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Texas Instruments Introduces Analog Current/Voltage Output Driver for Industrial Applications
March 28, 2006

    BEIJING, March 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Texas
Instruments Incorporated (TI) (NYSE: TXN) today announced a
digitally-controlled current/voltage output driver for
industrial applications such as industrial PLC
(programmable logic controller) and process control
equipment.  The XTR300 delivers outputs up to +/-17V and
+/-24mA, handling virtually any standard analog signaling
requirements.  Digital selection of voltage or current
output eliminates bulky discrete circuitry and awkward
pin-strapped configuration schemes.  (See
http://www.ti.com/sc06067 )

    Internal fault detection circuitry in the XTR300
provides digital indication of line/load faults, including
shorts or opens in cable or remotely-located loads.  To
sense output voltage, the device includes an
instrumentation amplifier which can be connected for 4-wire
load connections to accurately control the voltage at
remotely-located loads.  The instrumentation amplifier can
also be used as a general purpose analog input.
In addition, the XTR300 can be configured for 3-wire
industrial sensor applications.  It requires no external
output transistors.  The 5mm x 5mm QFN package allows power
to be dissipated through a bottom-side power pad with low
thermal resistance.  The XTR300 operates from power
supplies up to +/-20V and is specified over the -40C to 85C
industrial temperature range.  Chip fabrication is on a
proprietary BiCMOS process.

    Available Today	

    The XTR300 is available now in a 5mm x 5mm, QFN-20
package from TI and its authorized distributors.  The
device is priced at $2.45 in 1,000 piece quantities
(suggested resale pricing). 

    TI offers analog engineers a wide-ranging support
infrastructure that includes training and seminars, design
tools and utilities, technical documentation, evaluation
modules, an online KnowledgeBase, a product information
hotline and a comprehensive offering of samples that ship
within 24 hours of request.  For more information on TI's
complete analog design support, and to download the latest
Amplifier and Data Converter Selection Guide, visit
http://www.ti.com/analog . 

    Texas Instruments Incorporated provides innovative DSP
and analog technologies to meet our customers' real world
signal processing requirements.  In addition to
Semiconductor, the company's businesses include Sensors
& Controls, and Educational & Productivity
Solutions.  TI is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, and has
manufacturing, design or sales operations in more than 25

    Texas Instruments is traded on the New York Stock
Exchange under the symbol TXN.  More information is located
on the World Wide Web at www.ti.com.

    Please refer all reader inquiries to:	

          Texas Instruments Incorporated
          Semiconductor Group, SC-06067
          Literature Response Center
          14950 FAA Blvd.
          Fort Worth, TX 76155


    All trademarks and registered trademarks are property
of their respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:

     Kris Thompson
     Tel:   +1-520-746-7441
     Email: k-thompson2@ti.com

     Jacqi Moore
     Tel:   +1-972-341-2514
     Email: jmoore@golinharris.com

SOURCE  Texas Instruments Incorporated
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