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Asia Business Council Announces New Leadership Team
March 19, 2007

Infosys Founder Takes on Chairmanship 
Editor-in-Chief of South China Morning Post to Become
Executive Director

    HONG KONG, March 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Asia
Business Council announced key leadership changes at its
Spring Forum held in Hong Kong March 15-17.

    Infosys Technologies Ltd. Founder N.R. Narayana Murthy
assumes the chairmanship of the organization with immediate
effect.  Murthy is the Chairman and Chief Mentor of Infosys,
one of India's leading technology companies. Murthy, who had
been Vice Chairman of the Council, replaces Stan Shih, the
former chairman and CEO of Acer who is now group chairman
of iD Softcapital.  Shih remains as a Council member.

    China Merchants Group Ltd Chairman Qin Xiao replaces
Murthy as Vice Chairman. China Merchants is a leading
Chinese conglomerate, whose core interests include banking,
ports and real estate.

    Outgoing Chairman Stan Shih said of the new leadership
"Narayana Murthy and Qin Xiao represent the highest
caliber of leadership from India and China and reflect the
best of Asian business." 

    Mark Clifford joins the Council as Executive Director. 
Clifford, who is currently Editor-in-Chief of the South
China Morning Post, will assume the position in May. 
"I am delighted to be joining the Council and building
on the solid foundation that Ruth Shapiro has laid since the
organization was founded five years ago.  The Council's
extraordinary membership and its expanding base of research
give it a unique opportunity to help set the agenda for
Asia. I look forward to working with Council members to
realize this potential."

    Dr Ruth Shapiro, Founding Executive Director, has
relocated with her family to London.  She will remain as an
advisor to the Council.

    "I am pleased to be taking over at the Council at
this time and am confident that the new team will help us
take leadership on important business issues affecting
Asia," said Murthy.  I would also like to welcome Mark
to his new position and I am confident that with his help,
we will be able to take the Council to the next

    The Council conducts research and holds members-only
forums on subjects including corporate social
responsibility, intellectual property rights, education and
human resources.  Energy efficiency is a current key
research area. The Council's report on energy efficiency
will be released publicly later this year. 

    Each Council Forum focuses on a key issue or area of
concern for Council members.  During the Spring Forum,
special attention was devoted to 'bottom-of-the-pyramid'
business models as a growing and important business trend
in the region.  Several Council members shared their
experiences with creating exciting new programs in this
area.  Pre-eminent scholar Professor C. K. Prahalad who
coined the "bottom of the pyramid" term and is a
pioneer in this field also addressed the group.

    Outgoing Executive Director Ruth Shapiro said of the
Forum, "Our members have a particular interest in
finding win-win strategies that promote societal well-being
as well as corporate profitability.  It has been a great
honor for me to work with such a committed group of
business leaders."

    About the Asia Business Council 

    The Asia Business Council is a not-for-profit group of
CEO-level leaders with operations in Asia. Its members
share a deep interest in the continued economic development
and competitiveness of the region and are committed to the
short, medium and long-term viability of Asia as an
influential player within the global marketplace. 

    For more information, visit the Asia Business Council
website at http://www.asiabusinesscouncil.org .

    For more information, please contact:

     Dr. Ruth Shapiro, 
     Executive Director
     Asia Business Council
     Tel:   +852-2899-2782
     Email: ruths@asiabusinesscouncil.org

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