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Longcheer Pick High Sensitivity LEA-4S Module from u-blox for New GPS Phone
March 19, 2007

    THALWIL, Switzerland, March 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
u-blox AG, the leading Swiss provider of GPS receiver
technology, today announced the inclusion of its LEA-4S GPS
module in the G300 GPS phone made by Longcheer, a leading
Chinese designer of handheld devices.

    The new phone combines a high performance GPS engine,
VGA camera, MP3/MP4 music player, GSM phone and WAP
Internet browser in a device that weighs only 102 grams,
measures just 117 x 50 x 16.5 mm, and has ultra long
standby time.

    Dr. Du Junhong, CEO of Longcheer, said: "We chose
u-blox' LEA-4S GPS module because it is cost effective and
offers high sensitivity and low power consumption in a very
small and easily integrated package. No other GPS module
that we tested matched its performance. This, coupled with
its remarkable indoor performance and high accuracy, makes
the LEA-4S the ideal positioning engine for our G300

    "Longcheer have gone to great lengths to source
the best components for their G300 phone, allowing them to
develop a product that offers a staggering array of
multimedia features and a powerful GPS engine in a small,
user-friendly package," said Adrian Tan, VP Sales
Asia-Pacific at u-blox. "We are extremely proud that
they have chosen u-blox for this groundbreaking

    The LEA-4S GPS module has u-blox' built-in
SuperSense(R) weak signal tracking technology that allows
users to navigate uninterruptedly through train stations,
shopping malls and building interiors without losing the
signal, which weakens in indoor environments and urban
canyons. Its small form factor and SMT pads allow for fully
automatic assembly processes with standard pick-and-place
equipment and reflow soldering, enabling cost efficient,
high volume production. Moreover, the module supports A-GPS
services such as u-blox' AssistNow(R) Assisted GPS solutions
that ensure instant positioning anywhere, at anytime.

    The G300 will be on sale in phone shops in China from
April 2007 onwards and internationally soon thereafter. The
phone is on display at u-blox' booth (Hall 11, stand C09) at
the CeBIT show, which runs March 15-21.

    A high-resolution picture is available from
http://www.u-blox.com/news/longcheer.jpg .

    About u-blox

    u-blox is an international company headquartered in
Switzerland, with sales organisations in the Americas,
Europe and Asia. Founded in 1997, u-blox develops leading
positioning technology, products and services based on
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), including GPS
and Galileo, for the automotive and mobile communications
markets. For more information, please visit
http://www.u-blox.com .

    About Longcheer

    Longcheer Holdings is a leading Chinese mobile handset
design house, specialising in providing complete-knockdown
("CKD") and semi-knockdown ("SKD")
design solutions for telecommunications companies. From
handset hardware, software to exterior design, Longcheer
provides total and innovative solutions to its customers
with rapid time-to-market. Longcheer's clients include
major Chinese telecommunication companies such as Gionee,
Konka, TCL, and ZTE. The Group was listed on the Singapore
Exchange Mainboard in May 2005, and was ranked no.10 among
top 50 fastest growing technology companies in China by
Deloitte in 2006. For more information, please visit
http://www.longcheertel.com .

    For more information, please contact:

    u-blox Contacts

     Georg zur Bonsen, Marketing Services
     Tel:   +41-44-722-74-44
     Email: georg.zurbonsen@u-blox.com

     Alicia Montoya, Marketing Communications
     Tel:   +41-44-722-74-86,
     Email: alicia.montoya@u-blox.com

    Longcheer Contacts

     Fu Guiping, Corporate Development Department
     Tel:   +86-21-6408-8898,
     Email: fuguiping@longcheertel.com

     Monica Cheng, Investor Relations
     Tel:   +86-21-6408-8898,
     Email: chengjianing@longcheertel.com
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