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Goodbye Complexity, Goodbye Wires, Goodbye Boredom - HELLOMOTO(TM)
February 13, 2007

Design and innovation unite Motorola's announcements at
3GSM World Congress; showcasing compelling mobile

    BARCELONA, Spain, Feb. 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 3GSM
World Congress 2007 -- Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT), a global
leader in wireless communications, today delivered
compelling mobile experiences with a portfolio of devices
and solutions that demonstrate the company's leadership in
design, music, media, high-speed performance, wireless
broadband and connecting the unconnected.

    "What better place than 3GSM World Congress to
show how Motorola's latest products and services are making
seamless mobility real?" said Ron Garriques, president
of Motorola Mobile Devices. "This year we'll be
demonstrating wickedly cool and compelling products that
are making on the go and always-on entertainment and
communication a personal reality for everyone, as well as
the solutions and services which enable our customers to
deliver them to their consumers."

    Goodbye low bandwidth; HELLO mobile TV

    Motorola has further defined its 'no compromise'
commitment to quality high-speed performance with a series
of new HSDPA-enabled handsets. 

    The MOTORIZR(TM) Z8 provides quick downloads of
streamed media via ultra-fast HSDPA technology. With a
multimedia feature set that includes a brilliant 16 million
colour 35x50mm QVGA full screen display, MOTORIZR Z8 boasts
outstanding video quality playback with speeds of up to 30
frames per second. 

    The unprecedented entertainment experience is brought
to life via a partnership with BSkyB* which will users to
access Sky's mobile content services.  As well as offering
access to an on-demand library of updating news,
entertainment and sports, Sky's 'Anytime' application also
provides an access point to Sky's range of live mobile TV
services.  Anytime also allows customers to use their
mobile phone to programme their Sky+ boxes remotely.(1)

    MOTORIZR Z8 features Motorola's first ever "kick
slider", a graceful mechanism that achieves a
"fit-to-face" profile by gliding open in a curve
to match the contour of your face.

    The new MOTOKRZR(TM) K3** is where Motorola style meets
performance.  The handset features the beautiful MOTOKRZR
design language, while providing a full multimedia
experience through HSDPA connectivity.  The MOTOKRZR K3 is
a cool wireless high-speed multimedia handset,
incorporating no compromise use of colour, materials and

    Goodbye Office; HELLO Liberated Lifestyle

    Motorola has expanded its award-winning MOTOQ(TM)
platform with the new MOTO Q q9 and MOTO Q gsm -- two
experience-optimized QWERTYs for HSDPA and GSM/EDGE
networks. Delivering power, style and ease-of-use, with
features and functions uniquely their own, MOTO Q q9 and
MOTO Q gsm continue to evolve the mobile office experience
and personalize productivity for users worldwide.  

    MOTO Q q9 rounds out Motorola's HSDPA portfolio and
sets a new standard for smartphones, delivering power,
richer messaging and multimedia experiences and even better
basics for consumers and professionals who want it all.  
Operating on the new Windows Mobile 6 platform with
Motorola's Good Mobile Messaging technology, MOTO Q q9
provides easy and intuitive personal and corporate email,
as well as Windows Mobile "PlaysForSure" enabling
compatibility with hundreds of music and video stores

    The second handset built on Motorola's SCPL platform,
MOTO Q q9 is thin, lightweight, and sophisticated with an
ergonomically-optimized keyboard and five-way navigation
key to enable fast, no compromises text entry.  MOTO Q q9
also boasts one of the world's smartest screen displays,
automatically adjusting to produce the best visual
experience, indoor or out.   

    MOTO Q gsm retains all the productivity features and
style of the original CDMA-based MOTOQ while adding a few
new twists.  MOTO Q gsm features quad-band GPRS and EDGE
capabilities to deliver worldwide connectivity(2),
Microsoft Windows Mobile 6 software for flexibility and
power, as well as a full suite of multimedia and messaging

    Goodbye isolation; HELLO Connectivity

    Motorola was connecting the unconnected even before we
were awarded the GSM Association's Emerging Market Handset
programmes in 2005 and 2006.  

    Together with the GSM Association (GSMA) and MTC
Namibia, we're announcing at 3GSM the first trial for wind
and solar power systems to support the African operator's
remote GSM cell sites.  Such systems provide an alternative
to the main grid electricity supply or diesel driven
generators in remote areas. The cell site will remain a
part of MTC Namibia's current wireless network and continue
to carry the same levels of traffic. 

    Goodbye four walls; Hello super-fast wireless broadband

    Motorola is delivering WiMAX today; infrastructure that
delivers super-fast wireless broadband.  As well as offering
compelling network economics, Motorola WiMAX transforms
services. And we're showing an impressive range of engaging
WiMAX experiences at 3GSM. These include: a look at the
possibilities presented by advanced interactive gaming;
high quality, live video conferencing between laptops and
mobile devices; and true mobile WiMAX TV. Extensive
multimedia and content services also promise to captivate.

    Goodbye Low Tier; HELLO MOTOMOBILE Experience

    Motorola's mass market success is set to continue with
the introduction of an expanded MOTOMOBILE portfolio. The
new portfolio will bring enhanced features and a rich
mobile experience to the next billion mobile users with all
the style and innovation of Motorola's higher-end devices. 

    The new MOTOMOBILE portfolio now includes features such
as mega-pixel camera, speakerphone, MP3 playback and video
functionality, as well as Motorola's CrystalTalk(TM)
technology, making it easy to hold conversations in noisy

    The MOTOMOBILE line up includes Motorola's W510,
offering the best in design and value with uncompromised
functionality.  This stylish clamshell features sleek
MOTOKRZR inspired design and boasts a vibrant 262k colour
TFT screen.  

    Motorola also announced MOTOSLVR(TM) L9, merging
powerful multimedia features with Motorola's sleek MOTOSLVR
form factor. MOTOSLVR L9 provides a rich visual
entertainment experience via its 2.0 mega-pixel camera and
full screen landscape playback as well as an integrated FM
radio with a dedicated key.  

    Goodbye Boredom, Hello Music for the Masses

    Motorola's music heritage continues to bring a rich
mobile music experience to consumers. As part of the
portfolio, Motorola has announced MOTORIZR Z6, a multimedia
masterpiece with the latest music features and a powerful
digital imaging platform.  

    MOTORIZR Z6 is Motorola's first Linux-Java software
based handset that incorporates Windows Media technology
allowing users to sync music to their phone from over 200
music stores worldwide.(3)

    The handset's dedicated music key, enhanced audio
capabilities and integrated music player, with support for
multiple music formats, provides a compelling music
    Cutting edge Bluetooth(R) enabled accessories for
wireless music streaming round out the music experience
including the new Motorola Bluetooth Stereo Active
Headphones S9, which delivers a true hands-free music
experience for consumers.

    Motorola has also announced key alliances; including
Warner Music Group, which will create compelling mobile
scenarios on mobile devices with products such as MOTO EP
(Experience Pack), a single download that contains a series
of music-based products that provide a rich multimedia

    Goodbye street search; Hello mobile navigation

    Motorola has taken Bluetooth wireless technology on the
road with its new Phone-based Navigation System T805 and
T815 featuring MOTONAV.  MOTONAV adds turn-by-turn GPS
navigation to compatible Bluetooth enabled handsets4
providing exact locations, on-screen maps and turn-by-turn
spoken and visual directions.  The compact T805 and T815
GPS receivers fit easily in the user's pocket and come
complete with a car charger, phone holder and flexible
mounting options.  The T805 comes with a 12-month MOTONAV
national subscription, while the T815 includes MOTONAV
loaded on a memory card.


    For more information on product availability and
pricing please visit http://www.motorola.com or contact
your local Motorola representative.

    To experience Motorola innovations first-hand, please
visit Motorola at booth 8A159, Hall 8 or go to
http://www.motorola.com/events .

    *  Dependant on BSkyB service availability
    ** Product naming will be MOTOKRZR maxx K3 in Asia

    About Motorola

    Motorola is known around the world for innovation and
leadership in wireless and broadband communications.
Inspired by our vision of seamless mobility, the people of
Motorola are committed to helping you connect simply and
seamlessly to the people, information, and entertainment
that you want and need. We do this by designing and
delivering "must have" products, "must
do" experiences and powerful networks -- along with a
full complement of support services. A Fortune 100 company
with global presence and impact, Motorola had sales of US
$42.9 billion in 2006. For more information about our
company, our people and our innovations, please visit
http://www.motorola.com .

    Certain mobile phone features may not be activated by
your service provider, and/or their network settings may
limit the feature's functionality. Contact your service
provider for details. All features, functionality and other
product specifications are subject to change without notice
or obligation.

    (1) Network and/or SIM card dependent feature, not
available in all 
        areas. Airtime, data charges, and/or additional
charges may apply. 
        Wireless email functionality for the MotoQ requires
an email account
        with wireless server capabilities.

    (2) Operates in many major cities and countries where
GSM network 
        coverage and roaming agreements are present.

    (3) The unauthorized copying of copyrighted materials
is contrary to the 
        provisions of the Copyright Laws of the United
States and other 
        countries. This device is intended solely for
copying non-copyrighted 
        materials, materials in which you own the
copyright, or materials 
        which you are authorized or legally permitted to
copy. If you are 
        uncertain about your right to copy any material,
please contact your 
        legal advisor.

    MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the
US Patent & Trademark Office. The Bluetooth trademarks
are owned by their proprietor and used by Motorola, Inc.
under license. Windows Mobile and Windows Media are
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and other countries. Java and all other
Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the
U.S. and other countries. All other product or service
names are the property of their respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:

     Una Kent 
     Email: Una.kent@motorola.com

     Rachel Laird
     Tel:   +44-125-679-0317
     Email: rachaellaird@motorola.com

SOURCE  Motorola, Inc.

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