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Future Waves Provides Highly Flexible RF Solution for DAB and T-DMB
April 12, 2006

    TAIPEI, Taiwan, April 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- At
worldDAB Beijing event this month, Future Waves will
demonstrate its RF front end solution working with various
baseband chips.

    Future Waves' FENIX FNX 14701 is a highly integrated RF
tuner chip for DAB/DMB receiver solutions which features low
power consumption, low component counts and form factor, and
offers tri-band reception.  However, the key advantage is
its flexibility to operate with all existing baseband
solutions in the market. 

    "We provide the market with a high compatibility
feature because we understand that each market has its own
unique requirements and each solution provides different
benefits," said Glenn Vandevoorde, CEO of Future
Waves.  "Besides, working closely with our customers
is vital to us.  Offering a variety of options to our OEM,
ODM customers can also speed up the proliferation of
DAB/DMB enabled devices.  Providing easy-to-use and
flexible front-end solutions will open up markets to new
players.  It also enforces technical edge and know-how
which current players have built up.

    According to DRDB, there are nearly 6 million DAB
listeners in the U.K. already.  In-Stat also predicts that
Mobile TV subscribers in China will maintain fast growth in
next couple of years with a CAGR of 315% reaching 94 million
in 2009.  It seems that the digital broadcasting market has
taken off.  "People have been waiting for a while to
see China's action toward the digitalization trend in
electronic consumer products; especially the 2008 Beijing
Olympics has been a driving force to speed up the
introduction of mobile digital TV and radio
standards," pointed out by Mr. Vandevoorde.  "In
order to serve the market efficiently, Future Waves
believes in local support.  We do work with local baseband
IC and solution providers in each area, such as Isis-IP in
China, to obtain better market position and geographical
advantages.  More importantly, by doing this we can provide
real-time services and technical support to the
manufacturers, and this is essential to lift the industry
growth and assist our customers' success."  

    About Future Waves

    Future Waves is a fabless design house focusing on RF
and mixed-signal chips for next generation communication
and broadcast technologies.  Future Waves targets digital
tuners for portable applications and provides the most
flexible RF solution in addition to industry leading
performance regarding power consumption, cost effectiveness
and ease of use. 


     Kelly Wang, Marketing manager
     Tel:   +886-2-27998108
     Email: kelly@f-waves.com

SOURCE  Future Waves

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