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METRO Group and Checkpoint Systems Partner to Help Suppliers "Tag it Easy"
May 23, 2007

Leading Retailer Enables Suppliers in Hong Kong to
Participate in Its RFID-Driven Supply Chain

    HONG KONG, May 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Checkpoint
Systems, Inc. (NYSE: CKP), a leading manufacturer and
marketer of identification, tracking, security and
merchandising solutions for the retail industry and its
supply chain, today announced its participation in METRO
Group's "Tag It Easy!" pilot.  The pilot is part
of the initiative "Advanced Logistics Asia"
(ALA), which the METRO Group started in order to jointly
enhance the logistical processes with its Asian suppliers
by using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).  The
"Tag It Easy" pilot enables the consumer goods
industry to apply RFID labels on the shipments from Hong
Kong to Germany.  The kick-off with a solution outline and
demonstration for 30 key partners took place today at the
Hong Kong Science & Technology Park. 

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200701241626.jpg )

    METRO Group is widely recognized as a technology leader
and a driving force in international retailing.  With this
pilot, the company now is enabling its Asian suppliers to
participate in its RFID-driven supply chain. Most of METRO
Group's suppliers in this region have limited technology
capabilities at their production sites, and so require
assistance in printing RFID labels to affix to their export
packages.  Through a partnership with Checkpoint Systems,
METRO Group has established a platform to allow these
suppliers to place label order requests and receive
pre-printed labels. 

    "Checkpoint Systems is one of the technology
leaders when it comes to RFID applications," said Dr.
Gerd Wolfram, Managing Director of MGI METRO Group
Information Technology.  "For this reason we are
convinced that Checkpoint is the right technology partner
for a forward-looking pilot project dealing with RFID in an
international supply chain." The Asian suppliers of the
METRO Group will be placing RFID tags on all categories of
consumer goods, ranging from toys to office equipment to

    The METRO Group expects that the RFID pilot will
optimize efficiency and transparency in the international
flow of goods.  Access to more-accurate, real-time shipment
data will help the retailer improve control over its
international supply chain, resulting in lower warehousing
costs and reduced out-of-stock situations.  

    "Jointly, METRO and its suppliers want to
guarantee that goods are always available to our
customers," said Dr. Wolfram.  "In particular,
it's important for promotional items to be in the right
place at the right time."

    METRO Group has standardized on UHF EPC Gen 2 tags for
compliance to all regional requirements: 917 - 922 MHz for
China; 920 - 925 MHz for Hong Kong; and 865.6 - 867.6 MHz
for Europe.  The RFID tags on the labels provided by
Checkpoint will store the Serial Shipping Container Code
(SSCC), which will be read at several points along the
supply chain from Hong Kong to Unna, Germany.  The METRO
Group will receive an electronic delivery note in advance
of the shipment, detailing the container content.  The
supplier also benefits, by gaining detailed proof of
package delivery.  

    The pilot will run for three months, and the METRO
Group expects to extend the project to include several
other Asian suppliers at a future date if the concept
proves to be feasible. 

    "Metro has always been a progressive and practical
user of technology, and over the last several years, they
have developed one of the industry's most efficient global
supply chains," said George Off, CEO and chairman of
the board of Checkpoint Systems. 

    "We believe their plans for the use of RFID and
our CheckNet track and trace capabilities is the next giant
step forward for more precise supply chain management and
ultimately enhanced satisfaction for the consumers."

    About The Metro Group

    METRO Group is one of the most important international
retailing companies.  In 2006 the group reached sales of
about ? 60 billion. The company has a headcount of some
270,000 employees and operates about 2,400 outlets in 30
countries.  The operating business is performed by the
sales brands which operate independently in the market:
Metro/Makro Cash & Carry -- world market leader in cash
& carry wholesale, Real hypermarkets and Extra
supermarkets, Media Markt and Saturn -- market leader in
consumer electronics centers in Europe, and Galeria Kaufhof
department stores.  More information at:
http://www.metrogroup.de .

    About Checkpoint Systems Inc. 

    Founded in 1969, Checkpoint Systems, Inc. is a leading
manufacturer and marketer of RF- and RFID-based solutions
for identification, tracking, security and merchandising
applications.  With a presence in more than 80 countries
and a network of more than 30 service bureaus worldwide,
the company is the global leader for scalable,
sure-performing 8.2 MHz, UHF, HF, EPC and ISO-based EAS and
RFID labeling products, systems, maintenance and support

    For additional information, visit the Checkpoint
Systems web site at http://www.checkpointasiapac.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Checkpoint Systems, Inc.
     Asia Pacific    
     Natalie Chan
     Tel:   +852-2995-8350
     Email: natalie.chan@checkpt.com
     Web:   http://www.checkpointasiapac.com
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