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SoyLink(R) Receives Breakthrough Patent on Soy Powder Processing
September 12, 2006

Breakthrough Technology on Micromilling and Deflavoring Soy Protein Powders
    SIOUX FALLS, S.D., Sept. 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
SoyLink(R), a limited liability company in Oskaloosa, Iowa,
and subsidiary of the Broin Companies, announced today that
the company has been issued a patent through the United
States Patent and Trademark Office that covers proprietary
technology used to produce SoyLink's line of highly
functional soybean protein powders. The patent, US
7,097,871 B2 entitled "Deflavored Vegetable Powders,
Methods of Making Them, and Systems for Vegetable
Milling," includes methods to deflavor soybeans as
well as milling them to the smallest particle size
commercially available in the industry. The technology
increases the scope of soybeans in the food industry when
compared to conventional soy powders.

    "SoyLink sees this as the technology of the future
for soy processing operations," Dr. Noel Rudie,
SoyLink's Vice President for Research and Operation says.
"This is truly a win-win situation. Because we produce
a whole bean product, the consumer gets soy milk with all of
the benefits of soy including natural soy fiber. At the same
time, the food processor benefits by eliminating the okara
waste stream commonly found in the conventional process,
allowing for higher yields."

    The patented technology includes methods for removing
the undesirable flavor from soybeans, making them more
acceptable to consumers. Soy flours have seen limited
acceptance in the manufacture of soy milk and other dairy
analogues in some markets because of the beany flavor and
chalky texture they develop. SoyLink technology addresses
both of these objections, first by removing the
objectionable beany flavor before the powders are milled to
a small particle size (less than 30 microns) that allows the
soy beverage manufacturer to produce products without the
chalky texture. 

    The small particle size benefits manufacturers of soy
beverages because it allows them to use the whole bean
powder. In addition to soy beverages, the SoyLink powders
can be used in tofu, pasta, baked products, soynut butter,
nutrition bars, and a large variety of other applications
requiring either a deflavoring technology or small particle
size. Both organic and Non-GMO powders in various mesh sizes
are available. 

    "The team at SoyLink is very excited about the
industry's response to this technology," Dr. Rudie
says. "With its patented deflavoring technology and
great functionality, imagination is the only limit on what
applications can be developed using these soy

    Started in 2002, SoyLink produces a proprietary line of
soy powders with improved functionality for the food
industry. SoyLink home offices include a manufacturing
site, as well as the location of the business offices,
research laboratories, and product development facilities.

    For more information, please contact:

     Mike Lockrem
     Broin Companies
     Tel:   +1-605-965-6428
     Email: mike.lockrem@broin.com 
     Web:   http://www.broin.com 

SOURCE  Broin Companies

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