Robert Redford to Announce Pilot Global Filmmaking Project at New York Press Conference

November 09, 2006

NEW YORK, Nov. 8 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Robert Redford, President and Founder of Sundance Institute, will announce a pilot project of the Sundance Film Festival in conjunction with the GSM Association, representing the global mobile industry. What: Sundance Institute and GSM Association press conference When: Wednesday, November 8, 10am EST (3pm GMT) Where: The Museum of Television & Radio New York, NY How: Conference call or web-based audio cast Conference call details: Number: +1-785-832-1508 Passcode: GSM Audio cast details: The press conference audio will be broadcast live over the internet. Simply log on to the web at the following address: http://www.videonewswire.com/event.asp?id=36598 Minimum Requirements to listen to broadcast: The Windows Media Player software, downloadable free from http://www.microsoft.com and at least a 56Kbps connection to the Internet . If you experience problems listening to the webcast, send an E-mail to: webcast@multivu.com . For more information, please contact: International Paul Nolan Companycare Tel: +44-118-939-5900 Email: paul.nolan@companycare.com Richard Fogg Companycare Tel: +44-118-939-5900 Email: Richard.fogg@companycare.com US Sharron McDevitt Hill & Knowlton Tel: +1-212-885-0300 Email: Sharron.McDevitt@hillandknowlton.com Lori Robinson Hill & Knowlton Tel: +1-212-885-0300 Email: lori.robinson@hillandknowlton.com SOURCE Sundance Institute
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