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Geely's New Logo Design Contest to Award RMB3.6 Million to Worldwide Competitors
January 09, 2007

    BEIJING, Jan. 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Geely Holding
Group announced that a special fund of RMB3.6 million will
be prepared for a global competition for a new Geely logo,
the grand prize of which will be awarded RMB2 million.  Now
eyeing the international market, Geely seeks to establish
its further global presence by inviting domestic and
international involvement in contributing to the Company's
new image.  This announcement was made in a Beijing news
conference on January 9.

    The criteria of the new Geely logo is set to be
symbolically representative, artistic and practical,
capable of embodying the corporate concept and spirit of
Geely Holding Group, reflecting Geely's ultimate aim to
become a national pride of the auto industry and its
emphasis on quality, technology and technical
accomplishments.  The entire design should be easy to
remember, establishing a continuation to the current logo,
yet with a nice artistic touch for the new age.  The new
logo should also be able to be reproduced easily on all
materials for manufacturing and marketing purposes.  

    Li Shufu, Board Chairman of Geely, noted that the
Company has been highly successful in realizing its target,
which is reflected in the slogan -- "Getting involved
in the global auto industry; Revolutionizing the China auto
industry."  This was only the first step in a long
march, and the Company is now paving way for global
expansion.  Of the over 60 million vehicles sold worldwide
every year, the China market accounts for less than 10%,
meaning that 90% are sold in other parts of the world. 
Geely sees it as a great opportunity as it aims to export
two thirds of its production in the future. The Company in
now preparing proactively in all aspects, including
branding, marketing, setting up a corporate culture as well
as its overall management, to make way for its position in
the international market. 

    Geely will award a total of RMB3.6 million to winners
of the logo design competition, of which the one and only
"Grand Prize" will come to RMB2 million, with ten
"Special Geely Awards" will each be granted a
Geely Yuanjing automobile, with a further 100
"Finalists" and 300 "Creative Awards"
also being credited. 

    Winners will be decided by adjudicators including a
team of renowned experts and public involvement, and the
selection process will be divided into four phases: 100
submissions will be short listed by August this year in the
first phase, then down to 50 and 10 in next phase until one
grand prize is finally announced.

    Geely Holding Group targets to sell two million cars by
2015, of which two thirds are to be sold overseas, which
makes up 2.5% of the international market share.  By
selecting the best design out of a global contest, the
Company looks forward to positioning itself as an
international brand well-received both domestically and

    For more information, please contact: 

     Zhang Xiaodong,
     Company Spokesman,
     Public Relations Dept.,
     Geely Automobile Holdings
     Tel:    +86-571-8776-6891
     Fax:    +86-571-8776-6881
     Mobile: +86-135-7571-9950
     Email:  kukubo@126.com / zhangxiaodong@vip.sohu.com 
     Web:    http://www.geely-global.com 

SOURCE  Geely Holding Group
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