-Extractor
3.0 offers an uncomplicated approach to making Zip files
available on a website, CD or DVD, where friends and family
can access the contents without a separate Zip utility.

    About WinZip Computing

    Founded in 1991, WinZip Computing is located in
Mansfield CT and was recently acquired by Corel
Corporation.  WinZip Computing offers the world's most
popular Zip utility for Windows, WinZip, along with WinZip
Self-Extractor and WinZip Companion for Outlook.  Find
download links and more detailed product information on the
WinZip web site at http://www.winzip.com .

    About Corel Corporation

    Corel is a leading global packaged software company
with an estimated installed base of over 20 million users.
The Company provides high quality, affordable and
easy-to-use productivity, graphics and digital imaging
software and enjoys a favorable market position among
value-conscious consumers and small businesses. Its
products are sold in over 75 countries through a scalable
distribution platform comprised of original equipment
manufacturers (OEMs), Corel's domestic and international
websites, and a global network of resellers and retailers. 
The Company's product portfolio features well-established,
globally recognized brands including CorelDRAW(R) Graphics
Suite, Corel WordPerfect(R) Office, Corel(R) Paint Shop
Pro(R), and Corel(R) Painter(TM).

    Corel, CorelDRAW, WordPerfect, WinZip, Paint Shop Pro,
Painter, and the Corel logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. 
All other product, font and company names and logos are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective

    For more infomation, please contact:

     Gail Scibelli,
     Corel Corporation, 
     Tel:   +1-617-539-9984
     Email: gail.scibelli@corel.com 
     Web:   http://www.winzip.com

SOURCE  Corel Corporation
21 Communications Opens New Wireless Channel for Warner China Film HG Corporation
May 17, 2006

    SHANGHAI, China, May 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Warner
China Film HG Corporation ("Warner China") has
signed an agreement with mobile media marketing company 21
Communications to launch a new wireless content portal to
showcase "The Jade Warrior" on an exclusive

    The mobile site, which will be the first of its kind
for the movie industry in China, will offer consumers the
opportunity to view video movie trailers and download free
movie wallpapers, ringtones and games to their phones.  A
discussion area on the mobile site will enable movie fans
to post comments to a bulletin board.  A theater finder is
also planned for the new wireless site.  "The Jade
Warrior" will be the first Warner China production to
be appear on this new platform, on which the parties
anticipate rolling out many other Warner China productions
during the year to come.

    The mobile portal and downloadable content are intended
for sponsorship and promotion.  Although a sponsor has not
yet been named for the wireless channel, the opportunity is
uniquely suited for mobile phone manufacturers.

    21 Communications CEO David Turchetti said:
"Sponsored content channels, like the one we are
developing for Warner China, offer brands the unique
opportunity to provide free mobile content that consumers
want while engaging them in an opt-in marketing

    Ellen Eliasoph, Director and Vice President of Warner
China, said:  "Because the films being produced and
distributed by Warner China are aimed squarely at the hip,
young demographic of technology-savvy consumers, we see the
establishment of a mobile portal as a key component of our
overall company launch and marketing strategy."

    "Jade Warrior", the first movie to be
showcased on the new Warner China mobile channel, is a
martial arts fantasy combining Finnish and Chinese
mythologies and is distinguished by its rich imagery and
unique visual style. The cast includes Zhang Jingchu
("Peacock", "Seven Swords"), Tommi
Eronen and Markku Peltola. "Jade Warrior" will be
released in China and Europe in autumn of 2006.  The new
mobile channel will launch prior to the movie release to
promote the movie and its sponsors.

    About 21 Communications

    21 Communications enables companies to reach Chinese
consumers on mobile phones and new media.  With its
proprietary technology and vast distribution resources, 21
Communications connects clients to China's
telecommunications infrastructure, develops and monetizes
their digital content, and constantly expands their market
share.  The company's profitability is rooted in its deep
client base, including Shanghai Media Group, Nickelodeon,
Adidas, Electronic Arts (EA), P&G, Dell and KFC. Visit

    About Warner China Film HG 

    Warner China Film HG Corporation is the first
Sino-foreign joint venture filmed entertainment company in
the history of the People's Republic of China. The
formation of the Company brings together the China Film
Group, China's leading state-owned filmed entertainment
conglomerate, Warner Bros. Pictures, a world-renowned and
globally recognized leader in filmed entertainment, and
Hengdian Group, China's largest privately owned film and
television enterprise.  The Company was established in mid-
2005, and its first three pictures, "Jade
Warrior", "The Painted Veil" (starring
Edward Norton, Naomi Watts, Anthony Wong and Xia Yu) and
"Telephone 601" (starring Cecilia Cheung, Zhou
Bichang and Hu Ge) will be released during the latter half
of 2006.

    For more information, please contact:

     David Turchetti
     CEO of 21 Communications
     Tel:   +86-21-5403-5000
     Fax:   +86-21-5405-1868
     Email: info@21cms.com
     Web:   Http://www.21cms.com

SOURCE  21 Communications
2006 China International Information and Communication Exhibition Opens in Shanghai in May
May 17, 2006

    SHANGHAI, China, May 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- As an
important component of the Shanghai International
Information Fair, the "2006 China International
Information and Communication Exhibition (China
ELECOMM)" will be held in the Shanghai Everbright
Conference and Exhibition Center from May 23 to 26.  Nearly
160 companies from 10 countries and regions will participate
and the exhibition space will cover areas of 12, 000 square
meters.  The six largest Chinese telecom operators will all
be present to upgrade the level and build up the brand of
the exhibition.  The theme of this exhibition will be
"Touchable by Hand, Model Shift and 3G" and
various latest communication equipment and service
technology will be displayed. 

    The size, level and influence of the exhibition will be
all advanced in comparison with previous versions.  Its
sponsors include the Shanghai Information Committee,
Shanghai Communication Administration, China Council for
Promotion of International Trade Shanghai Branch, Shanghai
(World Fair) Group Co. Ltd., Shanghai Cultural,
Broadcasting, Film and TV Group, Shanghai Telecom Co. Ltd.,
CNC Shanghai Branch, Shanghai Mobile Telecom Co. Ltd., China
Unicom Co. Ltd. Shanghai Branch, China SATCOM Shanghai
Branch and China TIETONG Shanghai Branch and the undertaker
is the Shanghai International Exhibition Co. Ltd.  All units
will be responsible for part of the job and cooperate with
one another by their own advantages to make this exhibition
an excellent event by concerted efforts.  Meanwhile it is
also fully supported by the Israeli Electronic and
Information Industry Association, Korean Mobile Industry
Association (KMIA) and other foreign professional

    China ELECOMM 2006 is one of the largest and most
influential exhibitions in China today and attracts a great
number of famous Chinese and foreign companies.  Chinese and
foreign communication companies from countries and regions
such as Germany, South Korea, Israel, Japan, America,
Sweden, China and its Hong Kong SAR and Taiwan Province
will all be present at the exhibition.  Shanghai Alcatel,
Datang Mobile, ZTE, Shanghai Media Group, OCN, South Korean
delegation, Israeli delegation, Global VOIP Alliance,
Rohde-Schwarz Inc., Hitachi, Sumitomo and USA 724 News
Technology will bring the latest technology and exhibits to
the exhibition.  The six big telecom operators, China
Telecom, CNC, China Mobile, China Unicom, China SATCOM and
China TIETONG, will all be present at the event again after
the last exhibition to show their state-of-art technology
and latest products.
    In comparison with the previous versions, this
exhibition has five spotlights:

    Spotlight 1: 3G technology: TD-SCDMA developed by
Datang Mobile and solutions and terminals provided by
Shanghai Alcatel and ZTE will highlight the achievements
made in the 3G industry and ZTE will show on the spot the
3G experience vehicle that has traveled for thousands of
kilometers around the world to enable spectators to
experience 3G personally.  

    Spotlight 2: Digital household industry: The digital
household industry is a new component introduced at this
year's exhibition and its content includes: IPTV, digital
recreation, mobile video and audio, digital household
electric appliances and mobile TV, which show its
immeasurable potential for development.  Enterprises at
upper and lower links of the digital household industry
chain will appear together, ranging from ICP (as the
Shanghai Media Group), network operators (as OCN),
operators (as Telecom Mobile) to equipment suppliers (as
ZTE).  Meanwhile, the "Shanghai International
High-Level Forum on Digital Household" will be
convened to help push forward the healthy development of
the digital household industry in China. 

    Spotlight 3: VOIP technology: There will be a
"VOIP" application area at the exhibition and
scores of Chinese and foreign VOIP enterprises will
assemble there to provide complete soft voice-switch system

    Spotlight 4: High-quality spectators: High-level
exhibits will attract swarms of spectators.  Special
purchasing groups in the Yangtze River Area and South Asian
purchasing groups led by the Israeli one will come to the
event one after another.  The exhibition will be open
exclusively for leaders of various commissions, offices and
bureaus of Shanghai on an occasion and participants in the
28th Software Engineering Conference that is reputed as the
"Olympics of the software industry" will also come
to it on the occasion. 

    Spotlight 5: Relevant auxiliary activities: During the
exhibition, the sponsors will also hold almost ten relevant
meetings and forums in the International Hotel at the
Shanghai Everbright Conference and Exhibition Center, such
as the "High-Level Forum on Development of
Communication Industry and Regional Economies", the
"Report Conference on Communication Industry" and
the Seminar on VOIP. 

    About Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd.

    Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd. (SIEC) is
jointly invested by Shanghai World Expo (Group) Co., Ltd.
and the Council for the Promotion of International Trade,
Shanghai.  The SIEC was founded on July 1st, 1984 with the
approval of the Ministry of Foreign Trade & Economic
Cooperation and the People's Government of Shanghai

    The SIEC is a full member of Union des Foires
Internationales (UFI).  The SIEC has held 500 international
exhibitions of various themes and sizes.  It also has
successfully held a number of solo exhibitions at national

"ELE/PT COMM CHINA" are among the first eight
exhibitions approved excellent by THE EVALUATION COMMITTEE

    For more information, please contact:

     Fei Jayi,
     Show Director
     Tel:     +86-21-6279-2828
     Fax:     +86-21-6545-5124
     Email:   info@siec-ccpit.com
     Website: http://www.siec-ccpit.com

SOURCE  Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd. (SIEC)
KongZhong Corporation Appoints Qingyuan (Mike) Fang to be Vice President of Marketing
May 16, 2006

    BEIJING, May 16 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- KongZhong
Corporation (Nasdaq: KONG), a leading provider of wireless
value-added services (WVAS) and an operator of one of the
leading wireless internet portals in China, today,
announces the appointment of Mr. Qingyuan (Mike) Fang as
Vice President of Marketing, effective immediately.  

    Mr. Fang has over 12 years of experience in marketing
and branding.  Prior to joining KongZhong, Mr. Fang was a
marketing director at Motorola from 2004 to 2006 and a
marketing manager at Coca-Cola China from 1999 to 2004.  He
also held various marketing positions at Nabisco and MARS
Incorporated.  Mr. Fang received his EMBA from China
European International Business School (CEIBS) and Bachelor
of Medicine from Shanghai Medical University.  He was also a
visiting scholar at the University of British Columbia.  

    Commenting on the appointment, KongZhong's Chairman and
CEO, Mr. Yunfan Zhou, said, "We believe that Mike will
bring substantial marketing and branding experience to the
Company.  We are very pleased to have him on board.  He
will be leading our upcoming marketing campaign for
Kong.net wireless internet portal and our efforts in
building up KongZhong brand."

    About KongZhong

    KongZhong Corporation is a leading provider of wireless
value added services (WVAS) in China and also operates one
of China's leading wireless internet portals, Kong.net. 
The Company delivers wireless value added services to
consumers in China through multiple technology platforms
including wireless application protocol (WAP), multimedia
messaging service (MMS), JAVA, short messaging service
(SMS), interactive voice response (IVR), and color ring
back tone (CRBT).  The Company also operates a wireless
internet portal, Kong.net, which enables users to access
media and entertainment content directly from their mobile

    For more information, please contact:

    Investor Contact:
     Mr. JP Gan
     Chief Financial Officer
     Tel:   +86-10-8857-6000
     Email: ir@kongzhong.com

    Media Contact:
     Xiaohu Wang
     Tel:   +86-10-8857-6000
     Email: xiaohu@kongzhong.com

SOURCE  KongZhong Corporation
TAXUS(R) Liberte(TM) Stent System Receives European Approval for Three Complex Coronary Procedures
May 16, 2006

    - Boston Scientific's Second-Generation Stent System
Now Approved for
      Treatment of Acute Mycocardial Infarction, Total
Occlusions and In-Stent

    - Large Vessel TAXUS Liberte Stent Also Receives CE

    NATICK, Mass., and PARIS, May 16 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) announced today
that it has received indication extensions to the European
CE mark for its TAXUS(R) Liberte(TM) paclitaxel-eluting
coronary stent system for use in some of the most
challenging coronary procedures.

    The new labeling reflects a review of TAXUS clinical
data by the European regulatory agency. In addition to its
existing indication for the treatment of de-novo lesions in
native coronary arteries, the TAXUS Liberte stent system is
now indicated in Europe for the treatment of restenotic
lesions (in-stent restenosis, or ISR) and total occlusions
(TO) in patients with coronary artery disease, including
acute myocardial infarction (AMI). These three new
indications account for more than 20 percent of all
coronary interventions.

    The TAXUS Liberte stent system is now the only
drug-eluting stent system with these new indications for
use in Europe.

    This revised labeling follows the excellent clinical
outcomes the TAXUS stent system has shown in the treatment
of complex lesions in recent clinical trials and
registries, including the TAXUS V ISR trial and the

    In addition to the three new indications, the large
vessel diameter TAXUS Liberte stent also received the CE
mark. This stent uses a modified cell design intended for
drug delivery in larger vessels, and will be available in a
4.0 mm diameter and seven different lengths.

    "The European approval for new indications
recognizes the strong long-term performance of the TAXUS
stent system across complex patients and lesions,"
said Jeff Goodman, President of Boston Scientific
International. "It allows physicians to treat
difficult cases of coronary artery disease with the most
advanced technology."

    Boston Scientific is a worldwide developer,
manufacturer and marketer of medical devices whose products
are used in a broad range of interventional medical
specialties. For more information, please visit:
http://www.bostonscientific.com .

    This press release contains forward-looking statements.
Boston Scientific wishes to caution the reader of this press
release that actual results may differ from those discussed
in the forward-looking statements and may be adversely
affected by, among other things, risks associated with new
product development and commercialization, clinical trials,
intellectual property, regulatory approvals, competitive
offerings, integration of acquired companies, Boston
Scientific's overall business strategy, and other factors
described in Boston Scientific's filings with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

    For more information, please contact:

     Geraldine Varoqui, 
     Boston Scientific PR Manager International
     Tel:   +49-2102-489-461
     Email: varoquig@bsci.com

     Maren Koban, 
     BSC press office
     Tel:   +44-20-7973-4497
     Email: mkoban@hillandknowlton.com 

SOURCE  Boston Scientific Corporation
Chipnuts and SMIC to Jointly Offer C626 Multimedia Chip For Mobile Phones
May 16, 2006

    SHANGHAI, China, May 16 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Chipnuts
Technology (Shanghai), Inc. ("Chipnuts") and
Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation
("SMIC", NYSE: SMI and HKSE: 0981.HK), one of the
leading foundries in the world, jointly announced today that
Chipnuts' C626 chip, a multimedia chip for mobile phones,
has successfully entered commercial production at SMIC.

    Manufactured using SMIC's 0.18um mixed-signal process
technology, C626 is the newest addition to Chipnuts' line
of mobile multimedia System-on-Chip (SoC) co-processors. 
The C626 chip is optimized for low power consumption and
high performance, providing key features such as MPEG-4
decoder and analog codec for video and audio playback and
recording.  The chip also included Chipnuts' proprietary
and unique MINI-MTVTM feature enabling true mobile Karaoke.
 In addition, the C626 chip can play mp3 files in the
background while simultaneously supporting capture and
review of pictures on mobile phones.

    SMIC provided customized Device Under Pad I/O design
services for the C626 chip, which allowed for a small die
size while increasing system design flexibility.

    "Chipnuts has had a long-standing collaboration
with SMIC dating back to Chipnuts' establishment.  During
pilot production, we were highly impressed with SMIC's
comprehensive support and services," said Mr. John Yu,
Chief Operating Officer of Chipnuts, "As our business
continues to expand, our collaboration with SMIC will also
continue to strengthen."

    "SMIC is honored to provide foundry services to
Chipnuts, whose rapid development exemplifies the overall
growth of China's fabless design industry.  SMIC's
manufacturing expertise coupled with Chipnuts' design
successes will further elevate the mobile phone
applications chip market," said Mr. Ning Hsieh,
vice-president of marketing and sales at SMIC.

    At a press conference held today, Chipnuts and SMIC
signed a Memorandum of Understanding that serves to
strengthen the companies' business relationship going

    About Chipnuts 

    Chipnuts Technology (Shanghai), Inc., formed in
September, 2003, is a leading provider of low-power, best
price-performance mobile multimedia System-on-Chip (SoC)
co-processors and complete system solutions.  Headquartered
in Shanghai, China, Chipnuts also has sales and
field-support offices in Beijing and Shenzhen.  Since its
establishment, Chipnuts has been developing rapidly,
earning positive reviews of its flagship single-chip
multimedia co-processors.  On February 14th, 2006, Chipnuts
received the ISO19001: 2000 quality assurance certificate. 
For more information, please visit http://www.chipnuts.com

    About SMIC Semiconductor Manufacturing International

    SMIC Semiconductor Manufacturing International
Corporation ("SMIC", NYSE: SMI and SEHK:
0.981.HK), headquartered in Shanghai, China, is an
international company and one of the leading semiconductor
foundries in the world, providing integrated circuit (IC)
manufacturing at 0.35um to 90nm and finer line technologies
to customers worldwide.  Established in 2000, SMIC has four
8-inch wafer fabrication facilities in volume production in
Shanghai and Tianjin.  In the first quarter of 2005, SMIC
commenced commercial production at its 12-inch wafer
fabrication facility in Beijing, the first 12-inch fab in
China.  SMIC also maintains customer service and marketing
offices in the U.S., Europe, and Japan, and a
representative office in Hong Kong.  SMIC's pool of talents
includes over 2,500 semiconductor industry experts and
technical staff.  SMIC has achieved ISO9001, ISO/TS16949,
OHSAS18001, TL9000, BS7799 and ISO14001 certifications. 
For additional information, please visit
http://www.smics.com .

    Safe Harbor Statements
     (Under the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform
Act of 1995)
    Certain statements contained in this press release,
such as statements regarding the collaboration and business
relationship between SMIC and Chipnuts, may be viewed as
"forward-looking statements" within the meaning
of Section 27A of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as
amended, and Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended.  Such forward-looking statements
involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other
factors (including without limitation the results of future
partnership between SMIC and Chipnuts), which may cause
actual events, and/or the actual performance, financial
condition or results of operations of SMIC to be materially
different from any future performance, financial condition
or results of operations implied by such forward-looking
statements.  Further information regarding these risks,
uncertainties and other factors is included in the
Company's annual report on Form 20-F filed with the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") on
June 28, 2005 and such other documents that SMIC may file
with the SEC or The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
from time to time.

    For more information, please contact:

    SMIC Shanghai
     Reiko Chang
     Tel:   +86-21-5080-2000 x10544
     Email: PR@smics.com

    SMIC Hong Kong
     Calvin Lau 
     Tel:   +852-9435-2603
     Email: Calvin_Lau@smics.com

     Mei Fung Hoo 
     Tel:   +852-2537-8480
     Email: MeiFung_Hoo@smics.com

     Maggie Wang
     Public Relations Department
     Tel:   +86-21-5102-8168
     Email: maggiewang@chipnuts.com

SOURCE  SMIC Semiconductor Manufacturing International

Sonus Solutions Selected to Power Leading European IP-Based Voice Service
May 16, 2006

Telio Deploys Full Suite of Sonus IMS-Ready Infrastructure to Support Increasing Subscriber Traffic
    CHELMSFORD, Mass., May 16 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Sonus
Networks, Inc. (Nasdaq: SONS), a leading supplier of
service provider Voice over IP (VoIP) infrastructure
solutions, announced today that Telio, the largest and
fastest growing access independent VoIP provider in Europe,
has selected Sonus' industry-leading IP Multimedia Subsystem
(IMS)-ready solutions as the foundation for its next
generation IP-based voice network. Telio, which offers
primary line residential services throughout Europe,
selected Sonus because of its ability to meet
European-specific signaling requirements and to support
carrier-grade reliability and scalability for Telio's
plug-and-play IP-based voice service, which currently
carries more than 100 million minutes of voice traffic per

    "To encourage the adoption of IP-based voice
services, it is imperative that consumers experience the
same quality, reliability, and ease of use that they're
accustomed to with legacy voice offerings," said Alan
Duric, co-founder and CTO, Telio. "Telio's service is
a straightforward plug-and-play solution. By selecting
Sonus as the foundation for the network, we're able to
deliver the level of service that our customers expect,
introduce interesting new features and applications, and
scale as the demand for our service continues to grow
across Europe."

    Telio offers IP-based voice service in Norway under the
Telio brand, as well as offering its Telio Voice Production
System (TVPS) service on a white label basis for European
ISPs. Telio has deployed a suite of Sonus solutions
including the GSX9000(TM) and GSX4000(TM) Open Service
Switches, PSX(TM) Call Routing Server, SGX(TM) Signaling
Gateway, and the Sonus Network Border Switch for enhanced
security and direct IP-to-IP peering. With a full suite of
IMS-ready solutions in place, Telio's network can scale
seamlessly, introducing new applications and features
quickly and efficiently.

    "Sonus is one of the only solutions available
today that delivers proven quality and reliability with a
robust suite of residential voice features required for
primary line service in Europe," said Hassan Ahmed,
chairman and CEO.  "Sonus is dedicated to helping
European operators unlock the potential of next-generation
communications, increasing their average revenue per user,
and supporting enhanced applications that will redefine the
expectations for communications services."

    "The European market for both next generation
networks and IMS represents one of the most dynamic and
rapidly evolving opportunities for vendors in these market
segments. Whereas regulatory restraints hampered deployment
of solutions throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, the new
regulatory paradigm has opened the doors for innovative
companies to gain mind- and market share," said Tom
Valovic, Program Director for VoIP Infrastructure at IDC.
"Sonus, which has been addressing the European market
and aligning and customizing resources to meet its unique
demands, is well positioned to capitalize on these

    Sonus' IMS-ready architecture provides one of the
industry's most complete end-to-end network solutions that
meet the unique demands of the European market.  Sonus'
solutions support the delivery of services that match, and
in many cases surpass, those services offered through
traditional voice networks.

    "By providing the sophisticated network foundation
needed to support a feature-rich primary line voice service,
Sonus is helping to reshape the competitive landscape
throughout the European market," said Joop Van Aard,
vice president of sales, EMEA, Sonus Networks.
"Service providers like Telio are taking advantage of
next generation solutions to not only emulate the services
available through traditional voice networks, but also to
offer new and exciting services that capture consumers'
attention, promote customer loyalty, and improve long term
customer retention." 
    About Telio

    Telio is the largest and fastest growing access
independent VoIP provider in Europe. The company is
privately held and headquartered in Oslo, Norway. In
addition to offering services to end customers, Telio is
also offering Telio Voice Production System (TVPS) on a
white label basis for European ISPs. Among Telio's founders
and advisory board are found some of the most respected VoIP
and SIP experts in the world, and Telio aims to at all times
offer the most advanced multimodal broadband communications
platform in Europe. For additional details on Telio, please
visit http://www.Telio.no.  

    About Sonus Networks 

    Sonus Networks, Inc. is a leading provider of Voice
over IP (VoIP) infrastructure solutions for wireline and
wireless service providers. With its comprehensive IP
Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) solution, Sonus addresses the
full range of carrier applications, including residential
and business voice services, wireless voice and multimedia,
trunking and tandem switching, carrier interconnection and
enhanced services. Sonus' voice infrastructure solutions
are deployed in service provider networks worldwide.
Founded in 1997, Sonus is headquartered in Chelmsford,
Massachusetts. Additional information on Sonus is available
at http://www.sonusnet.com .

    This release may contain forward-looking statements
regarding future events that involve risks and
uncertainties.  Readers are cautioned that these
forward-looking statements are only predictions and may
differ materially from actual future events or results. 
Readers are referred to the "Risk Factors"
section of Sonus' Annual Report on Form 10-K, dated March
14, 2006 and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, dated May 8,
2006, both filed with the SEC, which identify important
risk factors that could cause actual results to differ from
those contained in the forward-looking statements.  Risk
factors include among others: the impact of material
weaknesses in our disclosure controls and procedures and
our internal control over financial reporting on our
ability to report our financial results timely and
accurately; the unpredictability of our quarterly financial
results; risks associated with our international expansion
and growth; consolidation in the telecommunications
industry; and potential costs resulting from pending
securities litigation against the company. Any
forward-looking statements represent Sonus' views only as
of today and should not be relied upon as representing
Sonus' views as of any subsequent date.  While Sonus may
elect to update forward-looking statements at some point,
Sonus specifically disclaims any obligation to do so.

    Sonus is a registered trademark of Sonus Networks.  All
other company and product names may be trademarks of the
respective companies with which they are associated.

    For more information, please contact:

    Investor Relations:                
     Jocelyn Philbrook                  
     Tel:   +1-978-614-8672                       
     Email: jphilbrook@sonusnet.com            

    Media Relations:
     Sarah McAuley
     Tel:   +1-212-699-1836
     Email: smcauley@sonusnet.com

SOURCE  Sonus Networks, Inc.
Sonus Networks and Netcentrex Team to Deliver IMS-Ready Multimedia Solutions
May 16, 2006

Integration of Industry Leading IP-Based Voice Solutions Streamlines Delivery of Next Generation Services
    CHELMSFORD, Mass., May 16 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Sonus
Networks, Inc. (Nasdaq: SONS), a leading supplier of
service provider Voice over IP (VoIP) infrastructure
solutions, and Netcentrex, the leading enabler of next
generation converged voice and video solutions, today
announced that the two companies have partnered to advance
consumer access to next generation voice applications. As
part of Sonus' industry leading Open Services Partner
Alliance (OSPA), Netcentrex and Sonus have tested and
deployed Sonus' industry leading IP Multimedia Subsystem
(IMS)-ready architecture with Netcentrex's MyCall(R) Media,
a video and VoiceXML development environment and execution
platform for service providers and operators. Together,
Sonus and Netcentrex are delivering on the power of
IMS-ready applications to transform the consumer experience
through interactive applications and services.

    "The promise of IMS changes the way consumers
experience voice service. It's no longer about making
simple person-to-person phone calls, but rather, it's about
integrating the entire spectrum of communication tools and
resources," said Hassan Ahmed, chairman and CEO, Sonus
Networks. "By partnering with leading innovative
companies like Netcentrex, we're able to provide carriers
with the types of services and applications that capture
consumers' imaginations." 

    As part of its OSPA testing process, Sonus has
certified the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)-based
capabilities of Netcentrex's MCS IP Media Server, an
advanced, packet-based media service platform designed to
run advanced interactive voice and video services and to
act as a Media Resource Function (MRF) in an IMS
architecture. The integration of MSC IP Media Server with
Sonus' IMS-ready architecture enables seamless end-to-end
application call flow management, billing and provisioning,
allowing customers to access hosted, revenue generating
services. Together with Sonus' IMS-ready architecture, the
joint solution is an ideal platform for the deployment of
hosted Fixed-Mobile Convergent applications and services,
as well as numerous voice, video, and messaging

    "One of the primary benefits of the IMS
architecture is the ability to deploy best of breed
solutions to offer the most robust service possible. With
its OSPA program, Sonus has gone a step further by taking
the guesswork out of the integration process," said
Olivier Hersent, Chairman and CTO, Netcentrex.
"Netcentrex's suite of next-generation multimedia
applications, coupled with the Sonus IMS-ready
architecture, provides a compelling foundation for carriers
that are looking to stake an early lead in the drive towards
IMS-powered next generation services."  

    Founded in 1999, the Sonus OSPA is the industry's
largest interoperability program dedicated to driving
standards-based interoperability for enhanced applications.
 During the last seven years, the OSPA has gained
significant industry momentum, with a membership of over
150 leading independent vendors.  Network operators
globally have relied on Sonus to deploy multimedia IP-based
applications that offer consumers new innovative services
that meet the demands for today's lifestyles.  

    About Netcentrex

    Netcentrex develops IP-based voice and video solutions
that enable communication service providers to deliver
wireline and converged fixed-mobile services for both the
consumer and enterprise markets. Netcentrex has over 2.8
million VoIP lines in commercial service and has been
recognized as the worldwide leader for Class 5 application
servers. http://www.netcentrex.net .

    About Sonus Networks 

    Sonus Networks, Inc. is a leading provider of Voice
over IP (VoIP) infrastructure solutions for wireline and
wireless service providers. With its comprehensive IP
Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) solution, Sonus addresses the
full range of carrier applications, including residential
and business voice services, wireless voice and multimedia,
trunking and tandem switching, carrier interconnection and
enhanced services. Sonus' voice infrastructure solutions
are deployed in service provider networks worldwide.
Founded in 1997, Sonus is headquartered in Chelmsford,
Massachusetts. Additional information on Sonus is available
at http://www.sonusnet.com .

    This release may contain forward-looking statements
regarding future events that involve risks and
uncertainties.  Readers are cautioned that these
forward-looking statements are only predictions and may
differ materially from actual future events or results. 
Readers are referred to the "Risk Factors"
section of Sonus' Annual Report on Form 10-K, dated March
14, 2006, filed with the SEC, which identifies important
risk factors that could cause actual results to differ from
those contained in the forward-looking statements.  Risk
factors include among others: the impact of material
weaknesses in our disclosure controls and procedures and
our internal control over financial reporting on our
ability to report our financial results timely and
accurately; the unpredictability of our quarterly financial
results; risks associated with our international expansion
and growth; consolidation in the telecommunications
industry; and potential costs resulting from pending
securities litigation against the company. Any
forward-looking statements represent Sonus' views only as
of today and should not be relied upon as representing
Sonus' views as of any subsequent date.  While Sonus may
elect to update forward-looking statements at some point,
Sonus specifically disclaims any obligation to do so.

    Sonus is a registered trademark of Sonus Networks.  All
other company and product names may be trademarks of the
respective companies with which they are associated.

    For more information, please contact:

    Investor Relations:      
     Jocelyn Philbrook        
     Tel:   +1-978-614-8672             
     Email: jphilbrook@sonusnet.com  

    Sonus Media Relations:
     Sarah McAuley         
     Tel:   +1-212-699-1836          
     Email: smcauley@sonusnet.com 

    Netcentrex Media Relations:
     Stephanie Geslin
     Tel:   +33-1-58-71-33-20
     Email: pr@netcentrex.net

SOURCE  Sonus Networks, Inc.
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