Fine Jewelry: Scott Kay on Palladium Metal: Finer Than Platinum, Less Expensive Than White Gold

March 29, 2006

NEW YORK, March 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- A precious metal with all the properties of platinum with an added benefit, yet less expensive than white gold? It's real and it is about to be hit over 600 retail doors throughout America. The metal is Palladium. It is not man-made, is not cultured, fabricated, enhanced, automated, altered nor plated. It is naturally mined and is rare. "Palladium is going to explode into our industry -- unlike anything we have ever seen before... not because of opinions but because of facts, noted world renown jewelry designer Scott Kay. "Because it of its purity, color and density factor and all the other characteristics it shares with Platinum." Scott Kay should know. His 20-year-old jewelry business remains America's most requested bridal brand. Moreover, he has been credited for nearly single-handedly resurrecting Platinum in the '80s. He commands more bridal jewelry incase space than any other brand in America in over 600 luxury retail doors. FACT: Palladium is pure. It is 95% Palladium and 5% Ruthenium, a property of Platinum. As the industry puts it -- It is in the Platinum Group Family. FACT: Palladium is natural. Precious gemstones and metal are mined from the ground. So is Palladium. What you see is what you get, and what you get is 100% natural. FACT: Palladium is economical. It sells for less than white gold and even if the price per ounce exceeds Platinum, it is still very affordable since it is less dense. It is affordable whether it be for $150/ounce (which it once was) $300/ounce (as of this writing) or the all time high or $1,000/once, it is still affordable. FACT: Palladium is less dense. This means it is lighter in weight and that means more jewelry will be made from it. FACT: Palladium is hard. 12.6% harder than Platinum. This means, it is extremely wearable -- bottom line: Palladium is superior. FACT: Palladium is hypoallergenic. There are only two parts to this metal -- Palladium and Ruthenium. Neither alloy will cause skin irritation as Nickel does in white gold. FACT: Palladium is whiter than Platinum. Palladium won't tarnish, chip or fade and is absolutely not plated. Its white luster is smooth and bright ... naturally. Palladium photos, industry references, quotes are available upon request. For more information, please contact: Dan Scott, CMO, Scott Kay Tel: +1-201-287-0100 ext.110 or +1-201-294-3697 Email: danscott@scottkay.com Web: http://www.scottkay.com SOURCE Scott Kay
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