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A Series of Selection Work Like'Best Chinese and Foreign Cities to be Invested by Chinese and Foreign Enterprises' is Well Underway
September 11, 2006

    BEIJING, Sept. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- To promote the
implementation of China's strategy of bringing in foreign
enterprises to invest in China and encouraging Chinese
enterprises to make investment overseas, the Organizing
Committee of the World Economic Development Declaration,
the Global Compact Office of the United Nations and United
Nations Environment Programme have sponsored the
competition to select the ` Best Chinese Cities/
Development Zones to be Invested in by Multinational
Corporations during the 11th Five-Year Program in China', `
Top 100 Multinational Corporations in China and Top 100
Chinese Enterprises with Utmost Core Competitiveness', and
` Best Foreign Cities/ Development Zones to be Invested in
by Chinese Enterprises'. China International Institute of
Multinational Corporations and Global Times Newspaper in
China will hold the competition with Xinhua PR Newswire
(XPRN) as its official global news release distributor. 

    The results of this competition will help multinational
corporations to choose the best Chinese cities and
development zones for investment, as well as help Chinese
cities and development zones to choose multinational
corporations in China and Chinese enterprises with utmost
core competitiveness to cooperate with. Similarly, it will
help Chinese enterprises to choose better cities and
development zones for their overseas development. The
selection result will have important and realistic
significance as well as far-reaching historic significance
on the future cooperation and development of Chinese and
foreign cities, enterprises and development zones.

    Along with the announcement of the selection results
and an Awards ceremony, the sponsors will hold a grand
Round-Table Meeting of Chinese and Foreign Mayors,
Presidents of Banks and CEOs. At that time, Chinese state
leaders, leaders from ministries and commissions,
ambassadors and commercial counsellors of relevant
countries in China, presidents of all foreign chambers of
commerce in China and mainstream Chinese and foreign media
will be invited. 

    In the course of the Round-Table Meeting and Awarding
Ceremony, selected Chinese and foreign cities, development
zones and enterprises can deliver their propaganda
materials, introductions of cooperation projects, policies
of attracting investment and regulations. The sponsors will
promote the cooperation and exchange among Chinese and
foreign cities, development zones and enterprises by way of
dialogues, communications and private meetings. After the
meeting, all delegates will obtain a valuable directory of
contact details. Furthermore, a series of promotion
activities will be carried out during `The 11th Five-Year
Program' with the purpose of creating greater business
opportunities and cooperation chances for the awardees. 

    About China International Institute of Multinational
Corporations (CIIMC)

    Founded on January 1, 1993, the CIIMC is an
international platform for promoting the exchange and
cooperation between Chinese and foreign enterprises. In
more than ten years, CIIMC, joining with related ministries
and commissions, provinces and municipalities, renowned
Chinese and foreign media, related international
organizations foreign chambers of commerce and
multinational corporations concerned, has held such
large-scale activities as the "Seminar of Enterprise
Quality Strategy for Chinese Brand Products",
"Economic and Trade Talks of Sino-US Large-Scale
Enterprises", "Talks on Sino-Japan Economic
Exchange", "WTO and China" and
"Information Industry and Global Economy",
"The World Economic Development Declaration
Conference", and "High Level International
Conference on Millennium Development Goals".

    About Xinhua PR Newswire (XPRN)

    Xinhua PR Newswire is a joint venture by PR Newswire in
New York and Xinhua Finance in Hong Kong. It provides
electronic distribution, targeting, measurement,
translation and broadcast services on behalf of some 40,000
corporate including more than 300 of the world's 500 top
companies, government, association, labor, and non-profit
clients. Using PR Newswire, companies reach a variety of
critical audiences including the news media, the investment
community, government decision-makers, and the general
public. Established in 1954, PR Newswire has offices in 11
countries and routinely sends its customers' news to
outlets in 135 countries and in 40 languages. Xinhua
Finance Limited is China's unchallenged leader in financial
information and media. Bridging China's financial markets
and the world, it serves financial institutions,
corporations and re-distributors through four focused and
complementary service lines: Indices, Ratings, Financial
News and Investor Relations.

    For more information, please contact:

     Professor Xiaoyu Zhang
     Executive Vice-President & Secretary-General
     Tel:   +86-10-8766-5158
     Email: zhangxiaoyu@wedd.org

     Mr. Yi Yang
     Media Relations Executive
     Xinhua PR Newswire China
     Tel:   +86-10-5864-5304
     Email: yi.yang@xprn.com

SOURCE  China International Institute of Multinational
Corporations (CIIMC)

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