Aozora Bank Reports Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2006 -- Record First Half Net Revenue and Net Income Exceed Forecasts with Growing Contributions from Specialty Finance and Corporate Lending Businesses

November 22, 2006

TOKYO, Nov. 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Aozora Bank, Ltd. ("Aozora" or the "Bank"), a leading Japanese commercial bank, today reported strong financial results for the six months ended September 30, 2006. Aozora posted record first half net income for the second consecutive year, helped by growing contributions from the Bank's specialty finance and corporate lending businesses, combined with prudent cost controls. CONSOLIDATED 2006 FIRST HALF FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS -- Net income climbed 18.8% to 53.4 billion yen for the half from a year earlier. This improvement exceeded our forecast of 50.9 billion yen. -- Net revenue grew 8.3% to 58.1 billion yen for the half from a year earlier. -- The loan book continued to expand, reaching 3,489.3 billion yen, representing an increase of 11.3% since March 31, 2006. -- Core net interest income (excluding the impact of the macro hedge, funding of additional non-interest bearing assets and increased liquidity reserves) increased 11% for the half from a year earlier. -- Non-interest income continued to grow, up 36.5% for the half from a year earlier. -- The overhead ratio was 45.3% for the half. -- Operating profits increased 29.5% to 33.4 billion yen for the half from a year earlier, demonstrating the earnings efficiency of our relatively low overhead ratio. -- ROA for the half was 1.6% on an annualized basis. ROE for the half was 14.0% on an annualized basis. -- Basic EPS for the half was 37.64 yen and fully diluted EPS for the half was 25.22 yen. -- We are maintaining our full year March 31, 2007 forecasts of 81.0 billion yen for net income and 65.2 billion yen for operating profits. Aozora Bank Chairman and CEO Michael E. Rossi said: "This business performance is the result of strong execution of our strategy of being a wholesale bank that delivers superior growth and returns through a client-focused organization dedicated to excellence in risk management, innovation and agility. As a newly-listed company on the Tokyo Stock Exchange we reaffirm our commitment to deliver shareholder and customer value by aggressively pursuing opportunities in the Japanese corporate and commercial banking and finance markets." EARNINGS REVIEW Net revenue rose 8.3% to 58.1 billion yen compared with the same period a year earlier. This increase reflects Aozora's strategy of diversifying earnings into areas such as specialty finance, derivative sales and fund investments where the Bank can more effectively leverage its core structuring and risk management expertise. Our average yield on consolidated loans improved to 2.05% in the half from a 1.92% average in the second half of last year. The average margin on our consolidated loans above our average interest cost of debentures and deposits rose to 1.59% in the half from 1.54% in the second half of last year. This 5 basis point margin increase, together with an overall 353 billion yen increase in consolidated loan volume since March 31, 2006, drove our underlying net interest income improvement. Core net interest income increased 2.4 billion yen, or 11%, to 24.7 billion yen compared with the same period a year earlier, after adjusting for the absence of our macro-hedge income (4.7 billion yen), a net increase in funding costs on non-interest bearing assets (2.6 billion yen) and increases in our liquidity reserves for the half. Reported net interest income declined by 5.3 billion yen to 21.7 billion yen compared with the same period a year earlier. Non-interest income advanced 36.5% to 36.4 billion yen compared with the same period a year earlier. The main contributors were net fees and commissions (7.8 billion yen), net trading revenues (3.1 billion yen) and net other operating income (25.4 billion yen). The principal components of net other operating income in the first half were generated at the Bank on a non-consolidated basis from returns on investments in real estate investment partnerships (6.2 billion yen), gains on sales of REIT investments (4.4 billion yen), gains on hedge fund investments (4.0 billion yen), returns from NPL-related investment partnerships (2.6 billion yen) and gains on sales of foreign debt investments (2.5 billion yen). Net non-interest income accounted for 62.6% of net revenue for the half, versus 49.7% a year earlier. General and administrative expenses increased 6.9% to 26.3 billion yen for the half compared to a year earlier. Personnel costs and information technology spending rose as we continued to invest in our technology platform and people. At the same time, management continued to push forward with efficiency initiatives and cost control measures as our costs increased, producing an overhead ratio of 45.3% for the half. Business profit grew 9.6% to 31.8 billion yen and operating profits rose 29.5% to 33.4 billion yen for the half compared to a year earlier. Income before income taxes rose 23.1% to 53.3 billion yen for the half compared to a year earlier. Net income rose 18.8% to 53.4 billion yen for the half compared to a year earlier. ROA, ROE and EARNINGS PER SHARE Our annualized Return on Assets ratio for the first half was 1.6%, based on a 0.8% ROA for the interim period calculated by dividing first half net income by total assets as of September 30, 2006. Our annualized Return on Equity ratio for the first half was 14.0%, based on a 7.0% ROE for the interim period calculated by dividing first half net income by total stockholders' equity as of September 30, 2006. Basic earnings per share for the half was 37.64 yen, based on net income of 53.4 billion yen and the number of shares of common stock outstanding as of September 30, 2006. Fully diluted earnings per share for the half was 25.22 yen, based on net income of 53.4 billion yen and the number of shares of common stock that would have been outstanding as of September 30, 2006 assuming full conversion of our outstanding preferred stock. BALANCE SHEET SUMMARY Total assets were 6,438.8 billion yen as of September 30, 2006, a gain of 442.8 billion yen, or 7.4%, over total assets as of March 31, 2006. Increases in loans and bills discounted and securities contributed to asset growth for the half. Loans and bills discounted increased 353.0 billion yen, or 11.3%, to 3,489.3 billion yen as of September 30, 2006. The main drivers were non-recourse loans, funding to the information technology and telecommunications sectors, and additional international lending. Securities holdings increased 190.3 billion yen, or 11.7%, to 1,818.5 billion as of September 30, 2006, due principally to increased holdings of treasury bills and financing bills as we increased our liquidity reserves. On the funding side, deposits (excluding negotiable CDs) rose 13.9 billion yen, or 0.6%, to 2,339.3 billion yen as of September 30, 2006, as net inflows from retail customers offset a reduction in the level of corporate deposits. Our primary sources of funding for asset growth in the half were negotiable CDs, debentures and retained earnings. Our consolidated regulatory capital was 774.1 billion yen as of September 30, 2006, up 42.8 billion yen, or 5.8%, from six months earlier. Risk-weighted assets stood at 4,129.3 billion yen as of September 30, 2006, up 374.4 billion yen, or 10.0%, from March 31, 2006. As growth in risk assets exceeded growth in regulatory capital, our capital adequacy ratio declined to 18.74%, versus 19.47% six months earlier. In addition, our Tier-1 capital ratio declined to 18.52% from 19.12%. While these ratios decreased slightly during the half they remain among the highest within Aozora's peer group in Japan. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS -- Aozora shares were successfully listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on November 14, 2006. -- On October 23, 2006, Fitch Ratings Ltd. raised its long-term rating on Aozora from "BBB+", to "A-" and its short-term rating from "F2" to "F1". Fitch cited its favorable view of Aozora's balance sheet, the solid recovery in our financial performance and our robust capitalization. Fitch maintains a "stable outlook" on Aozora. -- On September 26, 2006, Standard & Poor's upgraded its outlook on Aozora from "stable", to "positive". S&P cited earnings improvement, strong capitalization levels and asset quality. -- On November 20, 2006, Aozora opened its first new retail branch in 15 years, in Nihonbashi, Tokyo. The branch is targeted at delivering wealth management services through consultants trained to offer diverse financial products and services to meet the asset management needs of individual customers. OPERATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS -- In May 2006, we announced the establishment of our Aozora Securities Ltd. brokerage subsidiary. The new subsidiary is part of our ongoing effort to expand the range and quality of the services we offer to clients and will play a key role in the Bank's plans to grow non- interest income and further diversify our earnings base. Headquartered in Tokyo, Aozora Securities launched operations in August 2006. Headed by President and Representative Director Masaya Mizobuchi, Aozora Securities will initially offer a range of structured debt products to financial institutions and public service corporations. -- In April 2006, Aozora raised 100 billion yen through the Bank's first corporate bond offering. The 5-year bond offered investors a 1.65% interest rate and was rated "A-" by Rating and Investment Information, Inc. ("R&I") and Japan Credit Rating, Ltd. ("JCR"). The offering reflects Aozora's ongoing strategy of diversifying our fund-raising activities and highlights a key benefit of our change of status to a full-service commercial bank. -- On April 1, 2006, Aozora completed the transition from long-term credit bank status to become an "ordinary bank'' -- a major step forward in enhancing our capabilities for existing and new clients. Aozora is now able to be more flexible in meeting the needs of our clients based on the removal of restrictions applicable only to long-term credit banks. -- Our Global Finance Unit has expanded its operations through Aozora Investment Management Limited, a new London-based subsidiary company established to pursue growth in participations in the European and North American syndicated loan markets. OUTLOOK We are maintaining our current forecasts for the full fiscal year ending March 31, 2007 of net income of 81.0 billion yen and operating profits of 65.2 billion yen on a consolidated basis. INTERIM RESULTS GLOBAL CONFERENCE CALL Aozora will hold a global conference call to discuss the interim financial results and answer questions on Tuesday, November 21, 2006. The call will begin at 10:00 PM in Tokyo, 8:00 AM in New York and 1:00 PM in London. For conference call dial-in information, please visit our website ( http://www.aozorabank.co.jp/english ) or call our IR agent Taylor Rafferty in Tokyo at 81-3-5444-2730 (attn: Mr. Yuhau Lin), in New York at 212-889-4350 (attn: Mr. Tom Meyers), or in London at 44-20-7614-2900 (attn: Ms. Laura Martin). Aozora Bank, Ltd. is a leading provider of lending, securitization, business and asset revitalization, asset management, loan syndication and investment advisory services to financial institutions, corporate and retail customers. Originally established in 1957 as the Nippon Fudosan Bank, Ltd., the Bank changed its name to Aozora Bank, Ltd. in 2001. In 2003, it become majority owned by Cerberus NCB Acquisition, L.P. Aozora is proud of its heritage and the long-term relationships it has developed with corporate, financial and individual customers over the years. Building on this heritage, Aozora has created a strong customer-oriented and performance-based culture that will contribute to both innovative business solutions for customers and sustainable earnings growth for investors and shareholders. On November 14, 2006, Aozora successfully listed its shares on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. News and other information about Aozora Bank, Ltd. is available at http://www.aozorabank.co.jp/en/company/ . For more information, please contact: Mr. Yuhau Lin, Tokyo Taylor Rafferty Tel: +81-3-5444-2730 Mr. Tom Meyers, New York Taylor Rafferty Tel: +1-212-889-4350 Ms. Laura Martin, London Taylor Rafferty Tel: +44-20-7614-2900 SOURCE Aozora Bank, Ltd.
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