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GSM Association Announces 2007 Global Mobile Awards Nominations
January 10, 2007

    LONDON, Jan. 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The GSM
Association is proud to announce the Global Mobile Awards
nominations for 2007.

    Now in its 12th year, the Global Mobile Awards
programme continues to grow with the industry that it
represents. Each year the number of submissions increases,
and this year was no exception, with a remarkable 20 per
cent more entries than 2006.

    The volume of entries for these coveted Awards made the
role of the 2007 judges (
http://www.gsmawards.com/judges/index.shtml ) particularly
challenging. Each entry has been evaluated by the
independent judging panel of globally based wireless
analysts, journalists, academics and subject experts -- all
industry professionals with in-depth knowledge of the mobile
industry and its applications and influences on today's

    The 2007 Global Mobile Award nominations can be found
at http://www.gsmawards.com/nominees.shtml .

    Rob Conway, GSM Association CEO, said: "After
twelve years, the standard and support for these Awards
continues to rise, once again exceeding our expectations
and reflecting the ability of the mobile and entertainment
industries to not only impress but to genuinely surprise.
The nominated entrants have survived the scrutiny of some
of the industry's most discerning experts and truly earned
their place in this year's exceptionally strong field of
compelling products, initiatives and solutions."

    The Award winners will be announced at the world's
largest mobile industry event, the 3GSM World Congress in
Barcelona, and celebrated at the Congress highlight:  the
12th Annual Awards Gala evening in Barcelona's magnificent
National Palace (Palau Nacional) on Tuesday 13 February

    For full details of the Awards, please visit
http://www.gsmawards.com .

    For full details of the 3GSM World Congress, please
visit http://www.3gsmworldcongress.com .

    About the GSM Association

    The GSM Association (GSMA) is the global trade
association representing 700 GSM mobile phone operators
across 215 countries of the world. In addition, more than
180 manufacturers and suppliers support the Association's
initiatives as key partners.

    The primary goals of the GSMA are to ensure mobile
phones and wireless services work globally and are easily
accessible, enhancing their value to individual customers
and national economies, while creating new business
opportunities for operators and their suppliers. The
Association's members serve more than two billion customers
-- 82% of the world's mobile phone users.   

    For more information, please contact:

     Mark Smith / David Pringle
     The GSM Association 
     Tel:   +44-7850-229-724 / +44-795-755-6069
     Email: press@gsm.org

SOURCE  The GSM Association (GSMA)

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