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The Women's Forum for the Economy and Society Conducts Panel at Euro RSCG Worldwide -- New York
April 24, 2007

Global Advertising Agency Hosts Event to Support a Balanced
Dialogue about Global Issues

    NEW YORK, April 24 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Today,
executives from Euro RSCG Worldwide, including Mercedes
Erra, Executive President, and David Jones, Global Chief
Executive Officer, are hosting renowned French
philanthropist and entrepreneur Aude de Thuin, as she leads
a panel of esteemed women business leaders in a discussion
of global economic and social issues, and the role that
women play in these matters. This is the sole United States
stop on Aude de Thuin's tour of international cities to
raise awareness of the Annual Women's Forum on the Economy
and Society, which takes place next on October 11-13, 2007.
Today, Aude de Thuin will present the main issues to be
covered at the 2007 Forum under the theme of "Building
Trust in our Societies."

    ( Photo: 
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070423/NYM128 )

    Rated as one of the world's top four global events by
the Financial Times, the Women's Forum is a private, global
initiative meant to elevate the ways in which women can
contribute to improving business, politics and society in a
more balanced and recognized way. With 1,000 leading figures
representing more than 60 countries, it has become -- in
only two years - a unique international gathering that is
held every October in Deauville, France. 

    "At Euro RSCG Worldwide, we pride ourselves on
addressing issues of equality and diversity, and have taken
measured steps towards ensuring that we have a balanced and
informed perspective of consumer issues," says David
Jones, Global CEO of Euro RSCG Worldwide. "This event
is yet another way in which we can facilitate a more
diverse dialogue." 

    "We are convinced that women must have a key role
in the evolution of the world, and this conviction lead us
to build a partnership with the Women's Forum for Economy
and Society to enable women's voices to emerge in both the
economic and social arenas," adds Mercedes Erra,
Executive President of Euro RSCG Worldwide.

    While attending the Annual Meeting of the World
Economic Forum a few years ago, in Davos, Switzerland,
Thuin observed that a vast majority of the speakers were
men. She then decided to found the Women's Forum to address
many of the same global issues, but from a decidedly
different perspective. 

    Regarded by some as a feminist, Thuin insists that she
doesn't quite fit the definition. "Rather than
focusing solely on women's issues," explains Thuin,
"I am dedicated to global issues that affect all
citizens, male and female. The Women's Forum is a call to
women around world to become involved in global issues and
make their voices heard, for a more complete
    Euro RSCG Worldwide, a leading integrated marketing
communications agency and Advertising Age's 2006 Global
Agency of the Year, is made up of 233 offices located in 75
countries throughout Europe, North America, Latin America,
and Asia-Pacific. Euro RSCG provides advertising, marketing
services, corporate communications, and interactive
solutions to global, regional, and local clients. The
agency's client roster includes Airbus, Air France, BNP
Paribas, Capgemini, Charles Schwab, Danone Group, Diageo,
IBM, Jaguar, L'Oreal, LVMH Louis Vuitton, PSA Peugeot
Citroen, Reckitt Benckiser, Sanofi-Aventis,
Schering-Plough, Verizon, and Volvo. Headquartered in New
York, Euro RSCG Worldwide is the largest unit of Havas, a
world leader in communications (Euronext Paris SA:

    For more information, please contact:

     Jonathan Sanchez
     Euro RSCG Worldwide
     Tel:   +1-646-206-4653 
     Email: jonathan.sanchez@eurorscg.com
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