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Rabbit Semiconductor(R), Inc. Launches ZigBee(TM) / 802.15.4 Application Kit for Low-Cost, Low-Power Embedded Wireless Control
September 27, 2006

-- Kit Includes MaxStream(R) XBee(TM) Wireless ZigBee Modules
    DAVIS, Calif., Sept. 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Rabbit
Semiconductor, Inc. announces the release of its
ZigBee/802.15.4 Application Kit.  The application kit
interfaces a RabbitCore(TM) module with MaxStream XBee
wireless ZigBee modules.  Adding ZigBee technology to an
Ethernet enabled Rabbit(R) embedded control device offers a
low-cost, robust wireless infrastructure that allows users
to monitor remote devices within a sophisticated wireless
network, exchange data between devices, and control I/O
from a secured PC on the internet.

    As the latest emerging wireless standard, ZigBee is
positioned for widespread integration in embedded
applications.  ZigBee, known for its reliable, low-cost,
low-power features, builds upon the established IEEE
802.15.4 standard.

    Rabbit's ZigBee/802.15.4 Application Kit is a reference
application that comes complete with the hardware and
software for implementing a ZigBee wireless control network
in the various topologies such as point-to-point and
point-to-multipoint.  The simple to use configuration
software allows users to set up a network, discover nodes,
and establish communications between similar ZigBee

    The RabbitCore module acts as the network coordinator
to monitor and manage two other battery-powered
XBee-equipped node devices.  This allows users to access
and control a ZigBee/802.15.4 network from anywhere in the
world.  The RabbitCore module is equipped with Ethernet and
512K Flash, 256K SRAM, 1MB serial flash, and 33 GPIO lines,
and has the ability to act as both an intelligent control
device or as an Ethernet gateway.

    ZigBee is an ideal wireless technology for Rabbit
embedded applications.  The ZigBee/802.15.4 Application Kit
is being introduced at the Embedded Systems Conference in
Boston (September 26-28th, 2006).  The ZigBee/802.15.4
Application Kit is priced at $399 Qty1.

    For more information please contact Rabbit
Semiconductor at T: 530-757-8400, F: 530-757-8402, E:

    For product photos and diagrams, please visit
http://www.rabbit.com/press/ .

    Rabbit Semiconductor

    Rabbit Semiconductor, a Digi International(R) company
(Nasdaq: DGII), is a global provider of high-performance
8-bit microprocessors and development tools for embedded
control, communications, and Ethernet connectivity.  A
sister division of single-board computer and software
manufacturer Z-World, Rabbit Semiconductor introduced the
popular Rabbit(R) 2000 microprocessor in 1999, the Rabbit
3000 in 2002 and the Rabbit 4000 in 2006.  The industry
award-winning RabbitCore(TM) line of microprocessor core
modules was introduced in 2001.  Rabbit Semiconductor
offers customers a complete embedded design system,
including low-cost development kits and comprehensive
technical support for both hardware and software issues. 
Rabbit Semiconductor is a member of the Fabless
Semiconductor Association and is located in Davis, Calif.,
70 miles east of San Francisco.


    MaxStream supplies OEMs and integrators with reliable
radio modems and modules that meet the unique needs of
industry and commerce.  The wireless modems are easy-to-use
and provide reliable delivery of critical data between
devices.  MaxStream's 2.4 GHz XBee product family makes it
simple to incorporate ZigBee/802.15.4 into nearly any
electronic device.  The flexibility of the XBee/XBee-PRO RF
Modules create the perfect fusion of range,
power-conservation, performance and networking features to
ensure accurate and reliable RF communications.  For more
information regarding MaxStream's products and services:
Contact MaxStream via the web (visit
http://www.maxstream.net or e-mail rf-xperts@maxstream.net)
or call toll-free (866) 765-9885.

    For more information, please contact: 

     Lucy Hou 
     Marketing Communication Specialist, China
     Digi International
     Tel: +86-10-6561-8310 x12
     Fax: +86-10-6561-8152

SOURCE  Digi International
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