Mobile Content Networks Selected to Provide Mobile Content Search for Thailand's Largest Mobile Operator

May 22, 2007

AIS Expands Nationwide Mobile Content Search, also leverages MCN's Mobilesearch.net Platform for Music Click services MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., May 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Mobile Content Networks (MCN) a leading global provider of mobile search solutions, today announced its selection by AIS, Thailand's largest mobile operator with 21 million subscribers, to provide mobile content search services for AIS's mobileLIFE WAP portal. In addition, MCN will provide customized search for AIS's popular Music Click services. With MCN's Mobilesearch.net search platform in place AIS now gives its subscribers real-time access to the content they want with fewer clicks and more relevant search results across numerous channels of mobile content, including music, games, ringtones, and images. "AIS's passion to continually improve the subscriber experience drove aggressive timelines for launching improved search services," said Marc Bookman, CEO of MCN. "We drew upon our global experience, as well as our recently announced platform upgrades, to rapidly deliver a customized solution that will increase revenues and customer satisfaction." About ADVANCED INFO SERVICE PLC. In 1990, Advanced Info Service Plc. was awarded the Concession from the Telephone Organization of Thailand (TOT) to invest and operate a mobile phone network in the frequency of 900 MHz for 20 years. AIS has continuously enhanced and expanded its network in order to respond to the market and technological advances, while keeping abreast of consumers' growing demands and needs. It continues to integrate the latest in advanced technology and deliver more than just voice communication, with GPRS and EDGE technology. AIS strongly believes that wireless communications bring changes to the way Thai people live their life, regardless of who they are and what they do. http://www.ais.co.th About Mobile Content Networks (MCN) Founded in Palo Alto in 2004 after years of research into the unique characteristics of mobile search, MCN is the leading provider of real-time mobile search services that support wireless operators and content providers worldwide. MCN operates MobileSearch.net, an agile, scalable, global search platform that allows partners to drive traffic to content and create sustainable, profitable search businesses. MCN's patent-pending mobile search technology supports virtually all content sources, all languages, and any type of mobile client software. MCN has offices in Silicon Valley, Japan, Thailand and Finland. Please visit http://www.mcn-inc.com . For more information, please contact: Stephen Burke MCN Inc. Tel: +1-415-509-8600 Email: media@mcn-inc.com
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