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Arrow Asia Ranks in Top 5 on InformationWeek China 100
November 20, 2006

    HONG KONG, Nov. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Arrow Asia
Pac Ltd. today announced that it was ranked 5th in the 2006
InformationWeek China 100, a prestigious survey that ranks
the most innovative users of information technology in
mainland China.

    "Being recognized as the fifth most innovative
user of technology in China is a testimony to the
dedication and commitment of Arrow employees.  Arrow's
history of utilizing technology to accelerate improvements
in business processes ensures our continued leadership in
creating value for customers and suppliers," said
Peter Kong, President of Arrow Asia Pac Ltd.  "This
top ranking further demonstrates Arrow's ability to
leverage technological innovations.  We are committed to
becoming even more efficient through continuously
streamlining business processes, and working
collaboratively with customers and suppliers to ensure
their business success." 

    The research adopted the global methodology used by
InformationWeek 500 in the United States and optimizes this
approach to suit local circumstances in the China market. 
The InformationWeek China 100 study covered a research base
of over 6,000 companies from 35 industries in mainland
China.  It included a quantitative analysis of technology
initiatives and priorities, and a qualitative assessment
featuring essay responses.  The responses to all parts of
the survey were evaluated and weighted, then combined into
a total score which formed the basis for the ranking.

    Additional details about InformationWeek China 100 can
be found at:

    About InformationWeek

    InformationWeek sets the agenda for business technology
executives, covering the full range of information access
points IT decision-makers use today.  A trusted,
authoritative source and information filter,
InformationWeek helps community members understand and
focus on what's important up-to-the-minute -- in print,
online, through independent research and at live,
peer-to-peer events.  Through its cross-media platform,
InformationWeek delivers content to complement the print
publication to its community of business technology leaders
when and how they want it, 24/7.  The InformationWeek
community includes an audience of 2.5 million CIOs, IT
executives and business managers who cut across industries,
job titles, company sizes and global borders.

    About Arrow Asia Pac

    A subsidiary of Arrow Electronics, Inc. (NYSE: ARW),
Arrow Asia Pac is one of Asia Pacific's leading electronic
component distributors.  In addition to its regional
headquarters in Hong Kong, Arrow Asia Pac operates 42 sales
offices, four primary distribution centers and eleven local
warehousing facilities in eleven countries/territories
across Asia.

    Providing a full range of semiconductors, passive,
electromechanical and connectors products from over 60
leading international suppliers, Arrow Asia Pac serves more
than 10,000 original equipment and contract manufacturers
and commercial customers in Asia Pacific.  Visit us at
http://www.arrowasia.com .

    For more information, please contact:		    

     Ray Leung
     Marketing Communications Director 
     Arrow Asia Pac Ltd.
     Tel:   +852-2484-2683		
     Email: ray.leung@arrowasia.com

     Grace Kung
     Marketing Communications Manager
     Tel:   +852-2484-2682
     Email: grace.kung@arrowasia.com

SOURCE  Arrow Asia Pac Ltd.
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