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JAJAH Now on Mobile Phones
September 27, 2006

New Service Enables Consumers to Make Low-Cost Calls Directly From Their Mobile Phone
    MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Sept. 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
JAJAH has just unveiled JAJAH Mobile, which allows
consumers to make very cheap long-distance and
international calls directly from their mobile phones. 

    "Now you can make long-distance and global calls
directly from your mobile phone without having to dial a
special number, find a hotspot, use a calling card, sign a
new contract or even pay to register. It's not only the
cheapest way to do long-distance and international calls,
it's also the smartest and the easiest," explains
JAJAH co-founder Roman Scharf.

    JAJAH Mobile will allow virtually any mobile phone to
make JAJAH calls. Starting with Symbian and Java-based J2ME
phones and soon with innovative text messaging and
smart-phone/browser solutions. Combined, JAJAH enables
virtually any mobile phone, regardless of carrier,
manufacturer or existing agreement, to make JAJAH calls. 

    JAJAH Mobile is seamlessly integrated into the JAJAH
desktop solution allowing consumers to manage their account
directly on the JAJAH web site. By combining the Internet
with regular phones, JAJAH has created compelling new types
of solutions, like JAJAH Conference Calling, scheduled calls
and "one-click" calling directly from inside the
most popular computer applications. To use the service, you
first need a JAJAH account, which is free and without
obligation. Customers go to http://www.jajah.com to
register and to check mobile availability details.

    "We think our solutions have the potential to
change the communication industry" said co-founder
Daniel Mattes. "We are not just about low-cost, we are
also rapidly innovating."

    About JAJAH

    JAJAH, the world's most innovative global
communications company, is dedicated to bringing users
vastly improved telephony solutions at a fraction of the
traditional price. JAJAH enables consumers to make free and
low cost telephone calls, locally or globally, dialing from
either their computers or mobile phones.

    JAJAH is easy to use.  You simply enter your own phone
number at http://www.JAJAH.com , then the desired
destination number, and click 'Call'. Your phone will then
ring. Pick it up, and you will be instantly connected. 

    Roman Scharf and Daniel Mattes, driven by their vision
of global communication without barriers in terms of
devices, rates, location or functionality, founded JAJAH in
2005. JAJAH has offices in Mountain View, CA and

    For more information, please contact:

     Stephan Skrobar and Markus Rumler 
     Email: press@jajah.com    
     Web:   http://www.jajah.com 

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