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2006年第2回知的財産検定 検定実施結果公表

― 2級科目試験の受検者数が増加。「研究開発・エンジニア職」の注目が顕著に ―

 中間法人 知的財産教育協会(東京都港区、代表理事:棚橋祐治)は、「2006年第2回知的財産検定(7月9日(日)実施、後援:日本弁理士会)」の実施結果を公表しました。



【 2006年第2回 検定実施結果 】
 (※ 関連資料を参照してください。)

<2006年第2回の主な団体受検企業・大学> ※50音順
 味の素株式会社、石川島播磨重工業株式会社、FDK株式会社、エリエールペーパーテック株式会社、大阪工業大学、大宮製紙株式会社、キヤノン株式会社、京セラ株式会社、コクヨビジネスサービス株式会社、国立大学法人名古屋工業大学、四国大学、シャープ株式会社、住友電工知財テクノセンター株式会社、JUKI株式会社、セイコーエプソン株式会社、積水化学工業株式会社、ダイオーペーパーコンバーティング株式会社、大日本スクリーン製造株式会社、TDK株式会社、東京電力株式会社、パイオニア株式会社、日立コンピュータ機器株式会社、扶桑化学工業株式会社、ホーユー株式会社、株式会社松下電工知的財産センター、三菱マテリアル株式会社 ほか多数。

 2006年第2回の詳細な実施データはこちら⇒ http://www.ip-edu.org/exam/data/kekka060709.pdf







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【 実施中のキャンペーン概要 】

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  2.内 容
 (1)金 利



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以 上







1.北越製紙の主力商品である印刷・情報用紙及び白板紙について、公正取引委員会の企業結合に関するガイドラインによれば、本件 経営統合により市場において著しい競争制限が生じるので、独占禁止法に違反することは明らかである。




 * 関連資料 参照


Edge-Core Chassis Switches Solutions Successfully Deployed in Korea for Telecom Data Center Service and Broadband Connection Service in Hotel
June 06, 2006

    TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 6 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Edge-Core, Brand Division of Accton Technology hosts a
private suite in Grand Hyatt Hotel Room no. 1009 & 1010
to display the new technologies and networking solutions for
SI, ISP and SMB users during Computex 2006.  


    "Edge-Core was established in 2004," said
Cashew Chen, VP of Accton Sales & Marketing, "We
are very proud to announce that we have successfully
launched the Edge-Core brand worldwide and built up strong
System Integrator partnership in different countries. 
Especially in Korea, our high-end solution -- Layer 3
chassis switches and L2/L3 10/100/1000M management
stackable switches were selected out of the competitions. 
It approves Edge-Core products provide the outstand
performance with competitive cost advantage as what we
promised in the market."

    To evaluate the possibility of hosting more than 3,000
the servers with up to 4.2G data transaction in the peak
time, SmileServe was evaluating the enterprise gigabit
switches from different networking vendors.  Edge-Core
enterprise switches were selected  among competitors
because of its outstanding performance and competitive
price.  Total 15 units of 24-port layer 3 gigabit stackable
switches, 100 units of 24-port layer 2 gigabit switches, and
layer 3 chassis switch were installed & qualified by the
data center to provide the simple management, comprehensive
QoS, and enhanced security.
    Edge-Core chassis routing switch is installed in the
data center of Paradise Hotel in Pusan with the fiber optic
connection to Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch, which were
installed two units at each floor upto 16th floor.  Simply
replacing other competitor's equipments, Edge-Core upgrades
the broadband connection of 540 rooms to 100Mbps 

    About Edge-Core:

    Edge-Core is an integrated service team in Accton
Group, which was established in 1988 with US$ 750 million
revenue in 2005.  The team is dedicated to the sales of
networking equipment & software of Accton and its
strategic partners with its own Edge-Core brand.  Targeting
at small to medium sized enterprise and ISP market segments,
Edge-Core provides a complete networking solutions such as
FTTx/Metro Switch, Layer 3 & layer 2 management
switches, Enterprise Wireless network, VoIP solutions for
Small to Medium Sized Enterprise network, and Security VPN
network solutions.  For more information, please visit: 

    For more information, please contact:

     Lucille Lu
     Tel:   +886-3-577-0270 x3503
     Email: lucille@accton.com.tw

SOURCE  Accton Technology

Aleris International, Inc. Announces Zinc Investment In China
June 06, 2006

    BEACHWOOD, Ohio, June 6 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Aleris
International, Inc. (NYSE: ARS) announced today that it is
constructing a zinc recycling facility in the Economic
Development Zone of Changshu, China, approximately 100
kilometers outside of Shanghai.  The plant will recycle
secondary zinc materials generated in the steel galvanizing
process. The plant will also produce various zinc products,
including zinc oxide, which will be sold to customers in
the fast growing tire, chemicals and other industries. 
Production is expected to commence in the third quarter of
2007.  Initially the plant will produce approximately
16,000 metric tons of zinc oxide annually. 

    This project represents Aleris's first direct
investment in the fast growing China economy and coincides
with the Chinese national drive to focus on the environment
and the recycling of valuable raw materials.  The Company
plans to expand its presence in China and the rest of Asia
and has recently opened regional offices in Shanghai and
Hong Kong to pursue additional opportunities in its
aluminum recycling and rolled products businesses.  

    Aleris International, Inc. is a major North American
manufacturer of rolled aluminum products and is a global
leader in aluminum recycling and the production of
specification alloys.  We are also a leading manufacturer
of value-added zinc products that include zinc oxide, zinc
dust and zinc metal.  Headquartered in Beachwood, Ohio, a
suburb of Cleveland, the Company operates 41 production
facilities in the U.S., Brazil, Germany, Netherlands,
Mexico and Wales, and employs approximately 4,000
employees.  For more information about the Company, please
visit our Web site at http://www.aleris.com .


    Forward-looking statements made in this news release
are made pursuant to the safe harbor provision of the
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  These
include statements that contain words such as
"believe," "expect,"
"anticipate," "intend,"
"estimate," "should" and similar
expressions intended to connote future events and
circumstances, and include statements regarding future
actual and adjusted earnings and earnings per share; future
improvements in margins, processing volumes and pricing;
overall 2006 operating performance; anticipated higher
adjusted effective tax rates; expected cost savings;
success in integrating Aleris's recent acquisitions; its
future growth; an anticipated favorable economic
environment in 2006; future benefits from acquisitions and
new products; expected benefits from industry consolidation
and post-hurricane reconstruction; and anticipated synergies
resulting from the merger with Commonwealth and other
acquisitions.  Investors are cautioned that all
forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties,
and that actual results could differ materially from those
described in the forward-looking statements. These risks
and uncertainties would include, without limitation,
Aleris's levels of indebtedness and debt service
obligations; its ability to effectively integrate the
business and operations of its acquisition; further
slowdowns in automotive production in the U.S. and Europe,
the financial condition of Aleris's customers and future
bankruptcies and defaults by major customers; the
availability at favorable cost of aluminum scrap and other
metal supplies that the Company processes; the ability of
the Company to enter into effective metals, natural gas and
other commodity derivatives; continued increases in natural
gas and other fuel costs of the Company; a weakening in
industrial demand resulting from a decline in U.S. or world
economic conditions caused by terrorist activities or other
unanticipated events; future utilized capacity of the
Company's various facilities; a continuation of building
and construction customers and distribution customers
reducing their inventory levels and reducing the volume of
the Company's shipments; restrictions on and future levels
and timing of capital expenditures; retention of the
Company's  major customers; the timing and amounts of
collections; currency exchange fluctuations; future
write-downs or impairment charges which may be required
because of the occurrence of some of the uncertainties
listed above; and other risks listed in the Company's
filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission,
including but not limited to the Company's annual report on
Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005, and
quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March
31, 2006, particularly the sections entitled "Risk
Factors" contained therein.

http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20050504/CLW056LOGO )

    For more information, please contact:

     Michael D. Friday 
     Aleris International, Inc.
     Tel: +1-216-910-3503/

SOURCE  Aleris International, Inc.
Verizon Business Adds Advanced Features to Its Conferencing Services to Improve Collaboration
June 06, 2006

Cutting-Edge Tools Make Web, Audio Conferencing Easier to Use and Provide Additional Security Protection
    BASKING RIDGE, N.J., June 6 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Verizon Business today announced a variety of advanced
features for its net and audio conferencing services that
will make them easier to use, enhance collaboration and
strengthen information security.

    The advanced features include:

    - Integrating Verizon Conferencing with Microsoft
Office Live 
      Communications Server 2005 to enable users to
initiate an immediate 
      audio or net conference.  

    - Integrating Verizon Audio Conferencing with Verizon
Customized Net 
      Conference to give users more control over their

    - New administrative features -- Event Registration,
Administrative Tool 
      and enhancements to Web RSVP -- to allow business and
      customers to collaborate more quickly and increase
the security and 
      management of their conferencing structure.  

    Separately, Verizon Business and Microsoft today
announced the results of a groundbreaking Frost &
Sullivan research study sponsored by the two companies. 
"Meetings Around the World: The Impact of
Collaboration on Business Performance" determined that
collaboration --  defined as an interaction between culture
and technology such as audio and net conferencing, e-mail
and instant messaging - is a key driver of business
performance.  For more information, visit:
http://newscenter.verizon.com/kit/collaboration/ .

    "It's very powerful to see just how much
collaboration can impact a company's overall
performance," said Nancy Gofus, senior vice president
of product management for Verizon Business.  "By more
closely integrating how our services work together with a
sharp focus on security, Verizon Business continues to
advance our conferencing and collaboration services to make
teamwork more simple and effective for our customers."

    With the integration of Verizon Conferencing with
Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005, customers
can use the click-to-conference capability through Microsoft
Office Communicator to initiate an immediate audio
conference, net conference or both.

    In addition, through the integration of Verizon Audio
Conferencing with Verizon Customized Net Conference,
powered by Microsoft Office Live Meeting, participants can
join an audio conference initiated directly from the net
conference with a dial-out feature to gather participants
to a meeting.   It also gives leaders more control over
conference calls - including the power to mute, disconnect
or monitor attendance for an audio conference or the audio
portion of a net conference.

    Enhanced Web RSVP and Event Registration allow
participants to conveniently and quickly reply to
invitations for meetings and other events. Both tools give
leaders more command and control of their meetings,
enabling them to request qualifying information of
participants, provide automatic reminders and provide
branding tailored for each conference. Event Registration
is available for Customized Net Conference. Enhanced Web
RSVP, which is available for all Verizon Conferencing
products and services, provides more tools for conference
leaders than the earlier version, including providing
automatic, customized reminders and the ability to ask
qualifying questions of participants. Both features can be
accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  

    The new Administrative Tool is designed to help
customers increase security and management of their
enterprise conferencing structure.  Customers can designate
administrators to manage employee conferencing accounts via
the Internet. The administrators can create new users, or
edit or delete them; create logins for new and existing
users; schedule Instant Meeting, Instant Net and Instant
Video Subscriptions; schedule audio and net conferences;
choose who will receive e-mail confirmations; and download
and print user reports. 

    The tool also provides added security by enabling
administrators to keep their employee databases current so
that if an employee leaves a company, that employee will be
deleted from the user database and prevented from accessing
company's conferencing account. 

    Verizon Business is one of the world's largest
providers of conferencing services and assists
organizations worldwide to meet more productively without
the time and costs associated with business travel. The
company offers the convenience of one-stop shopping and
customized products and services, including audio, video
and net conferencing, webcasting, pre-meeting and
post-meeting support tools and equipment sales and
    About Verizon Business 

    Verizon Business, a unit of Verizon Communications
(NYSE:  VZ), is a leading provider of advanced
communications and information technology (IT) solutions to
large business and government customers worldwide. 
Combining unsurpassed global network reach with advanced
technology and professional service capabilities, Verizon
Business delivers innovative and seamless business
solutions to customers around the world.   For more
information, visit http://www.verizonbusiness.com .

    VERIZON'S ONLINE NEWS CENTER: Verizon news releases,
executive speeches and biographies, media contacts, high
quality video and images, and other information are
available at Verizon's News Center on the World Wide Web at
http://www.verizon.com/news .  To receive news releases by
e-mail, visit the News Center and register for customized
automatic delivery of Verizon news releases.

    For more information, please contact:

     Stefanie Scott
     Tel:   +1-512-495-6730
     Email: stefanie.scott@verizon.com

     Debbie Lewis
     Tel:   +1-610-257-7974
     Email: debbie.lewis@verizon.com

SOURCE  Verizon Business
New Research Reveals Collaboration Is a Key Driver of Business Performance Around the World
June 06, 2006

-- Verizon Business, Microsoft Sponsor International Study; Create First-of-Its-Kind Collaboration Index to Measure Impact of Communications Culture, Technologies

    BASKING RIDGE, N.J. and REDMOND, Wash., June 6
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Collaboration is a key driver of
overall performance of companies around the world. Its
impact is twice as significant as a company's
aggressiveness in pursuing new market opportunities
(strategic orientation) and five times as significant as
the external market environment (market turbulence).*

    Those are the results of a groundbreaking study --
"Meetings Around the World: The Impact of
Collaboration on Business Performance" -- conducted by
Frost & Sullivan and sponsored by Verizon Business and
Microsoft Corp. The study defines collaboration as an
interaction between culture and technology such as audio
and Web conferencing, e-mail and instant messaging, and it
created a method to specifically measure how collaboration
affects business performance.

    The study also showed that a global culture of
collaboration exists, but that there are regional
differences in how people in various countries prefer to
communicate with one another.

    "The results show that collaboration can
positively impact each of the gold standards of performance
-- profitability, profit growth and sales growth -- to
determine a company's overall performance in the
marketplace," said Jaclyn Kostner, Ph.D., best-selling
author and expert on high-performance virtual collaboration.
"As a general rule, global companies that collaborate
better, perform better. Those that collaborate less, do not
perform as well. It's just that simple." 

    The "Meetings Around the World" study
surveyed 946 information technology and line-of-business
decision-makers from a cross section of 2,000
small-to-medium, mid-market and global companies in the
United States, Europe (France, Germany and the United
Kingdom) and Asia-Pacific (Australia, Hong Kong and
Japan).** The researchers created a Collaboration Index to
measure a company's relative "collaborativeness"
based on two main factors:

    - An organization's orientation and infrastructure to
      including collaborative technologies such as audio
conferencing, Web 
      conferencing and instant messaging

    - The nature and extent of collaboration that allows
people to work 
      together as well as an organization's culture and
processes that 
      encourage teamwork

    Impact Consistent Geographically and Across Key

    The study, conducted in March, found that the high
impact of collaboration on a company's overall performance
was consistent across the U.S., Europe and Asia-Pacific,
and across the six key vertical industries that were
examined: health care, government, high technology,
professional services, financial services and

    "Verizon Business is already facilitating better
collaboration with advanced services like Net Conferencing
and Secure Instant Messaging," said Nancy Gofus, vice
president of product management for Verizon Business.
"We commissioned this study to keep a finger on the
pulse of the collaboration heartbeat and help ensure that
our current and future products continue to address the
expanding needs of our customers." 

    Susan Conway, a senior consultant at Microsoft, said,
"At Microsoft, our research has shown that information
workers are increasing their use of collaboration
technologies to help increase productivity and improve
business efficiencies. As adoption of collaboration
technology grows, it is crucial to provide information
workers with collaboration solutions that take the
complexity out of communication. Microsoft is providing
information workers with a unified communications
experience that breaks down the silos of communications
that exist today and brings them together into an intuitive
experience that puts people at the center." 

    A Global Culture of Collaboration Exists

    In addition to measuring the relative
"collaborativeness" of companies, "Meetings
Around the World" uncovered general, positive
attitudes about collaboration, along with specific
preferences and regional differences. For example, among
the professionals worldwide who responded:

    - An overwhelming number (9:1) see their collaborative
efforts as highly 
      productive and believe that collaboration through
      technologies provides a personal competitive
advantage, keeps them 
      informed and positions them to take advantage of new

    - Many like to work with teams (10:1), preferably from
home (3:1) and not 
      necessarily face-to-face.

    - A majority (5:1) feel that conferencing provides a
good alternative to 

    - Many like to be reached wherever they are (2:1), but
not necessarily all 
      the time (9:1), which may be one of the reasons why
e-mail is preferred 
      to using the phone (3:1). 

    As for the regional differences, American professionals
were more likely to enjoy working alone, and prefer to send
e-mail rather than calling a person or leaving a voicemail
message. They are also more comfortable with audio, video
and Web conferencing technologies than people of other
regions and tend to multi-task the most when on conference

    Europeans thrive on teamwork more than their
counterparts elsewhere and prefer to interact in real time
with other people. They are more likely to feel it is
irresponsible not to answer the phone and want people to
call them back rather than leave a voicemail message.
Professionals in the Asia-Pacific region, more so than
anywhere else, want to be in touch constantly during the
workday. As a result they find the phone to be an
indispensable tool and prefer instant messaging to e-mail.

    These differences highlight an opportunity for greater
cultural understanding to improve collaborative efforts
around the world, the study said.

    "Collaboration technologies allow everyone in our
company the same level of knowledge, regardless of their
location," said David Medland-Slater, product
evangelist for Touchpaper, the global provider of software
for IT Business Management (ITBM), headquartered in the
U.K. "By leveraging such tools as Web conferencing and
schedulers, we have increased our speed to transfer
knowledge throughout the company, allowing us to better
compete world-wide." 

    Web conferencing can be a significant predictor of a
company's performance

    Of all the collaboration technologies that were
studied***, three were more commonly present in
high-performing companies than in low-performing ones: Web
conferencing, audio conferencing and meeting-scheduler
technologies. Web conferencing was cited by respondents as
the most commonly present tool. (High vs. low performance
was based on a split for companies based on their
performance index, which was derived from items measured in
the questionnaire.)

    "This study reveals a powerful new metric business
leaders can use to more successfully manage their companies
and achieve competitive advantage," said Brian Cotton,
a vice president at Frost & Sullivan. "Measuring
the quality and capability of collaboration in a given
organization presents an opportunity for management to
prioritize technology investments, encourage adoption of
new tools and open up communications lines for improved

    For more information about Meetings Around the World,
visit http://newscenter.verizon.com/kit/collaboration/ .

      * Collaboration, a company's strategic orientation
and market turbulence 
        were identified as three main business performance
drivers. Among 
        these, collaboration was found to have the most
significant impact.

     ** Decision makers were those individuals who held key
positions in a 
        line-of-business or in an Information Technology
department, with 
        titles such as President, Vice President, Director,
or Manager. Ratios 
        are a combination of respondents who said strongly
agree and agree 
        compared to strongly disagree and disagree.

    *** Technologies represented in the study included
email, meeting 
        scheduler, instant messaging, video conferencing,
audio conferencing, 
        web conferencing, desktop or wired PC,
mobile/wireless PC, PDA w/no 
        web access, PDA w/web access, mobile phone w/web
access, pager

    Microsoft and Outlook are either registered trademarks
or trademarks of Microsoft Corp. in the United States
and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and
products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their
respective owners

    About Verizon Business

    Verizon Business, a unit of Verizon Communications
(NYSE: VZ), is a leading provider of advanced
communications and information technology (IT) solutions to
large business and government customers worldwide. Combining
unsurpassed global network reach with advanced technology
and professional service capabilities, Verizon Business
delivers innovative and seamless business solutions to
customers around the world. For more information, visit
http://www.verizonbusiness.com .

    About Microsoft

    Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq "MSFT") is
the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions
that help people and businesses realize their full

    About Frost & Sullivan

    Frost & Sullivan, a global growth consulting
company, has been partnering with clients to support the
development of innovative strategies for more than 40
years. The company's industry expertise integrates growth
consulting, growth partnership services and corporate
management training to identify and develop opportunities.
Frost & Sullivan serves an extensive clientele that
includes Global 1000 companies, emerging companies, and the
investment community, by providing comprehensive industry
coverage that reflects a unique global perspective and
combines ongoing analysis of markets, technologies,
econometrics, and demographics. For more information, visit
http://www.frost.com .

    VERIZON'S ONLINE NEWS CENTER: Verizon news releases,
executive speeches and biographies, media contacts, high
quality video and images, and other information are
available at Verizon's News Center on the World Wide web at
http://www.verizon.com/news . To receive news releases by
e-mail, visit the News Center and register for customized
automatic delivery of Verizon news releases.

    For more information, please contact:

     Debbie Lewis, 
     Tel:   +1-610-257-7974
     Email: debbie.lewis@verizon.com

     Erica Mortensen
     Tel:   +1-425-638-7000
     Email: ericamo@waggeneredstrom.com

     Rapid Response Team
     Tel:   +1-503-443-7070
     Email: rrt@waggeneredstrom.com

SOURCE  Verizon Business

New Study Suggests Combining Breakthrough Therapies Tarceva(R) and Avastin(R) May Provide More Hope for Lung Cancer Patients
June 06, 2006

    BASEL, Switzerland, June 6 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- A new
study(1) suggests that treatment with the combination of the
innovative cancer drugs Avastin (bevacizumab) and Tarceva
(erlotinib) or Avastin with chemotherapy, improves
progression-free survival in patients with recurrent or
refractory non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), the most
common form of lung cancer, when compared with standard
chemotherapy alone. Progression-free survival is the time
patients live without their cancer advancing. These data
were presented today at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Atlanta.

    "These findings signal the potential for combining
novel therapies that target different cancer growth
pathways, to achieve better overall patient outcomes, with
a low incidence of serious side effects," said Willem
Verhoofstad, Global Business Director for Roche Oncology.
"We are continuing to invest and explore the safety
and efficacy of the Avastin and Tarceva combination and are
currently conducting Phase III trials with both products in
first-line and relapsed NSCLC settings."

    The randomised, Phase II exploratory study evaluated
three treatment regimens in patients with recurrent or
refractory NSCLC:

     -- Avastin in addition to Tarceva

     -- Avastin in addition to chemotherapy (either
pemetrexed or docetaxel)

     -- Chemotherapy alone (either pemetrexed or docetaxel)
as control arm

    The study suggests that Avastin in combination with
Tarceva or chemotherapy improves progression-free survival,
the primary study endpoint, compared to chemotherapy alone.
Median progression-free survival in the Avastin plus
chemotherapy arm was 4.8 months, and was 4.4 months in the
Avastin plus Tarceva arm, compared to just 3.0 months in
the chemotherapy alone arm. The study results also showed
that the toxicity profile of the Avastin plus Tarceva
combination was favourable, resulting in fewer serious
adverse events, when compared to either
chemotherapy-containing arm. Due to the exploratory nature
of this randomised Phase II study, these data do not
provide definitive conclusions with respect to differences
between the three treatment arms.

    About the Phase II Exploratory Study

    120 patients with recurrent or refractory NSCLC, who
had not received previous treatment with Avastin or
Tarceva, were enrolled into this study. Patients in the
study had histologically or cytologically confirmed
non-squamous NSCLC and had experienced clinical or
radiographic disease progression during or following one
platinum-based chemotherapy regimen for advanced stage
disease (IIIb or IV).

    The key study results showed:

     -- Treatment with Avastin plus Tarceva reduced the
risk of cancer progression or death by 28 per cent compared
to chemotherapy alone (based on a hazard ratio of 0.72)

     -- Treatment with Avastin plus chemotherapy reduced
the risk of cancer progression or death by 34 per cent
compared to chemotherapy alone (based on a hazard ratio of

     -- Treatment with Avastin plus Tarceva saw 78% of
patients alive at six months (median progression-free
survival 4.4 months)

     -- Treatment with Avastin plus chemotherapy saw 72% of
patients alive at six months (median progression-free
survival 4.8 months)

     -- Treatment with chemotherapy alone saw 62% of
patients alive at six months (median progression-free
survival 3.0 months)

     -- The toxicity profile of the Avastin plus Tarceva
combination was favourable, resulting in fewer serious
adverse events, when compared to either
chemotherapy-containing arm

     -- Adverse events in the Avastin plus Tarceva arm were
similar to those observed in previous clinical trials of
Avastin in combination with Tarceva, and included diarrhoea
and rash

     -- Adverse events in the Avastin plus chemotherapy arm
were similar to those observed in previous clinical trials
of Avastin in combination with chemotherapy, and included
hypertension and bleeding

    About Tarceva

    Tarceva is an investigational small molecule that
targets the human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER1)
pathway. HER1, also known as EGFR, is a key component of
this signalling pathway, which plays a role in the
formation and growth of numerous cancers. Tarceva blocks
tumour cell growth by inhibiting the tyrosine kinase
activity of the HER1 signalling pathway inside the cell.

    Taken as an oral, once-daily therapy, Tarceva is the
only EGFR-inhibitor to have demonstrated a survival benefit
in lung cancer. Currently most lung cancer patients are
treated with chemotherapy which can be very debilitating
due to its toxic nature. Tarceva works differently to
chemotherapy by specifically targeting tumour cells, and
avoids the typical side-effects of chemotherapy.

    Tarceva is approved in the US and across the European
Union for patients with locally advanced or metastatic
non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) after failure of at
least one prior chemotherapy regimen. Tarceva is approved
in the US in combination with gemcitabine chemotherapy for
the treatment of patients with locally advanced, inoperable
or metastatic pancreatic cancer. A Marketing Authorisation
Application was submitted to the European health
authorities in November 2005.

    Tarceva is currently being evaluated in an extensive
clinical development programme by a global alliance among
OSI Pharmaceuticals, Genentech, and Roche, focussing on
earlier stages of NSCLC. Additionally, Tarceva is being
studied in combination with Avastin in NSCLC. Trials are
also being conducted with Tarceva in other solid tumours,
such as ovarian, bronchioloalveolar (BAC), colorectal,
pancreatic, head and neck and glioma (brain).

    About Avastin

    Avastin is the first treatment that inhibits
angiogenesis -- the growth of a network of blood vessels
that supplies nutrients and oxygen to cancerous tissues.
Avastin targets a naturally occurring protein called VEGF
(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor), a key mediator of
angiogenesis, thus choking off the blood supply that is
essential for the growth of the tumour and its spread
throughout the body (metastasis).

    Avastin is the first and only anti-angiogenic agent to
have demonstrated improved overall and/or progression-free
survival in the three major types of cancer leading to
death: colorectal cancer, non-small cell lung cancer and
breast cancer. In Europe, Avastin was approved in early
2005 for first-line treatment of patients with metastatic
carcinoma of the colon or rectum in combination with the
chemotherapy regimens of intravenous 5-fluorouracil/folinic
acid or intravenous 5-fluorouracil/folinic acid/irinotecan.
Avastin received approval by the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) in February 2004. In addition, filing
occurred in the US on April 10, 2006, for use of Avastin in
previously untreated advanced non-squamous, non-small cell
lung cancer, on May 26 for treatment of women with advanced
breast cancer and in Japan on April 21, 2006 for use of
Avastin in patients with advanced or recurrent colorectal

    Roche and Genentech are pursuing a comprehensive
clinical programme investigating the use of Avastin in
various tumour types (including colorectal, breast, lung,
pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer, renal cell carcinoma and
others) and different settings (advanced and adjuvant i.e.
post-operative). The total development programme is
expected to include over 25,000 patients worldwide.

    Roche in Oncology

    The Roche Group, including its members Genentech in the
United States and Chugai in Japan, is the world's leading
provider of cancer care products, including anti-cancer
treatments, supportive care products and diagnostics. Its
oncology business includes an unprecedented five products
proven to provide survival benefit in different major
tumour indications: Avastin, Herceptin, and Xeloda in
advanced-stage breast cancer, Herceptin in early-stage
HER2-positive breast cancer, MabThera in non-Hodgkin's
lymphoma, Avastin and Xeloda in colorectal cancer, Avastin
and Tarceva in non-small cell lung cancer and Tarceva in
pancreatic cancer.

    In addition to these anti-cancer agents, the Roche
oncology portfolio includes a comprehensive collection of
medicines that can help improve the quality of life of
cancer patients: Bondronat (for prevention of skeletal
events in patients with breast cancer and bone metastases,
hypercalcaemia of malignancy), Kytril (for chemotherapy and
radiotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting), Neupogen (for
cancer-related neutropenia), and NeoRecormon (for anaemia
in various cancer settings). CERA is the most recent
demonstration of Roche's commitment to anaemia management.
Other oncology products include Furtulon (for colorectal
cancer) and Roferon-A (for hairy cell and chronic myeloid
leukaemia, Kaposi's sarcoma, malignant melanoma, renal cell

    In addition to the medicines, Roche is developing new
diagnostic tests that will have a significant impact on
disease management for cancer patients in the future. With
a broad portfolio of tumour markers for prostate,
colorectal, liver, ovarian, breast, stomach, pancreas and
lung cancer, as well as a range of molecular oncology
tests, Roche will continue to be the leader in providing
cancer-focused treatments and diagnostics.

    The unmatched Roche oncology portfolio as well as an
extensive external innovation base through collaborations
with companies and academia is what makes it possible for
Roche to provide more effective cancer therapies.

    In the United States Herceptin, MabThera (Rituxan),
Avastin and Tarceva are marketed either by Genentech alone
or together with its partners Biogen Idec Inc. (MabThera)
and OSI (Tarceva). Outside of the United States, Roche and
its Japanese partner Chugai are responsible for the
marketing of these medicines.

    About Roche

    Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Roche is one of
the world's leading research-focused healthcare groups in
the fields of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. As a
supplier of innovative products and services for the early
detection, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease,
the Group contributes on a broad range of fronts to improve
people's health and quality of life. Roche is a world leader
in diagnostics, the leading supplier of medicines for cancer
and transplantation and a market leader in virology. In 2005
sales by the Pharmaceuticals Division totalled 27.3 billion
Swiss francs, and the Diagnostics Division posted sales of
8.2 billion Swiss francs. Roche employs roughly 70,000
people in 150 countries and has R&D agreements and
strategic alliances with numerous partners, including
majority ownership interests in Genentech and Chugai.
Additional information about the Roche Group is available
on the Internet ( http://www.roche.com ).

    All trademarks used or mentioned in this release are
legally protected.


    1) Fehrenbacher, C et al, A phase II, multicenter,
randomized clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and
safety of Avastin (bevacizumab) in combination with either
chemotherapy (docetaxel or pemetrexed) or Tarceva
(erlotinib hydrochloride) compared with chemotherapy alone
for treatment of recurrent or refractory non-small cell
lung cancer, Abstract #7062, presented at the 42nd Annual
Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

    For more information, please contact:

     Christine Hill
     International Communications Manager
     Avastin, Roche Pharmaceuticals
     Tel:    +41-616-888-995
     Mobile: +41-797-88-824
     Email:  Christine.mage-hill@roche.com

     Martin McInally
     International Communications Manager
     Tarceva, Roche Pharmaceuticals, 
     Tel:    +41-797-888-208
     Mobile: +41-797-888-208
     Email:  martin.mcinally@roche.com

New Xeloda Combination Allows Patients with Stomach Cancer to Live Significantly Longer
June 05, 2006

In Addition, Oral Chemotherapy Xeloda Reduces Treatment Time for Patients
    BASEL, Switzerland, June 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Results of the largest-ever phase III study in advanced
oesophagogastric cancer, the REAL 2 study, reveal that
Xeloda can replace 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and oxaliplatin
can replace cisplatin for the first-line treatment of
patients with advanced oesophagogastric (oesophagus and
stomach) cancer. The standard treatment for this disease in
the UK and much of Europe is the combination of epirubicin,
cisplatin and 5-FU (known as ECF). In addition, the trial
showed that patients treated with the combination of Xeloda
plus oxaliplatin and epirubicin (known as 'EOX') live
significantly longer, compared to patients treated with
standard ECF chemotherapy. ECF is administered to patients
via an infusion pump connected to their arm -- lasting all
day and night, every day of the week, for the entire
duration of their treatment. Oral Xeloda frees the patient
from this schedule, is more convenient and provides greater
patient autonomy.  

    A second study, presented by lead investigator Prof. Y
K Kang of the Asan Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea,
confirms that Xeloda can also effectively replace the old
standard intravenous 5-FU, in combination with cisplatin,
as first-line therapy for stomach cancer. 

    Xeloda in combination with other chemotherapy drugs is
therefore an effective, safe, simpler and more convenient
treatment option for stomach and oesophageal cancer
patients compared to standard treatments.

    Stomach cancer is the fourth most commonly diagnosed
cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related
deaths worldwide.(1) In Europe alone, nearly 140,000 people
die from stomach cancer each year.(2) Stomach cancer affects
twice as many men as women and occurs more frequently in
people aged over 55 years.(3) Amongst tumours of the upper
GI tract, oesophagogastric cancer is more common in the
West, whilst stomach cancer is predominant in the East.(4)

    Annie Logan, a patient with stomach cancer, said
"I wasn't prepared for how drastically my life would
change after I'd been diagnosed with stomach cancer -- it
was an absolute shock. The cancer felt like an intruder
inside of me, and it left me very debilitated. The
operation to remove the cancer involved being cut right
across my stomach and it felt like being knitted up inside.
Having now received therapy, I have a positive outlook for
the future, and am able to enjoy spending time with my

    Professor David Cunningham from the Royal Marsden
Hospital, London, and lead investigator of the REAL 2
study, comments "Xeloda can now be considered as a
treatment option for oesophagogastric cancer, replacing
5-FU, as it provides the optimal balance between efficacy,
safety and convenience for patients".  

    Roche is filing for an indication in advanced stomach
cancer with worldwide regulatory authorities, based on the
results of the study presented by Prof. Y K Kang.


    About the Studies

    The REAL 2 study is the largest-ever phase III study in
advanced oesophagogastric cancer, and the study by Prof.
Kang is a large international phase III study in advanced
stomach cancer. These remarkable data were unveiled today
as late-breaking abstracts at the American Society of
Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting in Atlanta --
considered the premier educational and scientific event by
the oncology community. 

    1. 'Randomised multicentre phase III study comparing
capecitabine with fluorouracil and oxaliplatin with
cisplatin in patients with advanced oesophagogastric (OG)
cancer: The REAL 2 trial' Cunningham D 
    (Presented at ASCO 2006, 05/06/2006, 11:30a.m.) 

    -- This study was conducted in 1002 advanced
oesophagogastric cancer patients from 61 centres mainly in
the UK.

    -- The chemotherapy regimen ECF (epirubicin, cisplatin
and 5-FU) is considered a standard treatment option for
patients with oesophagogastric cancer in the UK and much of

    -- The study aimed to establish the potential use of
Xeloda (X) and oxaliplatin (O) in untreated patients, with
the primary endpoint of overall survival.

    -- Patients were randomised to one of four regimens:
ECF, EOF, ECX or EOX. The primary comparison was overall
survival between the Xeloda and 5-FU containing arms (ECX +
EOX versus ECF + EOF) and the oxaliplatin and cisplatin
containing arms (EOF + EOX versus ECF + ECX). A further
comparison was survival between all four regimens.   

    -- Results: Xeloda was found to be as effective as 5-FU
and oxaliplatin was shown to be as effective as cisplatin
for the 5-FU arms (HR for non-inferiority =0.86, 95% CI;
0.9-0.99 which was highly significant).  Patients on the
oxaliplatin containing arms lived at least as long as those
on the cisplatin arms (HR for non-inferiority =0.92, 95% CI;
0.8-1.1        which was highly significant). Patients who
were treated first-line with Xeloda plus oxaliplatin and
epirubicin (EOX) had a longer overall survival which was
significant when compared to standard ECF (median overall
survival of 11.2 months on EOX versus 9.3 months on EOF,
and 9.9 months on ECF and ECX). The toxicity profile for
the Xeloda and oxaliplatin-containing arms appeared
    -- Xeloda and oxaliplatin can now replace 5-FU and
cisplatin in triplet regimens used for the first-line
treatment of advanced oesophagogastric cancer.

    2. 'Randomised phase III trial of
capecitabine/cisplatin vs. continuous infusion of
5-FU/cisplatin as first-line therapy in patients with
advanced gastric cancer: efficacy and safety results' Kang
    (Presented at ASCO 2006, 05/06/2006, 11:45a.m.)

    -- This phase III study was conducted in 316 advanced
gastric cancer patients who were enrolled in 46 centres
across 13 countries.   
    -- The study compared the efficacy and safety of Xeloda
and cisplatin (XP) with intravenous 5-FU and cisplatin (FP);
FP is also a standard treatment of gastric cancer, and
accepted by regulatory agencies as the reference regimen
against which all other regimens should be compared.    
    -- The primary endpoint was non-inferiority in
progression-free survival; patients receiving the XP
combination therapy lived at least as long without the
cancer progressing as those treated with FP (median
progression-free survival 5.6 vs. 5 months, HR= 0.81,
p=<0.001 showing strong evidence of non-inferiority),
with acceptable and similar levels of toxicity.   
    -- XP patients also lived at least as long overall
(10.5 vs. 9.3 months, HR=0.85, p=0.008 showing strong
evidence of non-inferiority).  
    -- XP response rate was superior to FP - this is the
first time that Xeloda has shown superiority to infusional
5-FU rather than bolus 5-FU (overall response rate 41 vs.
29%, p=0.030).
    -- XP reduces the amount of time a patient needs to
visit the clinic by 80% compared to FP (1 day vs. 5 days
per 3 weeks).

    About Xeloda (capecitabine)

    Xeloda is licensed in more than 90 countries worldwide
including the EU, USA, Japan, Australia and Canada and has
been shown to be effective, safe, simple and convenient
oral chemotherapy in treating over 1 million patients to

    Roche received marketing authorisation for Xeloda as a
first-line monotherapy (by itself) in the treatment of
metastatic colorectal cancer (colorectal cancer that has
spread to other parts of the body) in most countries
(including the EU and USA) in 2001. Xeloda has also been
approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) and U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for adjuvant
(post-surgery) treatment of colon cancer in March and June
2005, respectively.

    Xeloda is licensed in combination with Taxotere(R)
(docetaxel) in women with metastatic breast cancer (breast
cancer that has spread to other parts of the body) and
whose disease has progressed following intravenous (i.v.)
chemotherapy with anthracyclines. Xeloda monotherapy is
also indicated for treatment of patients with metastatic
breast cancer that is resistant to other chemotherapy drugs
such as paclitaxel and anthracyclines. Xeloda is licensed
for the first-line treatment of stomach cancer that has
spread, in South Korea.

    The most commonly reported adverse events with Xeloda
include diarrhoea, abdominal pain, nausea, stomatitis and
hand-foot syndrome (palmar-plantar erythrodysesthaesia).
    About Roche

    Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Roche is one of
the world's leading research-focused healthcare groups in
the fields of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. As a
supplier of innovative products and services for the early
detection, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease,
the Group contributes on a broad range of fronts to
improving people's health and quality of life. Roche is a
world leader in diagnostics, the leading supplier of
medicines for cancer and transplantation and a market
leader in virology. In 2005 sales by the Pharmaceuticals
Division totalled 27.3 billion Swiss francs, and the
Diagnostics Division posted sales of 8.2 billion Swiss
francs. Roche employs roughly 70,000 people in 150
countries and has R&D agreements and strategic
alliances with numerous partners, including majority
ownership interests in Genentech and Chugai. Additional
information about the Roche Group is available on the
Internet ( http://www.roche.com ).

    All trademarks used or mentioned in this release are
legally protected.

    For more information, please contact:

     Julia Pipe                             
     International Communications Manager
     Tel:    +41-79-263-9715
     Email:  julia.pipe@roche.com  

     Peter Dixon
     Shire Health International, New York
     Tel:    +1-646-642-1224
     Email:  peter.dixon@newyork.shirehealth.com

    Further Information Available from Media Relations

    -- Gastric and oesophageal cancer fact sheet 
    -- Xeloda in stomach cancer fact sheet 
    -- Xeloda fact sheet
    -- Roche in oncology:

    -- Roche: http://www.roche.com 
    -- Broadcast quality B-roll including doctor, caregiver
and patient interviews is available for download via


    1. Ajani, J. Evolving Chemotherapy for Advanced Gastric
Cancer. The Oncologist, Oct. 2005; Vol. 10, Sup. 3, 49-58

    2. Boyle, P & Ferlay, J. Cancer incidence and
mortality in Europe. 2004. Annals of Oncology 2005;

    3. Oncology Channel.
http://www.oncologychannel.com/gastriccancer/ . Visited on
15th March 2006

    4. Crew, K & Neugut, A. Epidemiology of gastric
cancer. World J Gastroenterol. 2006 Jan 21; 12(3):354-62

Edge-Core Complete Networking Solution Showcased at Computex Taipei 2006
June 05, 2006

    COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2006, TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 5
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Edge-Core, Brand Division of Accton
Technology hosts a private suite at Grand Hyatt Hotel Room
no. 1009 & 1010 to display the new technologies and
networking solutions for SI, ISP and SMB users during
Computex 2006.  

http://xprnnews.xfn.info/Accton/20060605/Phone.htm ) 

    "Edge-Core was established in 2004," said
Cashew Chen, VP of Sales & Marketing, "We are very
proud to announce that we have successfully launched the
Edge-Core brand worldwide and built up distribution
partnership in more than 20 countries.  In addition to
having the private suite for our valued partners in
Computex Taipei, Edge-Core is also having the big presence
in Interop Japan with CTC SP to introduce our complete
solutions to Japan market at the same time."   

    With the continuous growth of the VoIP market,
Edge-Core specially demonstrates the complete VoIP solution
designed for SMB/e office users, which include the SIP-PBX
with FXO, FXO, SIP trucking functions and servers.  
Together with SIP-based IP phone, Personal VoIP gateway,
and Wi-Fi SIP phone, it provides end-to-end traveler VoIP
accessibility for business travelers.  Edge-Core VoIP
solution provides the most cost-effective solution for
business users to build up the voice over IP

    In addition to VoIP solutions for SMB/e office,
Edge-Core solutions in Computex Taipei 2006 include: 

     -- Access Network for ISPs: Carrier-class FTTH, VDSL2,
Metro Ethernet 
        solutions for ISPs to distribute fiber to the home
     -- Switch Solutions for Enterprises: Edge-Core's
complete switch product 
        line covers Core routing chassis switches, 10G
Switches, L2 & L3 
        Gigabit Switches and PoE Switches
     -- Wireless solution for Enterprises/ Wireless ISPs:
        wireless solution includes Outdoor AP/Bridge and
Enterprise AP, for 
        enterprise to have long distance bridging and
enhanced security 
        wireless network

    About Edge-Core:

    Edge-Core is an integrated service team in Accton
Group, which was established in 1988 with US$ 750 million
revenue in 2005.  The team is dedicated to the sales of
networking equipment & software of Accton and its
strategic partners with its own Edge-Core brand.  Targeting
at small to medium sized enterprise and ISP market segments,
Edge-Core provides a complete networking solutions such as
FTTx/Metro Switch, Layer 3 & layer 2 management
switches, Enterprise Wireless network, VoIP solutions for
Small to Medium Sized Enterprise network, and Security VPN
network solutions.  For more information, please visit:

    For more information, please contact:

     Lucille Lu
     Tel:   +886-3-577-0270 x3503
     Email: lucille@accton.com.tw

SOURCE  Accton Technology
June 05, 2006

June 2006
    The Secretary-General made a statement on the World Cup
on 5 June 2006, with details as follows:

    "You may wonder what a Secretary-General of the
United Nations is doing writing about football. But in
fact, the World Cup makes us in the UN green with envy. As
the pinnacle of the only truly global game, played in every
country by every race and religion, it is one of the few
phenomena as universal as the United Nations. You could
even say it's more universal. FIFA has 207 members; we have
only 191."

    "But there are far better reasons to be envious.

    "First, the World Cup is an event in which
everybody knows where their team stands, and what it did to
get there. They know who scored and how and in what minute
of the game; they know who missed the open goal; they know
who saved the penalty. I wish we had more of that sort of
competition in the family of nations. Countries openly
vying for the best standing in the table of respect for
human rights, and trying to outdo one another in child
survival rates or enrolment in secondary education. States
parading their performance for all the world to see.
Governments being held accountable for what actions led
them to that result." 

    "Second, the World Cup is an event which everybody
on the planet loves talking about. Dissecting what their
team did right, and what it could have done differently --
not to mention the other side's team. People sitting in
caf¨¦s anywhere from Buenos Aires to Beijing, debating the
finer points of games endlessly, revealing an intimate
knowledge not only of their own national teams but of many
of the others too, and expressing themselves on the subject
with as much clarity as passion. Normally tongue-tied
teenagers suddenly becoming eloquent, confident, and
dazzlingly analytical experts. I wish we had more of that
sort of conversation in the world at large. Citizens
consumed by the topic of how their country could do better
on the Human Development Index, or in reducing the number
of carbon emissions or new HIV infections."

    "Third, the World Cup is an event which takes
place on a level playing field, where every country has a
chance to participate on equal terms. Only two commodities
matter in this game: talent and team work. I wish we had
more levellers like that in the global arena. Free and fair
exchanges without the interference of subsidies, barriers or
tariffs. Every country getting a real chance to field its
strengths on the world stage."  

    "Fourth, the World Cup is an event which
illustrates the benefits of cross-pollination between
peoples and countries. More and more national teams now
welcome coaches from other countries, who bring new ways of
thinking and playing. The same goes for the increasing
number of players who between World Cups represent clubs
away from home. They inject new qualities into their new
team, grow from the experience, and are able to contribute
even more to their home side when they return. In the
process, they often become heroes in their adopted
countries -- helping to open hearts and broaden minds. I
wish it were equally plain for all to see that human
migration in general can create triple wins -- for
migrants, for their countries of origin, and for the
societies that receive them. That migrants not only build
better lives for themselves and their families, but are
also agents of development -- economic, social, and
cultural -- in the countries they go and work in, and in
the homelands they inspire through new-won ideas and
know-how when they return." 

    "For any country, playing in the World Cup is a
matter of profound national pride. For countries qualifying
for the first time, such as my native Ghana, it is a badge
of honour. For those who are doing so after years of
adversity, such as Angola, it provides a sense of national
renewal. And for those who are currently riven by conflict,
like C?te d'Ivoire, but whose World Cup team is a unique and
powerful symbol of national unity, it inspires nothing less
than the hope of national rebirth." 

    "Which brings me to what is perhaps most enviable
of all for us in the United Nations: the World Cup is an
event in which we actually see goals being reached. I'm not
talking only about the goals a country scores; I also mean
the most important goal of all -- being there, part of the
family of nations and peoples, celebrating our common
humanity. I'll try to remember that when Ghana plays Italy
in Hanover on 12 June. Of course, I can't promise I'll

    "-- Kofi A. Annan"

    For more information, please contact:

     Zhang Wei
     UNDP Communications Officer  
     Tel:   +86-10-6532-3731 ext. 228
     Fax:   +86-10-6532-2567
     Email: wei.zhang@undp.org

SOURCE  Office of the United Nations System
June 05, 2006

5 June 2006
    The Secretary-General made a statement on "World
Environment Day" on 5 June 2006, with details as

    "The theme of this year's observance of World
Environment Day, "Don't Desert Drylands!",
reminds us all, in the International Year of Deserts and
Desertification, of the importance of caring for the
world's vast areas of arid and semiarid land. "

    "Drylands are found in all regions, cover more
than 40 per cent of the Earth and are home to nearly 2
billion people -- one-third of the world's population.  For
most dryland dwellers, life is hard and the future often
precarious.  They live on the ecological, economic and
social margins.  It is essential that we do not neglect
them or the fragile habitats on which they depend."

    "Across the planet, poverty, unsustainable land
management and climate change are turning drylands into
deserts, and desertification in turn exacerbates and leads
to poverty.  It is estimated that between 10 and 20 per
cent of drylands are already degraded.  The problem is
particularly acute in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia,
where dryland degradation is a serious obstacle to
eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, and is jeopardizing
efforts to ensure environmental sustainability.  These
goals, which the world's governments have pledged to
achieve by 2015, are essential components of a broader
commitment to achieve a more secure future for

    "There is also mounting evidence that dryland
degradation and competition over increasingly scarce
resources can bring communities into conflict. 
Furthermore, people whose livelihoods and survival depend
on drylands are swelling the ranks of environmental and
economic refugees who are testing the already stretched
resources of towns and cities across the developing

    "Desertification is hard to reverse, but it can be
prevented.  Protecting and restoring drylands will not only
relieve the growing burden on the world's urban areas, it
will contribute to a more peaceful and secure world.  It
will also help to preserve landscapes and cultures that
date back to the dawn of civilization and are an essential
part of our cultural heritage."

    "On this World Environment Day, in the 10th
anniversary year of the UN Convention to Combat
Desertification, I urge governments and communities
everywhere to focus on the challenges of life on the desert
margins so the people who live there can look forward to a
future of peace, health and social progress."

    For more information, please contact:

     UNDP Communications Officer  Zhang Wei
     Tel:   +86-10-6532-3731 ext. 228
     Fax:   +86-10-6532-2567
     Email: wei.zhang@undp.org

SOURCE  Office of the United Nations System
New Breast Cancer Data Show Xeloda is as Effective as Anthracyclines in Combination with Paclitaxel
June 05, 2006

Xeloda plus paclitaxel is a new, safer first-line treatment option for patients with advanced disease
News from the 2006 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA
    BASEL, Switzerland, June 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- A new
randomised phase III study in advanced breast cancer shows
the combination of Xeloda (capecitabine) plus paclitaxel is
equally as effective and safer than the, recognised as
highly potent, combination of epirubicin (an anthracycline)
plus paclitaxel.(1) It is well known that anthracyclines
(epirubicin and others) are associated with cumulative
cardiac toxicity, which can be life-threatening,
restricting the number of treatments a patient can receive
during her lifetime due to progressive heart failure.
Importantly, Xeloda plus paclitaxel (known as `XP') is
safer for patients as it has no cumulative side-effects. 

    The results support those seen in previous studies,
which showed that the Xeloda plus Taxotere (docetaxel)
combination, known as `XT', leads to longer survival
compared with docetaxel alone, for women with
anthracycline-pretreated breast cancer.(2),(3)

    "Women with advanced breast cancer need treatment
options that they can rely on to provide powerful benefits
early in their treatment course. Anthracyclines have been,
and will remain, an effective and important part of breast
cancer therapy, but the risk of progressive heart failure
after receiving a cumulative dose restricts their use and
therefore their effectiveness over the long term. These new
study results demonstrate that Xeloda combinations can offer
patients all the good of anthracyclines without the bad
effects," commented Dr Lueck, of the Horst-Schmidt
Clinic, Wiesbaden, Germany, and lead investigator of the
AGO Breast Cancer Study Group. "XP is a new, powerful
weapon in our fight against breast cancer."

    Breast cancer is the primary cause of cancer-related
deaths in women worldwide(4) and the second leading cause
of death for women in Europe.(5) Statistics show that
breast cancer spreads in half of all women diagnosed, and
that the average survival time for these patients is only
18 to 30 months.(6)

    NOTES TO EDITORS: Study Details

    Xeloda plus paclitaxel versus epirubicin plus
paclitaxel first-line in metastatic breast cancer:

    340 metastatic breast cancer patients were randomised
to receive either epirubicin plus paclitaxel (EP), or
Xeloda plus paclitaxel (XP). The aim of the study was to
show non-inferiority of XP to EP. Key findings were:

    -- Efficacy: This study shows similar efficacy between
the non-
       anthracycline regimen XP and the EP combination when
given upfront 
       (overall response rate 41.5 percent vs. 41.0
percent; progression-free 
       survival 12.3 months vs. 11.8 months)

    -- Safety: The toxicity of XP is relatively low
compared with other non-
       anthracycline-containing combination therapies, and
compares favorably 
       with EP. Moreover, Xeloda clearly has safety
advantages compared with 
       anthracyclines, such as lack of cumulative
cardiotoxicity, neutropenia  
       and hair loss

    -- New option: XP is a strong option for patients with
       pretreated metastatic breast cancer

    About Xeloda

    Xeloda is licensed in more than 90 countries worldwide
including the EU, USA, Japan, Australia and Canada and has
been shown to be effective, safe, simple and convenient
oral chemotherapy in treating over 1 million patients to

    Roche received marketing authorisation for Xeloda as a
first-line monotherapy (by itself) in the treatment of
metastatic colorectal cancer (colorectal cancer that has
spread to other parts of the body) in most countries
(including the EU and USA) in 2001. Xeloda has also been
approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) and U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for adjuvant
(post-surgery) treatment of colon cancer in March and June
2005, respectively.

    Xeloda is licensed in combination with Taxotere
(docetaxel) in women with metastatic breast cancer (breast
cancer that has spread to other parts of the body) and
whose disease has progressed following intravenous (i.v.)
chemotherapy with anthracyclines. Xeloda monotherapy is
also indicated for treatment of patients with metastatic
breast cancer that is resistant to other chemotherapy drugs
such as paclitaxel and anthracyclines. Xeloda is licensed
for the first-line treatment of stomach cancer that has
spread, in South Korea.

    The most commonly reported adverse events with Xeloda
include diarrhoea, abdominal pain, nausea, stomatitis and
hand-foot syndrome (palmar-plantar erythrodysesthaesia).
    About Roche

    Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Roche is one of
the world's leading research-focused healthcare groups in
the fields of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. As a
supplier of innovative products and services for the early
detection, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease,
the Group contributes on a broad range of fronts to
improving people's health and quality of life. Roche is a
world leader in diagnostics, the leading supplier of
medicines for cancer and transplantation and a market
leader in virology. In 2005 sales by the Pharmaceuticals
Division totalled 27.3 billion Swiss francs, and the
Diagnostics Division posted sales of 8.2 billion Swiss
francs. Roche employs roughly 70,000 people in 150
countries and has R&D agreements and strategic
alliances with numerous partners, including majority
ownership interests in Genentech and Chugai. Additional
information about the Roche Group is available on the
Internet ( http://www.roche.com ).

    All trademarks used or mentioned in this release are
legally protected.

    Further information available from contacts:
    -- Breast cancer fact sheet 
    -- Xeloda in breast cancer fact sheet 
    -- Xeloda fact sheet
    -- Roche in oncology: 
    -- Roche:  http://www.roche.com 
    -- Broadcast quality B-roll including doctor, caregiver
and patient 
       interviews is available for download via

    1. H. Lueck et al, Epirubicin/paclitaxel (EP) vs.
       (XP) in first-line metastatic breast cancer (MBC): a
       randomized multicentre phase III study of the AGO
breast cancer study 
       group. Oral presentation, Abstract 517 presented at
ASCO 2006
    2. S. Beslija et al, Randomized trial of sequence vs.
combination of 
       capecitabine (X) and docetaxel (T): XT vs. T
followed by X after 
       progression as first-line therapy for patients (pts)
with metastatic 
       breast cancer (MBC). Poster 571 presented at ASCO
    3. O'Shaughnessy J et al. Superior survival with
capecitabine plus 
       docetaxel combination therapy in
anthracycline-pretreated patients with 
       advanced breast cancer: Phase III trial results. J
Clin Oncol 2002; 
    4. World Health Organisation: International Agency for
Research on Cancer 
       Database no.5 (Globocan 2000); Lyon 2001
    5. Mortality Report - UK: Cancer Research UK. February
    6. Perez EA. Current Management of Metastatic Breast
Cancer. Seminars in 
       Oncology. 1999; 26(Suppl.12): 1-10

    For more information, please contact:

     Julia Pipe
     International Communications Manager 
     Tel:   +41-79-263-9715
     Email: julia.pipe@roche.com

     Peter Dixon 
     Shire Health International, New York
     Tel:   +1-212-625-4173
     Email: peter.dixon@newyork.shirehealth.com

The Beijing Guide Now Shows Birdseye View of 2008 Olympic Construction Online
June 05, 2006

-- Beijing's most interactive traveler information website, http://www.TheBeijingGuide.com , now provides timely visual updates of China's Olympic Preparations
    BEIJING, China, June 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The
Beijing Guide, the internet's most interactive guide to
Beijing, has launched clear and detailed imagery of the
main 2008 Olympic venues.  The panoramic views may be seen
on http://www.thebeijingguide.com/olympics which will
continually update viewers on China's Olympic progress
right up until the opening ceremony in August, 2008 as well
as show progress over time.  Shot from the top of a high
rise residence beside the main Olympic construction area,
the high resolution images cover 270-degrees and are
comprised of eleven photographs stitched together
overlooking the Olympic Green and the major Olympic venues.

    "The Beijing Guide combines expert photography and
world-class technology to expand the horizons of image
projection.  We want people to see the world around them
from a natural perspective.  The moving view of the 2008
Olympic construction area gives the sensation one is
turning their head atop a viewpoint." said Peter
Danford, Photographer and Managing Director of The China

    Based in Beijing, Mr. Danford has been working with
virtual reality photography since the introduction of
Quicktime VR by Apple in 1994.  A commercial photographer
and computer programmer, Mr. Danford merges the skills to
create his unique style of web content.

    "Nobody gives you the visuals on Beijing and the
2008 Olympics like http://www.TheBeijingGuide.com,"
said Alan Kahn, CEO of Corporate Communications Consultancy
Alan Kahn & Associates, and long-time Beijing insider. 
"If you are traveling to China, investing, or just
interested in the tremendous changes here, you should
absolutely sprint to your computer and click on this

    About The Beijing Guide

    The Beijing Guide ( http://www.TheBeijingGuide.com )
uses an interactive approach to introducing foreign
travelers to the middle kingdom.  Integrating 360-degree
virtual tours, audio, music, animation and images, The
Beijing Guide is different than the usual text and graphics
web site.  For example, images of Chinese currency when
clicked speak their denominations in Chinese.  360-degree
panoramas and Chinese music recorded live cover The Great
Wall, Forbidden City and other tourist destinations.

    Whether planning a trip to Beijing or just surfing the
net as an armchair traveler, The Beijing Guide is sure to
entertain and educate.  About The China Guide

    The China Guide offers promotional services and
commercial photography to hotels and tourism related
businesses in China.  For more information see
http://www.thechinaguide.com and
http://www.peterdanford.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Peter Danford 
     The China Guide
     Tel:   +86-1355-236-3179
     Email: press@thechinaguide.com

SOURCE   The China Guide

Former AT&T China President Joins Hill & Associates' Board of Advisors
June 05, 2006

    HONG KONG, June 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Hill &
Associates ("H&A"), Asia's largest risk
management & business intelligence consultancy firm has
announced the appointment of Mr. Arthur L. Kobler as Senior

    Following a diverse and exceptional professional career
as a military officer, diplomat and international business
executive, Mr. Kobler now provides independent advice on
China market entry strategy, business development, and
government relations in Asia Pacific.  

    "In managing investments, global supply chains and
distribution channels, multinational corporations must
continuously identify vulnerabilities and implement
targeted programs to mitigate associated risks,"
Kobler said.  "I'm very pleased to be associated with
the recognised leader in delivering those solutions in Asia

    In 2003-4, Mr. Kobler served as President of the
Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC), a respected regional
business association.  While in that position, he initiated
a major restructuring of the PBEC organisation, including
moving its headquarters from Honolulu to Hong Kong.   

    Prior to joining PBEC, Mr. Kobler was an executive with
AT&T in the Asia Pacific region from 1992-2003.  During
most of that period, he served as President of AT&T
China, guiding the formulation and execution of a market
entry strategy that enabled AT&T to become the leading
foreign telecommunications operator in China.  Under Mr.
Kobler's leadership, AT&T negotiated the first
Sino-Foreign telecom joint venture, which was launched in
March 2002 in Shanghai.  Kobler served as Vice Chairman of
the Board of the new company.       

    Before entering the private sector, Mr. Kobler had a
distinguished 25-year career as a diplomat in the US
Foreign Service.  During that time he held a number of key
posts in the State Department and US missions in Asia
including: a member of US delegations negotiating the Law
of the Sea and other economic agreements; Advisor in the
Mekong Delta during the Vietnam war; Economic Officer in
Saigon during the final evacuation of the American Embassy;
Economic Counsellor in Beijing; Deputy Consul General in
Hong Kong; and Deputy Chief of Mission in Singapore.  

    Mr. Kobler was also an intelligence officer in the US
Air Force (1963-67), rising to the rank of Captain. 

    Commenting on the appointment, Richard Hickson CEO of
Hill & Associates said: "I am delighted that Art
is joining our team of senior advisors.  His wide
experience, strategic view and many contacts will be of
great help to us as we build our operations in China.  I
look forward to working with Art and our China management
team to realise our ambitious vision for our business in

    About Hill & Associates

    With 19 offices around the world, Hill & Associates
is Asia's largest and most respected risk management &
security consultancy firm.  By combining local knowledge
and expertise with world-renowned professionalism, leading
edge technology partnerships and a comprehensive range of
integrated services, we are able to assist our clients to
operate safely, efficiently and without disruption in some
of the world's most difficult markets.  We address a wide
range of operational business risks and develop
comprehensive solutions for both prevention and response.

    For more information, please contact:

     Karene Dufour Lo
     Vice President, Marketing & Communications
     Tel:   +852-2802-2133
     Email: karene.dufourlo@hill-assoc.com

SOURCE  Hill & Associates
New Data Show Impressive Survival Benefit for Herceptin in Early-Stage HER2-Positive Breast Cancer
June 05, 2006

- Follow-up From the International HERA Trial Continues to Demonstrate Significant Patient Benefits From Herceptin
    BASEL, Switzerland, June 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- New
23-month follow-up data from HERA, one of the largest
breast cancer trials ever carried out, show that Herceptin
(trastuzumab) following standard chemotherapy significantly
reduced the risk of death by 34% for women with early-stage
HER2-positive breast cancer.[1] The data also show that
Herceptin continues to provide patients with a reduced risk
of their cancer coming back. HER2-positive breast cancer,
which affects approximately 20% - 30%[2] of women with
breast cancer, demands special and immediate attention
because the tumours are fast-growing and there is a higher
likelihood of relapse.

    The data from the international HERA (HERceptin
Adjuvant) study were presented today at the American
Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting in
Atlanta, the biggest conference for oncologists worldwide.
These follow-up data showed that Herceptin taken for 12
months increases the chance of long-term survival by
preventing the development of advanced (metastatic)
disease. Similar disease-free and overall survival benefits
from Herceptin in this setting have also been seen in two
large US trials,[3] but the HERA study allowed for the use
of a wide range of standard chemotherapy regimens before
treatment with Herceptin, making these results highly
meaningful to many parts of the world.

    Professor Ian Smith, Head of the Breast Unit at Royal
Marsden Hospital, London, UK, and investigator of the HERA
study, commented, "These significant survival results
for Herceptin in the early breast cancer are very
important. Last year's HERA results showed that Herceptin
could reduce the risk of recurrence; now we have
confirmation for the first time that this means a better
chance of staying alive. HER2-positive breast cancer is a
more aggressive form of the disease, and it is very
important that women diagnosed with early breast cancer
have a HER2 test to see if they would benefit from

    Roche filed for an indication of Herceptin in
early-stage HER2-positive breast cancer in February 2006
based on the interim analysis of the 12-month arm of the
HERA data. The European Commission granted approval for
this indication on May 22, 2006.

    About the HERA study

    The HERA study is a randomised, phase III trial, which
evaluated the use of Herceptin versus observation following
a wide range of primary chemotherapy (chemotherapy given
before or after surgery) and radiotherapy (if applicable)
for 12 or 24 months in women with early-stage HER2-positive
breast cancer. The 23-month follow-up data show that
patients who received Herceptin in the 12-month arm had
statistically significant reductions in the risk of death
(hazard ratio = 0.66), as well as the risk of cancer coming
back (hazard ratio = 0.64).

    The HERA study has an external Independent Data
Monitoring Committee (IDMC) that regularly reviews safety
data. No safety concerns were raised by the IDMC, and the
incidence of severe congestive heart failure was very low
(0.6% in the Herceptin arm vs. 0% in the observation arm).
Patients in this study continue to be followed for any side

    HERA, conducted by the Roche and the Breast
International Group (BIG),[4] is one of the largest
adjuvant studies ever carried out among breast cancer
patients; enrolment to the trial began in December 2001,
and nearly 5,100 HER2-positive patients were enrolled at
480 sites in 39 countries across the world. The HERA study
allowed for the use of a wide range of chemotherapy
regimens, and both lymph node-positive and lymph
node-negative patients were eligible for entry into the

    The analysis of the 23-month follow-up compared
Herceptin versus observation and did not include a
comparison of 12 months versus 24 months treatment
duration. The trial will continue to assess this comparison
and data will become available in due time as the study

    About breast cancer and Herceptin

    Eight to nine percent of women will develop breast
cancer during their lifetime, making it one of the most
common types of cancer in women.[5] Each year more than one
million new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed worldwide,
with a death rate of nearly 400,000 people per year.

    In HER2-positive breast cancer, increased quantities of
the HER2 protein are present on the surface of the tumour
cells. This is known as `HER2 positivity.' High levels of
HER2 are present in a particularly aggressive form of the
disease which responds poorly to chemotherapy. Research
shows that HER2-positivity affects approximately 20-30% of
women with breast cancer.

    Herceptin is a humanised antibody, designed to target
and block the function of HER2, a protein produced by a
specific gene with cancer-causing potential. In addition to
its efficacy in the early-stage breast cancer setting,
Herceptin also has demonstrated improved survival in the
advanced (metastatic) setting, where its addition to
chemotherapy allows patients to live up to one-third longer
than chemotherapy alone.[6]

    Herceptin received approval in the European Union in
2000 for use in patients with metastatic (advanced) breast
cancer, whose tumours overexpress the HER2 protein. It is
indicated for use as first-line therapy in combination with
docetaxel in patients who have not received chemotherapy for
their metastatic disease, first-line therapy in combination
with paclitaxel where anthracyclines are unsuitable, and
third-line therapy as a single agent. As of May 2006,
Herceptin is also approved in the European Union as
adjuvant therapy following standard chemotherapy for
early-stage HER2-positive breast cancer.

    Herceptin is marketed in the United States by
Genentech, in Japan by Chugai and internationally by Roche.
Since 1998, Herceptin has been used to treat over 230,000
HER2-positive breast cancer patients worldwide.

    About Roche

    Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Roche is one of
the world's leading research-focused healthcare groups in
the fields of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. As a
supplier of innovative products and services for the early
detection, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease,
the Group contributes on a broad range of fronts to
improving people's health and quality of life. Roche is a
world leader in diagnostics, the leading supplier of
medicines for cancer and transplantation and a market
leader in virology. In 2005 sales by the Pharmaceuticals
Division totalled 27.3 billion Swiss francs, and the
Diagnostics Division posted sales of 8.2 billion Swiss
francs. Roche employs roughly 70,000 people in 150
countries and has R&D agreements and strategic
alliances with numerous partners, including majority
ownership interests in Genentech and Chugai. Additional
information about the Roche Group is available on the
Internet ( http://www.roche.com ).

    All trademarks used or mentioned in this release are
legally protected.

    Additional information

    - About Genentech:  http://www.gene.com

    - Roche in Oncology:  

    - Roche Health Kiosk on cancer: 

    To access video clips, in broadcast standard, free of
charge, please go
to:  http://www.thenewsmarket.com .


    [1] Smith I, E. et al. Trastuzumab following adjuvant
chemotherapy in         
        HER2-positive early breast cancer (HERA trial):
disease-free and 
        overall survival after 2 year median follow-up.
Scientific Special 
        Session, American Society of Clinical Oncology
(ASCO) Annual Meeting 

    [2] Harries M, Smith I. The development and clinical
use of trastuzumab 
        (Herceptin). Endocr Relat Cancer 9: 75-85, 2002.

    [3] Romond, E., Perez, E. et al. Trastuzumab plus
Adjuvant Chemotherapy 
        for Operable HER2 Positive Breast Cancer. New
England Journal of 
        Medicine 353:16 2005.

    [4] Collaborative partners for the HERA study include:
Roche, BIG and its 
        affiliated collaborative groups, plus
non-affiliated collaborative 
        groups, and independent sites.

    [5] World Health Organization, 2000.

    [6] Extra JM, Cognetti F, Maraninchi D et al. Long-term
        demonstrated with trastuzumab plus docetaxel:
24-month data from a 
        randomised trial (M77001) in HER2-positive
metastatic breast cancer. 
        Abstract #555, American Society for Clinical
Oncology (ASCO) Annual 
        Meeting 2005.

    For more information, please contact:

     Roche Group Media Office: 

     - Baschi Durr, 
     - Alexander Klauser
     - Daniel Piller (Head of Roche Group Media Office)
     - Katja Prowald (Head of R&D Communications)
     - Martina Rupp


Clinical Experience for `Arimidex' (anastrozole) Passes Two Million Patient Years (i) Milestone
June 05, 2006

Evidence Drives More Clinicians to Choose anastrozole as Optimal
Hormonal Therapy for Postmenopausal Women With Early Breast Cancer
    MACCLESFIELD, England, June 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
AstraZeneca announced today, from the American Society of
Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, that anastrozole
has this month become the first aromatase inhibitor (AI) to
accumulate over two million patient years' clinical
experience. Since the mature results from the ATAC(i) trial
clearly established the superiority of anastrozole over
tamoxifen in early breast cancer (1), anastrozole has
become the world's most used AI.

    Commenting on this treatment revolution, Dr. Buzdar of
the MD Anderson Cancer Centre in Texas said: "When
deciding what's best for our patients, we look to clinical
evidence and guidelines to lead our choices. Anastrozole
has consistently demonstrated that it's more effective and
better tolerated than tamoxifen. Guidelines are now
strongly recommending the use of an AI in early breast
cancer patients and anastrozole has the most experience and
strongest evidence. It's not surprising then, that doctors
are increasingly choosing it to help their patients stay
free from breast cancer after surgery, whilst avoiding some
of the unpredictable and sometimes serious side effects that
they risk with tamoxifen."

    Bone health in postmenopausal women taking aromatase

    In recommending the use of AIs such as anastrozole in
early breast cancer, recent treatment guidelines have also
highlighted that additional evidence was needed regarding
the effect of AIs on bone strength. A 5-year update from
the ATAC bone-sub-protocol, also presented today at ASCO
confirms that, if women have a normal bone mineral density
(BMD) at the outset, they can undergo a 5-year course of
treatment with anastrozole without the risk of developing
osteoporosis(2). These data have generated much excitement
in the medical community as it is the first time that
long-term data have been available on the effects of an AI
on bone.

    Although a reduction in BMD does occur over the 5-year
course of treatment with anastrozole, the rate of bone loss
slows down significantly after the first 2 years. Normal
reduction in BMD associated with ageing is approximately
2-3% over 5 years; the bone loss seen with anastrozole is
slightly higher (average, 6.1% in the lumbar spine and 7.2%
in the hip) but is not significant enough to lead to
osteoporosis (bone loss of 15-20%). Separate data have also
supported the fact that the rate of bone fracture among
women taking anastrozole is comparable to the normal
patient population of that age group (3,4). Clinicians who
may have previously been reluctant to prescribe
anastrozole, because of the unconfirmed effect on bone, can
now be more confident that it not only offers their patients
a significantly better chance of staying cancer-free, any
side effects such as a reduction in bone strength are
predictable and manageable.

    Switching from tamoxifen to anastrozole

    Additional data presented at ASCO today further support
the benefits of anastrozole over tamoxifen. Although it is
clear that postmenopausal women with early breast cancer
gain the greatest benefit from starting anastrozole
treatment immediately after surgery, those who have already
commenced treatment with tamoxifen do not have to miss out
on the superior efficacy and tolerability of the newer
drug. New data from the prospective `Arimidex'-'Nolvadex'
95 (ARNO) study are the first data from a single trial to
confirm that stopping tamoxifen and switching to
anastrozole can potentially save lives(5). These data are
consistent with previous meta-analysis data from three
trials [presented at SABCS(iii) 2005](6) which also
demonstrated an improvement in overall survival among women
who switched treatments.

    "It's reassuring to know that the data for
anastrozole continue to justify the confidence that we as
clinicians already have in selecting it as the optimal
treatment for our postmenopausal early breast cancer
patients. The increasing evidence base for AIs continues to
confirm that tamoxifen is not the most effective or safe
drug we can offer our patients to keep them free from
recurrence," concluded Dr Buzdar.


    1. ATAC Trialists' Group. Lancet 2005; 365: 60-62.

    2. Coleman R. Proceedings of the American Society of
Oncology (ASCO),
2006. Abs 511.

    3. Fisher B et al. J Natl Cancer Inst 1998; 90:

    4. Women's Health Initiative Writing Group. JAMA 2002;
288: 321-333

    5. Kaufmann M. Proceedings of the American Society of
Oncology (ASCO),
2006. Abs 547.

    6. Jonat W. Proceedings of the San Antonio Breast
Cancer Symposium, 2005

    Notes to Editors

    (i) Patient years calculations: Patient takes one
tablet per day and
there are 365 days per year.

    Therefore, total tablets sold since launch divided by
365 = number of
patient years

    (ii) ATAC Trial: `Arimidex' Tamoxifen, Alone or in

    (iii) SABCS: San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium

    AstraZeneca is a major international healthcare
business engaged in the research, development, manufacture
and marketing of prescription pharmaceuticals and the
supply of healthcare services. It is one of the world's
leading pharmaceutical companies with healthcare sales of
$23.95 billion and leading positions in sales of
gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, neuroscience,
respiratory, oncology and infection products. AstraZeneca
is listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (Global) as
well as the FTSE4Good Index.

    `Arimidex' is a trademark, the properties of the
AstraZeneca group of

    For further information, please visit our websites 
http://www.astrazenecapressoffice.com and

    For more information, please contact:

     Lynn Grant
     Global PR Director, Oncology
     AstraZeneca, Direct Line
     Tel:    +44-1625-517-406 
     Mobile: +44-7715-484-917
     Email:  Lynn.Grant@Astrazeneca.com

     Elly Brookes
     Mobile: +44-7768-553-210
     Email:  elly.brookes@shirehealthinternational.com

     Sara Singer
     Mobile: +44-7881-810-328
     Email:  sara.singer@shirehealthinternational.com

SOURCE  AstraZeneca

Women Leaders Call for Global Action on Osteoporosis
June 05, 2006

    TORONTO, June 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Nine prominent
women from around the world today called for action by
government policy makers, health professionals and
individuals to fight the silent epidemic of osteoporosis.

    "We are here because osteoporosis is a major
global problem and it is time to get people to stand up and
speak out on this serious disease," said Justine Pasek,
a speaker at the event, whose statement reflected the tone
of the gathering. For complete texts from all the speakers
see:  http://www.osteofound.org/wco/2006/media_centre.php

    The women were speaking at the 2nd IOF Women Leaders
Roundtable, held in conjunction with the IOF World Congress
on Osteoporosis in Toronto.

    Moderator: Dr Marla Shapiro, Canada, associate
professor University of Toronto, Family and Community
Health, family physician, TV and print journalist

    Australia: Maxine McKew, journalist, TV host, patron of
Osteoporosis Australia

    Canada: Maureen McTeer, medical law specialist, human
rights advocate, author, patron of Osteoporosis Canada

    China: Alice Chiu, prominent philanthropist, founder
and director, Sheen Hok Charitable Foundation, Hong Kong

    Italy: Lella Costa, theatre actress, osteoporosis

    Panama: Justine Pasek, Miss Universe 2002, patron of
Fundacion de Osteoporosis y Enfermedades Metabolicas Oseas
(Panama Osteoporosis Foundation)

    United Kingdom: Baroness Julia Cumberlege, member House
of Lords, former UK health minister, prominent osteoporosis

    USA: Peggy Fleming, Olympic Gold Medalist and former
world champion in figure skating, TV sports analyst,
osteoporosis advocate

    USA: Dr Ethel Siris, president of National Osteoporosis
Foundation (USA), IOF Board member

    In their Call to Action, the women urged:

    Women and men worldwide to:

    - Engage in a "bone-friendly" lifestyle,
including appropriate exercise 
      programs, nutrition and attention to risk factors

    Health care professionals to:

    - Improve their knowledge about how their field of
specialty relates to 

    Government health officials to:

    - Recognize osteoporosis as a health priority

    - Pay for bone density scans for people with
osteoporosis risk factors 
      before the first fracture.

    - Pay for proven therapies for people with osteoporosis
before the first 

    Osteoporosis is one of the world's most prevalent and
debilitating chronic diseases, affecting one out of three
women over 50 worldwide, more than breast cancer.


    For more information, please contact:

     Andrew Leopold 
     Weber Shandwick Worldwide Toronto
     Tel:   +1-416-964-6444
     Cell:  +1-416-723-2424
     Email: aleopold@webershandwick.com

     Andrew Leopold 
     Weber Shandwick Worldwide
     Tel:   +1-416-964-6444
     Email: aleopold@webershandwick.com 

SOURCE  International Osteoporosis Foundation
Largest Ever Data Set Shows Consistent Benefits With Avastin When Used in Combination With Different Chemotherapy Treatments
June 05, 2006

Real world practice confirms Avastin's efficacy and safety in advanced colorectal cancer
    BASEL, Switzerland, June 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- New
data from 4,000 patients show that Avastin (bevacizumab
rhuMAb-VEGF) enables patients with advanced colorectal
cancer (CRC) to live longer without progression of their
disease.(1) The results also confirm that Avastin is well
tolerated.(2) The data, taken from two early access
programmes using Avastin in combination with a wide range
of chemotherapies, support findings of previous pivotal
trials, which demonstrated superior overall survival for
Avastin when added to chemotherapy.

    These data, which represent the largest data set on
Avastin available to date, were presented today at the 2006
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting
in Atlanta, Georgia.

    The BEAT study, conducted in 41 countries across the
world, and the BRiTE registry, its US counterpart, are
investigating the use of Avastin in advanced CRC in
combination with standard chemotherapies including
oxaliplatin, irinotecan or 5-FU and/or Xeloda
(capecitabine). Outstanding progression-free survival
(length of time without the cancer growing) is seen in
BRiTE with a median at 10.2 months, independent of the
chemotherapy used.(1) This real life experience compares
favourably with the data previously seen in pivotal studies
of Avastin in CRC in which the addition of Avastin to
standard chemotherapies improved survival as well as
progression free survival, compared to chemotherapy alone.

    "In multiple large, well controlled studies,
Avastin has consistently demonstrated significant survival
benefits in colorectal cancer," said Dr. Mark Kozloff,
Clinical Associate, Department of Hematology/Oncology,
University of Chicago. "These new data are very
important as they confirm that the results shown in earlier
randomized trials hold true in the real world setting.
Moreover, they demonstrate that Avastin can be used in
combination with a wide range of chemotherapy treatments.
This is a real advance as it widens treatment options for
physicians and patients and bolsters their hope of
overcoming the disease."

    The BEAT and BRiTE studies also evaluate the safety of
Avastin with different chemotherapies in a broad patient
population. Results from the studies show that Avastin's
safety profile/tolerability is consistent with the safety
observations from other studies.

    In 2002, colorectal cancer was the third most commonly
reported cancer with approximately one million new cases
worldwide. It is estimated that over 50 percent of people
diagnosed with colorectal cancer will die of the disease
(3). In the European Union colorectal cancer is the second
most common cause of death from any cancer in both men and
women (4).

    Avastin is the first and only anti-angiogenic agent to
have demonstrated improved survival in the three major
causes of cancer death: colorectal cancer, NSCLC and breast
cancer. In Europe, Avastin was approved in early 2005 for
the first-line treatment of patients with metastatic
carcinoma of the colon or rectum in combination with
intravenous 5-fluorouracil/folinic acid or intravenous
5-fluorouracil/folinic acid/irinotecan. Avastin received
approval by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and
was launched in the US in February 2004. In addition,
filing occurred in the US on April 10, 2006, for use of
Avastin in previously untreated advanced non-squamous,
non-small cell lung cancer and in Japan on April 21, 2006
for use of Avastin in patients with advanced or recurrent
colorectal cancer.

    About BEAT and BRiTE

    BEAT and BRiTE are two phase IV, open label,
multi-centre studies of patients with advanced CRC
receiving Avastin in addition to first-line chemotherapy.

    - BEAT is a phase IV trial which has enrolled 1927
patients from 41 countries worldwide. Patients are
receiving Avastin with chemotherapy; the most common
regimens are FOLFOX, CAPOX, FOLFIRI and Xeloda
(capecitabine). Efficacy data from the BEAT trial are
continuing to be evaluated. Safety data have shown that
Avastin related serious adverse events were reported in 9
percent of patients. Gastrointestinal perforation occurred
in 1.2 percent and bleeding in 1.3 percent.

    - BRiTE is a large, community based observational
registry which has enrolled 1968 patients across the US.
Patients are receiving Avastin with chemotherapy, the most
common regimens are FOLFOX, FOLFIRI and IFL. Current
efficacy data from the BRiTE study show a median
progression free survival of 10.2 months. Safety data have
reported that serious adverse events were seen in 12
percent of patients. Postoperative bleeding/wound healing
complications in 1.2 percent, gastrointestinal perforation
occurred in 1.7 percent, bleeding in 1.9 percent and
arterial thromboembolic events in 2.1 percent.

    About Avastin

    Avastin is the first treatment that inhibits
angiogenesis - the growth of a network of blood vessels
that supply nutrients and oxygen to cancerous tissues.
Avastin targets a naturally occurring protein called VEGF
(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor), a key mediator of
angiogenesis, thus choking off the blood supply that is
essential for the growth of the tumour and its spread
throughout the body (metastasis).

    Roche and Genentech are pursuing a comprehensive
clinical programme investigating the use of Avastin in
various tumour types (including colorectal, breast, lung,
pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer, renal cell carcinoma and
others) and different settings (advanced and adjuvant ie
post-operation). The total development programme is
expected to include over 25,000 patients worldwide.


    (1) Kozloff M, et al. Efficacy of bevacizumab plus
chemotherapy as first-line treatment of patients with
metastatic colorectal cancer: Updated results from a large
observational registry in the US (BRITE). Presented at ASCO
2006, abstract 3537

    (2) Berry S, et al. Preliminary safety of bevacizumab
with first-line Folfox, Capox, Folfiri and Capecitabine for
metastatic colorectal cancer - First B E A Trial. Presented
at ASCO 2006, abstract 3534

    (3) Parkin D et al. Global Cancer Statistics 2002.
Cancer J Clin 2005; 55: 74-108

    (4) Boyle P. Cancer incidence and mortality in Europe,
2004. Annals of Oncology 2005; 16(3): 481-488;

    For further information please contact: Media Enquiries
- Onsite at ASCO - Christine Hill, Roche, Mobile:
+41(0)79-78-88-245; Nina Schwab-Hautzinger, Roche, Mobile:
+41(0)79-59-34-307; Sarah Winkless, Resolute
Communications, Mobile: +44(0)77-7175-7695; Tara Breen,
Resolute Communications, Telephone: +44(0)20-7357-8187,
Email: tara.breen@resolutecommunications.com

    About Roche

    Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Roche is one of
the world's leading research-focused healthcare groups in
the fields of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. As a
supplier of innovative products and services for the early
detection, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease,
the Group contributes on a broad range of fronts to
improving people's health and quality of life. Roche is a
world leader in diagnostics, the leading supplier of
medicines for cancer and transplantation and a market
leader in virology. In 2005 sales by the Pharmaceuticals
Division totalled 27.3 billion Swiss francs, and the
Diagnostics Division posted sales of 8.2 billion Swiss
francs. Roche employs roughly 70,000 people in 150
countries and has R&D agreements and strategic
alliances with numerous partners, including majority
ownership interests in Genentech and Chugai. Additional
information about the Roche Group is available on the
Internet ( http://www.roche.com ).

    All trademarks used or mentioned in this release are
protected by law.

    Additional information

    - Roche in Oncology: 

    - Roche Health Kiosk, Cancer: 

    For more information, please contact:

     Onsite at ASCO - Christine Hill
     Mobile: +41-0-79-78-88-245

     Nina Schwab-Hautzinger
     Mobile: +41-0-79-59-34-307

     Sarah Winkless
     Mobile: +44-0-77-7175-7695

     Tara Breen
     Tel:    +44-0-20-7357-8187
     Email:  tara.breen@resolutecommunications.com

Creation of Gemalto and Launch of the Public Exchange Offer for Gemplus Shares
June 05, 2006

Gemalto Becomes Operational With This New Step in the Combination ofAxalto and Gemplus
- Not for distribution in Australia, Canada and Japan -
    AMSTERDAM, Netherlands and LUXEMBOURG, June 5
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Axalto (Euronext NL0000400653 AXL)
and Gemplus International S.A. (Euronext: LU0121706294 -
GEM and Nasdaq: GEMP) announce that the contribution in
kind to Axalto of the interests in Gemplus of TPG and the
Quandt family entities, 25.2% and 18.3% respectively, in
aggregate 43.4% of Gemplus share capital, has been
completed today on the basis of an exchange ratio of 2
Axalto shares for every 25 Gemplus shares. Prior to the
contribution in kind, Gemplus had initiated the
distribution of EUR 0.26 per share to all its shareholders
of record as at today's market close.

    Further to these actions, Axalto changed its name to
Gemalto. This transaction represents the creation of a new
world leader in digital security, with 2005 pro forma
revenues of approximately EUR1.7 billion (US$ 2.2 billion),
operations in 120 countries, large operational centers in
the Paris and Marseille areas, and 11,000 employees
including 1,500 R&D engineers.

    Gemalto will launch a voluntary public exchange offer
for the remaining Gemplus shares at the same exchange ratio
of 2 Gemalto shares for every 25 Gemplus shares. An offering
circular for the offer has been filed with the French stock
market authority, the "Autorite des Marches
Financiers" in Paris. The Board of Directors of
Gemplus has recommended that Gemplus shareholders tender
their shares to the public exchange offer.

    After further review, Axalto and Gemplus have
reconfirmed their initial estimate of the synergies arising
from this transaction, expected to amount to EUR85 million
(US$100 million) per year on a fully-phased basis. This
represents almost 70% of Gemalto's pro forma 2005 operating

    Axalto and Gemplus have worked together since the
merger announcement in December 2005 to develop a detailed,
structured program to allow a rapid and efficient
integration process. In particular, the companies are ready
to operate immediately under a single brand, have defined a
joint customer-facing sales team and elaborated a
go-to-market strategy aiming to minimize possible sales
attrition. Consistent with this program, purchasing is
ready to be pooled as from day one, with significant
positive effects expected in the first quarters following
the completion of the contribution in kind. The first two
levels of management of Gemalto have already been announced
and become effective immediately, concerning over 150
executives from Axalto and Gemplus, and the next level of
management will be announced in the coming days. A full
review of the Gemalto cross-functional business and
supporting processes is expected to be completed before the
end of the third quarter of 2006.

    Olivier Piou, CEO of Gemalto commented: "This is a
very special day for us. Gemalto represents a true merger of
equals, a meeting of minds and people dedicated to building
a world-class leader in digital security. Our unique
combination creates a compelling platform to capture future
industry growth, one that will benefit our clients, our
employees and our shareholders. Each and every one of us is
now fully focused on delivering on Gemalto's vision and

    Alex Mandl, Gemalto's Executive Chairman said: "A
major priority of the Board and management of Gemalto will
be to achieve the successful and rapid integration of the
two companies that preserves the key strengths of the
culture, management and business practices of each and
allows the efficient realization of the expected

    A conference call will take place today at 3:30 PM
Paris time (2:30 PM GMT and 9:30 AM New York time) in
English only. Dial-in:
    France :    +33-(0)1-70-99-42-80
    UK :        +44-(0)20-7138-0835
    US :        +1-718-354-1172

    A replay will be available at the following numbers,
its access code is
1524342# :

    France :    +33-(0)1-71-23-02-48
    UK :        +44-(0)20-7806-1970
    US :       +1-718-354-1112

    Important Information

    This communication does not constitute an offer to
purchase or exchange or the solicitation of an offer to
sell or exchange any securities of Axalto Holding N.V.
("Axalto") or an offer to sell or exchange or the
solicitation of an offer to buy or exchange any securities
of Gemplus International S.A. ("Gemplus").

    The exchange offer described above will not be made,
directly or indirectly, in or into Australia, Canada or
Japan or in or into any other jurisdiction in which such
offer, solicitation, sale or exchange would be unlawful
prior to the registration or qualification under the laws
of such jurisdiction. Accordingly, persons who come into
possession of this communication should inform themselves
of and observe these restrictions.
    Holders of Gemplus securities in France are requested
to refer, if and when filed by Axalto, to the prospectus
(note d'information) that would be available on the website
of the AMF ( http://www.amf-france.org ).

    Notice to US investors

    Any solicitation of offers to buy any Gemplus shares in
the United States in the exchange offer will only be made
pursuant to a prospectus/offer to exchange and related
offer materials that Axalto expects to make available to
holders of Gemplus securities. Investors and security
holders are strongly advised to read, when they become
available, the prospectus/offer to exchange and related
exchange offer materials, as well as any amendments and
supplements to those documents because they will contain
important information.

    The Axalto securities referred to herein that will be
issued in connection with the exchange offer have not been,
and are not intended to be, registered under the U.S.
Securities Act of 1933 (the "Securities Act") and
may not be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, into the
United States except pursuant to an applicable exemption.
The Axalto securities are intended to be made available
within the United States in connection with the exchange
offer pursuant to an exemption from the registration
requirements of the Securities Act.

    The exchange offer will relate to the securities of a
non-U.S. company and will be subject to disclosure
requirements of a foreign country that are different from
those of the United States. Financial statements included
in the prospectus/offer to exchange will be prepared in
accordance with foreign accounting standards that may not
be comparable to the financial statements of United States

    It may be difficult for you to enforce your rights and
any claim you may have arising under U.S. federal
securities laws, since Axalto and Gemplus have their
corporate headquarters outside of the United States, and
some or all of their officers and directors may be
residents of foreign countries. You may not be able to sue
a foreign company or its officers or directors in a foreign
court for violations of the U.S. securities laws. It may be
difficult to compel a foreign company and its affiliates to
subject themselves to a U.S. court's judgment.

    For more information, please contact:

     Corporate Media Relations, 
     Emmanuelle SABY
     Mobile: +33(0)-6-09-10-76-10
     Email:  esaby@axalto.com

     Senior Vice-President, 
     Corporate Communications Remi CALVET
     Mobile: +33(0)-06-22-72-81-58
     Email:  remi.calvet@gemplus.com

     Investor Relations, 
     Stephane BISSEUIL
     Tel:    +33(0)-1-55-01-50-97
     Mobile: +33(0)-6-86-08-64-13
     Email:  sbisseuil@axalto.com

     Emlyn KORENGOLD 
     Tel:    +33(0)-1-49-09-66-51
     Mobile: +33(0)-6-08-21-93-74
     Email:  emlyn.korengold@tbwa-corporate.com

     Edelman Paris, 
     Frederic BOULLARD
     Tel:    +33(0)-1-56-69-73-95

SOURCE  Gemalto 

First-ever Lodging Development Pipeline for Asia Reveals China as Having the World's Largest Development Activity Outside the U.S.
June 05, 2006

    PORTSMOUTH, N.H., June 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Lodging
Econometrics (LE), the Industry Authority for Hotel Real
Estate, announced the completion and publication of the
first-ever comprehensive Lodging Development Pipeline for
all countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

    In Asia, there are 386 actively pursued construction
projects planning an astonishing 111,285 rooms.  The
average project size is an anticipated 288 rooms, which is
certain to fall as the permitting process unfolds and
projects migrate forward through the Pipeline.  68% of all
projects will be four- and five-star hotels, located in
Urban Centers and neighboring suburbs, or in resort and
casino destinations.

    "LE's Asia Pipeline covers all countries in the
region from Japan in the north to Australia in the south,
and from Polynesia in the east to Afghanistan in the
west," said Patrick Ford, President.  "It's been
a massive task to compile detailed information for each
individual hotel project in the region.  We were encouraged
to `go global' by our Wall Street clients who find growing
offshore development to be a significant component of their
analysis of U.S.-based hotel companies and real estate
investment groups."

    China, India and Thailand are the Asian Leaders

    China is pulsating with hotel development.  China has
188 hotels in the Pipeline, which represents 48% of all
development in Asia.  71,967 rooms are planned.  134 of the
188 projects are four- or five-star rated and 153 are
greater than 200 rooms.  124 projects, or 66% of the total
are Under Construction.  46 of them are scheduled to open
in the second half of this year.

    India has the second largest Pipeline with 78 hotel
projects planning 12,244 rooms.  India's project count has
up ticked only recently and is evenly distributed over the
three construction stages -- Under Construction, Scheduled
to Start in the Next 12 Months, and Early Planning. 
Projects are comparatively smaller, averaging around 150
rooms.  44% of the projects are located near outsourcing
office centers in cities like Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad
and Mumbai.  The remaining projects are widely dispersed
throughout the country.  51% are of a one- to three-star
economy and mid-market classification reflecting a high
level of native travel within the country.  Only 38
projects, or 49% are classified as four- or five-star

    In third position is Thailand with 39 projects in the
Pipeline, 31 of which, or 79%, are Under Construction. 
Many are part of the redevelopment surge following the
tsunami of December 2004.

    Lodging Growth is Explosive in Beijing, Shanghai,
Macau, and Inland Manufacturing Centers

    Leading the development rush in China are large cities
along the coast and manufacturing centers slightly inland. 
With modern infrastructure systems -- airports, highways,
mass transit, etc. already in place, and with Pipelines
seeded over the last fifteen years, iconic, world class
hotels have been coming out of the ground at a phenomenal

    "It's a development period like none other,"
said Ford.  "It's being ratcheted forward by an
explosion of investment capital into the fastest-growing
economy in the world.  China also has the fastest-growing
inbound tourist flows of any country and is projected to be
the largest tourist destination in the world by 2020.  China
is in a terrific hurry to modernize and possesses an intense
desire to build world-class accommodations for the 2008
Olympic Games and for a series of important worldwide
exhibitions already scheduled.  Lodging development in
China is led by three cities with some of the most dynamic
Development Pipelines anywhere."

    Beijing, which will host the Olympic Games in 2008, has
25 hotels in the Pipeline.  All but seven are of four- or
five-star quality.  14 are already Under Construction. 
Recent statements from Chinese officials indicate a need
for another 65 hotels of various star ratings for the

    Shanghai, anxious to be once again viewed as the
world-class financial center it was at the turn of the last
century has 24 projects in the Pipeline, 14 of which are
Under Construction.  All but five will be four- or
five-star operations.  Ford said, "The Pudong region
on the east side of the Huangpu River, arguably the most
successful Special Economic Zone (SEZ) anywhere, ever, has
been sprouting world-class hotels in the last three years
and will continue to do so through the end of the

    Macau, already a casino mecca, and the adjacent
destination resort areas of Taipa and Coloane have a total
of 23 projects in the Pipeline, nine of which are new Las
Vegas-style casino projects.  The average size for the
planned projects exceeds 700 rooms.  14 projects are
already Under Construction.  Ford commented that the goal
for Macau is not to simply rival, but to eventually surpass
Las Vegas as an international gaming destination. 
Significantly, important Las Vegas developers are already
heavily invested in Macau:  Sheldon Adelson of the
Sands/Venetian, MGM Grand and Steve Wynn.

    Another six secondary cities are enjoying a development
boom of between four and eight four- and five-star projects
each.  Most are manufacturing centers and are in the
eastern part of the country.

    Opportunities Are Huge for International Hotel

    Because the projects are ultra-luxurious, require
incredibly large capital investments and come with a
playing field that is both complex and highly risky, there
is little opportunity for small hotel companies or investor
groups in China.  But, there is enormous opportunity for the
major international hotel companies with extensive resources
who already have development and operating groups in the
region.  Global brands that have strong reservation
systems, popular frequent traveler programs and highly
effective convention sales teams are preferred venture
partners for the iconic developments.

    For those companies, China has been, and will continue
to represent, the greatest opportunity in the world to grow
rapidly as an international lodging company.  U.S.-based
companies like Marriott, Starwood, Hyatt and Hilton;
international companies like Four Seasons,
InterContinental, Kempinski and Accor; and Asian-based
companies like Shangri-La; were on the scene early and have
made exceptional inroads in the region.

    Ford explained, "There has not been such a
building spree like this in the history of lodging.  The
capital inflows are enormous.  Development growth is
incredible and appears solid at least into the next decade,
with a critical proviso that there continues to be political
and economic stability."

    Lodging Econometrics (LE) of Portsmouth, NH is the
industry authority for hotel real estate.  LE has an
individual record for every actively pursued hotel project
-- in each stage of construction -- for every region and
country throughout the world.  Receive important project
details including contact information for the developer
along with his latest project start and completion dates

      * New Construction Projects      * Casino Projects   
      * Reflaggings                    * Condo
Hotels/Serviced Apartments    
      * Announced Renovations          * Timeshare/Vacation

    LE can customize a series of Lodging Development
Summaries for strategic planning, displaying project and
guestroom counts for each region, country and city, company
and brand, developer group, star rating (chain scale), size
and type of hotel, and for other important criteria.  Plus,
LE provides a Supply Side Forecast of new openings for 2006,
2007, and 2008 and beyond.

    Additionally, LE offers Sales Comps -- individual
transaction records for all recent hotel sales -- and the
Names of Owners and Management for the Census of all Open
and Operating Hotels.

    To learn more about LE's products and services, or to
inquire about ordering customized reports, please contact
LE at (603) 431-8740, ext. 25, or visit them online at
http://www.lodging-econometrics.com . 

    For more information, please contact:

     Amy Hauck
     Lodging Econometrics
     Tel:   +1-603-431-8740 ext. 19
     Email: ahauck@lodging-econometrics.com

SOURCE  Lodging Econometrics 
LAKS Introduces Watch to Double as a Payment Device Using MasterCard(R) PayPass(TM)
June 05, 2006

    VIENNA, Austria, June 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Austrian
watchmaker LAKS, which has often caused a sensation in the
past with its innovative products, has introduced a
breakthrough product for cashless transactions. Its latest
development, the LAKS SmartTransaction Watch(TM), is the
world's first watch equipped with MasterCard(R)
PayPass(TM), a new "contactless" payment feature
that provides consumers with a fast and convenient
alternative to cash for their everyday small purchases.  

    MasterCard PayPass offers consumers a convenient
alternative to cash that allows for small purchases to be
completed quickly, securely and easily. Consumers no longer
need to fumble for cash and coins, swipe a card, or sign a
receipt for any PayPass purchase under USD 25, -- (over USD
25, signature and receipt are required). Users simply tap
their PayPass-enabled card or device, such as these
watches, on the PayPass reader at participating merchants
and they are on their way.  

    LAKS CEO Lucas Scheybal sets out to spot international
trends early on and incorporate them in lifestyle
accessories. In his words: "The invention of the LAKS
SmartTransaction Watch(TM), equipped with MasterCard
PayPass, has once again put LAKS a step ahead of the game.
To obtain compliance with MasterCard PayPass
specifications, we built high security specifications into
an analog watch. Our watches are now set to enter one of
the most exciting markets of the future."

    Launched in line with the upcoming 2006 FIFA World
Cup(TM) in Germany, the watch has been created in
collaboration with Chinatrust Commercial Bank, one of the
largest credit card issuers in Taiwan, LAKS GmbH, a
well-known Austrian watchmaker and On Track Innovations
Ltd. (OTI) (Nasdaq: OTIV), a global leader in contactless
microprocessor-based smart card solutions. 
    LAKS has produced these "wrist-worn payment
devices" on behalf of Chinatrust. The limited edition
Chinatrust 2006 FIFA World Cup(TM) MasterCard PayPass watch
is being issued as a companion device to MasterCard credit
cards and has been designed in celebration of the FIFA
World Cup. The watch has a sporty exterior that showcases
soccer ball images on its face and will be offered to
consumers in three vibrant colors - green, blue and orange.

    LAKS founded 1986 by Lucas Scheybal, and is a true
family firm. Quality is the key to success for LAKS -- only
finest materials are used. The company's engineers are
involved in every stage of the development process from the
technologically advanced designs through to the production
of flawless watches. 

    LAKS Technological Breakthroughs:

    * LAKS Collection -- from Klimt to payment cards
    * LAKS Memory -- forget old-style USB memory sticks!
    * LAKS Memory Music -- your favorite songs on your
    * LAKS Smart Transaction Watch -- payment card on your

    For more information, please contact:

     Bettina Gottfried 
     LAKS GmbH
     Tel:  +43-17-991-585
     Web:  http://www.LAKS.com/project/paypass

Palm Commerce Information Technology (China) Co.,Ltd Lands in TEDA
June 02, 2006

    TIANJIN, China, June 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Tianjin
Economic and Technological Development Area (TEDA)
announced that Palm Commerce Information Technology (China)
Co.,Ltd was incorporated in TEDA on June 2.  The initial
investment of the company is USD30 million, which is
projected to reach USD150 million in the next five years
making it the biggest software enterprise in Tianjin.

    The current business scope of the company is mainly
focusing on development and provision of lottery-related
software and package technical solutions and offering
integrated online transaction disposal solutions, products
and services for government lottery authorities and
companies with relevant authorization.  Now the company has
developed software suitable for computer and mobile phone
terminals of the National Computer Welfare Lottery system
and has provided complete software, systems, terminals and
mobile solutions to more than 13 provinces, municipalities
directly under the central government and autonomous
regions.  Up to now, its products have occupied over 40% of
the National Welfare Computer Lottery market and its shares
of the mobile phone lottery market exceeds 50%, ranking the
first in terms of both the market shares and number of
users.  After establishing itself in TEDA, the company
hopes to continue to expand the Chinese and Asian markets.

    About Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area

    Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA)
was established in 1984 with the approval of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China.  It is one of
the first state-class economic-technological development
areas in the country. 

    TEDA is located in the center of a larger area
bordering Bohai Sea and the east of the Asia-Europe Land
Bridge, thus serving as the gate to the two super cities of
Beijing and Tianjin, and the throat connecting the northeast
of China.  By the end of 2005, 4,067 foreign companies have
landed in TEDA.  Of the Fortune 500 companies, 57
multinational companies, from 10 countries and regions,
including such well-established multinational giants as
Motorola, Samsung and Toyota, invested in 123 enterprises
in TEDA.  In 2000, "Fortune" listed TEDA as one
of the most highly recommended economic areas in China.  In
2002 UNIDO listed TEDA as one of the most dynamic areas of
China together with Shenzhen, Suzhou, Wenzhou, Shanghai
Pudong and Xi'an High-tech Park.

    For more information, please contact:

     Ding Lei
     Tel:   +86-22-2520-1576 

     Xu Hui
     Tel:   +86-22-2520-1118

     Web:   http://www.investteda.org 

SOURCE  Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area

DuPont Titanium Technologies Announces Price Increase for Titanium Dioxide Products in North America
June 02, 2006

    WILMINGTON, Del., June 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- DuPont
Titanium Technologies today announced a price increase for
all DuPont titanium dioxide (TiO2) grades sold in NDuPont Titanium Technologies Announces Price Increase for Titanium Dioxide Products in North America 
June 02, 2006

    WILMINGTON, Del., June 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- DuPont
Titanium Technologies today announced a price increase for
all DuPont titanium dioxide (TiO2) grades sold in North

    Effective June 15, 2006, or as permitted by contract,
North American (U.S. and Canada) prices for DuPont
coatings, plastics, specialty, and laminate titanium
dioxide grades will increase by four (4) cents per pound

    This increase is supported by market dynamics and
significant increases in raw material, energy, fuel costs,
as well as reinvestment economics to meet future customer
needs.  Other regional increases will be announced directly
within the local regions.

    DuPont Titanium Technologies is the world's largest
manufacturer of titanium dioxide serving customers globally
in the coatings, paper and plastics industries.  The company
operates plants at DeLisle, Miss.; New Johnsonville, Tenn.;
Edge Moor, Del.; Altamira, Mexico; and Kuan Yin, Taiwan,
all of which use the chloride manufacturing process.  The
company also operates a plant in Uberaba, Brazil, for
finishing titanium dioxide and a mine in Starke, Fla. 
Technical service centers are located in Uberaba, Brazil;
Mexico City, Mexico; Mechelen, Belgium; Kuan Yin, Taiwan;
Ulsan, Korea; Wilmington, Del.; and Shanghai, China, to
serve the European, Middle Eastern, United States, Asian
and Latin America markets.

    DuPont (NYSE: DD) is a science company.  Founded in
1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable
solutions essential to a better, safer, healthier life for
people everywhere.  Operating in more than 70 countries,
DuPont offers a wide range of innovative products and
services for markets including agriculture, nutrition,
electronics, communications, safety and protection, home
and construction, transportation and apparel.

    For more information, please contact:

     Kimberlie A. Lantz
     DuPont Titanium Technologies
     Tel:   +1-302-999-2361
     Email: kimberlie.a.lantz@usa.dupont.com

SOURCE  DuPont Titanium Technologies 
orth America. Effective June 15, 2006, or as permitted by contract, North American (U.S. and Canada) prices for DuPont coatings, plastics, specialty, and laminate titanium dioxide grades will increase by four (4) cents per pound (US$). This increase is supported by market dynamics and significant increases in raw material, energy, fuel costs, as well as reinvestment economics to meet future customer needs. Other regional increases will be announced directly within the local regions. DuPont Titanium Technologies is the world's largest manufacturer of titanium dioxide serving customers globally in the coatings, paper and plastics industries. The company operates plants at DeLisle, Miss.; New Johnsonville, Tenn.; Edge Moor, Del.; Altamira, Mexico; and Kuan Yin, Taiwan, all of which use the chloride manufacturing process. The company also operates a plant in Uberaba, Brazil, for finishing titanium dioxide and a mine in Starke, Fla. Technical service centers are located in Uberaba, Brazil; Mexico City, Mexico; Mechelen, Belgium; Kuan Yin, Taiwan; Ulsan, Korea; Wilmington, Del.; and Shanghai, China, to serve the European, Middle Eastern, United States, Asian and Latin America markets. DuPont (NYSE: DD) is a science company. Founded in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable solutions essential to a better, safer, healthier life for people everywhere. Operating in more than 70 countries, DuPont offers a wide range of innovative products and services for markets including agriculture, nutrition, electronics, communications, safety and protection, home and construction, transportation and apparel. For more information, please contact: Kimberlie A. Lantz DuPont Titanium Technologies Tel: +1-302-999-2361 Email: kimberlie.a.lantz@usa.dupont.com SOURCE DuPont Titanium Technologies
Garson Entertainment to Produce International Peace Concert on United Nations' International Day of Peace
June 02, 2006

Musicians From Around the World Will Unite to Celebrate United Nations International Day of Peace at a Globally Televised Event to Air Live September 21, 2006
    NEW YORK, June 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- In support of
the 25th Anniversary of the United Nations International
Day of Peace, Garson Entertainment will produce the first
ever global peace concert on the International Peace Day,
September 21, 2006. The two-hour taped television event
will air live from one main stage and tape artists from
their respective countries on stages around the world,
including Geneva, Africa, United States, Jerusalem, the
Great Wall of China, India, South America, and Canada.

    The United Nations' International Day of Peace was
established by all United Nations member states in 1981 as
a day devoted to ceasefire and the end of conflict.  It
provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations and
nations to create practical acts of peace on a shared date.

    Rick Garson, the Executive Producer of this event, will
create a three-hour live event from the main stages around
the world, a compelling two-hour television program
celebrating peace and global unity. A CD and DVD of the 2
hour live telecast will be available for sale and a portion
of the proceeds will go to benefit peace-building
    "The event will be hosted by three world-class
personalities and is poised to attract top musicians,
celebrities, dignitaries and world leaders, Garson
explains. In addition to the music, readings and interviews
from stages around the world, we hope to create a powerful
broadcast with a global theme and a vision for a world of
peace and global unity."

    The UN International Day of Peace concert intends to
galvanize and inspire the global community to take
meaningful peaceful actions throughout the year. From
12:00PM to 12:01PM local time on September 21st,
individuals around the world will "take a minute for
peace" in recognition of the International Day of
Peace.  The resolution also calls for a day of global
ceasefire and non-violence to be observed.

    For more information on the International Day of Peace
Concert please visit

    For more information, please contact:

     Dara Busch
     Tel:   +1-212-843-8079
     Email: dbusch@rubensteinpr.com

SOURCE  Garson Entertainment 

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