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LG Handset to Lead GSMA's '3G For All' Campaign
February 12, 2007

Sleek, Feature Rich 3G Handset Chosen by 12 Leading

    BARCELONA, Feb. 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Twelve
leading mobile operators have selected a slim, multimedia
phone developed by LG Electronics as the winning handset to
spearhead the GSM Association's 3G for All campaign, which
aims to make third-generation mobile services accessible to
a much wider user base.

    By agreeing on a common set of requirements, the 12
operators will enable LG to achieve major economies of
scale in manufacturing, logistics and marketing. The
LG-KU250 handset will be available at a wholesale price
about 30% less than the typical entry-level 3G phone and
fully-competitive with the multimedia second-generation
handsets on sale today.

    Twelve of the largest mobile operators in the world
selected the LG-KU250, which is only 15mm thick, from 19
handsets submitted by eight vendors. Containing a chipset
supplied by Qualcomm, the handset supports video calls,
high-speed Internet access, multi-tasking and a wide range
of other multimedia services.

    "The 3G for All campaign has had a great response
from both handset and chipset vendors demonstrating their
commitment to work with operators to drive usage of 3G
services," said Craig Ehrlich, chairman of the GSMA,
the global trade association for mobile operators, and a
board member of Hutchison Mobile Communications, which is
sponsoring the project. "A highly-capable device that
is as attractive and cost-effective as the leading 2G
multimedia handsets, the LG-KU250 has clear mass-market
appeal and will help fuel interest in third-generation
services across the world."

    "LG is very excited about collaborating with the
GSMA to lead the ongoing evolution and deployment of 3G
technology worldwide," said Dr. Skott Ahn, President
and CEO of LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company.
"Through this partnership, we will bring all people
closer to new mobile capabilities and they will benefit
from higher-quality wireless multimedia 3G services. LG
will provide them with attractive and feature-rich 3G
devices while at the same time breaking price barriers for
subscribers in the global market."

    "Qualcomm believes that one of our
responsibilities is helping to make advanced wireless voice
and Internet connectivity available to more people
worldwide," said Dr. Paul E. Jacobs, CEO of Qualcomm.
"We are proud to have been a part of this program with
the GSMA and applaud their initiative in bringing the
industry together toward this common goal of speeding the
growth of 3G and multimedia services worldwide, though
enhanced competition and consumer choice."

    Unveiled to CEOs from across the mobile industry at the
Leadership Summit of the 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona,
the LG-KU250 handset will be available to all 3GSM mobile
phone operators from the second quarter.

    The 12 operators steering the GSMA programme have also
highly commended a 3G handset submitted by Nokia. Also
capable of supporting a range of 3G multimedia services,
the handset, which is built on the Nokia 6151 platform,
uses a Texas Instrument chipset designed to Nokia's

    "We are pleased to be acknowledged by the GSMA for
our efforts. Clearly, we share a common interest in
extending the benefits of 3G to ever-wider audiences,"
said Kai Oistamo, Executive Vice President and General
Manager, Mobile Phones, Nokia. "In addition to
offering consumers a much richer mobile experience, 3G
enables operators to lower operating expenses, reduce voice
congestion in 2G networks, enabling the reallocation of the
900 MHz frequency, and promote usage of new

    The 3G for All campaign is the second programme
designed by the GSMA to create economies of scale for
handset makers and their component suppliers. The GSMA's
Emerging Market Handset programme stimulated the
development of a range of ultra-low cost mobile phones
aimed at first-time buyers in developing countries.

    About the GSM Association: http://www.gsmworld.com

    For more information, please contact:

     Mark Smith or David Pringle
     GSM Association
     Tel:    +44-78-50-22-97-24 or +44-79-57-55-60-69
     Email:  press@gsm.org

SOURCE  The GSM Association (GSMA)

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