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China Post Selects Symbol for Express Mail Bag Tracking and Monitoring
June 27, 2006

Advanced RFID Solution from Symbol and Concord Unity International Limited Deployed By Shanghai Post
    HOLTSVILLE, N.Y., June 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Symbol
Technologies, Inc., The Enterprise Mobility Company(TM), and
its Premier Solutions Partner, Concord Unity International
Limited, have been selected by China Post to supply RFID
technology to track express mail bags within the postal
district of Shanghai (Shanghai Post).  RFID technology has
been successfully deployed in the Shanghai Post Express
Mail Service (EMS) operations, and is part of an on-going
national pilot project co-sponsored by China's Ministry of
Science and Technology to validate the benefits of RFID
within China Post's operations. 

http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20041029/SYMBOLOGO )

    Symbol's RFID technology enabled Shanghai Post to
automatically track the status of mail bags en route from
individual post offices to various collection and sortation
centers within Shanghai. The current process of tracking the
mail bags involves bar coded tags, which while reliable,
does require some manual intervention. 

    "The primary goal of this pilot was to validate
the use of RFID in terms of productivity gains leading to
faster delivery services to our customers," said Mr.
Liangan Chen, vice president of Shanghai Post. 
"During this project we successfully proved that we
can greatly improve our postal bag processing productivity
over the current barcode system with nearly 100%

    China Post has verified that RFID technology can reduce
the amount of time it takes to process the mail bags,
because the bags can be automatically tracked as they move
through various points in their processing cycle.  

    "This will have significant operational
improvements and cost savings for China Post when the RFID
solution is implemented across all the provinces in
China," continued Chen.  "Given the increased
demand for Express Mail Service we are looking to deploy
technologies that can improve productivity and help us meet
our customer demands in the most efficient manner."

    China Post has deployed Symbol's ruggedized and
reusable RFID tags, XR400 RFID fixed readers,
high-performance area antennas, and MC9000 mobile
computers. Symbol's XR400 RFID reader automates
high-performance RFID tag reading and writing and is
certified by EPCglobal(TM) for full Gen 2 dense-reader mode
support, and provides China Post with accurate read rates in
environments where multiple readers have the potential to
create interference with one another.

    "As a leading provider of enterprise mobility
solutions, Symbol is excited to build on our experience
with China Post and bring measurable RFID solutions to the
postal industry," said Anthony Bartolo, vice president
and general manager of Symbol's Wireless Infrastructure and
RFID Divisions.  

    The success of this project was due to close
collaboration between Shanghai Post's operations team,
Concord Unity and Symbol Technologies.  Through joint
cooperation, all parties were able to design and deliver a
solution that met all of China Post's requirements.
"Both Symbol and Concord Unity are now looking forward
to bringing the benefits of RFID technology to other areas
of China Post's operations," said Mr. Jianfei Gao, CEO
of Concord Unity. 

    About Symbol Technologies

    Symbol Technologies, Inc., The Enterprise Mobility
Company(TM), is a recognized worldwide leader in enterprise
mobility, delivering products and solutions that capture,
move and manage information in real time to and from the
point of business activity. Symbol enterprise mobility
solutions integrate advanced data capture products, radio
frequency identification technology, mobile computing
platforms, wireless infrastructure, mobility software and
world-class services programs. Symbol enterprise mobility
products and solutions are proven to increase workforce
productivity, reduce operating costs, drive operational
efficiencies and realize competitive advantages for the
world's leading companies. More information is available at

    About Concord Unity International Limited:

    Beijing-based Concord Unity International Limited was
founded in 1998. Since its inception, the company has been
devoted to providing industry users in China with
comprehensive solutions designed for improving efficiency.
The company is now one of the largest RFID solution
providers, especially, in the RFID application field in
China. Concord Unity is also the major partner of such RFID
vendors as SYMBOL and ZEBRA, in China. The company has
successfully implemented the RFID project of China Post. 
More information is available at
http://www.concordunity.com .  

    For more information, please contact:
    For media information:            
     April Shen                         
     Symbol Technologies China           
     Tel:   +86-10-6561-0006                              

     Email: april.shen@symbol.com            

     Bill Abelson   
     Symbol Technologies   
     Tel:   +1-631-738-4751 
     Email: bill.abelson@symbol.com

    For financial information:        
     Lori Chaitman                    
     Symbol Technologies, Inc.         
     Tel:   +1-631-738-5050                  
     Email: lori.chaitman@symbol.com           

    For industry analyst information:
     Shirley Schroedl
     Symbol Technologies, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-631-738-4388
     Email: shirley.schroedl@symbol.com 

SOURCE  Symbol Technologies, Inc.

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