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Vertical Expo Services Company Limited Brings China's Companies to Global Marketplace
February 12, 2007

    HONG KONG, Feb. 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- National
Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) has appointed
Hong-Kong-based company, Vertical Expo Services Company
Limited (Vertical Expo), as its Asia Partner of NFDA Expo
held on October 7-10, 2007 in Las Vegas, US.  The
partnership will facilitate Asia companies, especially
those in Greater China Region including Mainland China,
Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, to open up the huge US

    Under the Partnership Agreement, Vertical Expo is the
sole and exclusive representative of NFDA for the
promotion, marketing, sale, and coordination of the event
within Greater China Region, ASEAN States, and Australia. 

    NFDA Expo is the largest event of its kind in the
world, featuring cutting-edge speeches, workshops, and a
tradeshow that becomes the worldwide leader in funeral
service.  NFDA Expo 2007 will attract the widest
professionals from the business, including funeral service
specialists, the clergy, hospice workers, psychologists,
thanatologists, aftercare counselors, cemeterians, and
medical examiners that gives the face-to-face interaction
suppliers need to make the sale.  With the Asia partnership
in force, the number of exhibitors and type of exhibits in
NFDA Expo 2007 are expected to go even stronger and richer

    Vertical Expo also has represented a number of renowned
international events.  They include Global Chinese Financial
Forum - Toronto Conference 2006, the largest bilingual
(Chinese and English) financial event in North America;
Interpolitex 2006, one of the largest European events in
the field of security; and Intersec Middle East 2007, the
leading marketplace for commercial security, police,
homeland security, and fire professionals.  Vertical Expo
endeavors to facilitate China's companies participating in
international leading events, which enables them to expand
horizons in their industries and develop overseas
businesses by connecting with the global market. 

    Vertical Expo has been appointed by New Technology
Development Center (NTDC) of China Association for Science
Technology (CAST) as its Hong Kong sole representative and
is authorized to process the applications of organizing
trade events in Mainland China submitted by overseas and
Hong Kong companies.  Aside from responsible for overseas
promotions for NTDC's authorized businesses, communications
and interactions with overseas and Hong Kong related
organizations, Vertical Expo also is entitled to organize
trade events that are relevant to NTDC in overseas and Hong
Kong in the name of NTDC Hong Kong Office.

    For more information, please contact:

     Iris Fung
     Blackink Marketing Communications
     Tel:     +852-3518-2576
     Email:   iris.fung@blackinkservice.com
     Website: http://www.verticalexpo.com

SOURCE  Vertical Expo Services Company Limited 
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