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New Platform Gives Jobseekers Access to All Available Jobs in China from a Single Web Site
March 08, 2007

    BEIJING, March 8 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Meijob.com, a
new China job search engine, was officially launched
yesterday, after running in beta mode since October 2006. 
Meijob.com's job crawler aggregates over 170,000 employment
opportunities from more than 20 job sites into one, easy to
use, web site.  

    As the first bilingual interface job searching website
in China, Meijob.com employs the latest Ajax technology to
process large amounts of information and provide jobseekers
with seamless access to jobs from various sources.  Meijob
users can search, save, and apply for relevant employment
opportunities from across the web, without the need to
visit or register with any other job site.   

    Meijob's technology ensures job ads will be viewed and
applied for by relevant applicants.  This way, a job ad
never gets lost between hundred of other ads -- it is only
displayed to appropriate applicants.   

    Two Israeli entrepreneurs, Barak Paz-Tal and Guy
Rotberg, founded Meijob after recognizing a need in the
local market.  "When we arrived in China, we started
looking for a job on the Internet.  After a short while, we
gave up.  We thought that there must be a better way to
search for a job, a way that will put the focus on the job
seeker's needs and not include so many distracting banners
and pop ups on the main page," says Paz-Tal. 
"Our main aim is to make the life of the job seeker

    Meijob's automated application process provides
employers with all the relevant information about each
applicant in a clear and coherent way.  This saves
recruiters the hassle of dealing with irrelevant
applications, and shortens the recruitment cycle.  In
addition, Meijob consulting services provides selected
recruiters locating, screening, and assessment of job

    "China's online recruitment market -- estimated at
USD 102 Million -- is soaring at 45% year on year",
says Jason Pang, Meijob's Marketing Manager and a veteran
in China's Internet business.  "This fast growth
created difficulties for job seekers.  The amount of
information available today on the Internet is enormous. 
Job seekers have to go through all this data, and register
with dozens of sites.  They find themselves facing a simple
question: where do I begin?" Pang continues. 
"Meijob has the answer to this question: We combine
common sense with superior technology to provide jobseekers
with access to all relevant job ads in one place." 

    The site currently has more than 300,000 visitors
monthly, with traffic levels growing at 60% per month since
launching in beta mode in October 2006.  After the Chinese
New Year holiday, Meijob.com saw a record 15,000 of daily
visitors.  Following the official launch this week, Meijob
plans to boost its marketing activity in order to become a
leader China's online recruitment market.  

    About Meijob 

    Meijob.com was founded by two Israeli entrepreneurs,
Guy Rotberg and Barak Paz-Tal in June 2006 and since has
established a niche in the increasing competitive online
recruitment market in China.  Meijob's Beijing office
boasts a team of 20 local and international talents with
expertise in enterprise management, HR, and IT.    

    For more information, please contact: 

     Mr. Yang Yeqing
     Mobile: +86-139-0106-2177
     Email:  yesiing@meijob.com

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