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Web Developer Community Armed With Needed Tools for Mobile Content Creation
February 13, 2007

dotMobi Supports Top Quality Mobile Content Development
with Launch of dev.mobi

    DUBLIN, Ireland, and WASHINGTON, Feb. 13
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Web development community now
has access to much-needed resources to foster the growth of
high-quality content for consumers who access the Internet
from mobile phones. dotMobi, the official worldwide
registry for the .mobi domain, has introduced
http://dev.mobi, an extensive site featuring how-to guides,
tools and interactive forums to simplify the creation of
mobile content. The resources ensure all mobile content
will be of the highest quality, including content on the
more than 375,000 .mobi domains already registered. 

    dev.mobi will encourage interaction among members of
the Web development community, allowing them to engage in
an ongoing dialogue aimed at building a quality mobile
Internet experience. On dev.mobi, developers can
participate in mobile development training and forums, read
articles by industry experts and find up-to-the-minute
mobile industry news. The site also features the dotMobi
Developer Guide and tools that can be downloaded to create
useful content based on the open standards developed by
dotMobi and the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C). 

    "The success of the mobile Internet hinges on the
creation of quality, user-friendly content. dev.mobi
provides developers with the keys needed to unlock the
potential of the mobile Internet," said Neil Edwards,
CEO, dotMobi. "It is dotMobi's responsibility to
educate and provide tools for developers whose content will
drive the growth of the mobile Internet." 

    James Pearce, dotMobi's newly introduced vice president
of technology, added, "The launch of these tools
ensures that all developers -- regardless of size -- have
the ability to get their content directly to end

    A key resource available at dev.mobi is the dotMobi
Developer Guide -- a practical tool for Web developers to
use in the day-to-day creation of mobile content. The guide
outlines mobile Internet standards developed by dotMobi in
conjunction with W3C. dotMobi will continuously update,
expand and improve the Developer Guide, providing a living
tool that will grow with the evolution of mobile content

    "The dotMobi set of tools for mobile content
creation is a key component in securing a user friendly
Internet experience using mobile phones. We will
incorporate the dev.mobi offering within our Ericsson
Mobility World Developer Program offering as a further
vehicle to bring enriched services to mobile users"
said Jorgen Odgaard, head of the Ericsson Mobility World
Developer Program.

    "We are pleased about the introduction of
dev.mobi. This developer site is filling a gap and meeting
a clear need," said Reinhard Kreft, Head of Industry
Initiatives and Standardisation, Vodafone. "It's
giving developers clear guidance and support in producing
mobile content in a way which enables a great user
experience on mobile devices. We also expect that technical
guides and tools further evolve and keep pace with the fast
progressing and diverse technologies in this field. This is
delivering significant benefits and ultimately contributes
to a good customer experience. The new developer site is
thus most welcomed and complements our own mobile Internet

    ready.mobi, a site-compliance testing tool, can also be
accessed via the dev.mobi site. The ready.mobi tool performs
more than 30 separate tests on any individual .mobi site to
help site owners and developers determine how well their
site will work on a mobile phone. ready.mobi provides an
overall score indicating the mobile readiness of a site, as
well as advice for addressing problems discovered during the
testing process. 

    The entire suite of development resources, the dotMobi
Developer Guide and ready.mobi are available to the public
at http://dev.mobi . 

    For more information on .mobi domains and how to
register .mobi domains, visit http://dotmobi.mobi. Visit
the dotMobi blog at http://blog.mobi .

    About dotMobi

    dotMobi (the informal name of mTLD Top Level Domain,
Ltd.), a joint venture company based in Dublin, Ireland
with offices in Washington, DC, is leading the development
of Internet usage from mobile phones via the .mobi domain.
Unique among domain name providers, dotMobi ensures that
services and sites developed around .mobi are optimized for
use by mobile devices. On-the-go consumers can have
confidence that the Internet site or service will work from
their mobile device when using the .mobi address.

    dotMobi is backed by leading mobile operators, network
and device manufacturers, and Internet content providers,
including Ericsson, GSM Association, Hutchison 3,
Microsoft, Nokia, Orascom Telecom, Samsung Electronics,
Syniverse, T-Mobile, Telefonica Moviles, TIM and Vodafone.
dotMobi is also a sponsor of W3C's Mobile Web Initiative.

    About The Ericsson Mobility World Developer Program

    The Ericsson Mobility World Developer Program shortens
industry lead times by helping developers plan, create,
verify and market applications that work on Ericsson's
multimedia solutions and service-layer products. The
program offers the technical, business and sales support
that developers need to transform ideas into reality. 
Visit the Ericsson Mobility World Developer Program at
http://www.ericsson.com/mobilityworld/ .

    For more information, please contact:

     Vance Hedderel
     dotMobi (mobile Top Level Domain, Ltd.)
     Tel:   +1-703-485-5563
     Email: vhedderel@mtld.mobi

     Danielle Siemon
     A&R Edelman Public Relations
     Tel:   +1-650-762-2947
     Email: danielle.siemon@edelman.com

SOURCE  dotMobi (mTLD)

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