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2007 Lung Cancer Journalism Awards
November 30, 2006

    LONDON, Nov. 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Following the
success of the 2006 Lung Cancer Journalism Awards, The
Global Lung Cancer Coalition (GLCC) is excited to launch
the 2007 Lung Cancer Journalism Awards during Lung Cancer
Awareness Month, a global initiative to recognise
excellence in lung cancer reporting.

    Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related
death in both men and women.  Every year more than 1.2
million new cases of lung and bronchial cancer are
diagnosed worldwide.  Yet despite the severity and
widespread nature of the disease, lung cancer is often
forgotten and under-recognised.  Through the launch of the
2007 Lung Cancer Journalism Awards, we are still aiming to
raise the profile of lung cancer in the media, increase
worldwide disease awareness and reward the dissemination of
intelligent, thought-provoking reporting.

    This year, the judges will also be recognising superior
clinical review papers that provide a beneficial source for
journalists to acquire accurate information on lung cancer.
These will be included in a section of the website devoted
to the judge's pick of noteworthy research articles. 

    The award categories for the 2007 Lung Cancer
Journalism Awards are:

    * Best Medical Article
    * Best Consumer Article
    * Best Broadcast Report 

    The winner of each award category will receive a €7000
research grant.

    Like this year, the winning articles will also be
announced via an international press release to provide
global recognition for their reporting excellence in lung

    -- Who can enter?

       The awards are open to all global media and entries
are invited on
       all issues relating to lung cancer. 

    -- When are the boundary dates?

       The entry must have been published or broadcast
between 1
       September 2006 and 1 September 2007. 

       CLOSING DATE: 28 September 2007

    -- Who will be reviewing the entries?

       All entries will be judged by an independent,
international panel
       comprised of a surviving lung cancer patient, a lung
       specialist, and representatives from the Global Lung
       Coalition, the International Association for the
Study of Lung
       Cancer and the European Journal of Oncology. 

    -- When will the winners be announced?

       The winners will be announced during Lung Cancer
Awareness Month,
       November 2007.

    -- Where can I find out more?

       For more information including full application
details, visit
       http://www.lungcancerjournalism.com or e-mail
       info@lungcancerjournalism.com .

    The Lung Cancer Journalism Awards are supported by a
grant from Roche

    For more information, please contact:

     Amelia Baio
     Tel:  +44-0207-357-8187

SOURCE  Global Lung Cancer Coalition 
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