

ニュースサイトなど宛てに広く配信された、ニュースリリース(プレスリリース)、 開示情報、IPO企業情報の備忘録。 大手サイトが順次削除するリリースバックナンバーも、蓄積・無料公開していきます。 ※リリース文中の固有名詞は、発表社等の商標、登録商標です。 ※リリース文はニュースサイト等マスコミ向けに広く公開されたものですが、著作権は発表社に帰属しています。



World wide launch of Memory Book Website
March 08, 2006

    NUNSPEET, Netherlands, March 8 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- A
website http://www.remembermewhenimgone.org has been
launched which provides a template to help parents who are
dying to create a memory book to leave their children.

    Though the concept is valid in all situations where the
untimely death of a parent is imminent, the memory book has
so far mainly been used in AIDS-related projects where it
has more than proven its worth.  Sjoera Dikkers, Director
of STOP AIDS NOW!, says: "The early loss of a parent
has a lifelong impact on a child. After a parent's death, a
child often has little or nothing tangible from the parent
to cherish and to keep the memory of the deceased parent
alive.  A memory book can alleviate some of the emotional
devastation caused by the parent's death."

    Compiling a personal memory book about their own life
in which they share their hopes, fears and dreams can also
help parents come to terms with their coming demise.  It
can open up communication within a family about the
impending death of the parent, thereby aiding each of the
family members in coming to terms with the parent's disease
and the inevitable consequences of this.

    The Remember me when I'm gone project opens up access
to the memory book concept to all by providing a generic
Memory Book template through the website
http://www.remembermewhenimgone.org .

    The template can be downloaded free of charge and is
currently available in 29 languages.  Distribution of the
template is allowed providing the document is distributed
as is and without charge.

    The Remember me when I'm gone project is a no-budget
non-profit initiative which aims to inspire, motivate and
help parents who expect to die before their child(ren) have
grown up, to make a memory book about their own life for
their child / each of their children.

    NOTES TO EDITORS: Image material is available for press
use on http://www.remembermewhenimgone.org/press. STOP AIDS
NOW! is a partnership between Aids Fonds, Hivos, ICCO,
Memisa (Cordaid) and Novib (Oxfam).  Their mission is:
"Working together towards a world without AIDS."
For more information on STOP AIDS NOW!:
http://www.stopaidsnow.nl /

    For more information, please contact:

     Titia Liese
     Tel:   +31-341-260289 

     Marjon Jens 
     Tel:   +31-71-5190749

     Juliette Reinders Folmer 
     Tel:   +31-6-5424-1642
     Email: press@remembermewhenimgone.org

SOURCE  www.remembermewhenimgone.org 

Financial Times Launches FT.com China
March 07, 2006

    HONG KONG, March 7 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Financial
Times announces the launch of FT.com China today, a new
section on the Financial Times' website dedicated to
covering China, its unique business opportunities and
challenges, and its influence on the global economy. 

    Consolidating the FT's award-winning China news
coverage, comment and analysis into one destination, FT.com
China -- at http://www.ft.com/china -- is the most
comprehensive source of intelligence for understanding the
world's most dynamic economy. 

    "Global business leaders cannot afford to fall
behind in staying informed about an economy and market as
crucial as China," said Edward Cheng, Asia news editor
of FT.com.  "With FT.com China, the world's business
elite will now have a single resource to help them
understand the forces shaping China, with context and
independent insight only the FT can provide."

    FT.com China is updated daily with top China stories,
features a rich archive of the FT's special reports on
China, and has tools such as RSS feeds so time-starved
business readers can track the latest news, trends and
regulatory developments driving the fast-changing Chinese

    FT.com China is clearly organised into six

    1. Economy & Trade -- covers Chinese economic data,
trade and intellectual
       property, renminbi reform, China's role in the
global economy;

    2. Politics & Policy -- Chinese politics, foreign
policy, bilateral
       relations (US-China, India-China), China's rise in
diplomatic and
       military spheres of influence;

    3. Finance & Markets -- Chinese financial
institutions, western banks
       entering China, development of China's capital

    4. Business -- Chinese companies in non-financial
sectors such as
       technology, manufacturing, energy/oil,
consumer/retail, autos and
       property; and foreign companies doing business in

    5. Regulation & Reform -- Chinese regulations,
liberalisation policies,   
       the pace of financial sector reform and opening to
foreign direct

    6. Society -- Social/public/cultural issues in China
such as democracy
       movements, worker safety, environment, healthcare,
and media policy

    A marketing campaign in support of FT.com China
entitled, "Five-Star China Coverage on a Single
Superior Site", will begin running in both the
Financial Times newspaper and on FT.com.  Hiroko Hoshino,
Regional Online Business Development Manager, FT Asia
commented, "We are delighted to launch FT.com China. 
It's an exciting new platform for FT.com and a first of its
kind on our site. FT.com China is creating new opportunities
to reach a community of users and advertisers focused on

    About the Financial Times

    One of the world's leading business publications, the
Financial Times is recognized internationally for its
accuracy, authority and independence.  Since its launch in
September 2003, the FT's Asia edition has incisive news
reporting with rigorous analysis and inspired commentary. 
Winner of the Society of Publishers in Asia
"Excellence in Newspapers" Award in 2004 and most
recently voted the "Best Newspaper in the World"
in an independent study of business executives in 50
countries, the FT is widely considered to be indispensable
reading for senior decision-makers in business, finance and
public affairs.

    FT.com ( http://www.ft.com ) is one of the world's
leading business information portals, and the internet
partner of the Financial Times. FT.com has 4.1 million
monthly unique users, attracts more than 41.3 million
monthly page views (ABCe September 2005).

    For more information, please contact:
     Jolie Hunt
     Financial Times, Public Relations
     Hong Kong 
     Tel:   +852-2905-5851
     Email: Jolie.hunt@ft.com

SOURCE  Financial Times
Media Advisory: UNDP and Stora Enso Press Conference and Forest Field Trip March 28 - 29, 2006
March 07, 2006

    Stora Enso and United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP) in China are very pleased to invite the press to
attend the signing ceremony of a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) to forge a long-term strategic
partnership between UNDP and Stora Enso, to be held at 2:00
pm, March 29, 2006 in the Function room no. 29, 2/F,
Building no. 5, Guangxi Mingyuan Xindu Hotel (Address: 38
Xin Min Road, Nanning Guangxi, China 530012, Tel +86
771-2118988, Fax +86 771-2830811)

    This five-year framework of cooperation will promote a
win-win partnership between UNDP and Stora Enso focusing on
promoting sustainable development in local communities.  Mr.
Renaud Meyer, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in China
and Mr. Hannu Ryopponen, Senior Executive Vice President
and CFO, Stora Enso, will take part in the signing and
answer questions from the media.  Other participants
include representatives from the local government, academic
and local community. 

    This initiative is an immediate follow-up of an
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) on Stora
Enso's forest plantation project in Guangxi Zhuang
Autonomous Region, recently undertaken by UNDP in China. 
This event will provide an opportunity to initiate a
multi-stakeholder dialogue by presenting the methodology,
process and outcomes of the ESIA.  Media will also be
invited to a one-day trip to visit the plantation site. 

    The tentative agenda is as following:
    March 28 Tuesday
     08:00 - 20:00    Visiting Stora Enso's plantation in
southern Guangxi

    March 29 Wednesday
     13:30 - 13:55     Registration
     14:00 - 14:40     MoU Signing 
     14:40 - 16:00     Multi-stakeholder dialogue on the
Environment and Social   
                       Assessment (ESIA)
     16:15 - 17:00     Press Conference

    Media attending the event should confirm their
participation to Ms. Wu Tao, UNDP, at 010 65323731 x365,
tao.wu@undp.org; or Ms. Nancy Lu, Stora Enso, at
021-63353050 x112, nancy.lu@storaenso.com by March 15,
2006. ¡¡

    Stora Enso is an integrated paper, packaging, and
forest products company, producing publication and fine
paper, packaging board, and wood products -- all areas in
which the Group is a global market leader. Stora Enso's
sales totalled EUR 13.2 billion in 2005.  The Group has
some 46 000 employees in more than 40 countries on five
continents.  Stora Enso has an annual production capacity
of 16.9 million tonnes of paper and board and 7.7 million
cubic metres of sawn wood products, including 3.3 million
cubic metres of value-added products.  Stora Enso's shares
are listed in Helsinki, Stockholm, and New York. 

    UNDP is the UN's global development network, advocating
for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience
and resources to help people build a better life.  UNDP is
on the ground in 166 countries, working with them on their
own solutions to global and national development
challenges.  As they develop local capacity, they draw on
the people of UNDP and its wide range of partners.

SOURCE  United Nations Development Programme
Avian Influenza - Situation in China - Update 6
March 07, 2006

    GENEVA and BEIJING, March 7 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The
Ministry of Health in China has reported an additional
laboratory confirmed case of human infection with the H5N1
avian influenza virus.

http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20040610/CNTH001LOGO )

    The case occurred in a 32-year-old man from the
southern province of Guangdong. He developed symptoms of
fever on 22 February followed by pneumonia. His condition
deteriorated rapidly and he died on 2 March.

    He was unemployed. No outbreaks in poultry have been
reported in Guangdong Province since 2004.

    To date, China has reported 15 laboratory confirmed
cases. Of these, nine have been fatal. Two patients remain
in critical condition.

    The newly confirmed case is the first reported from
Guangdong Province.

    Cumulative Number of Confirmed Human Cases of Avian
Influenza A/(H5N1) Reported to WHO
    6 March 2006

    Country       2003         2004        2005        
2006         Total	       
              cases deaths cases deaths cases deaths cases
deaths cases deaths	 
     Cambodia   0     0      0     0      4     4      0   
 0      4     4
     China      0     0      0     0      8     5      7   
 4     15     9
     Indonesia  0     0      0     0     17    11     10   
 9     27    20
     Iraq       0     0      0     0      0     0      2   
 2      2     2
     Thailand   0     0     17    12      5     2      0   
 0     22    14
     Turkey     0     0      0     0      0     0     12   
 4     12     4
     Viet Nam   3     3     29    20     61    19      0   
 0     93    42
     Total      3     3     46    32     95    41     31   
19    175    95
     Total number of cases includes number of deaths.
     WHO reports only laboratory-confirmed cases.

    For more information, please contact:

     Aphaluck Bhatiasevi
     Communications Officer
     World Health Organization (China)
      401, Dongwai Diplomatic Office Building, 
      23 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, 
      Beijing 100600, 
      People's Republic of China
     Mobile: +86-136-1117-4072 
     Tel:    +86-10-6532-5687 
     Fax:    +86-10-6532-2359 
     Email:  bhatiasevia@chn.wpro.who.int

SOURCE  World Health Organization
CEVA Expands Global Presence With New Sales and Support Office in Shanghai, China
March 07, 2006

Move Strengthens CEVA's Commitment to Expanding Customer Base in China's Booming Semiconductor Industry
    SAN JOSE, Calif., March 7 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- CEVA,
Inc. (Nasdaq: CEVA; LSE: CVA), the leading licensor of
digital signal processor (DSP) cores, multimedia, GPS and
storage platforms to the semiconductor industry, today
announced the opening of a new sales and support office in
Shanghai, China. This new facility will provide local
support to CEVA's growing numbers of customers in China and
target new business development for CEVA in the region.

    (Photo:  NewsCom: 
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20051010/CEVALOGO )

    At a recent semiconductor summit in Shanghai, industry
forecasters reported that China produced approximately 30
billion integrated circuits last year -- a year-over-year
increase of 36.7 percent. More specific to the CEVA
opportunity there, market research firm Forward Concepts
has reported that China represents one of the
fastest-growing markets for DSPs, and is already the
largest market for cellular and consumer electronics chips,
with a regional share that is estimated to be worth $10
billion by 2010.

    CEVA's establishment of a direct presence in China is
driven by the growing number of engagements with customers
and partners in the region -- including a recently
announced agreement with Spreadtrum Communications who
licensed and utilize the CEVA-TeakLite, CEVA-Teak and
CEVA-X1620 DSP cores to develop baseband processors for
2/2.5/3G wireless handsets.

    CEVA's Vice President of Sales in Asia, Gweltaz Toquet,
said, "China represents a major growth market for CEVA
and the CEVA-TeakLite and CEVA-X DSP cores are emerging as
the "DSPs of Choice" for portable multimedia
devices and 3G mobile phones here. We understand the
increasingly important role that Chinese companies are
playing in the worldwide consumer electronics and wireless
handsets markets, and through the addition of local sales
and support in the region, we aim to develop our
partnerships with our existing customers and to grow our
customer base in the region."

    The CEVA China office is located at:  Room 420, 4/F.,
Apollo Business Center, No.1440, Yan An Road (C), Shanghai
200040, PR China. The telephone number is +86 21 610 31719
and fax is +86 21 610 31720.

    About CEVA, Inc.

    Headquartered in San Jose, Calif., CEVA is the leading
licensor of digital signal processor (DSP) cores,
multimedia, GPS and storage platforms to the semiconductor
industry. CEVA licenses a family of programmable DSP cores,
associated SoC system platforms and a portfolio of
application platforms including multimedia, audio, Voice
over Packet (VoP), GPS location, Bluetooth, Serial Attached
SCSI and Serial ATA (SATA). In 2005 CEVA's IP was shipped in
over 115 million devices. CEVA was created through the
merger of the DSP licensing division of DSP Group and
Parthus Technologies. For more information, visit
http://www.ceva-dsp.com .

    Visit CEVA at ESC China - Booth 1Q18

    For more information, please contact:

     Richard Kingston of CEVA, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-408-514-2976
     Email: richard.kingston@ceva-dsp.com

     Mike Sottak of Wired Island, Ltd.
     Tel:   +1-408-876-4418
     Email: mike@wiredislandpr.com, for CEVA, Inc.

Symbol Technologies Sets New Industry Standard For Mobile Computer Support
March 06, 2006

Symbol 'Service from the Start' Now Includes Comprehensive Coverage at No Additional Cost
    HOLTSVILLE, N.Y., March 6 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Symbol
Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: SBL), The Enterprise Mobility
Company(TM), today announced that mobile computing product
purchases with "Service from the Start" contracts
will now include all repairs for the entire device,
including accidental damage to displays and keypads, at no
additional cost. 

http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20041029/SYMBOLOGO )

    Symbol's comprehensive coverage with "Service from
the Start" is a three-year service agreement that
includes a three-day turn-around for products sent to
Symbol repair centers, Internet access to technical
documentation and telephone access to support engineers. 
Symbol's comprehensive coverage simplifies the repair
process by covering all repairs, including displays,
keypads, plastics and internal components, thus
significantly reducing costs and delays for customers. 

    "Symbol is known for rugged and reliable products,
which means predictability when the customer makes a
technology investment," said Art O'Donnell, senior
vice president and general manager of Symbol's Global
Services Division and Chief Quality Officer.  "By
including comprehensive coverage with Service from the
Start, Symbol is going one step further to protect the
customer, so even the unexpected worst case scenario will
not impact their bottom line.  With Symbol Services, you're
covered - period."

    Comprehensive coverage with "Service from the
Start" is available today, worldwide for the MC1000,
MC3000, and MC9000 series of mobile computers, as well as
the MC50 and MC70 Enterprise Digital Assistant (EDA).

    Symbol Global Services is an integral part of an
enterprise mobility strategy to make every element of the
solution work together to achieve customers' business
goals.  To learn more about Symbol Global Services, visit
http://www.symbol.com/services .

    About Symbol Technologies 

    Symbol Technologies, Inc., The Enterprise Mobility
Company(TM), is a recognized worldwide leader in enterprise
mobility, delivering products and solutions that capture,
move and manage information in real time to and from the
point of business activity.  Symbol enterprise mobility
solutions integrate advanced data capture products, radio
frequency identification technology, mobile computing
platforms, wireless infrastructure, mobility software and
world-class services programs under the Symbol Enterprise
Mobility Services brand.  Symbol enterprise mobility
products and solutions are proven to increase workforce
productivity, reduce operating costs, drive operational
efficiencies and realize competitive advantages for the
world's leading companies.  More information is available
at http://www.symbol.com .

    For more information, please contact:


     Ed Tan, 
     Symbol Technologies, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-408-528-2996
     Email: ed.tan@symbol.com

     Emily Chamberlin,
     Tel:   +1-650-429-2734
     Email: emily.chamberlin@edelman.com


     Lori Chaitman,
     Symbol Technologies, Inc.
     Email: lori.chaitman@symbol.com

     Nancy Coco,
     Symbol Technologies, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-631-738-5050
     Shirley Schroedl,
     Symbol Technologies, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-631-738-4823
     Email: shirley.schroedl@symbol.com

SOURCE  Symbol Technologies, Inc.

India's National Institute for Pharmaceutical Education and Research Hosts InnoCentive Conference
March 06, 2006

Leading Experts Present and Discuss Issues Affecting India's Burgeoning Pharmaceutical R&D Community
    CHANDIGARH, India, March 6 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
InnoCentive today announced that its annual conference was
held at the Indian government's National Institute for
Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), in
Chandigarh, Punjab, on Saturday, March 4, 2006.  This
year's event theme was, "InnoCentive Innovation
Series: Value Addition to Natural Products."  Five
prominent speakers from prestigious Indian universities and
institutes addressed the conference that was attended by
scientists, students and research firms from across the

    (Photo:  NewsCom: 
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20050919/SFM013 )

    Commenting on the successful event, Ali Hussein,
InnoCentive's chief marketing officer, vice president of
global markets, said, "Having India's prestigious
National Institute for Pharmaceutical Education and
Research agree to host this year's conference was a clear
statement of the importance that the Indian pharmaceutical
industry places on innovation and global collaboration,
both hallmarks of InnoCentive's business model." 
Hussein added, "We were also delighted to have the
strong support and active participation by some of India's
leading scholars in the pharmaceutical field, who shared
their knowledge on R&D issues affecting India's
pharmaceutical industry.

    Hussein addressed the conference along with Dr. P.
Ramarao, Professor, Director, NIPER; Dr. Bijoy Kundu,
deputy director, Division of Medicinal Chemistry, Central
Drug Research Institute, Lucknow; Dr. Virinder S. Parmar,
professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi;
Dr. G.N. Qazi, director, Regional Research Laboratory,
Jammu; Dr. Mukund K. Gurjar, deputy director, Division of
Organic Chemistry: Technology at the National Chemical
Laboratory, Pune; and Dr. K.K. Bhutani, dean, NIPER's
Department of Natural Products.

    Declared an "Institute of National
Importance" by the Indian government, NIPER is located
in the city of Chandigarh in India's Punjab province, and
was established as a center for advanced studies and
research for the pharmaceutical sciences.  NIPER operates
under the aegis of the Ministry of Chemicals and
Fertilizers.  The institute provides leadership for the
pharmaceutical sciences and related areas not only within
India, but also to countries in South East Asia, South Asia
and Africa.

    InnoCentive offers companies an opportunity to increase
their R&D potential by posting challenges to a
confidential online forum and gaining access to leading
scientific minds.  InnoCentive has developed a solid global
brand with their unique virtual R&D network of over
90,000 scientists spanning more than 175 countries that has
greatly helped companies reduce the escalating costs and
shorten the time required to bring products to market.
InnoCentive's goal is to further advance scientific
research and collaboration in worldwide markets.

    About InnoCentive

    InnoCentive is the first online forum that allows
world-class scientists and science-based companies to
collaborate in a global scientific community to achieve
innovative solutions to complex challenges.  Companies
including Boeing, Eli Lilly and Company, Procter &
Gamble and others, which collectively spend billions of
dollars on R&D, post scientific problems confidentially
on the InnoCentive Web site where more than 90,000
scientists and scientific organizations in more than 175
countries can solve them.  Scientists who deliver solutions
that best meet InnoCentive's challenge requirements receive
financial awards ranging up to and over $100,000.  To learn
more and to register as an InnoCentive Solver, visit the
InnoCentive Web site at http://www.innocentive.com.

    NOTE:  InnoCentive and InnoCentive Challenge are
registered trademarks of InnoCentive, Inc. Other product or
service names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their
respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:
     Ali Hussein
     Chief Marketing Officer, Vice President of Global
Markets of InnoCentive
     Tel:   +1-978-482-3366

     Micky Huang
     Tel:   +1-510-226-6780 ext.154, 
     Email: innocentive-pr@e21corp.com

SOURCE  InnoCentive, Inc.
Xinhua Far East Assigns AA Issuer Credit Rating to Shanghai Municipal Raw Water Co Ltd
March 06, 2006

    HONG KONG, March 6 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Xinhua Far
East China Ratings today assigned Shanghai Municipal Raw
Water Co Ltd ("Shanghai Raw Water" or "the
Company", SH A 600649) with an AA domestic currency
issuer credit rating. The Company's rating outlook is
stable.  The rating reflects Shanghai Raw Water's
monopolistic position in water supply and wastewater
treatment markets in Shanghai based on its dominance of
natural resources and the support from municipal
government.  The shortage of water supply in Shanghai and
the construction of Phase III of the Yangtze River Water
Diversion Project will provide a healthy base for the
Company's long-term growth.  Shanghai Raw Water's stable
cash flow and its low debt burden are also important
considerations in its AA rating.  On the other hand, Xinhua
Far East acknowledges the pressure on the Company's water
processing costs and gross margin due to environmental
impacts, but believes its operating efficiencies and stable
investment incomes will continue counteracting these

    The Company's major business lines - water supply and
wastewater treatment -- are non-cyclical activities with
very low exposure to economic fluctuations. Shanghai Raw
Water enjoys an unparalleled position in both of these
markets in Shanghai, providing the city with 95% of its
fresh water supply and effectively dominating the
wastewater treatment market.  The shortage of water supply
and growth in demand in Shanghai provide ample
opportunities for the Company's long-term growth.  Also
playing a role in its future profit earnings ability is the
implementation of Phase III of the Yangtze River Water
Diversion Project, which is set to enlarge the Company's
water supply capacity by 13%.

    Xinhua Far East acknowledges the Company's sound
financial profile and conservative debt policy in recent
years.  Stable cash flow and negligible leverage ratios
allow the Company to have superior financial flexibility
among its domestic peers.  Although the Water Diversion
Project will incur large capital expenditures in the
short-term, Xinhua Far East does not expect it to exert
much pressure on the Company's financial leverage.

    Shanghai Raw Water is Shanghai's largest raw water
supplier and largest wastewater treatment provider.  In
2004, it supplied 1.72 billion cubic meters of raw water
and treated 584 million cubic meters of wastewater,
accounting for 74.3% and 24.5% of its total revenue
respectively.  Shanghai Chengtou Corporation, a subsidiary
wholly-owned by the state-owned Asset Administration
Commission of the Shanghai Municipal Government, is the
largest shareholder with a 54.42% stake in the Company.

    Shanghai Municipal Raw Water Co Ltd is also a large cap
company in the Xinhua/FTSE China A50 Index.  As of March 3,
2006, its total market cap equaled RMB 11.2 billion with
investable market cap of RMB 3.4 billion.

    For the rating report summary, please visit
http://www.xinhuafinance.com/creditrating .

    Note to Editors:

    About FTSE/Xinhua China A50 Index 

    The FTSE/Xinhua China A50 Index is a real-time tradable
index comprising the largest 50 A Share companies by full
market capitalization.  Designed to meet the needs of
QFIIs, it can be used as a basis for both on-exchange and
OTC derivative products, mutual funds and ETFs.  For daily
data and further information, see http://www.xinhuaftse.com

    About Xinhua Far East China Ratings

    Xinhua Far East China Ratings (Xinhua Far East) is a
pioneering venture in China that aims to rank credit risks
among corporations in China.  It is a strategic alliance
between Xinhua Finance (TSE Mothers: 9399), and Shanghai
Far East Credit Rating Co., Ltd.  Shanghai Far East became
a Xinhua Finance partner company in 2003 and the first
China member of The Association of Credit Rating Agencies
in Asia in December 2003. 

    Capitalizing on the synergy between Xinhua Finance and
Shanghai Far East, Xinhua Far East's rating methodology and
process blend unique local market knowledge with
international rating standards.  Xinhua Far East is
committed to provide investors with independent, objective,
timely and forward-looking credit opinions on Chinese
companies.  It aims to help investors differentiate the
credit risks among the corporations in China, thereby,
cultivating their awareness and promoting information
disclosures and transparency in China market.  For more
information, see http://www.xfn.com/creditrating .

    About Xinhua Finance Limited

    Xinhua Finance Limited is China's unchallenged leader
in financial information and media,  and is listed on the
Mothers board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399)
(OTC ADRs: XHFNY).  Bridging China's financial markets and
the world, Xinhua Finance serves financial institutions,
corporations and re-distributors through four focused and
complementary service lines: Indices, Ratings, Financial
News and Investor Relations.  Founded in November 1999, the
Company is headquartered in Shanghai with 21 news bureaus
and offices in 18 locations across Asia, Australia, North
America and Europe.  For more information, please visit
http://www.xinhuafinance.com . 
    About Shanghai Far East Credit Rating Co., Ltd

    Shanghai Far East Credit Rating Co., Ltd. is the first
and leading professional credit rating company with
comprehensive business coverage in China. It is an
independent agency established by the Shanghai Academy of
Social Sciences with the mission to develop internationally
accepted standards for capital market in China.  The company
is a pioneer in conducting bond-rating business in China. 
For years, it has been authorized by the Shanghai branch of
the PBOC to undertake loan certificate credit rating.

    Since establishment, it has rated over 1,000 corporate
long-term bonds and commercial papers, based on the
principles of objectivity, fairness and independence.  The
company has also maintained over 50% market share in the
loan certificate-rating sector in Shanghai for three
consecutive years.  With its strong local presence and
knowledge, it provides investors with unique and the most
insightful credit opinion.  For more information, see
http://www.fareast-cr.com .

    For more information, please contact: 

    Hong Kong
     Joy Tsang, 
     Corporate & Investor Communications Director, 
     Xinhua Finance
     Tel:   +852-3196-3983, +8621-6113-5999 or
     Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com

     David Leeney, 
     Taylor Rafferty (IR/PR Contact in US)
     Tel:   +1-212-889-4350
     Email: david.Leeney@taylor-rafferty.com

SOURCE  Xinhua Far East China Ratings
Xinhua Finance to provide stock index quotes to Chinese newspaper for publication
March 06, 2006

    SHANGHAI, March 6 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Xinhua Finance
(TSE Mothers: 9399 and OTC: XHFNY), China's unchallenged
leader in financial information and media, today announced
that the Economic Observer, a weekly Chinese financial and
business newspaper, has agreed to publish the Xinhua FTSE
stock index quotes in each issue.

    A number of other Chinese media also publish the Xinhua
FTSE stock index data on a daily or regular basis, including
Shanghai Securities News, China Daily, Beijing Morning News,
Shenzhen Evening News and Money Journal. The Xinhua FTSE
stock index series is the leading stock index used for
benchmarking the China equity markets and for the creation
of financial products including exchange traded funds
around the world.

    Economic Observer, published by Shandong Economic
Observer Co. Ltd, has a national distribution of over
400,000. It is considered to be one of the top business and
financial information newspapers in China. EconWorld, the
Hong Kong publishing company and a subsidiary of Xinhua
Finance last month signed an exclusive agreement with
Shandong Economic Observer Co. Ltd to organize financial
information seminars across China. 

    Xinhua Finance CEO Fredy Bush said she was delighted
that Economic Observer has decided to publish the Xinhua
FTSE index data.

    "The Economic Observer is a well-respected
financial newspaper and we believe that it will provide a
good additional platform for the Xinhua FTSE indices,"
Ms Bush said. 

    Notes to Editors:

    About Xinhua Finance Limited 

    Xinhua Finance Limited is China's unchallenged leader
in financial information and media,  and is listed on the
Mothers board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399)
(OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's financial markets and
the world, Xinhua Finance serves financial institutions,
corporations and re-distributors through four focused and
complementary service lines: Indices, Ratings, Financial
News and Investor Relations.  Founded in November 1999, the
Company is headquartered in Shanghai with 21 news bureaus
and offices in 18 locations across Asia, Australia, North
America and Europe.  

    For more information, please visit
http://www.xinhuafinance.com . 

    About Economic Observer 

    Established in April 2001, Economic Observer is a
highly market-driven newspaper in China and has become one
of the most influential weeklies of this complicated and
fascinating country. Based in Beijing, Economic Observer is
set to establish itself as a highly esteemed newspaper with
a global perspective. With more than 100 young, talented
and ambitious journalists, Economic Observer has created a
new model for today's Chinese media. With the slogan
"Rational and Constructive", a warm, lively,
assiduous, and open-minded team is trying its best to
present the readers with in-depth analysis and stories.
Economic Observer is a favorite of government officials,
business leaders and well-educated urban citizens. Its
circulation is 400,000, mainly in big cities of China.

    For more information, please visit
http://www.eobserver.com.cn .

    For more information, please contact:

    Xinhua Finance

     Hong Kong/Shanghai
     Ms. Joy Tsang
     Tel:   +852-3196-3983 or +852-9486-4364 or
     Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com
     Mr. Sun Jiong
     Tel:   +81-3-3221-9500
     Email: jsun@xinhuafinance.com

    Taylor Rafferty (IR Contact)

     Mr. James Hawrylak
     Tel:   +81-3-5733-2621
     Email: James.hawrylak@taylor-rafferty.com

     United States
     Mr. David Leeney
     Tel:   +1-212-889-4350
     Email: xinhuafinance@taylor-rafferty.com

SOURCE  Xinhua Finance Limited 

Xinhua Far East Assigns AA- Issuer Credit Rating to Aluminum Corporation of China Ltd
March 06, 2006

    HONG KONG, March 6 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Xinhua Far
East China Ratings today assigned Aluminum Corporation of
China Ltd ("Chalco" or "the Company",
HK 2600; NYSE: ACH) with an AA- domestic currency issuer
credit rating.  The company's rating outlook is stable. 
The rating reflects Chalco's dominant position in China's
growing alumina production industry as well as its sound
financial profile over recent years.  China's robust demand
for aluminum products, the Company's unparallel advantage
over access to raw materials and favorable government
policies are important factors in securing its AA- rating.

    Fast-growing aluminum consumption in China in recent
years has created mounting alumina shortages, and Xinhua
Far East expects this trend to continue in line with the
country's economic growth.  Even so, China's aluminum
consumption per capita cannot be compared to the
consumption levels in developed countries, with the
proportion used for industrial purposes still relatively
low.  As such, there is further growth potential in this
market in the long run.

    The Company enjoys absolute monopolistic market power,
with its alumina production counting for almost all the
nation's output.  Xinhua Far East believes this leading
position will remain unshakable in the near future as a
result of its control over natural resources and the
government support it enjoys.  The four provinces in which
Chalco's alumina plants operate hold more than 90% of the
country's bauxite resources -- the primary raw material
used to produce alumina.  More importantly, China's current
policy imposes tight restrictions on new alumina projects, a
situation which, in effect, reinforces Chalco's dominant

    The new rating also reflects Chalco's sound financial
profile -- a result of rapidly increasing sales volumes and
soaring product prices, both of which have provided Chalco
with solid cash flow and strong earnings ability.  The
Company's leverage ratio has declined significantly, with
gross debt to total capital ratio reaching 28.6% on June
30, 2005.  Moreover, its foreseeable IPO in the domestic
capital market should alleviate the financial burden
imposed by future capital expenditure required to expand
its existing alumina capacity. As such, Xinhua Far East
does not expect Chalco's debt ratio to be elevated in the
medium term.  However, Xinhua Far East also takes into
consideration the fact that Chalco's main advantage lies to
a greater degree in policy support rather than its own
operational and management efficiency.  As China's economy
becomes increasingly market-oriented, the Company will
gradually face the introduction of competitors into the
alumina sector.  The need to vertically integrate to guard
against market fluctuation (mostly in respect to its
downstream aluminum products) will also bring demand for
capital expenditure. Moreover, the government's recent
efforts to contain overinvestment in the downstream
electrolytic aluminum sector and the nation's strategy to
discourage excessive consumption of energy and resources to
achieve sustainable development are likely to dampen
aluminum demand growth and alumina prices in the medium
term.  These are the major factors that constrain Chalco's
rating on the AA- level.  

    Chalco is China's largest producer of both alumina and
primary aluminum. In 2004, it produced 6.82 million tons of
alumina and 770,000 tons of primary aluminum, accounting for
96.9% and 11.5% of the country's total output. Revenue
totaled RMB 33.2 billion in 2004, 39% higher than 2003.  As
of June 30, 2005, Chalco owned nine alumina or aluminum
producing subsidiaries and one research institute. 
Aluminum Corporation of China is Chalco's largest
shareholder, with a 42.14% stake in the Company.  
    Chalco is also a large cap company in the Xinhua/FTSE
China 25 Index. As of March 3, 2006, its total market cap
was HKD 93.9 billion with investable market cap of HKD 18.8

    For the rating report summary, please visit
www.xinhuafinance.com/creditrating .

    Note to Editors:

    About Xinhua/FTSE China 25 Index

    Xinhua/FTSE China 25 Index is a real-time tradable
index designed for use as the basis for both on-exchange
and OTC derivative products, mutual funds and ETFs.  The
index includes the largest 25 Chinese companies comprising
H shares and Red Chip shares, ranked by total market
capitalization.  The index is designed to meet fund
regulatory requirements worldwide, with constituent
weightings capped, in order to avoid over-concentration in
any one stock.
For daily data and further information, see
http://www.xinhuaftse.com .

    About Xinhua Far East China Ratings

    Xinhua Far East China Ratings (Xinhua Far East) is a
pioneering venture in China that aims to rank credit risks
among corporations in China.  It is a strategic alliance
between Xinhua Finance (TSE Mothers: 9399), and Shanghai
Far East Credit Rating Co., Ltd.  Shanghai Far East became
a Xinhua Finance partner company in 2003 and the first
China member of The Association of Credit Rating Agencies
in Asia in December 2003. 

    Capitalizing on the synergy between Xinhua Finance and
Shanghai Far East, Xinhua Far East's rating methodology and
process blend unique local market knowledge with
international rating standards.  Xinhua Far East is
committed to provide investors with independent, objective,
timely and forward-looking credit opinions on Chinese
companies.  It aims to help investors differentiate the
credit risks among the corporations in China, thereby,
cultivating their awareness and promoting information
disclosures and transparency in China market.  For more
information, see http://www.xfn.com/creditrating .

    About Xinhua Finance Limited

    Xinhua Finance Limited is China's unchallenged leader
in financial information and media, and is listed on the
Mothers board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399)
(OTC ADRs: XHFNY).  Bridging China's financial markets and
the world, Xinhua Finance serves financial institutions,
corporations and re-distributors through four focused and
complementary service lines: Indices, Ratings, Financial
News and Investor Relations.  Founded in November 1999, the
Company is headquartered in Shanghai with 21 news bureaus
and offices in 18 locations across Asia, Australia, North
America and Europe.  For more information, please visit
http://www.xinhuafinance.com . 
    About Shanghai Far East Credit Rating Co., Ltd

    Shanghai Far East Credit Rating Co., Ltd. is the first
and leading professional credit rating company with
comprehensive business coverage in China.  It is an
independent agency established by the Shanghai Academy of
Social Sciences with the mission to develop internationally
accepted standards for capital market in China.  The company
is a pioneer in conducting bond-rating business in China. 
For years, it has been authorized by the Shanghai branch of
the PBOC to undertake loan certificate credit rating.

    Since establishment, it has rated over 1,000 corporate
long-term bonds and commercial papers, based on the
principles of objectivity, fairness and independence.  The
company has also maintained over 50% market share in the
loan certificate-rating sector in Shanghai for three
consecutive years.  With its strong local presence and
knowledge, it provides investors with unique and the most
insightful credit opinion.  For more information, see
http://www.fareast-cr.com .

    For more information, please contact: 

    Hong Kong
     Joy Tsang, 
     Corporate & Investor Communications Director, 
     Xinhua Finance
     Tel:   +852-3196-3983, +8621-6113-5999 or
     Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com

     David Leeney, Taylor Rafferty (IR/PR Contact in US)
     Tel:   +1-212-889-4350
     Email: david.Leeney@taylor-rafferty.com

SOURCE  Xinhua Far East China Ratings

Zino Davidoff: A Legend Turns 100
March 06, 2006

    BASEL, Switzerland, March 6 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- A
very special event is coming up shortly: 11 March 2006
marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Zino Davidoff
-- the founder of the now world-renowned brand that stands
for cigar pleasure of the highest order. Once a refugee
from the Ukraine, Zino Davidoff has grown to become a
byword for pleasure and lifestyle.  He raised his
conviction to a philosophy: "The Good Life" --
that is the art of living and of experiencing the best
moments in life with feeling and spirit.  That is true
lifestyle, that was -- and still is -- Davidoff.

    Zino Davidoff, who was born on 11 March 1906 in the
Ukrainian city of Kiev, was a man with a keen sense of the
essential, who understood how to savour the moment. 
"Smoke less, but better and longer - make a cult of
it, a philosophy!" was his credo.  He made it his goal
to enrich life through pleasure and never lost sight of this
aim.  In 1930, he expanded the family tobacco shop in Geneva
by adding the first special cellar for optimum storage of
cigars.  Then, in 1946, he created his famous
"Chateau" line - cigars which he named after
great Bordeaux wines.  1970 saw him join forces with his
long-standing friend Dr. Ernst Schneider and the
acquisition of the Geneva shop by the old-established
family business Oettinger from Basel.  With this began the
development of Davidoff into a sought-after brand that met
with success across the globe.

    Then as now, Davidoff cigars have always been an art in
their own right and satisfy the most discerning customers. 
The tobaccos used are sourced in the Dominican Republic,
yet each series of Davidoff cigars has its own special
composition and its own individual character.  The secret
to the success of Davidoff products lies in the seamless
intertwining of tradition, innovation and a sense of
elegant functionality.

    To mark this biographic milestone, cigar aficionado and
renowned German author Dieter H. Wirtz has published a
lively and knowledgeable biography recounting the life and
philosophy of this world-renowned cigar connoisseur. The
entertaining work bears the title "Davidoff --
Legende, Mythos, Wirklichkeit" (Davidoff -- Legend,
Myth, Reality).  It is a piece of enthralling contemporary
history that throws new light on many facets of Zino
Davidoff's life.  The German version of the book is
available from bookshops since 1 March 2006.  The English
version will be available from 1 June 2006.

    Cross reference: picture is distributed via EPA
(European Pressphoto Agency)

    For more information, please contact:
     Press office Headquarter
     Oettinger Davidoff Group
     Corporate Communications
     Tel.:    +41 61 279 36 36
     E-mail:  media@davidoff.com

     Press office for the United States
     Davidoff of Geneva (CT) Inc.
     Samuel Russell
     Tel.:    +1 203 323 5811
     E-mail:  srussell@davidoffusa.com

     Press office for Belgium
     Zabia S.A.
     John Vercammen
     Tel.:    +32 2 478 17 16
     E-mail:  vercammen@davidoff.ch

     Press office for Holland
     W. Pronk Import B.V.
     Han de Wit
     Tel.:    +31 20 695 50 01
     E-mail:  hdewit@davidoff.ch

SOURCE  Oettinger Davidoff Group
AU Optronics February 2006 Sales Total at NT$21.6 Billion
March 06, 2006

    HSINCHU, Taiwan, March 6 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- AU
Optronics Corp. ("AUO" or the
"Company") (TAIEX: 2409; NYSE: AUO) today
announced preliminary consolidated and unconsolidated
February 2006 monthly revenues of NT$21,597 million and
NT$21,594 million respectively, both representing a slight
2.7% sequential decline.  On a year-over-year comparison,
February 2006 consolidated revenues increased by 87.5%,
while unconsolidated net sales rose by 87.6%. 

    February shipments of large-sized panels (a) used in
desktop monitors, notebook PCs, LCD TVs and other
applications increased 6.5% sequentially, reached 3.19
million units, while shipments of small-and-medium-sized
panels increased a marginal 0.5% sequentially totaled 4.74
million units. 

    (a) Large-size refers to panels that are 10 inches and
above in diagonal 
        measurement while small- and medium-size refers to
those below 10 

    Sales Report: (Unit: NT$ million)

     Net Sales (1) (2)                Consolidated(3)      
     February 2006                       21,597            
     January 2006                        22,200            
     M-o-M Growth                          (2.7%)          
     February 2005                       11,517            
     Y-o-Y Growth                          87.5%           
     Jan to Feb 2006                     43,797            
     Jan to Feb 2005                     24,219            
     Y-o-Y Growth                          80.8%           

    (1) All figures are prepared in accordance with
generally accepted 
        accounting principles in Taiwan. 
    (2) Monthly figures are unaudited, prepared by AU
Optronics Corp. 
    (3) Consolidated numbers include AU Optronics Corp., AU
Optronics (L) 
        Corporation, AU Optronics (Suzhou) Corporation and
AU Optronics 
        (Shanghai) Corporation.

    About AU Optronics

    AU Optronics Corp. ("AUO") is the world's
third largest manufacturer* of large-size thin film
transistor liquid crystal display panels
("TFT-LCD"), with approximately 14.2%* of global
market share and generated revenue of NT$217.4billion
(US$6.75 bn)* in 2005.  TFT-LCD technology is currently the
most widely used flat panel display technology.  Targeted
for 40"+ sized LCD TV panels, AUO's next generation
(7.5-Generation) fabrication facility production is
scheduled for mass production in 4Q 2006.  The Company
currently operates one 6th-generation, three
5th-generation, one 4th-generation, and three
3.5-generation TFT- LCD fabs, in addition to four module
assembly facilities and an R&D fab specializing in low
temperature poly silicon TFT and organic LED.  AUO is one
of few top-tier TFT-LCD manufacturers capable of offering a
wide range of small- to large- size (1.5"-46")
TFT-LCD panels, which enables it to offer a broad and
diversified product portfolio.

    * As shown on Display Search Quarterly Large-Area
TFT-LCD Shipment Report 
      dated Mar 1, 2006.  This data is used as reference
only and AUO does not 
      make any endorsement or representation in connection
therewith. 2005 
      year end revenue converted by an exchange rate of

    For more information, please contact:

     Yawen Hsiao
     Corporate Communications Dept.
     AU Optronics Corp.
     Tel:   +886-3500-8899 x3211
     Fax:   +886-3-577-2730
     Email: yawenhsiao@auo.com  

SOURCE  AU Optronics Corp.
Reed MIDEM to Launch MIPIM Asia in 2006
March 06, 2006

    PARIS, March 6 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Reed MIDEM, the
organizer of international tradeshows for professionals,
announces that it will open MIPIM Asia in Hong Kong in
September 2006.  

    "This is an exciting expansion for us," says
Paul Zilk, Chief Executive Officer of Reed MIDEM.
"MIPIM Asia will bring property professionals from
across the Asia-Pacific region together with Asian and
international investors.  Our choice of Hong Kong is the
result of research and consultation with our clients and
reflects the pivotal position of Hong Kong within the

    MIPIM Asia will be based on the MIPIM international
property market concept. The 17th edition of MIPIM, which
will take place next week in Cannes, France, will attract
over 20,000 property professionals this year from 74
countries. "MIPIM provides over 2,000 companies with
the chance to exhibit their expertise. It is also a major
conference and networking event designed to help the 5,500
exhibiting and visiting companies to maximise their
business opportunities. MIPIM Asia will seek to replicate
this successful format," notes Paul Zilk.

    Note to Editors
    Reed MIDEM is a leading organiser of professional,
international tradeshows. Reed MIDEM events, have
established themselves as key dates in professional
diaries. The company hosts MIPDOC, MIPTV, MIPCOM JUNIOR,
MIPCOM and MILIA for the television and multimedia
industries, MIDEM for music professionals, MIPIM and MAPIC
for the property sector and GLOBAL CITY for international
urban management experts.

    Reed MIDEM is a division of Reed Exhibitions, the world
leader in the organisation of some 460 events in 38

    For more information, please contact:

     Mike Williams,
     Director of Press and Public Relations,
     Reed MIDEM
     Tel:   +33-0-1-41-90-49-33
     Email: mike.williams@reedmidem.com
Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment Selects BigWorld Technology Suite for Stargate Worlds MMORPG
March 06, 2006

    MESA, Ariz., March 6 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Cheyenne
Mountain Entertainment, a rising game development company,
today announced that they have chosen the BigWorld
Technology Suite as the platform for their ground-breaking
new MMORPG, Stargate Worlds.  This officially licensed MGM
property is the first massively multiplayer game based on
the Stargate series, and promises to deliver all of the
SG-1 & Atlantis exploration, conflict and excitement to
players around the world.

    "We evaluated many client server solutions to aid
us in creating a truly breakthrough next-generation
MMO," said Joe Ybarra, Vice President of Product
Development at Cheyenne Mountain.  "But by far the
best overall solution for us is BigWorld's powerful
client/server engine and streamlined production toolset. 
We are excited to be teaming up with them on this

    The BigWorld Technology Suite is an integrated set of
tools, software and systems that provides all of the
underlying technology and content development tools
required to produce an MMOG.  "The Stargate universe
has evolved to be one of the most recognized Sci-fi brands
in recent times," said Gavin Longhurst, Director of
Business Development for BigWorld, "We are thrilled to
see such an experienced and talented team as Cheyenne
Mountain using BigWorld Technology to bring this visually
stunning universe into the highly interactive, compelling
online experience that fans and gamers want."

    BigWorld Technology Suite provides operators and
studios with a lower total time-to-build and cost of
ownership through several innovations.  The BigWorld Server
architecture allows operators to run several games on a
single server cluster, dramatically reducing the cost of
running the game, while the enhanced Content Creation
Pipeline reduces the time and cost of building and filling
out the complex worlds required in next-generation games.

    About BigWorld Pty Ltd and the BigWorld Technology

    Comprised of the BigWorld Server Software, Content
Creation Pipeline, 3D Client Engine Package, Live
Management Tools & Instrumentation, BigWorld Technology
Suite is the only complete MMOG solution, providing all of
the difficult to produce technology required to produce an
engaging next-generation MMOG.

    BigWorld Pty Ltd was formed in 2002 to commercialize
years of intense R&D, which started in 1999 and
continues to this day.  BigWorld Pty Ltd is a privately
held company based in Australia that licenses its BigWorld
Technology Suite middleware platform to game studios and
publishers around the world that are looking to produce
successful next generation Massively Multiplayer Online
Games.  http://www.bigworldtech.com

    About Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment(TM)

    Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment(TM) was founded with
the goal of becoming a leading developer of entertainment
software products.  Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment's first
product is an MMO-RPG (Massive Multiplayer Online
Role-Playing Game) based on the popular science fiction
television series, Stargate(TM) SG-1 and Stargate(TM)
Atlantis.  For more info on the company, visit the
company's website at http://www.cheyenneme.com .  For more
info on Stargate Worlds, visit the new community site at
http://www.stargateworlds.com .

    Press Contact for BigWorld Pty Ltd
     Maretta Buckley
     Marketing Assistant
     Phone: +61-2-6162-5120
     Email: press@bigworldtech.com 

    Press Contact for Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment
     Sara Baker
     Marketing Director
     Phone: +1-480-281-1882
     Email: sbaker@cheyenneme.com

SOURCE  BigWorld Pty Ltd
Private Sector Involvement in HIV/AIDS Awareness Raising
March 03, 2006

    BEIJING, March 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- EPIN Media and
the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are
cooperating to display HIV/AIDS education and awareness
audio visual materials on board trains in China.  EPIN
Media currently operates plasma TV advertisement outlets on
trains and will begin showing the Yao Ming/Magic Johnson
HIV/AIDS stigma reduction public service announcement (PSA)
on up to 50 routes across China.

    According to the "2005 Update on the HIV/AIDS
Epidemic and Response in China" recently released by
the Ministry of Health and UNAIDS, HIV/AIDS awareness among
China's migrant workers and the general population remains
dangerously low, which is a reason for the continued stigma
and discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS.  By
raising the HIV/AIDS awareness among the general
population, the Yao/Magic PSA aims to reduce the stigma and
discrimination people living with HIV/AIDS face in society.

    There is an urgent need to strengthen the general
population's knowledge and understanding of HIV/AIDS, and
private media organizations are in a perfect position to
facilitate efficient and sustained distribution of HIV/AIDS
education and awareness messages.  By using its unique
technological and market advantage in the private media
sector, EPIN Media is substantively supporting China's
multi-sectoral response by providing potentially millions
of train passengers, including migrant workers, students
and businessmen, continuous access to HIV/AIDS educational
materials through its TV advertisement platforms. 

    The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), a
co-sponsor of UNAIDS and member of the Theme Group on
HIV/AIDS in China, works with the private sector to
mobilize resources and use their individual market
advantage to become fully engaged with HIV/AIDS in the
workplace and support prevention and awareness activities
in communities. 

    Over the past year, other private media firms have
aired the Yao/Magic PSA on Beijing public buses, Beijing
taxis and local TV stations throughout China through the
efforts of Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center.

    EPIN Technologies, Ltd, was founded in 2002, and is a
leading player in China's new media industry.  Its unique
innovative business model perfectly combines EPIN's
Holomedia, which integrates audio, video, network and
mobile technologies as one single media platform.  This
cutting-edge platform is being deployed in China railway
system, and covers both express trains and major railway
stations.  EPIN Media is providing audio/video program,
internet access and mobile value-added services to China's
1.5 billion railway travelers every year.

    UNDP is the UN's global development network, advocating
for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience
and resources to help people build a better life.  We are on
the ground in 166 countries, working with them on their own
solutions to global and national development challenges. 
As they develop local capacity, they draw on the people of
UNDP and our wide range of partners.

    The Yao Ming/Magic Johnson public service announcement
was produced by the China AIDS Media Project and supported
by the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, China Academy of
Medical Sciences AIDS Research Center, Ministry of Health
and the National Basketball Association (NBA).

    For press queries, please contact:

     Ms. Xu Lin (Selina), 
     General Manager, EPIN Media
     Tel:   +86-10-8885-4923 x6806 
     Email: xulin@epinmedia.com

     Mr. Edmund Settle, 
     Programme Specialist on HIV/AIDS, UNDP
     Tel:   +86-10-6532-3731 x296 
     Email: edmund.settle@undp.org

     Ms. Zhang Wei, 
     Communications Officer of UNDP in China
     Tel:   +86-10-6532-3731 x228 or +86-139-1007-3809 
     Email: wei.zhang@undp.org  
     Web:   http://www.undp.org.cn

SOURCE  United Nations Development Programme
Silicon Motion Brings World's Fastest USB 2.0 Flash Disk Controller to Market
March 03, 2006

    TAIPEI, Taiwan, March 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Silicon
Motion today announced that it has achieved successful
customer implementation of the world's fastest USB 2.0
flash disk controller.  The Taiwan-based, NASDAQ-listed
(Nasdaq: SIMO) semiconductor company said that its
customers have already produced products based on its
SM321E and SM324 USB 2.0 flash disk controller chips.

    Silicon Motion revealed that its customers will release
in March new products which will include USB 2.0 flash disk
drives with built-in fingerprint sensors and capacity
displays based on the SM321E and SM324 flash disk
controller chips.  The introduction of Silicon Motion's new
controllers has raised the bar for the industry's offerings
of USB 2.0 flash disk product lines.

    The SM324 supports dual-channel data transfer at read
speeds of 233x (35MB/sec) and write speeds of 160x
(24MB/sec), making it the fastest USB 2.0 flash disk
controller in the market.  The SM324 also has serial
peripheral interface (SPI) which allows for not only Master
and Slave modes, but gives customers the flexibility to
develop more functionality into their USB flash disk (UFD)
products such as GPS, fingerprint sensor, Bluetooth and
memory-capacity display. 

    "The USB flash drive market is very competitive,
so we have chosen to bundle as much functionality into our
SMT321E and SM324 as possible in order to give customers
more flexibility as well as speed up their time to
market," said Wallace Kou, President and CEO of
Silicon Motion.

    In addition to providing faster speed and more
functionality than any other UFD controller, Silicon
Motion's SM321E and SM324 controllers support more types of
flash memory than alternatives offered by other
semiconductor companies.  Supported memory include SLC and
MLC NAND flash from Samsung, Hynix, Toshiba and ST Micro as
well as flash products from Renesas, Infineon and Micron.

    "The advantage of choosing a UFD controller which
supports a wider array of flash memory is that the customer
has flexibility in choosing its flash supplier.  We've seen
in the past that failure to secure flash supply can hurt a
product's chances of success in the market," said
Wallace Kou. 
    Silicon Motion's SM321E and SM324 UFD controllers also
offer high system integration including Power-On-Reset and
Regulator in the chip.  Post-fabrication support is
provided by in-system programming (ISP) which allows for
firmware upgrades.  Fabrication of the chips is done on a
0.16-micron CMOS process, putting it at the cutting edge of
semiconductor fabrication technology and improving both
power consumption and performance.

    "In order to keep leading the market we continue
to launch high-performance products such as the SM321E and
SM324, giving Silicon Motion an even stronger reputation
for flash support.  Flash manufacturers will release more
MLCs to the market soon and the demand for controllers that
can support MLC flash will grow strongly," said Wallace

    Both the SM321E and SM324 UFD controllers support
Windows (XP/2000/ME/98/98SE), Mac (OS 9 and X) and Linux
(kernel 2.4 and above) operating systems.

    The SM321E and SM324 have been verified by more than 10
manufacturers including leading international brands.

    The SM321E is available in a 48-pin LQFP package and a
44-pin LGA package.  The SM321E supports up to 4 SLC or MLC
NAND flash chips with 4 bytes / 528 bytes ECC.

    The SM324 is available in a 64-pin LQFP package.  The
SM324 supports 8 SLC or MLC NAND flash chips with 4 bytes /
528 bytes ECC.


    Silicon Motion Technology Corporation is a leading
fabless semiconductor company that designs, develops, and
markets universally compatible, high-performance, low-power
semiconductor solutions for the multimedia consumer
electronics market.  The Company's semiconductor solutions
include controllers used in mobile storage media, such as
flash memory cards and USB flash drives, and multimedia
systems on a chip, or SoCs, used in digital media devices
such as MP3 players, PC cameras, PC notebooks and broadband
multimedia phones.

    This press release contains "forward-looking
statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.  Such
forward-looking statements include, without limitation,
statements regarding trends in the multimedia consumer
electronics market and our future results of operations,
financial condition and business prospects.  Although such
statements are based on our own information and information
from other sources we believe to be reliable, you should not
place undue reliance on them.  These statements involve
risks and uncertainties, and actual market trends or our
actual results of operations, financial condition or
business prospects may differ materially from those
expressed or implied in these forward looking statements
for a variety of reasons.  Potential risks and
uncertainties include, but are not limited to,
unpredictable volume and timing of customer orders for the
SM321E and SM324 controllers, which are not fixed by
contract but vary on a purchase order basis; the loss of
one or more key customers or the significant reduction,
postponement, rescheduling or cancellation of orders from
these customers; general economic conditions or conditions
in the semiconductor or multimedia consumer electronics
markets; decreases in the overall average selling prices of
our products; changes in the relative sales mix of our
products; changes in our cost of finished goods; the
availability, pricing, and timeliness of delivery of other
components and raw materials used in our customers'
products; our customers' sales outlook, purchasing
patterns, and inventory adjustments based on consumer
demands and general economic conditions; our ability to
successfully develop, introduce, and sell new or enhanced
products in a timely manner; and the timing of new product
announcements or introductions by us or by our competitors.
 For additional discussion of these risks and uncertainties
and other factors, please see the documents we file from
time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 
We assume no obligation to update any forward-looking
statements, which apply only as of the date of this press

    For more information, please contact:

     Sara Hsu,
     Project Manager
     Tel:   +886-2-2219-6688 x3509
     Email: sara.hsu@siliconmotion.com.tw

SOURCE  Silicon Motion Technology Corporation
Hundreds of Chinese Teens Tackle Today's Most Critical International Issues Through Global Classrooms(R), an Innovative Program of UNA-USA, in Partnership With Merrill Lynch
March 03, 2006

300 Students From Middle and High Schools Across China Negotiate as UN Ambassadors at the Peking University Model UN Held in Beijing, China on March 3-5
    BEIJING, March 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Today, more than
300 middle and high school students from all across China
will step into the shoes of United Nations ambassadors to
debate and resolve current issues at the Peking University
National Model UN (PKUMUN) Conference for High School
Students, a Global Classrooms program sponsored by the
United Nations Association of the United States of America
(UNA-USA) and Merrill Lynch.  The conference mobilizes
students to engage in world issues, such as the transfer of
technology to developing countries, human rights and
refugees, the Middle East conflict and sustainable
development. Students will learn from the expertise of the
program's global sponsor, Merrill Lynch, with remarks
delivered by Dr. Eddy Bayardelle, president of the Merrill
Lynch Foundation.  Students also will hear from the
president of UNA-USA, Ambassador William H. Luers. 

    This is the second year that Chinese schools are
participating in the Global Classrooms program, which
brings multilateral issues and the Model UN experience to
urban public schools across the US and a diverse array of
schools around the world. Global Classrooms reaches out to
teachers and students representing diverse socioeconomic,
religious and cultural backgrounds.  The second Global
Classrooms Model UN Conference in Beijing brings together
Chinese students and teachers from 34 middle and high
schools to promote global citizenship. The gathering, run
entirely by university students, presents new opportunities
for dialogue and understanding about the issues facing the
world among diverse groups of China's youth.  

    "With the world moving so quickly, today's
generation of students is more affected by what happens in
every corner and on every continent of the world. Global
Classrooms provides a strong foundation for understanding
international affairs, which is a vital step to peaceful
solutions to problems -- whether at the community, regional
or global level," said Amb. Luers. 

    Global Classrooms Beijing is made possible through the
generous support of Merrill Lynch. A $7.5 million grant
from Merrill Lynch allows the program to expand its reach
to include the following cities over the next five years:
Atlanta, Beirut, Dallas, Detroit, Hong Kong, Hopewell,
Johannesburg, London, Mexico City, Miami, Madrid, New
Orleans, Paris, Philadelphia, Sao Paulo, Tokyo and Toronto.
Global Classrooms is currently active in: Accra, Berlin,
Boston, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Monterrey,
New Delhi, New York City, St. Paul, Tampa Bay, Tel Aviv and
Washington, DC.

    "Global Classrooms has been successful in exposing
students from diverse backgrounds to a more inclusive way of
thinking, understanding and interaction," noted Dr.
Lucia Rodriguez, vice president of education for UNA-USA.
"Armed with this new perspective, students feel
empowered to take an active role in shaping their own

    Several of the students participating in the Beijing
event will have the opportunity to travel to New York in
May and join more than 2,000 students at the UNA-USA Model
United Nations Conference held at UN headquarters.

    The United Nations Association of the United States of
America (UNA-USA) is a center for innovative programs to
engage Americans in issues of global concern.  Its
educational and humanitarian campaigns, along with its
policy and advocacy programs, allow people to make a global
impact at the local level. A not-for-profit organization,
UNA-USA encourages strong United States leadership in the
United Nations.

    About Merrill Lynch's Global Philanthropy

    Merrill Lynch was founded on the idea that the world is
full of opportunity. Opening the door to that opportunity
for underserved children and youth is the focus of the
firm's global philanthropy. In 2004, Merrill-Lynch giving
totaled more than $35.5 million, with education receiving
nearly half of that support. Merrill Lynch's flagship
program Investing Pays Off(R) -- or IPO(R) -- helps create
a level playing field for youngsters of all backgrounds
through financial literacy and business savvy. The
program's strength lies in a free curriculum, the
involvement of Merrill Lynch volunteers and online
educational resources at http://volunteer.ml.com . 

    Peking University is a comprehensive and National key
university in China. The university has made an effective
combination of the research on important scientific issues
with the training of personnel with high level specialized
knowledge and professional skills. It strives not only for
the simultaneous improvements in teaching and research
work, but also for the promotion of interaction and mutual
promotion among various subjects. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Gracy Wang                     
     Tel:    +86-10-62751245        
     Email:  Oec238e@pku.edu.cn        

     Peggy Atherlay 
     Tel:    +1-212-907-1320
     Email:  patherlay@unausa.org

     Selena Morris, Merrill Lynch
     Tel:    +1-212-449-7283
     Email:  selena_morris@ml.com

SOURCE  Peking University National Model UN

Chicago Named 'Top Metro' for Corporate Relocations and Expansions
March 03, 2006

2005 Survey Makes Four Out of Five Years That Chicago Leads
    CHICAGO, March 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Chicago reigns
as "Top Metro" for 2005 in Site Selection
magazine's annual business investment survey of American
cities.  The distinction recognizes metropolitan Chicago as
2005's economic development leader, with $6.5 billion of
corporate capital invested in 389 projects.

    Chicago has topped the worldwide economic development
publication's list for four out the past five years. 
"A resurgence of corporate capital flowing back into
Chicago has made the Second City No. 1 again," began
the Atlanta-based Site Selection's awards story.

    "Chicago offers world-class business resources
coupled with an unparalleled quality of life," said
Mayor Richard M. Daley. "As one of the most
economically diverse cities in the United States, Chicago
provides businesses stability, support and opportunities
for growth."

    At the center of the American economy, Chicago is
benefiting now more than ever from global trade.  The
city's global position, combined with its unique and
dynamic business environment and its unparalleled quality
of life helped lead to the top ranking.

    "High-end financial, IT, creative and strategic
jobs are strong and growing in numbers here," said
Paul O'Connor, executive director of World Business
Chicago.  "Companies that abandoned the city 30 years
ago are coming back and revitalizing and rebuilding the
city and its neighborhoods, bringing top talent back into
the city and, in turn, bringing more companies back."

    "The next thing we are looking for is the next
wave of foreign investment as China puts more money into
the U.S.," O'Connor was quoted as saying in the
article. "We have to convince the Chinese that Chicago
is a great place to do business."

    Companies that have committed to large facilities in
the past year include CNA Financial Corp., Mittal Steel
USA, Fifth Third Bank, William Wrigley Jr. Company, CDW,
TTX, Global-NetXchange, Google and Giuliani Capital
Advisors, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani's national
financial firm.  

    Chicago, with 389 projects, unseated Dallas-Fort Worth,
which held the title of top destination for corporate
America in 2004, by 80 projects and nearly tripled New
York's total of 102 projects in 2005.

    "A strong and healthy business community is as
important to Chicago's vitality as is the diverseness of
its neighborhoods," said Lori T. Healey, Commissioner
of the Department of Planning and Development.  "A
goal of Mayor Daley's administration remains focused on
strengthening our business climate by creating
opportunities for continued growth and sustainability and
that will encourage businesses to expand or relocate in

    "Site Selection commends the Chicago Metropolitan
area on its impressive, first place performance in our 2005
'Top Metros' ranking," said Mark Arend, editor of Site
Selection magazine. "The efforts of the city, World
Business Chicago and the rest of the economic development
community in the region are clearly paying off in new
projects and, more importantly, in new jobs for the

    Site Selection's annual rankings are considered
"the industry scoreboard" for economic
development.  To be counted, new and expanded facilities
have to involve a capital investment of at least $1
million, create at least 50 new jobs, or add 20,000 square
feet of new floor area.  For the complete list of "Top
Metros" or more information on the survey visit
http://www.siteselection.com . 

    About World Business Chicago

    World Business Chicago (WBC) is a not-for-profit
economic development corporation chaired by Mayor Richard
M. Daley and directed by Paul O'Connor.  WBC markets
Chicago's competitive advantages, coordinates business
retention and attraction efforts, and seeks to enhance
Chicago's business climate by being a thought leader in
economic development policy.  For more information, visit
http://www.worldbusinesschicago.com or call (312)

    About Site Selection

    Site Selection magazine is an award-winning trade
publication that covers corporate real estate and economic
development.  With more than 44,000 corporate executive
readers, Site Selection provides timely news and analysis
on the biggest deals making news in project activity.

    For more information, please contact:

     Karley Sweet,
     World Business Chicago
     Tel:   +1-312-553-4658
     Email: ksweet@worldbusinesschicago.com 

     Carolyn Kae Phillips,
     World Business Chicago
     Tel:   +1-312-553-4614
     Email: cphillips@worldbusinesschicago.com

SOURCE  World Business Chicago
Columbia Business School & the University of Hong Kong Announce Partnership
March 03, 2006

Up to 40 HKU MBA Students to Study at Columbia Each
    HONG KONG, March 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The University
of Hong Kong and Columbia Business School will announce a
partnership between the two schools on Monday, March 6,
2006 at 4:00 PM, at the JW Marriott Hotel in Hong Kong.  

    Beginning in the 2007-2008 academic year, Columbia
Business School will host up to 40 University of Hong Kong
MBA students a year for a full semester.  The initiative
provides top HKU MBA students the opportunity to study
global financial markets with Columbia Business School's
renowned faculty in the world's business capital -- New
York City.  

    Upon completion of their core courses at the University
of Hong Kong, the students would be eligible to spend a
semester at Columbia Business School taking four elective
courses side-by-side with Columbia MBA students.  The HKU
students will be able to take advantage of Columbia
Business School's renowned student, alumni and corporate
networks as they participate in Columbia events, hear from
illustrious business leaders as part of the School's famed
speaker series, and visit with leading firms located in New
York City.

    "Columbia Business School recognizes that as the
Chinese economy continues to grow, it is vital that
up-and-coming Chinese business leaders from the region are
exposed to cutting-edge ideas in business research and
practice," said R. Glenn Hubbard, dean of Columbia
Business School.  "The students will be able to bring
back to their homelands innovative ideas that will help
shape the way business is practiced in Asia."

    "The collaboration with Columbia Business School
signifies another milestone in our efforts to help our
students acquire the best business education in the
financial centers of the world -- Hong Kong, Shanghai,
London, and now New York," said Professor Y. C.
Richard Wong, Dean of Business and Economics at HKU. 
"Students in our MBA program study in the leading
centers of the world of business and finance."

    The University of Hong Kong MBA program will draw
students from the Asia-Pacific region, particularly from
mainland China, who are interested primarily in pursuing
their careers in the region.    

    In 2007-2008, HKU will send up to 20 MBA students to
study at Columbia.  As the program grows, as many as 40 HKU
students may come to Columbia each year.  Columbia Business
School will issue a certificate to the participating
students upon successful completion of the courses at

    About Columbia Business School

    Widely admired for its global and cutting-edge
curriculum, Columbia Business School is one of the leading
business schools in the world.  In addition to its renowned
MBA program, Columbia Business School offers the prestigious
Executive MBA (EMBA) and non-degree Executive Education
programs.  The School's faculty is comprised of
internationally respected professors and includes Joseph
Stiglitz, who won the Nobel Prize in economics in 2001 and
was the chair for President Clinton's Council of Economic
Advisers from 1995 to 1997.  
    Columbia MBAs excel in academics, are global in their
focus, and demonstrate leadership across industries. 
Thousands of Columbia Business School alumni span the globe
and include Warren Buffett `51, Chairman, Berkshire
Hathaway; Henry Kravis `69, Founding Partner, Kohlberg,
Kravis, Roberts & Co.; Michael Gould `68, Chairman and
CEO, Bloomingdales; and Rochelle Lazarus `70, Chairman and
CEO, Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide.

    About the University of Hong Kong

    The Faculty of Business and Economics of The University
of Hong Kong aims to establish a prominent regional and
international presence by training future leaders who make
a difference and to pioneer research that address global
challenges and significant issues in the Asia-Pacific
region.  In addition to the MBA program delivered in both
Hong Kong and Shanghai, it offers a broad-based
undergraduate education in business and economics, as well
as a Ph.D., a Master of Finance and a Master of Economics
programme.  A premier provider of business education, the
Faculty of Business and Economics was ranked in 2005 as the
top MBA school in Asia and Australia by the Economist
Intelligence Unit (EIU), an affiliate of the Economist.  

    To attend the press conference, or for more
information, please contact Davia Temin or Jane Trombley of
Temin and Company at 212-588-8788 or news@teminandco.com.

    In Hong Kong, please contact Cherry Cheung of the
University of Hong Kong, at 2859-2606, or

    For more information, please contact:

     Davia Temin or Jane Trombley 
     Temin and Company
     Tel:   +1-212-588-8788
     Email: news@teminandco.com

     Cherry Cheung
     the University of Hong Kong
     Tel:   +2859-2606
     Email: cherry.cheung@hku.hk

SOURCE  Columbia Business School
California Micro Devices Introduces New Generation Praetorian(TM) EMI Filter Architecture for Wireless Handsets
March 02, 2006

CM1460: Outstanding EMI Filter Performance With Robust ESD Protection in Thin Package
    MILPITAS, Calif., March 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
California Micro Devices (Nasdaq: CAMD) today introduced a
new generation of its proprietary Praetorian(TM)
architecture and products as part of its ASIP(TM)
(Application Specific Integrated Passive(TM)) EMI
(electromagnetic interference) filter portfolio. The
Praetorian(TM) CM1460 EMI filter offers outstanding filter
performance combined with a high level of ESD
(electrostatic discharge) protection in an industry leading
TDFN (Thin DFN) package. This high performance single chip
solution based on a 3 pole L-C architecture leverages CMD's
proprietary Praetorian(TM) process technology that allows
the integration of spiral inductors on silicon.

http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20060228/SFTU033-b )

    The Praetorian(TM) CM1460 provides both superior EMI
filtering and ESD protection for interfaces connecting the
host processor to the camera and display modules in
wireless handsets.  In popular clamshell and slider phone
configurations, such interfaces are typically routed on a
flexible printed circuit board, highly vulnerable to EMI
radiation and potential ESD strikes. In addition, as data
rates increase and signal integrity requirements become
stricter, the use of traditional EMI filters based on R-C
(Resistor-Capacitor) architectures results in significant
signal degradation leading to potential application issues
such as visible data corruption on the display. 

    Key Features

    Each channel of the CM1460 consists of a 3 pole L-C
filter with a minimal inductor value of 17nH and nominal
capacitor values of 15pF.  Its insertion loss is much lower
than R-C filters, typically less than 1dB. With a typical
corner frequency of 300MHz, rolloff of 20dB/octave and
attenuation greater than 30dB between 800MHz and 3GHz, the
CM1460 offers industry leading filter performance. 

    In addition, the CM1460 also features robust ESD
protection up to +/- 15kV contact discharge per
IEC61000-4-2 Level 4 specification and +/- 30 kV using the
Human Body Model (HBM). In order to accommodate various
interface configurations, the CM1460 is available in 4, 6
and 8 channel versions.  The device is housed in an
industry leading Thin DFN (TDFN) package featuring a
typical height of 0.75mm and body sizes of 2.00mm x 2.00mm,
3.00mm x 1.35mm and 4.00mm x 1.60mm for the 4, 6 and 8
channel versions respectively.


    Using the Praetorian(TM) CM1460, wireless handset
designers can benefit from the highest levels of EMI
filtering and ESD protection while still meeting host
processor requirements for input setup time as low as 2ns
on the imager interface.  The CM1460 provides EMI filtering
and ESD protection in a single chip compared to ceramic
filters that require the use of external discrete ESD
protection devices.  The reduced part count optimizes the
footprint and lowers the overall bill of materials.

    Pricing and Availability

    The CM1460 is currently sampling, and pricing starts at
$0.34, $0.43 and $0.52 in 1,000 units for the 4, 6 and 8
channel configurations respectively. Production is
scheduled for Q2 2006. The CM1460 is offered in a lead free
TDFN package.

    About California Micro Devices Corporation

    California Micro Devices Corporation is a leading
supplier of application specific analog semiconductor
products for the mobile handset, personal computer and
digital consumer electronics markets. Key products include
Application Specific Integrated Passive(TM) (ASIP(TM))
devices and selected high value mixed signal ICs. Detailed
corporate and product information may be accessed at
http://www.calmicro.com .

    NOTE:  ASIP(TM), Application Specific Integrated
Passive(TM) and Praetorian(TM) are trademarks of California
Micro Devices. All other trademarks are property of their
respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:

     Richard Haas of California Micro Devices
     Tel:   +1-408-934-3108
     Email: richardh@calmicro.com

SOURCE  California Micro Devices Corporation 
Arrow Asia Executive to Speak at the 3rd Annual Asia Semiconductor Conference in Shanghai
March 02, 2006

    HONG KONG, March 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Arrow Asia
Pac Ltd. announced today that Richard Huxley, Vice
President of Marketing, Arrow Asia Pac, will present at the
3rd Annual Asia Semiconductor Conference 2006.  This two-day
summit will be held March 3-4 at the Shanghai International
Convention Center in Shanghai, China.  The summit is
organized by DGI International Corporation, one of the
world's leading business information companies.

    The event aims at setting long term development
strategies for the industry through reviewing future trends
in the industry.  Numerous keynote presentations, case
studies and panel discussions will address these issues
including current vital topics in the Asia semiconductor
market, especially in China.  

    In his presentation entitled "The Evolution of
Semiconductor Value Chains", Richard will share a
market overview revealing future growth trends in the Asia
Pacific semiconductor industry.  He will discuss the
evolution of semiconductor and electronics industry value
chains and address the critical role that global
distribution plays in supporting these.

    Guest speakers will include government officials, and
senior executives from a number of global semiconductor
suppliers and manufacturers.  The event is expected to draw
over 100 CEOs, VPs, CTOs, CFOs, Project Manager, Heads of
R&D, Marketing Directors, Business Strategy Directors
and other executives from a range of industries including
design and fabless firms, chip manufacturers, foundries,
EMS companies, OEM factories, equipment suppliers, R&D
companies and consultancies.

    About DGI

    DGI is one of the world's leading business information
companies with affiliated partners in the U.S., China, UK,
Australia and Malaysia.  As a world-class business
intelligence provider, DGI provides business executives
with knowledge and skills through conferences, professional
trainings, in-house training and marketing research papers. 
Every year DGI organizes more than 60 events and works with
5000+ senior executives from leading companies to improve
their strategic decision-making process.

    About Arrow Asia Pac

    A subsidiary of Arrow Electronics, Inc. (NYSE: ARW),
Arrow Asia Pac is one of Asia Pacific's leading electronic
component distributors.  In addition to its regional
headquarters in Hong Kong, Arrow Asia Pac operates 41 sales
offices, three primary distribution centers and ten local
warehousing facilities in eleven countries/territories
across Asia.
    Providing a full range of semiconductors, passive,
electromechanical and connectors products from over 60
leading international suppliers, Arrow Asia Pac serves more
than 10,000 original equipment and contract manufacturers
and commercial customers in Asia Pacific.  Visit us at
http://www.arrowasia.com .

    For more information, please contact:	

     Ray Leung
     Marketing Communications Director 
     Arrow Asia Pac Ltd.
     Tel:   +852-2484-2683		
     Email: ray.leung@arrowasia.com

     Grace Kung
     Marketing Communications Manager
     Tel:   +852-2484-2682
     Email: grace.kung@arrowasia.com

SOURCE  Arrow Asia Pac Ltd.
MEDIA ADVISORY: 300 Students From All Across China Step Into the Shoes of UN Ambassadors at the Peking University
March 02, 2006

Global Classrooms(R) Model UN Conference to Be Held In
Beijing, China on March 3-5
Global Classrooms Is an Innovative Program of UNA-USA, In
Partnership With Merrill Lynch

    What:   The United Nations Association of the United
States of America's 
           (UNA-USA) Global Classrooms program and Merrill
Lynch are bringing 
            the Model UN experience to students all over
China. The Peking 
            University National Model UN Conference for
High School Students 
           (PKUNMUN), a Global Classrooms program, presents
an opportunity 
            for students to negotiate critical issues such
as  the transfer of 
            technology to developing countries, human
rights and refugees, the 
            Middle East conflict and sustainable
development through realistic 
            simulations of UN committees.

    Who:   Over 300 students from 34 middle and high
schools from all across 
           China will come together at this unique event to
enhance their 
           understanding of international issues and to
develop strong 
           leadership and critical thinking skills. Dr.
Eddy Bayardelle from 
           Merrill Lynch, the program's global sponsor,
will address students 
           and teachers. As president of the Merrill Lynch
           Bayardelle manages the foundation, corporate and
           contributions and directs the firm's
philanthropic initiatives 
           worldwide. Another keynote address will be given
by Ambassador 
           William H. Luers, president of UNA-USA.

    When:   Opening Ceremonies: March 3rd, 8:30 a.m. to
            Press Conference: March 3rd, 9:10 a.m.

    Where:   Peking University, Yingjie Exchange Center 
    Background:   UNA-USA is a center for innovative
programs to engage 
                  Americans in issues of global concern.
Its educational and 
                  humanitarian campaigns, along with its
policy and advocacy 
                  programs, allow people to make a global
impact at the local 
                  level. A not-for-profit organization,
UNA-USA encourages 
                  strong United States leadership in the
United Nations.
                  http://www.unausa.org .

                  Merrill Lynch was founded on the idea
that the world is full 
                  of opportunity. Opening the door to that
opportunity for 
                  underserved children and youth is the
focus of the firm's 
                  global philanthropy. In 2004,
Merrill-Lynch giving totaled 
                  more than $35.5 million, with education
receiving nearly 
                  half of that support. Merrill Lynch's
flagship program 
                  Investing Pays Off(R)-or IPO(R)-helps
create a level playing 
                  field for youngsters of all backgrounds
through financial 
                  literacy and business savvy. The
program's strength lies in 
                  a free curriculum, the involvement of
Merrill Lynch 
                  volunteers and online educational
resources at 
                  http://volunteer.ml.com .  

                  Peking University is a comprehensive and
National key 
                  university in China. The university has
made an effective 
                  combination of the research on important
scientific issues 
                  with the training of personnel with high
level specialized 
                  knowledge and professional skills. It
strives not only for 
                  the simultaneous improvements in teaching
and research work, 
                  but also for the promotion of interaction
and mutual 
                  promotion among various subjects. 
                  http://en.pku.edu.cn .

    For more information, please contact:

     Peggy Atherlay 
     Tel:   +1-212-907-1320 
     Email: patherlay@unausa.org

SOURCE  The United Nations Association of the United States
of America
C O R R E C T I O N -- ING/
March 01, 2006

    In the news release, ING Capital Life Signs
Distribution Agreement with Bank of East Asia's Dalian
Branch, issued earlier today over Xinhua PR Newswire, we
are advised by the company that the source of the press
release should be ING Insurance Asia/Pacific instead of ING
Capital Life, as originally issued inadvertently.

SOURCE  ING Insurance Asia/Pacific

ING Capital Life Signs Distribution Agreement with Bank of East Asia's Dalian Branch
March 01, 2006

    HONG KONG, March 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- ING Capital
Life Insurance Company Ltd. (ING Capital Life), ING Groep
N.V.'s joint venture with Beijing Capital Group, today
announced that it has signed an agreement with the Hong
Kong-headquartered Bank of East Asia (BEA), Dalian branch
to distribute ING Capital Life products to Dalian

    The cooperation marks the start of the first
bancassurance agreement between a Sino-foreign insurer and
a foreign bank in Dalian and comes on the back of BEA's
approval from the China Insurance Regulatory Commission's
(CIRC) Dalian office in July 2005 to be granted a
"combination agency qualification" which entitles
such sales.  The cooperation, which comes into effect
immediately, will include the sales of ING Capital Life's
group life insurance products in China via the bank's
Wealth Management Consulting Centre.  More ING Capital Life
products will be developed and distributed through BEA going
forward.  However, individual life products will not be sold
via BEA initially pending regulatory approval of the bank's
special individual RMB business qualification by the end of

    Mr. Bartholomew Ng, Country Manager for China, ING
Insurance Asia/Pacific stated: "ING Capital Life
agreement further supports our diversification of the
distribution channels of our insurance products. 
Bancassurance is an increasingly important means of
reaching our customers and in 2005 the share of ING's total
annualised premium equivalent sold via banks across the
region rose to 22% from 14% in 2004."

    ING Capital Life is one of two ING life insurance joint
ventures in China.  With its headquarters in Dalian, ING
Capital Life has a branch in Beijing, a provincial branch
office in Shenyang, Liaoning Province and was recently
granted approval by the CIRC to set up a provincial branch
office in Jinan, Shandong Province.  ING Capital Life is
among the top three life insurance companies in terms of
new individual business in its home market with
accumulative premium income of RMB336 million at the end of
2005.  ING Capital Life already has bancassurance agreements
with the China Construction Bank and Bank of China in
Dalian, as well as with the Bank of Beijing in which ING
has 19.9% stake.

    ING is a global financial institution of Dutch origin
offering banking, insurance and asset management to over 60
million private, corporate and institutional clients in 50
countries.  With a diverse workforce of over 115,000
people, ING comprises a broad spectrum of prominent
companies that increasingly serve their clients under the
ING brand.

    For more information, please contact:

     Karen Williams
     ING Insurance Asia/Pacific
     Tel:   +852-2913-8536
     Email: karen.williams@ap.ing.com

     Polly Leung
     Tel:   +852-2913-8792 
     Email: polly.leung@ap.ing.com

SOURCE  ING Capital Life Insurance Company Ltd.
Moscow Domodedovo Airport's Passenger Traffic to Double by 2015
March 01, 2006

    MOSCOW, March 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- EAST LINE Group
-- Moscow Domodedovo Airport, operated by EAST LINE Group,
expects its passenger traffic to more than double by 2015,
with the forecast based on the positive dynamics of growth
since 2001.

    In 2001, passenger throughput of the airport amounted
only to 3,859,402 people. However, active investment
campaign along with marketing strategy aimed at attracting
new airlines and widening route network brought their solid
results. In 2002, passenger traffic grew to 6,661,721
passengers (a 72.6% increase over 2001), in 2003 --
9,364,162 passengers (40.6% growth against 2002), 2004 --
12,066,793 (a 28.9% increase comparing with 2003).

    In 2005, overall passenger traffic of the airport
reached 13,960,000 passengers, a 15.7% increase over 2004.
Domodedovo became the leader in the Moscow aviation hub in
terms of passenger throughput. Statistics for the period of
1991 through 2005 (passengers flown from airport) show that
in the late 1990s EAST LINE Group broke a dramatic negative
trend and the outgoing passenger traffic started to rise.
According to the forecast unveiled by EAST LINE Group, in
2006 passenger traffic will reach 16,200,000 (16.1%
year-on-year increase), in 2010 -- it will amount to over
22,000,000 passengers and in 2015 -- to about 30,000,000.

    EAST LINE Group's experts believe the trend of rapid
expansion to strengthen in the future due to extension of
the Domodedovo passenger terminal and, correspondingly, its
passenger throughput capacity.

    Domodedovo has significantly extended a range of
services available for airlines and air passengers. As a
result, more international carriers have come to the
airport since the beginning of 2005. Among them -- Iberia,
China Eastern Airlines and Thai Airways International.
Other airlines, like Qatar Airways and EL AL Israel
Airlines have increased the frequency of flights to and
from Domodedovo.

    Singapore Airlines launches scheduled service from
Domodedovo International Airport on the route
Moscow-Dubai-Singapore starting from 1 March 2006, while
Italy's Wind Jet and Eurofly are to start making flights to
Domodedovo in March and April.

    Singapore Airlines will be the 15-th regular
international air carrier at Domodedovo International

    In December 2005, ACI Europe named Domodedovo the best
performing airport in the Second group that includes
airports with annual passenger traffic between 10 and 25
million passengers. Domodedovo has steadily occupied one of
the three top positions in the rating of the second group
since May 2005 and has been the leader in terms of
passenger traffic growth since July 2005. December's
general rating of the ACI Europe placed Domodedovo Airport
on the 21st position.



    For more information, please contact:

     Vladimir Gushchin
     PR Manager
     Tel:   +7-495-795-3427
     Email: VladimirGushchin@eastline.ru 

SOURCE  Domodedovo International Airport

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