Analysys International Says China Laptop Shipments Reached 1.01 Million in Q2 2006

August 01, 2006

BEIJING, Aug. 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Analysys International, a leading Internet based provider of business information about Technology, Media and Telecom industries in China, says that China's laptop PC shipments reached 1.012 million units in the second quarter of 2006, representing an increase of 1.6% over the first quarter; the laptop market value reached RMB 8.68 billion, up 2.2% quarter over quarter, in its recently released report China Laptop Market Quarterly Tracker Q2 2006. Compared with the second quarter of 2005, laptop shipments in Q2 2006 increased 45%, and the market value increased 9.7%. Analysys International says prices of laptop PC have been constantly falling, which is the reason why the growth of shipments is far faster than the growth of market value. According to the report, in the second quarter, Lenovo, Hewlett-Packard and Dell continued to lead the laptop market in China, with market share of 34.1%, 11.0% and 9.4% respectively. As price falls, Chinese users of laptop PC are growing rapidly, accounting for 30.04% of the total market, reaching 304,000 units in the second quarter of 2006. Mid-range and low-end products remained as market mainstream. Shipments of laptops pricing at RMB 5001-7000 accounted for 33% of the total market, which are mostly bought by domestic users. ( http://english.analysys.com.cn/admin/images/1461_1.jpg ) This subject is further discussed in Analysys International's research report China Laptop Market Quarterly Tracker Q2 2006. For more information, please check the website: http://english.analysys.com.cn . About Analysys International Analysys International is the leading Internet based provider of business information about Technology, Media and Telecom industry in China. We provide data, information and advice to 50,000 clients worldwide representing 1,500 distinct organizations, deliver over 150 consulting engagements a year, and hold more than 20 events that draw in over 8,000 attendees. Our clients include executives from companies as technology vendors, vertical information technology users, as well as professionals from professional service companies, the investment community and government agencies. Our mission is simple and clear: we help our clients make better business decisions. For more information, please visit our web site at http://english.analysys.com.cn . For more information, please contact: Jessica Wang Analysys International Tel: +86-10-6466-6565 x394 Email: jessica_wang@analysys.com.cn SOURCE Analysys International
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