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CompuCyte Corporation, National University of Singapore Establish Regional Quantitative Imaging Cytometry Center
November 22, 2006

    SINGAPORE and CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 22
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- CompuCyte Corporation and the
National University of Singapore today announced the
establishment of the Southeast Asia Regional Quantitative
Imaging Cytometry Center, to be located at the National
University of Singapore.  The Center will expand a research
collaboration program already in place between the two

    Under the expanded agreement, the National University
of Singapore will provide symposia and educational programs
for researchers involved in cell-based and tissue-based
research using quantitative imaging cytometry systems. 
CompuCyte will provide up-to-date technology and software,
as well as technical and scientific applications support. 
As part of the agreement, the National University of
Singapore has obtained an iCys(R) Research Imaging
Cytometer from CompuCyte.  The first symposium under the
agreement will take place on March 1, 2007 at the

    "We expect that the Center will help educate cell
and molecular biology researchers on the important role
that Quantitative Imaging Cytometry can play in biomedical
research," explained Shazib Pervaiz, M.D., Ph.D.,
Professor, Department of Physiology, Yong Loo Lin School of
Medicine and the National University of Singapore Graduate
School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering.  "The
ability to obtain detailed quantitative data from biologic
specimens, and at the same time visually examine specimen
morphology, provides researchers with a major tool for
advancing our understanding of the molecular basis of
disease and identifying novel disease signatures which
could be potential diagnostic markers or targets for drug
design. We look forward to working with CompuCyte to
jointly host this workshop on the use of automated laser
scanning cytometry for both basic and clinical research in
Singapore and the ASEAN countries."

    "The establishment of the Regional Quantitative
Imaging Cytometry Center in Singapore is a significant
milestone in our collaboration with the University,"
added Dr. Elena Holden, CompuCyte's president and chief
executive officer.  "Our proprietary technology is in
use by academic centers and pharmaceutical companies
worldwide for automated quantitative analysis of adherent
cellular and tissue specimens. The exceptional performance
characteristics of the new generation of LSC technology
warrant extension of its use into tumor biology and drug
discovery. Our current focus is to explore the ability to
cytometrically identify the signaling profiles of tumor
cells, measure the biomarker profile of patients prior to
treatment to determine their response to particular drugs
and monitor the pharmacodynamic effects of a wide range of
novel drugs targeting specific signaling pathways."

    The Southeast Asia Regional Center in Singapore
represents an international extension of CompuCyte's
Technology Workshops in the United States and Europe.

    CompuCyte Corporation, a private company headquartered
in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is a leader in the development
of cellular analysis instrumentation for life science
research, drug safety, toxicology studies and clinical
trials.  The company's iCyte(R), iCys(R), and iColor(TM)
cytometers enable quantitative cytometric image analysis of
cellular and tissue specimens.

    For more information, please contact:

     Kate Hilburn
     Director of Communications
     CompuCyte Corporation
     Tel:   +1-617-577-4535
     Email: khilburn@compucyte.com

     Shazib Pervaiz
     Professor, National University of Singapore
     Tel:   +65-6516-6602
     Email: phssp@nus.edu.sg

SOURCE  CompuCyte Corporation
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