Stora Enso's Annual Report 2006 Published

March 16, 2007

HELSINKI, Finland, March 16 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Stora Enso's Annual Report 2006 was published on March 14 in English, Finnish, Swedish and German. The report consists of three parts: Company, Financials and Sustainability. The electronic version (pdf) can be downloaded at the Group's website http://www.storaenso.com/annualreports . Printed copies of the reports can be ordered at http://www.storaenso.com/order or by sending an e-mail to corporate.communications@storaenso.com. The printed Company and Sustainability reports are distributed to those shareholders in Finland and Sweden who have so requested, and to all registered ADR holders. For further information, please contact Ulla Paajanen-Sainio, VP, Investor Relations and Financial Communications, tel. +358 2046 21242. Stora Enso Interim Review January - December 2006 (Partial) Annual results boosted by profit improvement actions; proposed dividend unchanged at EUR 0.45 per share. Fourth quarter operating profit excluding non-recurring items largely unchanged from the third quarter. Sales volumes and some prices rose moderately from the previous quarter, which were offset by higher fixed costs. Summary of Fourth Quarter Results (compared with Q3/2006) -- Sales were EUR 3 731.8 (EUR 3 638.1) million. -- Operating profit was EUR 186.0 (EUR 195.2) million excluding non-recurring items. Operating profit was EUR 246.0 (EUR 18.0) million including non-recurring items. -- Profit before tax was EUR 141.4 (EUR 197.0) million excluding non-recurring items. Profit before tax was EUR 234.4 (EUR 19.8) million including non-recurring items -- Earnings per share were EUR 0.13 (EUR 0.18) excluding non-recurring items. Cash earnings per share were EUR 0.49 (EUR 0.52) excluding non-recurring items. Earnings per share including non-recurring items were EUR 0.33 (EUR 0.07). -- Cash flow after investing activities was EUR 415.2 (EUR 473.8) million. Markets Compared with Q3/2006 In Europe market demand for the Group's products was slightly better than in the previous quarter. Market demand was seasonally stronger in publication paper grades, with prices stable except for some price erosion in coated magazine paper. Market demand for fine paper strengthened in Europe. Prices for uncoated fine paper rose and were unchanged for coated fine paper during the quarter. Packaging board demand was seasonally weaker, but the market for industrial packaging grades was stronger and prices for packaging boards were unchanged. Demand for wood products remained good in Europe, Asia, North Africa and the Middle East. Buoyant demand and low stock levels supported further price increases in these markets. In North America demand for wood products was still weak and prices were depressed. In North America demand for newsprint and uncoated magazine paper strengthened during the quarter, mainly for seasonal reasons, but demand for coated magazine paper weakened. Newsprint and magazine paper prices decreased. Market demand for coated fine paper weakened and coated fine paper prices declined slightly. In Latin America demand for coated magazine paper was clearly better than in the previous quarter and prices were stable. In China demand for coated fine paper was weaker than in the previous quarter and downward price pressure intensified. Compared with Q4/2005 In Europe market demand for the Group's products was generally firmer than a year ago. Demand was stronger in newsprint and uncoated magazine paper, but somewhat weaker in coated magazine paper. Prices were higher in newsprint and virtually unchanged in magazine paper. Market demand was stronger than a year ago in coated fine paper but slightly weaker in uncoated fine paper. Uncoated fine paper prices rose slightly, whereas coated fine paper prices remained stable. Demand for packaging boards was steady and prices were unchanged. In wood products, demand and prices were higher than a year ago. In North America demand for magazine paper was firmer, but newsprint demand was clearly weaker than a year ago. Newsprint prices rose, uncoated magazine paper prices remained stable and coated magazine paper prices declined. Market demand for coated fine paper was stronger and coated fine paper prices were higher. In Latin America demand for coated magazine paper was clearly better than a year ago with prices stable. In China demand for coated fine paper strengthened during the year and prices were unchanged. Key Figures EUR million Q4/05 2005(4) Q1/06 Q2/06 Q3/06 Q4/06 2006 Sales 3 636.1 13 187.5 3 607.7 3 616.3 3 638.1 3 731.8 14 593.9 EBITDA(1)(2) 411.6 487.4 463.3 451.2 462.8 470.9 1 848.2 Operating profit(2) 120.9 357.5 194.1 182.2 195.2 186.0 757.5 Non-recurring items (operational) -430.8 -417.3 -23.2 6.7 -177.2 60.0 -133.7 Operating margin(2), % 3.3 2.7 5.4 5.0 5.4 5.0 5.2 Operating profit-309.9 -59.8 170.9 188.9 18.0 246.0 623.8 Net financial items(5) -48.9 -151.6 115.2 -149.2 -8.4 -37.0 -79.4 Profit before tax and minority interests(2) 96.4 273.1 210.9 53.2 197.0 141.4 602.5 Profit before tax and minority interests -334.4 -144.2 317.7 59.9 19.8 234.4 631.8 Net profit for the period -239.4 -107.4 226.4 40.9 57.1 264.8 589.2 EPS(2), Basic, EUR 0.13 0.28 0.20 0.05 0.18 0.13 0.55 EPS, Basic, EUR -0.30 -0.14 0.29 0.05 0.07 0.33 0.74 CEPS(2)(3), EUR 0.50 1.70 0.54 0.39 0.52 0.49 1.94 ROCE(2), % 4.2 3.3 6.7 6.4 7.0 6.7 6.6 (1) EBITDA = Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation (2) Excluding net non-recurring items. Exceptional transactions that are not related to normal business operations are accounted for as non-recurring items. The most common non-recurring items are capital gains, additional write-downs, restructuring provisions and penalties. Non-recurring items are normally specified individually if they exceed one cent per share. (3) CEPS = (Net profit for the period + depreciation and amortisation)/average number of shares (4) The impact of the 7-week labour dispute in Finland in 2005 distorts the comparison of the year-on-year figures Financial Results 2006 (compared with previous year) The impact of the 7-week, industry-wide labour dispute in Finland in 2005 distorts comparison of the year-on-year figures. It is estimated that the dispute negatively impacted operating profit in 2005 by approximately EUR 190 million. In 2006 paper and board deliveries totalled 14 618 000 tonnes, which is 468 000 tonnes more than in 2005, and production increased by 380 000 tonnes to 14 699 000 tonnes. Deliveries of wood products decreased by 169 000 m3 to 6 572 000 m3. Market-related production curtailments totalled 467 000 (141 000) tonnes, mostly in coated magazine paper, due to some lost market share. Sales at EUR 14 593.9 million were EUR 1 406.4 million or 10.7% higher than in 2005. Higher prices, especially in newsprint, and increased deliveries accounted for two-thirds of the sales increase. The Schneidersohne and Arapoti acquisitions, partly offset by the divestments of Grycksbo, Pankakoski, Celbi and Wolfsheck mills, accounted for the remainder of sales growth. Operating profit excluding non-recurring items increased by EUR 400.0 million to EUR 757.5 million and was higher in all segments. Operating profit includes a negative non-cash effect of EUR 12.1 million (negative EUR 8.0 million) comprising EUR -17.0 million due to the fair valuation of share-based compensation, partly offset by EUR 4.9 million from the released government grant related to CO2 emission rights. Both these non-cash items are reported under other operations. Profit before taxes and minority interests excluding non-recurring items totalled EUR 602.5 (EUR 273.1) million. Earnings per share were EUR 0.55 (EUR 0.28) excluding non-recurring items. The return on capital employed was 6.6% (3.3%) excluding non-recurring items. Capital employed was EUR 11 331.8 million on 31 December 2006, a net decrease of EUR 346.1 million. Operative working capital was EUR 2 174.5 million, a decrease of EUR 158.5 million during the year as inventories were reduced. Financing The market capitalisation on the Helsinki Stock Exchange on 31 December 2006 was EUR 9.5 billion. The debt/equity ratio at 31 December 2006 was 0.54 (0.66). Fourth Quarter Events October Stora Enso initiated exclusive discussions with the aim of joint-venture ownership regarding assets of Stora Enso Arapoti in Brazil with Arauco, a Chilean forest products company. Although the period of exclusivity expired on 31 January 2007, the negotiations continue. Stora Enso announced investments in Finland, where the Group is investing EUR 32.4 million in rebuilding the finishing department at its Anjala Mill and EUR 25.3 million in a new sheeting line at its Oulu Mill, and in Austria, where Stora Enso is investing EUR 16.8 million in a cross-laminated element plant at Bad St. Leonhard Sawmill. November Stora Enso Oyj sold all its 2 209 340 shares in Finnlines Plc for EUR 35.5 million. The shares represented 5.43% of the total number of outstanding shares in Finnlines. The shareholding in Finnlines Plc had been a non-core financial investment. The sale was consistent with Stora Enso's objective of concentrating its capital resources on its core businesses. December Stora Enso announced that its subsidiary Corenso will rebuild and restart paper machine (PM) 12 for coreboard production at Wisconsin Rapids Mill. The capital expenditure will be approximately EUR 27 million (USD 35 million). This investment also includes an upgrade of Corenso's recycled fibre facility. As a result of this investment, board machine (BM) 13 will be shut down. The rebuild will start in May 2007 and is expected to be completed during the first quarter of 2008. Stora Enso also announced that it is investing EUR 54.8 million in rebuilding fine paper machine 3 (PM 3) at its Varkaus Mill in Finland to improve efficiency at the mill and profitability in the Office Paper business area. This project, which will increase mill specialisation within the division, is scheduled to be completed in December 2007. Changes in Group Management during 2006 On 17 October 2006 Stora Enso announced that the Board of Directors had appointed Jouko Karvinen, M.Sc. (Eng.), as the new CEO of Stora Enso. He joined the company on 1 January 2007 and will take up the position of CEO following the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 29 March 2007. He was previously Chief Executive Officer of Philips Medical Systems Division and a member of the Board of Management of Royal Philips Electronics. Jukka Harmala will leave the position of CEO following the AGM on 29 March 2007. He will continue to undertake special assignments specified by the Board of Directors of Stora Enso until the end of August 2007. Personnel On 31 December 2006 there were 43 887 employees, 2 777 less than at the end of 2005. Events after the Period On 29 January 2007 Stora Enso announced that it had signed a loan agreement with the European Investment Bank (EIB) for a EUR 140 million loan facility to finance part of Stora Enso's investment in research and development in Finland and Sweden for the next five years. Profit Improvement Programmes As the objectives and decisions related to the two programmes have been successfully reached as reported below, it is intended to discontinue specific reporting unless significant deviations from plan occur. The Group will complete its profit improvement programmes as earlier announced. Profit 2007 Stora Enso's Profit 2007 programme has proceeded well and by the end of 2006 the annualised profit improvement reached was EUR 310 million. The initial target of an improvement of EUR 300 million in annual pre-tax profit from mid 2007 onwards was based on 2005 price and cost levels, and was net of implementation costs. Reductions in personnel by the end of 2006 total approximately 1 600 out of an anticipated 2 000 as part of the programme -- half of them white-collar and half blue-collar staff, and slightly more than half in the Nordic countries and the rest elsewhere in Europe. Additionally, 180 of the 600-700 potential personnel outsourcing opportunities identified have been implemented. Asset Performance Review (APR) - mills under scrutiny In October 2006, Stora Enso announced plans to close down its Berghuizer Mill and Reisholz Mill. The closure processes are proceeding according to plan. Berghuizer Mill is planned to be closed during 2007 and Reisholz Mill by the end of 2007. The timing of the closures will optimise volume transfers to other mills. Near-term Outlook In Europe the demand outlook for advertising-driven papers is fairly positive as economic growth is expected to stimulate consumption. However, demand for publication papers seasonally slows in the first quarter, and the coated magazine paper market is expected to remain competitive. Price negotiations for contracts renewing in early 2007 are still continuing. In Europe the outlook for fine paper remains healthy, with demand and shipments in the first quarter predicted to be up on a year ago and the previous quarter. Higher prices are anticipated in uncoated fine paper, and price increases have been announced in coated fine paper. Demand in packaging board markets is forecast to be generally good with prices remaining stable. In wood products the demand outlook remains favourable despite some seasonal slowing in the construction sector; some further firming of prices is foreseen. In North America markets will remain soft for publication paper grades, at least in the short term, with some price erosion. The coated fine paper market is expected to remain stable with unchanged prices. In China coated fine paper demand is forecast to improve later in the spring and prices to firm up. In Latin America modest demand growth is anticipated, but downward price pressure is increasing. The Group's operational cost inflation is forecast to be 2-2.5% in 2007 compared with 2006 levels, primarily because of increased wood costs. Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting will be held at 16.00 (Finnish time) on Thursday 29 March 2007 at the Marina Congress Center, Katajanokanlaituri 6, Helsinki, Finland. This report is unaudited. The full-length version of the interim review is available on the Stora Enso website at http://www.storaenso.com/investors . Stora Enso's first quarter results 2007 will be published on 26 April 2007. About Stora Enso Stora Enso is an integrated paper, packaging and forest products company producing publication and fine paper, packaging board and wood products -- all areas in which the Group is a global market leader. Stora Enso's sales totalled EUR 14.6 billion in 2006. The Group has some 44 000 employees in more than 40 countries on five continents. Stora Enso has an annual production capacity of 16.5 million tonnes of paper and board and 7.4 million cubic metres of sawn wood products, including 3.2 million cubic metres of value-added products. Stora Enso's shares are listed in Helsinki, Stockholm and New York. For further information, please contact: Jukka Harmala CEO Tel: +358 2046 21404 Hannu Ryopponen CFO Tel: +358 2046 21450 Kari Vainio EVP Corporate Communications Tel: +44 7799 348 197 Keith B Russell SVP Investor Relations Tel: +44-7775-788-659 Ulla Paajanen-Sainio VP Investor Relations and Financial Communications Tel: +358-40-763-8767
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