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Ogilvy Group Acquires Black Arc Advertising, China's Leading Property Specialist
September 11, 2006

New Marketing Opportunities in High Growth Real Estate Sector
    BEIJING, Sept. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Ogilvy
Group China announced today it has agreed to acquire Black
Arc Advertising, the country's leading agency specializing
in real estate-related advertising and promotions.  

    The announcement marks what is believed to be the first
time a multinational marketing group has made investments
aimed at the country's high-growth property market. 
Property-related advertising spend in China was estimated
at approximately US$1billion in 2005. (Source: Soufun)

    "The property sector is one of the fastest-growing
and most important in the Chinese economy.  Our investment
in Black Arc Advertising puts Ogilvy at the forefront of
the property marketing space and allows us to participate
in the significant marketing opportunities being created in
this area," said TB Song, Chairman of Ogilvy &
Mather Greater China.  "Black Arc was an obvious
choice for a partner: not only is it the best agency in the
property sector, it is also respected for its high-quality
clients and proven leadership." 

    Established in 1996, Black Arc is one of the best-known
property-specialist agencies in China, focusing on building
corporate property brands. Headquartered in the southern
city of Shenzhen, Black Arc has built up an unmatched
national network with offices in the major Chinese cities
of Beijing, Hangzhou, Chengdu and Chongqing.  The agency
plans to open a Shanghai office later in 2007.  Clients
include China's largest national property developers such
as China Vanke Co., China OCT, Zhong Hai, Sunco China, and
China Merchants.  In the last decade Black Arc has
established a standardized management model and
methodologies that form the company's core competitive

    Ms. Sasa Liu, President and Founder of Black Arc,
commented, "The acquisition will help the two parties
to integrate resources and deliver more significant
performance with global resources, seamless systems and
more comprehensive and professional services in property

    Ms. Liu is an established expert in the field of
property communications, and a published author of books on
the subject of marketing property as brands. 

    O&M Asia Pacific Chairman Miles Young said,
"The investment in Black Arc represents an important
step forward in Ogilvy's long-term strategy in China, as we
expand both into specialized marketing as well as into 2nd
and 3rd tier cities.  It is a further reinforcement of our
leadership position in China, and plays directly to our
strength in 360 degree thinking and practice."  

    Following the acquisition, which is subject to
regulatory approval, Black Arc is being renamed Black Arc

    About Ogilvy Group China 

    The Ogilvy Group China ( http://www.ogilvy.com.cn ) is
the leading marketing communications network in China. It
offers the full range of marketing communication
disciplines including advertising, direct marketing,
interactive media, database management, public relations,
graphic design, and related marketing disciplines.  As
Brand Stewards, the agency works to leverage the brands of
its clients by combining local know-how with a worldwide
network, creating powerful campaigns that address local
market needs while still reinforcing the same universal
brand identity.  Ogilvy & Mather integrates these
communications disciplines using its proprietary 360 Degree
Brand Stewardship process, which holds that every point of
contact builds the brand. 

    Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide ( http://www.ogilvy.com )
is one of the largest marketing communications network in
the world, operating 497 offices in 125 countries.  Ogilvy
& Mather Worldwide is a member of WPP (Nasdaq: WPPGY),
one of the world's leading communications services groups.

    Ogilvy & Mather Ranked #1 Agency in China - R3
Survey, February 2006 
    Ogilvy & Mather Ranked #1 Agency in Asia Pacific -
Media, May 2006 

    For more information, please contact:

     Belinda Rabano 
     Corporate Communications
     Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific 
     Tel:   +86-10-8520-6570 or +86-136-0107-8488 
     Email: belinda.rabano@ogilvy.com 

     Dalton Dorne
     Corporate Communications
     Ogilvy & Mather Beijing
     Tel:   +86-10-8520-6535 or +86-135-0125-6900
     Email: dalton.dorne@ogilvy.com 

SOURCE  Ogilvy Group China

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