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Symbol Technologies Unveils Rugged Outdoor Access Point for Harsh Environments
January 08, 2007

Enterprise-Class Wireless Access Point Extends Enterprise
Mobility Beyond the Office Walls

    CHICAGO, Jan. 8 /Xinhua-PRNewswire / -- PROMAT 2007
(Booth #4255) -- Symbol Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: SBL), The
Enterprise Mobility Company(TM), today unveiled the AP-5181
Access Point, a rugged enterprise-class access point
designed to securely and cost-effectively extend corporate
networks beyond the office walls, and withstand harsh
outdoor environments, providing real-time access for mobile

    ( Logo: 
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20041029/SYMBOLOGO )

    The AP-5181 Access Point was specifically developed for
outdoor use and can withstand wind, rain, lightning, extreme
temperatures and power surges. An optional heavy-weather
mounting kit is designed to protect the AP-5181 Access
Point from windblown debris at velocities of up to 130
miles per hour. The dual-radio AP-5181 Access Point is
mesh-capable, allowing for the creation of self-assembling,
self-healing, flexible outdoor wireless networks that can be
easily-managed remotely with Symbol's Wireless Next
Generation (Wi-NG) architecture.

    "Organizations are extending their wireless
network outside the office walls to provide real-time
access to business-critical information in harsh outdoor
environments such as material and shipping yards, loading
bay distribution centers, refinery sites and
airports," said Sujai Hajela, vice president and
general manager of Symbol's Wireless Infrastructure
Division. "The AP-5181 Access Point can be implemented
outdoors without the added cost of installing network cable
or fiber, and maintains enterprise-level network
protection, security and manageability needed to support
mobile applications."

    The AP-5181 Access Point will be available with Symbol
On Site System Support services and Service from the Start
programs for multi-year coverage, and will be available
beginning in the first quarter of 2007 in select regions
through Symbol and its PartnerSelect partners.

    To learn more about Symbol's wireless solutions, visit
http://www.symbol.com/wireless .

    About Symbol Technologies

    Symbol Technologies, Inc., The Enterprise Mobility
Company(TM), is a recognized worldwide leader in enterprise
mobility, delivering products and solutions that capture,
move and manage information in real time to and from the
point of business activity. Symbol enterprise mobility
solutions integrate advanced data capture products, radio
frequency identification technology, mobile computing
platforms, wireless infrastructure, mobility software and
world-class services programs. Symbol enterprise mobility
products and solutions are proven to increase workforce
productivity, reduce operating costs, drive operational
efficiencies and realize competitive advantages for the
world's leading companies. More information is available at
http://www.symbol.com .

    For more information, please contact:

    For media information:
     Ed Tan                                 
     Symbol Technologies, Inc.             
     Tel:   +1-408-421-5132                        
     Email: ed.tan@symbol.com                      

     Greg Wood
     A&R Edelman for Symbol Technologies
     Tel:   +1-650-762-2838
     Email: gwood@ar-edelman.com

    For media information (EMEA):
     Tony Patrick
     Symbol Technologies, Inc.
     Tel:   +44-118-945-7427
     Email: tony.patrick@symbol.com
    For media information (APAC):
     Susan Toh
     Symbol Technologies, Inc.
     Tel:   +65-6796-9629
     Email: susan.toh@symbol.com

    For financial information:             
     Lori Chaitman/Nancy Coco               
     Symbol Technologies, Inc.              
     Tel:   +1 631.738.5050                        
     Email: lori.chaitman@symbol.com               

    For industry analyst information:
     Shirley Schroedl
     Symbol Technologies, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-631-738-4823
     Email: shirley.schroedl@symbol.com

SOURCE  Symbol Technologies, Inc.

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