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Sidley Austin Advises JP Morgan and ING on Indo Integrated Energy's US $250 Million High-Yield Offering
May 22, 2007

    HONG KONG, May 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- International
law firm Sidley Austin advised J.P. Morgan Securities
Limited and ING Bank, London Branch, as initial purchasers
in connection with the issuance by Indo Integrated Energy
B.V. of its US$250 million 8.50% Senior Notes due 2012. The
Notes are guaranteed by the issuer's parent, PT Indika Inti
Energi, a leading Indonesian energy conglomerate with a
46.0% equity interest in the third-largest coal mine in
Indonesia.  Sidley created a unique structure using
customary high-yield covenants to capture the dividend
stream from the minority-owned coal asset, which comprised
an integral part of the credit.

    The Sidley team was led by Jason T. Elder and Matthew
Sheridan, partners in the corporate practice of Sidley's
Hong Kong office.  The team also included Carrie Li,
Constance Chou, Stanley T. Ko, Xuemei Lu, Wendy Shen and
Clara Wong in Hong Kong; Irving Rotter and Guilherme
Ferraira (accounts structure) and Alex Gelinas and Brandon
Holder (tax) in New York; and Manoj Purush in Singapore.

    Sidley is one of the world's largest full-service law
firms, with more than 1,700 lawyers practicing in 16
offices in Asia, Europe and the United States.  Sidley is
consistently ranked at the top of the Thomson Financial
league tables. 

    For 2006, the firm was ranked as:
    -- top issuer's counsel and third as underwriter's
counsel for U.S. debt, 
       equity and equity-related offerings; 
    -- top issuer's counsel and top underwriter's counsel
for U.S. investment 
       grade debt; and
    -- top issuer's counsel and third underwriter's counsel
for U.S. straight 
       debt, including asset-backed and mortgage backed

    In Asia, lawyers in the corporate finance team advise
clients on U.S., Hong Kong and English law in connection
with all types of equity, debt and equity-linked
transactions, including SEC-registered offerings in the
United States, international securities offerings pursuant
to Rule 144A and Regulation S governed by U.S. and English
law, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Main Board and Growth
Enterprise Market (GEM) listings, and issuances involving
the creation of ADR or GDR programs.

    In 2005, Sidley ranked first in relation to the number
of transactions advising issuers and first (tied) in
relation to the number of transactions advising
underwriters for listings on The Stock Exchange of Hong
Kong Mainboard. (Asian Legal Business, Jan 2006).

    In 2006, Sidley was named to Legal Business' Global
Elite, their survey of "the 15 finest law firms in the

    For purposes of the New York State Bar rules, this
press release may be considered Attorney Advertising and
the headquarters of the firm are Sidley Austin LLP 787
Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10019, 212.839.5300 and Sidley
Austin LLP One South Dearborn, Chicago, IL 60603,
312.853.7000. Prior results described herein do not
guarantee a similar outcome.

    For more information, please contact:  

    Sidley Austin
     Janet Zagorin
     Director of Practice Development 
     Tel:   +1-212-839-8797 
     Email: jzagorin@sidley.com

     Jason Elder
     Tel:   +1-852-2901-3879
     Email: jelder@sidley.com

    Rubenstein Communications
     Dan Brady 
     Tel:   +1-212-843-8292
     Email: dbrady@rubenstein.com

SOURCE  Sidley Austin
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