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Implicit Monitoring Solutions Announces Middle East and China Expansion
April 24, 2007

Oil and Gas Industry Veteran David Kerr to Initiate
Expanded International Push
    DALLAS, April 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Implicit
Monitoring Solutions, LP announced today plans to expand
its proprietary solution for remote monitoring of oil and
gas production assets into international markets in the
Middle East and China.  

    Implicit Monitoring Solutions already provides
monitoring services for thousands of wells and pipelines in
North America and South America.  As the leading provider of
remote asset monitoring services for the oil and gas
industry, the company plans to build on its strong U.S.
base and expand its services into these growing
international markets.  The company's flagship product,
Intellisite(SM), collects, communicates and delivers secure
field production information to its global clients via its
powerful web-based reporting platform.

    David Kerr, President of Implicit Monitoring Solutions,
brings his expertise, contacts and extensive experience in
the China and Middle East markets to lead this
international expansion.  Kerr notes, "Implicit
Monitoring Solutions with its cutting-edge technology is
perfectly positioned to further expand its services in the
international arena.  The potential in the Middle East and
China markets is immense, and we plan to serve these
markets and solidify our position as a global leader in
remote monitoring services for the oil and gas industry. 
Our international clients will be able to benefit from our
state-of-the-art technology, expertise in satellite
communication and secure data delivery, and ability to
provide critical field production data through our industry
leading web-based reporting application --

    Implicit Monitoring Solutions, LP is a leading provider
of remote asset performance and control monitoring services
for the oil and gas industry.  The company's flagship
product, Intellisite(SM), collects, communicates and
delivers secure field production information to its clients
via a web-based reporting platform.  Intellisite(SM)
monitoring services deliver business critical information
enabling producers to improve the performance of well
sites, send out alarms to avert a costly shutdown, avoid
the escalating investment in the latest technology, and
help meet regulatory and nomination compliance standards. 
For more information visit
http://www.implicitmonitoringsolutions.com .

    For more information, please contact:  

     Dan Ness
     Tel:   +1-972-421-2800
     Email: dan.ness@implicits.com
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