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Solland Solar: Dramatic Expansion of Solar Cell Production
June 20, 2007

    HEERLEN, Netherlands, and AACHEN, Germany, June 20
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Solland Solar is planning its second
expansion within one year. The shareholders of the solar
cell producer have agreed to increase production capacity
almost threefold. From mid-2008, Solland Solar will be able
to produce solar power with a total capacity of 170 MWp per
year, instead of the current 60 MWp/a.

    With a view to the expansion, Solland Solar (
http://www.sollandsolar.com ) is constructing an extra
production hall on the German part of the Avantis
industrial park, located midway between Heerlen and Aachen,
where the company is based. According to the current plans,
the new production capacity will be put into full service
in the spring of 2008. Space has already been reserved on
the current location for another two production halls in
anticipation of further expansion.

    Growth in solar energy

    Solland Solar's expansion is being undertaken in
anticipation of the growing demand for solar energy.
Research by the German Photon Consulting confirmed at the
beginning of April that there is an increasing demand in
the market, stimulated by the global concern about climate
change due to the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas).
Because of this, CO2-free alternatives such as solar energy
are becoming increasingly popular. Photon estimated for
example that the current production capacity of solar
cells, 2.7 GW, will have increased fourfold in 2010.

    Solar energy is also becoming increasingly appealing to
consumers due to its significantly lower cost. According to
calculations by the EPIA, the industry association devoted
to the European solar market, cost price will amount to EUR
0.20 per kWh within the next ten years.

    Solland Solar

    Solland Solar is a Dutch-German manufacturer of solar
cells (photovoltaic cells). Solland Solar's capacity came
to 20 MWp/a at the start of production towards the end of
2005. After a recent expansion, the capacity was increased
to 60 MWp/a, with a view to reaching the level of 170 MWp/a
from mid-2008.

    Constant growth is a key objective of Solland Solar,
which strives for a production capacity of 500 MWp/a in
2010 (2007: 60 MWp/a), with relevant turnover of EUR 1
billion (2006: EUR 40 million). The number of employees
will also increase, from 160 in 2007 to 400 in 2008 and
1,000 in 2010.

    Delta Solar and Sunergy acquired a controlling interest
in Solland in February 2007.

    The achievements of Solland Solar have not gone by
unnoticed. It won "The Rising Star Award" of
Deloitte/FEM Business in 2006 and the "Euregion
Meuse-Rhine Investment Award" earlier this year.

    Website: http://www.sollandsolar.com 

    For more information, please contact:

     Wendy Kleijnen
     Public Relations Dept.
     Solland Solar
     Tel:   +31-45-8800-600
     Email: info@sollandsolar.com

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