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PCIG: Dedicated to I-Gaming in Asia
January 11, 2007

    ST. CHARLES, Mo., Jan. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- River
City Group is bringing i-gaming companies together to
diminish the cultural gap between East and West and capture
their most sought after market: Asia.  Recent government
legislation in certain countries has forced companies to
reinforce their global efforts to remain competitive.  The
Pacific Congress on I-Gaming is the solution for global
i-gaming companies to expand their knowledge base necessary
to cater to these players and retain their loyalty.

    Decision-making executives, developers and CEOs are
gathering in Macau February 26-27 for the fifth annual PCIG
to exchange ideas and create business partnerships. 
Representatives within the Pacific Region, which include
Asia, the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand and
elsewhere, are planning to attend.

    Located in the luxurious ambiance of the Mandarin
Oriental Hotel, this i-gaming conference has been designed
for growth, interaction, and exchange of expertise among
regional executives and prospective business partners
taking on the Pacific market. 
    River City Group CEO, Sue Schneider, speaks
enthusiastically about the response within the industry,
"Attendance (for the conference) in 2007 is expected
to be even higher because of the increasing interest that
exists among both Asian and other global

    Playtech is the Title Sponsor for the event.  The
cocktail reception, which stages key social and business
networking opportunities, has been sponsored by Continent 8
Technologies.  Other sponsors include FunTown, Microgaming,
Everest Poker, and FutureBet. 

    The conference includes various, idea-exploring
seminars that have been designed with the Asian market in
mind.  Topics include:

     -- Asian Culture/Market Discussion for Westerners.
     -- Exploring Solutions for Payment Processing.
     -- The Rise of Mobile Gambling.
     -- Lottery/ Gaming Operation in China.
     -- Asian Players and Poker?
     -- Player-to-Player gaming.
     -- Macau- The New Vegas!
     -- Horseracing in Asia.
    The i-gaming industry has faced some challenges over
the past year, but 2007 looks promising because of the
desire to cross cultural boundaries and establish solid
business relationships within the Asian market.  PCIG
delivers the platform from which i-gaming business gets
done in this dynamic region.

    Additional information can be found at
http://www.rivercitygroup.com/pcig .

    For more information, please contact:

     Sue Schneider
     River City Group
     Tel:   +1-636-946-0820
     Email: sue@rivercitygroup.com 

SOURCE  River City Group
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