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New Website Looks at the Science Behind Stroke
September 11, 2006

http://www.novelneuroprotection.com Aims to Increase Understanding of Acute Ischemic Stroke and the Potential Role of Neuroprotection
    MACCLESFIELD, England, Sept. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
A new resource for the international medical community was
launched in September 2006 by AstraZeneca,
http://www.novelneuroprotection.com . This educational site
aims to help healthcare professionals understand more about
acute ischemic stroke and the potential therapeutic
approach of neuroprotection.

    Dr. Tomas Odergren, Global Product Director,
AstraZeneca commented, "Around a third of the 15
million people worldwide who suffer a stroke each year are
left permanently disabled. There are relatively few
treatment options available for acute stroke patients.
Neuroprotectants are a new class of drugs in development to
treat this life-shattering condition. This website is
designed to help stroke specialists and other healthcare
professionals understand the science behind neuroprotection
and the latest advances in technology."

    The site includes key information on the effects of
cerebral ischemia, which occurs when a blood vessel in the
brain is blocked during a stroke. Cerebral ischemia
triggers a series of biochemical events known as the
ischemic cascade. This results in the death of brain cells,
or neurons, in the core affected area of the brain. In
addition, neurons are injured in the wider surrounding
area, known as the ischemic penumbra. Neuroprotectants are
thought to help preserve brain cells in the ischemic
penumbra by interfering with the damaging events of the
ischemic cascade.

    In a series of short articles, the web site explains
these changes which take place at the cellular and
molecular level. Details of how neuroprotectants are
thought to interfere with these events and could
potentially offer improved outcomes for stroke patients are
also discussed. With the stroke image atlas, healthcare
professionals have access to over 750 high-quality images
that are accompanied by detailed explanatory text. It
provides a visual and practical insight into the etiology,
diagnosis, and management of stroke. In addition,
http://www.novelneuroprotection.com is interactive and
features constantly updated stroke news, a calendar of
stroke events, key international meetings and links to
relevant PubMed articles.

    Alternatively visit

    Notes to Editors:

    -- AstraZeneca is currently developing NXY-059, an
investigational drug 
       for treatment of stroke, licensed from Renovis, Inc.
NXY-059 has a 
       proposed mechanism of action of free radical
trapping and is being 
       studied as a neuroprotectant in clinical trials
based on positive 
       effects seen in experimental models of acute
ischemic stroke.

    -- The SAINT trials for NXY-059 are being conducted
worldwide in 
       approximately 400 centres across 40 countries to
evaluate the effect of 
       the compound in acute ischemic stroke patients.
These countries and 
       regions include: Europe, Asia, Australia, New
Zealand, South Africa, 
       United States, Canada and Latin America. SAINT II is
due to report in 
       the first half of 2007.

    -- NXY-059 was previously referred to as 'Cerovive.'
NXY-059 will be used 
       from this point forward until a global trademark has
been approved.

    -- A preliminary analysis of SAINT I was first
presented at the European 
       Stroke Congress in May 2005.

    -- CHANT (Cerebral Hemorrhagic And NXY-059 Treatment)
is a double-blind, 
       randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group,
multi-center, phase IIb 
       study to assess the safety and tolerability of
NXY-059 in adult 
       patients with acute intracerebral hemorrhage. This
study is complete 
       and is due to report in Q1 2006.

    About AstraZeneca

    AstraZeneca is a major international healthcare
business engaged in the research, development, manufacture
and marketing of prescription pharmaceuticals and the
supply of healthcare services. It is one of the world's
leading pharmaceutical companies with healthcare sales of
over $21.4 billion and leading positions in sales of
gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, respiratory, oncology and
neuroscience products.

    AstraZeneca is listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability
Index (Global) as well as the FTSE4Good Index.

    In Neuroscience, AstraZeneca markets several products
including SEROQUEL(R), one of the fastest growing global
antipsychotics and ZOMIG(R), a migraine therapy and a
leader within the global triptan market. The Neuroscience
pipeline includes investigational compounds for the
treatment of depression and anxiety, overactive bladder,
dementia, stroke, pain control and anaesthesia.

    For more information, please contact:

     Virginie Bousquet
     Tel:   +44-162-551-7831
     Email: Virginie.Bousquet@astrazeneca.com

     Nii Turkson
     Porter Novelli 
     Tel:   +44-207-853-2237
     Fax:   +44-207-853-2244
     Email: Nii.Turkson@porternovelli.co.uk

SOURCE  AstraZeneca
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