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Sidley Austin LLP's International Trade and Dispute Resolution Group Honored by Chambers and Partners
November 20, 2006

    LONDON, Nov. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- At an awards
ceremony in London, Sidley Austin LLP was named Global WTO
Law Firm of the Year by Chambers and Partners.  This is the
first year a Chambers award has been given for this practice

    Sidley's 50-person International Trade and Dispute
Resolution group, based in Geneva, Brussels and Washington,
was recognized for its excellence in WTO dispute settlement
and negotiations, and its innovative use of WTO rules to
assist clients.  Chambers and Partners determines its award
winners based on interviews with clients and peers.

    "We are very honored to receive this award,"
said Practice Group leader Daniel M. Price. 
"Sophisticated clients are increasingly relying on
international trade and investment rules to structure
transactions, gain market access, and resolve regulatory
problems.  We are pleased to be able to advise our
corporate and sovereign clients on these matters."

    "We are delighted to be selected for this
prestigious award and are very proud of our team,"
said Tom Cole, the Chairman of Sidley's Executive
Committee. "Our clients expect a truly global approach
to their problems and we are pleased to be able to provide
them with comprehensive solutions."

    Earlier this year Sidley was also named Global Trade
and Customs Law Firm of 2006 by Who's Who Legal.

    Sidley Austin LLP is one of the world's largest
full-service law firms, with more than 1,700 lawyers
practicing in 15 U.S. and international cities including
Beijing, Brussels, Frankfurt, Geneva, Hong Kong, London,
Shanghai, Singapore and Tokyo.  In 2006, Sidley was named
to Legal Business' Global Elite, their designation for
"the 15 finest law firms in the world." In 2005,
BTI, a Boston-based consulting and research firm, named
Sidley to their Client Service Hall of Fame as one of only
two law firms to rank in the Client Service Top 10 for five
years in a row.

    For more information, please contact:

     Janet Zagorin
     Tel:   +1-212-839-8797
     Email: jzagorin@sidley.com

     Kerri Vermeylen
     Tel:   +32-2-504-6448
     Email: kvermeylen@sidley.com

     Jennifer Grant
     Rubenstein Associates
     Tel:   +1-212-843-8060
     Email: jgrant@rubenstein.com
SOURCE  Sidley Austin LLP
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