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Pop Superstar Wei Wei is First to Make Music Downloads Available Directly to Consumers Using a .Mobi Web Site
February 13, 2007

-- China's Wei Wei aims for one billion song downloads via
mobile by 2008
-- New album premiers exclusively on http://weiwei.mobi
mobile web site

    DUBLIN, Ireland and WASHINGTON, Feb. 12
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- dotMobi, the company behind the
first and only Internet address designed specifically for
mobile phones, today announced that China's biggest music
star, Wei Wei, has launched http://weiwei.mobi as the sole
channel for the global debut of her new album.
    This makes her the first musician in the world to
premier an anticipated best-selling album via download
using a .mobi domain. 

    The Wei Wei 20X20 Celebration Collection will debut
exclusively on the .mobi site, which will take priority
over PC-based download music stores and traditional CD
sales. In doing so, Wei Wei has taken the lead by exposing
her music to the widest audience possible.

    "Accessing the internet from mobile phones is the
future of the internet and allows me to reach my older fans
as well as the younger generation who use mobile phones much
more than PCs for accessing the Internet," said Wei

    She added, "I'm also happy that direct-to-consumer
downloading helps prevent bootlegged albums -- a major
problem in my home country. It's also an environmentally
friendly way of distributing my music."

    Wei Wei is a national icon in China, familiar to more
than a billion people. In her 20-year career, she has sold
more than 200 million discs and has recorded hundreds of
songs, both in English and Mandarin. 

    Currently based in Sweden, Wei Wei plans to capitalise
on the growing global influence of Chinese popular culture
by launching her career in Europe and the US. She is one of
China's most important "international faces" for
the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics, where she is anticipated
to sing at the opening Olympic ceremonies; these ceremonies
are expected to be one of the world's biggest-ever media

    "Wei Wei is a great example of an independent
artist who creates her own channel and content in an easy
way, and who wants to reach out directly to as many end
users as possible," said Neil Edwards, dotMobi's CEO.
"We are delighted Wei Wei is using .mobi to reach her
fans and sell her music directly from a mobile device. The
.mobi standard enables web developers to create content
which is just as exciting and usable as on a mobile as it
is on a PC, and we're sure this is first of many such

    By accessing weiwei.mobi from their mobile phones, fans
will also be able to download ringtones, films, wallpapers
and pictures as well as join her community. As a result of
her planned performances at the 2008 Olympics, she is
expected to sell more than one billion songs, all of which
will be available exclusively via mobiles on the
http://weiwei.mobi site. 

    The weiwei.mobi site was created by Swedish mobile
portal developers, Adimo (http://adimo.mobi), a company
that has highlighted what can be achieved with mobile sites
by creating interesting, innovative content and business
models using the .mobi domain and its standards. 

    "The flexibility of the .mobi-compliant Adimo
development platform allows us to quickly and easily create
and develop compelling content for the mobile Internet. We
hope that this site will inspire like-minded
developers," said Anna Caracolias, CEO, Adimo.  

    Wei Wei will make a personal appearance at leading
telecommunications conference, 3GSM World Congress, in
Barcelona on 14 February (1 p.m.-2 p.m. local time) at the
dotMobi booth (Hall 7, Stand 7B62) where she will sign
autographs and draw the winner of dotMobi's Mini Cooper
giveaway competition.

    About dotMobi

    dotMobi (the informal name of mTLD Top Level Domain,
Ltd.), a joint venture company based in Dublin, Ireland
with offices in Washington, DC and Beijing, China, is
leading the development of Internet usage from mobile
phones via the .mobi domain. Unique among domain name
providers, dotMobi ensures that services and sites
developed around .mobi are optimized for use by mobile
devices. On-the-go consumers can have confidence that an
Internet site or service will work from their mobile device
when using the .mobi address.

    dotMobi is backed by leading mobile operators, network
and device manufacturers, and Internet content providers,
including Ericsson, GSM Association, Hutchison 3,
Microsoft, Nokia, Orascom Telecom, Samsung Electronics,
Syniverse, T-Mobile, Telefonica Moviles, TIM and Vodafone.
dotMobi is also a sponsor of W3C's Mobile Web Initiative.

    For more information on dotMobi domains and
registration information, visit http://mtld.mobi . Visit
the dotMobi blog at http://blog.mobi .

    For more information, please contact:

     Vance Hedderel
     dotMobi (mTLD Top Level Domain, Ltd.)
     Tel:   +1-703-485-5563
     Email: vhedderel@mtld.mobi

     Danielle Siemon
     A&R Edelman for dotMobi
     Tel:   +1-650-762-2947
     Email: danielle.siemon@edelman.com

     Sasha Manners
     Edelman Europe
     Tel:   +44-207-344-1504
     Email: sasha.manners@edelman.com

SOURCE  dotMobi
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