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《 ぷるっプリンココア 》
< お客さまからのお問い合わせ先 >
お客さま相談室 フリーダイヤル 0120-369-744
● 関連リンク
ソネット・エムスリー株式会社(本社:東京都港区 代表取締役:谷村 格 URL: http://www.so-netM3.co.jp 以下: エムスリー)は、シャープ株式会社(本社:大阪市阿倍野区 代表取締役 社長:町田 勝彦 以下:シャープ)が提供するパソコンテレビ「インターネットAQUOS」( http://www.sharp.co.jp/i-aquos/ )のインターネットメニュー(チャンネルUIソフト)に、医師に相談できるQ&Aサイト「AskDoctors」を9月下旬より提供することを決定いたしました。
メモリーテックと東芝、ディスクの片面からHD DVDとDVDが再生できる3層ツインフォーマットディスクを開発
ディスクの片面からHD DVDとDVDが再生できる3層ツインフォーマットディスクの開発
メモリーテック株式会社(本社 東京都港区 代表取締役社長 川崎代治)と株式会社 東芝(東京都港区、代表執行役社長 西田厚聰)は、共同で、ディスクの片面からHD DVDとDVDを再生できる3層再生専用ディスク(ROMディスク)を開発しました。
今回開発したディスクは、一枚のディスクに2層のHD DVD(30GB)と1層のDVD(4.7GB)が形成された3層構造のツインフォーマットで、光ヘッドに近い方がDVD層、遠い方がHD DVD層です(図参照)。さらに、今回開発した技術を用いることで、一枚のディスクに、2層のDVD(8.5GB)と1層のHD DVD(15GB)を形成することもできます。このように、今回の3層構造のツインフォーマット技術と、すでに商品化されている2層構造のツインフォーマット技術を合わせ持つことで、コンテンツプロバイダーの様々なニーズに対応でき、ソフトビジネスの多様な展開が可能になると考えられます。
この3層ディスクは、現在量産がスタートしているHD DVD製造ライン(2層HD DVD及び2層構造のツインフォーマット用)に対し、若干の装置とプロセスを追加することで製造することが可能です。このため、同一製造ラインで、従来の2層構造ディスクと今回開発した3層構造ツインフォーマットディスクを製造でき、3層ツインフォーマットの早期市場導入が可能と考えています。
HD DVDは、今年3月末から、日本及び北米市場で、プレーヤー、再生機能付きパソコン、ハリウッド映画ソフトを含む多くのコンテンツがリリースされ、市場普及が始まっています。HD DVD 規格の一つとして、メモリーテックは、東芝と共同でDVDとHD DVDの両フォーマットが記録できるツインフォーマットディスク技術を開発し、今年4月から、実際のコンテンツのリリースのためにディスクを提供してきました。ツインフォーマットディスク は、HD DVDプレーヤーだけではなく、既存のDVDプレーヤーでも再生が可能なことから、順調に販売実績を伸ばしています。ツインフォーマットディスクは、片面から二つのフォーマットにアクセスできるため、ディスクレーベル印刷も通常DVDと同じように可能で、ソフト商品価値を高め、消費者にもわかりやすいソフト商品作りを可能としています。
現行ツインフォーマットディスクは、1層の HD DVD(15GB)と1層のDVD(4.7GB)しか記録できないため、長時間映画ソフト作りには限界がありました。日米の大手コンテンツメーカーからは、さらに長時間のソフトが記録できるツインフォーマットが欲しいとの強い要望が出されてきました。
"4月より、ツインフォーマットを使ったソフトリリースを行ってきましたが、市場反応もよく、売れ行きも、予想より順調です。メモリーテックが東芝と開発した新技術は、さらに柔軟なソフト商品作りを可能にし、HD DVD フォーマット市場普及を加速するでしょう。新技術が、HD DVD フォーマットの中に組み込まれることを期待し、歓迎します。"(株式会社ポニーキャニオン第1映像事業本部 本部長 大柳英樹氏)
"3層構造 ツインフォーマットディスク開発の発表、誠におめでとうございます。3層構造 ツインフォーマットディスクは、より良いコンテンツ作りの可能性を広げるとともに、消費者に新しい価値提供の敷居を下げるとことが可能なフォーマットとして期待しております。"(マイクロソフト株式会社デジタルエンターテイメントパートナー統括本部 執行役常務 堺和夫氏)
以 上
■「ミエルリンク Personal(仮称)」
販売開始 2006年10月末
販売形態 ソフトウェア
価 格 未定
使用方法等 モバイルPCから職場のPCなどへVPN接続を行い、そこを経由してLAN内へアクセスする。
(※ 添付画像をご参照ください)
■「ミエルリンク Unit(仮称)」
販売開始 2006年12月末
販売形態 ハードウェア
価 格 未定
使用方法等 モバイルPCなどから、VPNサーバを経由して企業などのLAN内へアクセスを行う。VPNサーバをLAN内に設置して使用する。
(※ 添付画像をご参照ください)
【 参考情報 】
● VPN(Virtual Private Network)
● NAT(Network Address Translation)、NATトラバーサル
■株式会社アクセンス・テクノロジーについて■ http://accense.com/
● 関連リンク
プレスリリース 2003年8月4日
――――――→ まだまだ使える、電話・FAXで、顧客を増やし売上UPへ!
ソラン九州株式会社(本社:福岡県福岡市、代表取締役社長:小玉 修市)は、
株式会社メディアシステム(本社:福岡県福岡市、代表取締役:坂本 義生)
本社:〒812-0036 福岡県福岡市博多区上呉服町10-1 博多三井ビル
代表取締役社長:小玉 修市
会社URL: http://www.sorun-q.co.jp/
ソラン九州株式会社 http://www.sorun-q.co.jp/outsrc/
担当:奥村 武敏 E-MAIL: info.out@sorun-q.co.jp
〒880-0805 宮崎県宮崎市橘通東2-1-1 SKビル21 4F
TEL.0985-83-3424 FAX.0985-83-3297
きむかつ株式会社(本社:渋谷区千駄ヶ谷 代表:木村義美)は、恵比寿で営業中
■所在地:〒150-0013 東京都渋谷区恵比寿4-9-5 マンションニュー恵比寿105
■連絡先:tel/fax 03-3444-1486 E-mail:BXB05112@nifty.com(担当:山根)
社名:きむかつ株式会社(代表 木村義美)
所在地:東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷5-14-10 ベンチャービル3F
連絡先:tel03-5366-6332 / fax03-5366-6330
プレスリリース 2003年6月9日
汎用位置情報連絡システム「MAPIN GPS Mate」6月10日販売開始!!
(本社:愛媛県松山市、代表取締役社長:山本 昭廣)は6月10日、汎用位置情
報連絡システム「MAPIN GPS Mate」の販売を開始します。
本社:〒790-0801 愛媛県松山市歩行町1-10-13
お問い合わせ先:営業課 木山
TEL:089-941-5501 FAX:089-945-2923
URL: http://www.iyoeng.co.jp/
株式会社伊予エンジニアリング 東京営業所 担当:天野
E-mail: amano@iyoeng.co.jp
URL: http://www.iyoeng.co.jp/
代表取締役社長:杉浦 齊)は、平成15年6月4日(水)に既存の浜松1号店を
2.所在地 :静岡県浜松町宮竹町699-3
3.電話番号 :053-466-6200
4.営業時間 :10:00~20:00 火曜定休
担当:広告部 松井
対応可能時間 9時から18時(日曜日を除く)
会社の商号 :レッドバロングループ(ヤマハオートセンター株式会社)
代表者 :杉浦 齊
資本金 :36億4,036万円 グループ法人合計
創立 :昭和47年(1972年)1月(3月16日開業)
本部所在地 :愛知県岡崎市大平町字才勝8-1
店舗数 :国内224店舗(平成15年6月1日現在)
総売上高 :690億円(平成14年10月決算期)
従業員数 :計2,009名(平成14年10月末現在)
事業内容 :オートバイ・パーツ・アクセサリー用品の販売・修理
レッドバロングループの詳細については http://www.redbaron.co.jp をご覧下さい
合資会社 ネイルっち
アート 価格:16,000円(90分×2回)
カラーリング 価格:47,000円(90分×6回)
ケア 価格:63,000円(90分×7回)
リペア 価格:16,000円(90分×2回)
3Dアート 価格:21,000円(90分×2回)
エアブラシ 価格:16,000円(90分×2回)
スカルプチュア 価格:73,000円(90分×7回、120分×2回)
デザインスカルプチュア 価格:21,000円(120分×2回)
チップオーバーレイ 価格:21,000円(120分×2回)
ジェルネイル 価格:32,000円(90分×2回 120分×2回)
フットケア 価格:32,000円(90分×4回)
ネイリストコース 価格: 99,000円(90分×全15回、全22.5時間)
3級検定コース 価格: 42,000円(全5回、7.5時間)
2級検定コース 価格: 84,000円(全10回、16時間)
1級検定コース 価格:115,000円(全13回、21.5時間)
会社名 :合資会社ネイルっち
代表者 :庄司篤男
創業 :2003年2月
資本金 :341万円
〒191-0031 東京都日野市高幡17-4
TEL 0425-92-2229 FAX 0425-92-2229
担当:古井 r-furui@nailcchi.com
留学生向け就職支援サービス『UNIVERSAL PASSPORT』の開始
社長 小池 裕生)は、ロサンゼルスに本社を置くミレニア・ホールディング
ス株式会社とアライアンス提携し、NPO学生団体のJSN(Japan Student
社名 株式会社ユニバーサルコンツェルン
設立 平成6年10月
代表者 代表取締役社長 小池裕生
資本金 9735万円
所在地 本 社:〒151-0072 東京都渋谷区幡ヶ谷1-8-3 GSビル本館2F,6F
支 社:中部、大阪
事業内容 ・HR事業
売上高 15億5337万円(平成14年度3月実績)
従業員数 450名(内正社員85名)
担当 :常務取締役 阿部 浩昭
プレスリリース 2003年4月16日
株式会社 ニューポート
<タベモダイニングクラブのコンセプト> タベモは外食する場所を探している
<タベモの使用方法> 使用方法は簡単で、セットクーポン(25クーポン、
<タベモは、集客に効果的> レストランのオーナーにとってもタベモは非常に
きます。TVの料理番組などでも活躍中のCARDENAS グループの取締役副社長、
03-5467-4550 鈴木康文(日本語)、ロン・スタート(英語)までご連絡ください。
株式会社 ニューポート
〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷3-27-15 光和ビル6F
Tel:03-5467-4550 Fax:03-5467-4155
プレスリリース 2003年4月14日
株式会社マチダ(本社:東京都台東区、代表取締役:町田 博)は、TVゲーム
ットBtoBtoCシステムを開始致します。(URL: http://ww2.m-matching.jp )
会社名 : 株式会社マチダ
本社 : 〒111-0043 東京都台東区駒形1-2-11 ビジネスガイド社第3ビル
代表取締役 : 町田 博
設立 : 平成13年6月
資本金 : 2,000万円
従業員数 : 9名
URL : http://www.m-matching.jp
: http://ww2.m-matching.jp
Tel : 03-5827-1778
Fax : 03-5827-1779
事業内容 : インターネットを活用したBtoB、BtoBtoCサービス
: TVゲーム・トレーディングカード・DVD・パソコンゲームその他
株式会社マチダ 広報担当:原
E-Mail: hara@m-matching.com
Tel:03-5827-1778 Fax:03-5827-1779

Z Corporation's ZPrinter 450 Makes Color Accessible to More Businesses and Schools BURLINGTON, Mass., March 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Z Corporation today took another giant step in its mission to make high-definition color 3D printing available to the masses with the release of the ZPrinter(R) 450. The new machine is the first color 3D printer to break the $40,000 price point, the most highly automated, and the most compatible with contemporary office environments. (Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20040630/ZCORPLOGO ) Z Corp. is the only company that makes a full-color 3D printer, an output device that transforms electronic 3D data into handheld physical models. Color dramatically communicates the proposed look, feel and style of engineering product designs and architectural concepts, and vividly renders landscapes, electronic entertainment objects, and medical information. The ZPrinter 450, however, introduces first-ever capabilities for a color 3D printer, including: Automated operation: The ZPrinter 450 simplifies the 3D printing process with automated operation at every step. New features include automatic setup, powder loading, and self-monitoring of materials and print status. For the first time, a 3D printer automatically removes and recycles loose powder. Time saving: Automated operation and new quick-change material cartridges reduce touch time by 40 percent. The ZPrinter 450 also produces color in a new way with a single tri-color print head instead of multiple print heads, reducing cost and enabling 66 percent faster changes. Office friendly: The ZPrinter 450 is optimized for a front-office environment. It is quiet, uses safe build materials, employs "negative pressure" and a closed loop system to contain airborne particles, and produces zero liquid waste. New "no-touch" powder and binder cartridges enable clean loading of build materials. An integrated fine-powder removal chamber reduces the footprint of the system. And unlike 3D printers that attach support structures to models that later require removal with dangerous razors or chemical baths, the ZPrinter 450 supports models with loose powder that is removed automatically. These capabilities make the ZPrinter 450 as safe and unobtrusive as a standard copier. Desktop and printer control: Users can control the ZPrinter 450 from either the desktop or 3D printer itself. New ZPrint(TM) software lets users monitor powder, binder, and ink levels from their desktops, and remotely read the machine's LCD display. The expanded on-board printer display and interface enables users to perform more operations than ever at the machine. Speed, cost-effectiveness and precision: Like its predecessors, the ZPrinter 450 produces models and prototypes five to 10 times faster than competing printers at half the cost. Models cost about $3 per cubic inch - one-half to one-sixth the cost of competitors. It prints in high-quality 300 x 450 dpi. "The integrated powder removal system is a very big step forward for the technology and company," said industry consultant and analyst Terry Wohlers of Wohlers Associates. "When considering it, and the easier loading of the binder and inkjet cartridges, the ZPrinter 450 becomes very compelling for under $40,000. Many organizations that before were unsure about whether to purchase a color 3D printer will now have much more motivation to get one." The new lower price tag puts high-definition 3D color printing within the range of small-to-medium engineering businesses and divisions, many of which currently spend thousands to outsource 3D physical model making to service bureaus. The price also makes 3D printing more affordable for college and university engineering departments. "The ZPrinter 450 delivers on our "3D Printing Bill of Rights," which holds that 3D printing should be fast, easy, affordable, and office-friendly, like printing on paper," said Tom Clay, Z Corp. CEO. "Just as 2D printer breakthroughs like color and print quality became commonplace, the ZPrinter 450's unique qualities will eventually permeate our entire product line, making 3D printing increasingly accessible to all." Other 3D printers in the Z Corp. product line are the ZPrinter 310 Plus, a monochrome entry-level rapid prototyping system, and the top-of-the-line Spectrum Z(R)510, which prints in 24-bit color and delivers the highest resolution, largest build size, and access to the greatest range of build materials. Pricing, Availability The ZPrinter 450 is available in early Q2 through Z Corp.'s worldwide reseller network for a United States manufacturer's suggested retail price of $39,900 USD. About Z Corporation Z Corporation makes products that enable users to capture, edit, and print 3D data with unprecedented speed, ease, versatility and affordability. These products include the world's fastest high-definition 3D printers - machines that produce physical 3D models from digital data in full color - and uniquely portable 3D scanners - handheld machines that digitize 3D surfaces in real time. Z Corp. technology is enabling a wide range of applications in manufacturing, architecture, civil engineering, reverse engineering, geographic information systems (GIS), medicine and entertainment. For the latest news and information from Z Corp., visit the company's Web site at www.zcorp.com . CONTACT: KEVIN LACH CHARNA CUMMINGS Z CORPORATION BEAUPRE & CO. PUBLIC RELATIONS +1 781-852-5086 + 1 603-559-5837 KLACH@ZCORP.COM CCUMMINGS@BEAUPRE.COM WWW.ZCORP.COM SOURCE Z Corporation

-- Wide choice offered in areas Engineering, Life Science, Automotive and Environmental Technology -- "We are proud to be able to auction more than 70 high value lots with over 300 brand rights, patents and licences from well known international companies," says Dr. Manfred Petri, spokesman for IP Auctions GmbH -- Auction 14th and 15th May in Munich MUNICH, March 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- On May 14th and 15th in Hotel Kempinski Airport, Munich, the first live auction will be held of patents, licences and brand rights of European origin. Leading companies such as Bayer Innovation GmbH, Merck Patent GmbH or Rolls-Royce Deutschland and research centres such as the Fraunhofer Institute are offering an international public an extensive choice of intellectual property rights. The emphasis is on the areas of engineering, Life Science, Automotive and Environmental technology. Dr. Manfred Petri, spokesman for IP Auctions GmbH, comments on this assortment: "We are delighted that not only well known companies but also individual inventors and research centres have released patents, licences and brand rights for auction. The area of protection of these intellectual property rights and licences does not only cover Europe, but for a great deal also cover the most important industrial nations such as the USA and Japan. Among the patents and licences on offer are: - A machine tool system with ultra precise magnetic, contactless bearings - A "Pay-As-You-Drive" system that evaluates the risk associated with the use of motorised vehicles and - A system of electrochromic dyes that can turn the glass facades of skyscrapers into billboards From today all Intellectual Property Rights available for auction can be viewed online on http://www.ip-auctions.eu . Registered bidders can visit a virtual Data Room from March 12th 2007 and subject the properties in which they are interested to an Online Due Diligence. Interest in the live auction is extraordinarily high, both nationally and internationally, there is great interest from Europe, the USA and South East Asia in patents in the auction's technology section. The demand for new patents generally is considerable and an auction is recognised by many companies as an efficient trading platform which presents the opportunity to reduce costs for research and development. With this live auction, IP Auctions, the legal side of which is represented by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, is setting the course for future trade with intangible assets, and thus serves the speeding up of technology transfer which is indispensable for the innovation capability of businesses. "The effectiveness of the patent system, however, depends heavily on the actual use of patent portfolios, either by the inventors or applicants themselves or by third parties. It is a challenge to bring together the inventors and users with the object of improving the rate of licensing and market exchange of intellectual property rights," says Professor Alain Pompidou, President of the European Patent Office. About IP Auctions IP Auctions GmbH (IPA), founded in August 2006, presents the Intellectual Property Auction -- an international live auction for patents, licences and trademarks -- May 14 and 15, 2007 in Munich. IPA is an independent member of an international network that specialises in patent evaluation, marketing and licensing from the areas of nanotechnology, mechanical engineering, consumer electronics, automotive technology, life science, medical technology, pharmaceutical and biotechnology and "green" technologies. IPA's objective is to market first-class IP rights via auction. IPA's sister company, IP Bewertungs AG (IPB), based in Hamburg, offers support in the run-up to this auction by ensuring that formal requirements of all submitted patents are met. Further information on: http://www.ip-auction.eu Background: Trade in patents Howard Stringer, CEO of Sony Corporation, is certain that "the battles of companies will no longer be fought on the lowlands of mass goods production, but on the heights of innovative capability." Current empirical studies show that he is not alone in this opinion. Between 1990 and 2000, the global trade volume of licence income rose from around 10 billion US$ to 100 billion US$. The European Patent Office expects that this will reach 500 billion US$ for patent licences by 2010. Despite the rising importance of intangible assets, the trade in intellectual property rights, for instance patents and brands, is still under-developed and not very transparent. This leads to substantial misallocation, both macro and micro-economically. According to a survey by the Austrian Patent Office, in Europe, between 15 and 30 per cent of research expenditure is spent on duplicate inventions. This is equivalent to an annual sum of around 50 billion Euros. A patents auction is a means of preventing duplication of inventions, of promoting trade in intellectual properties and thus saving companies considerable costs. For more information, please contact: Dr. Manfred Petri, General Agent, IP Auctions GmbH, Toelzer Strasse 5 D-82031 Gruenwald Germany Phone: +49-89-441-093-90 Fax: +49-40-87-87-90-123 Email: Petri@ip-auction.eu Web: http://www.IP-AUCTION.eu Managing Director: Jochen Kamlah Registered in: Munich - HRB: 163548 Tel: +49-89-441-093-90 Email: presse@ip-auction.de Web: http://www.ip-auction.eu SOURCE IP Auctions GmbH

THALWIL, Switzerland, March 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- u-blox AG, the leading Swiss provider of GPS receiver technology, will showcase u-blox 5, a Galileo-ready A-GPS chip featuring an acquisition performance of less than one second, at the 2007 CeBIT trade show in Hanover, Germany. CeBIT, which runs from March 15-21, is the world's leading ICT show and is expected to attract nearly half a million visitors and over 6000 exhibitors this year. This makes it the largest marketplace for digital IT and telecommunications solutions, providing a unique opportunity for product manufacturers, service providers and distributors to meet, exchange views and do business. u-blox will be promoting its u-blox 5 chip at the event. The new technology boasts an acquisition and tracking sensitivity of -160 dBm that enables indoor coverage, a 50-channel engine and a power consumption of less than 50 mW. Its energy efficiency and tracking sensitivity make it ideal for GPS-enabled battery-operated portable devices that operate in difficult indoor environments like shopping malls, train stations and urban canyons. "Our ultra fast u-blox 5 chip, with its low power consumption and indoor performance, enables a whole new range of innovative GPS-enabled applications, from handheld navigation devices to smart phones," said Thomas Seiler, u-blox CEO. u-blox will also showcase recent innovations like AssistNow(R), u-blox' end-to-end A-GPS solutions that enhance receiver performance, enabling instant positioning anywhere, at anytime. AssistNow services make the long waiting times usually associated with standard GPS acquisition performance a thing of the past, even in difficult signal conditions. The recently introduced AssistNow Offline provides assistance data valid for up to 14 days, which is stored in the GPS receiver. This enables the receiver to compute a position instantly without having to connect to a mobile network at start-up to download the data, as is the case with typical A-GPS services. u-blox' booth is located in Hall 11, C09. (A high-resolution picture can be downloaded from http://www.u-blox.com/news/u-blox_5.jpg ) About u-blox u-blox is an international company headquartered in Switzerland, with sales organizations in the Americas, Europe and Asia. Founded in 1997, u-blox develops leading positioning technology, products and services based on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), including GPS and Galileo, for the automotive and mobile communications markets. For more information, please visit http://www.u-blox.com . For more information, please contact: u-blox Contacts Georg zur Bonsen Marketing Services Tel: +41-44-722-74-44 Email: georg.zurbonsen@u-blox.com Alicia Montoya Marketing Communications Tel: +41-44-722-74-86 Email: alicia.montoya@u-blox.com SOURCE u-blox

Transtrack International, the Netherlands Based Market Leader in Tracking & Tracing Software Solutions for the Transport of Cash, Management & Processing of Cash, Announced a Strategic Partnership With JSC Bancomzvjazok a Leading Ukrainian System Integrator. UTRECHT, Netherlands, March 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- This partnership combines JSC Bancomzvjazok knowledge of the Ukrainian banking sector and their solid track record in the Ukrainian IT solutions market, with Transtrack's proven IT solutions for Cash Businesses around the world. Together they provide Ukrainian Banks and Cash businesses with new opportunities to increase the efficiency of cash management & tracking by using IT solutions. "We expand our international distribution network with this partnership and support our strategic development, which is aimed to provide best-practice cash management solutions & knowledge around the world. We highly value the experience of JSC Bancomzvjazok as the IT-market leader in Ukraine and their knowledge of the financial institutions," said Ronald van Vliet, Managing Director of Transtrack International. Vitaly Kozachenko, Manager of Business Solutions Department, states: "We choose Transtrack International as our partner because there is no other company able to offer such complete and effective cash management solutions for the Ukrainian market today. This partnership combined with our existing portfolio makes us the only supplier on the Ukrainian market able to provide such a complete approach. During fifteen years of operations, we have acquired an excellent knowledge of our customer's needs and believe that these solutions are adding value for financial organizations and institutions." Transtrack International and JSC Bancomzvjazok will launch their financial sector solutions during the "Banking Technologies 2007" Conference, which will take place on April 5th 2007 in Kiev. About Transtrack International Transtrack International is an independent software specialist with standard software packages for cash-in-transit companies and banks. The software is geared towards improving efficiency, traceability, optimal cash stocks and chain integration. Transtrack International works with distributors in Italy, Turkey, Germany, Poland, Spain, South Africa, Mexico, US & India. www.transtrack.nl About JSC Bancomzvjazok JSC Bancomzvjazok is one of the leading Ukrainian system integrators, with a wide range of product & services, like development of information-analytical systems, systems for management and accountancy, corporate electronic documentation, distributor of computer and communication equipment and supplier of corporate and operational telecommunication systems. www.bkc.com.ua For more information, please contact: Ronald van Vliet Transtrack International Tel: +31302404212 Email: r.vanvliet@transtrack.nl Vitaly Kozachenko JSC Bancomzvjazok Tel: +380444960096 Email: kozachenko@bkc.com.ua SOURCE Transtrack International

PARIS, March 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The house of Louis Vuitton, with Marc Jacobs as Artistic Director, closed fashion week in Paris with it's Fall Winter 2007-2008 collection under an ephemeral marquee in the prestigious surroundings of the Cour Carree du Louvre. (Photo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200703050808.jpg ) ( Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070304/CLSU016-a http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070304/CLSU016-b http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070304/CLSU016-c http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070304/CLSU016-d http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070304/CLSU016-e http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070304/CLSU016-f http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070304/CLSU016-g http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070304/CLSU016-h http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070304/CLSU016-i ) Yves Carcelle, President of Louis Vuitton received the international press and such exceptional personalities as Scarlett Johansson , Maggie Cheung, Lee Radziwill, Julie Depardieu, Ludivine Sagnier, Cecile Cassel, Audrey Marnay to name but a few. The photographs (looks and celebrities) are available on prnewswire.com . For more information, please contact: Jean-Baptiste Rougeot Louis Vuitton Press Office Tel: +33-1-55-80-37-69 SOURCE Louis Vuitton

LONDON, March 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Summary 2006 2005 Change Revenue - as reported gbp9,762m gbp9,325m +5% Profit from operations - as reported gbp2,622m gbp2,420m +8% - like-for-like gbp2,797m gbp2,607m +7% Adjusted diluted earnings per share 98.12p 89.34p +10% Dividends per share 55.90p 47.00p +19% - The reported Group profit from operations was 8 per cent higher at gbp2,622 million or 7 per cent higher on a like-for-like basis, with Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Africa and Middle East regions particularly contributing to this good result. - Group volumes from subsidiaries increased by 2 per cent to 689 billion on both a reported and like-for-like basis. The reported Group revenue rose by 5 per cent to gbp9,762 million and also increased by 5 per cent on a like-for-like basis. This excellent volume and revenue growth was achieved across a broad spread of markets. The four Global Drive Brands continued their impressive performance and achieved overall volume growth of 17 per cent. - Adjusted diluted earnings per share rose by 10 per cent to 98.12p, as the higher net finance costs and minority interests were more than offset by the improvement in profit from operations, the share of associates' post-tax results, a lower tax rate and the benefit from the share buy-back programme. The basic earnings per share was higher at 92.08p (2005: 84.34p). - Following a review of the Group's capital structure, the Board has decided that there is scope to increase significantly both the dividend payout ratio and the share buy-back programme. The Board is recommending a final dividend of 40.2p, which will be paid on 3 May 2007. This, together with the interim dividend, will take dividends declared in respect of 2006 as a whole to 55.9p, an increase of 19 per cent. In addition, the level of the share buy-back will rise from around gbp500 million to some gbp750 million per year, starting in 2007. - The Chairman, Jan du Plessis commented, "2006 has been a good year and I believe we can look ahead with confidence in our ability to achieve further growth and value for shareholders. Over the past five years, British American Tobacco has delivered an average annual total shareholder return of 26 per cent, compared to 7 per cent for the FTSE 100." For more information, please contact: Investor Relations Ralph Edmondson Tel: +44-20-7845-1180 Rachael Brierley Tel: +44-20-7845-1519 Press David Betteridge, Kate Matrunola or Catherine Armstrong Tel: +44-20-7845-2888 SOURCE British American Tobacco Plc

HONG KONG, March 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Arrow Asia Pac Ltd. (NYSE: ARW) announced today that Simon Yu, senior vice president, Arrow North Asia Region and Ray Leung, marketing communications director, Arrow Asia Pac, will each deliver a presentation at the 12th International IC-China Conference and Exhibition. Held in Shenzhen (March 5-6, 2007), Beijing (March 8-9, 2007) and Shanghai (March 13-14, 2007), the event is the Mainland's largest showcase of IC application technologies and high-end components. It also features a series of conferences and seminars. The event is jointly organized by Global Sources, a global provider of integrated sourcing and marketing solutions, and CMP Media LLC., one of the world's leading providers of high-tech news and information. The conference will explore a wide range of technology issues that China's electronics industry is facing. These range from technological innovations in distribution and supply chain management, to standards and quality assurance. Ray Leung will speak in Shenzhen on March 5, 2007 and Simon Yu in Shanghai on March 13, 2007. In their presentation entitled 'The Evolution of Semiconductor Distribution Value Chains', they will explore challenges and issues encountered by global, regional and local distributors in Asia, with a focus on China. They will discuss the innovations and new applications that are driving the next cycle of semiconductor growth. They will also address how OEM/ODM/EMS customers and suppliers can use distribution to enhance their supply chain, thereby reducing the ripple effect of supply chain disruption caused by demand and supply fluctuations in the industry. The event is expected to draw thousands of senior level executives from a range of industries including design and fabless firms, chip manufacturers, foundries, EMS companies, OEM factories, equipment suppliers, R&D companies and consultancies. About Arrow Asia Pac A subsidiary of Arrow Electronics, Inc. (NYSE: ARW), Arrow Asia Pac is one of Asia Pacific's leading electronic component distributors. In addition to its regional headquarters in Hong Kong, Arrow Asia Pac operates 42 sales offices, four primary distribution centers and eleven local warehousing facilities in eleven countries/territories across Asia. Providing a full range of semiconductors, passive, electromechanical and connectors products from over 60 leading international suppliers, Arrow Asia Pac serves more than 10,000 original equipment and contract manufacturers and commercial customers in Asia Pacific. Visit us at http://www.arrowasia.com . For more information, please contact: Ray Leung Marketing Communications Director Arrow Asia Pac Ltd. Tel: +852-2484-2683 Email: ray.leung@arrowasia.com Grace Kung Marketing Communications Manager Tel: +852-2484-2682 Email: grace.kung@arrowasia.com SOURCE Arrow Asia Pac Ltd.

XI'AN, China, March 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- ALONG Mobile Technologies Inc. (OTC Pink Sheets: AGMB), a leading provider of wireless interactive entertainment products and services in China, today announced its audited annual financial results, ending December 31, 2006. Total Revenue for fiscal 2006 was $6,427,893, an increase of 42.4% as compared with Net Revenue of $4,515,395 for fiscal 2005. Net Income for fiscal 2006 was $3,258,133, or $0.046 per share, an increase of 381.4% as compared with Net Income of $676,789 for fiscal 2005, or $0.012 per share. "The large portion of the increase in revenues in fiscal 2006 was primarily due to the success of ALONG's efforts to expand to an additional 1200 downloading terminals in five provinces of northwest part of China from the third and fourth quarters of 2006," pointed Mr. Li Jianwei, the CEO of ALONG Mobile. "Our gross profit for the year ending December 31, 2006 was $5,119,425, an increase of $2,083,610 as compared with $3,035,815 for the year ending December 31, 2005, with the corresponding overall gross profit margin increasing from 67.23% for fiscal year 2005 to 79.64% for fiscal year 2006. This was the best year we've ever seen for the overall operating performance! We ceased all the hardware products business in 2006, and our revenue is recognized from wireless application products. This along with expanding our downloading network significantly increased our revenue. Getting rid of the hardware business also significantly reduced our costs," said Mr. Wang Zhen, the CFO of ALONG Mobile. "As part of the strategic planning process we completed in the third and fourth quarters, we have committed to improving returns and maximizing value from our continual expansion in the years ahead. Accordingly, we have decided with regard to our use of cash flow going forward, to continue to demonstrate the balanced approach to investing those funds that we showed in 2006 as well as we will still focus on improving our operations and financial performance," said Mr. Wang Zhen. Financial Tables for reference: ALONG MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (Stated in US Dollars) As of December 31, 2006 2005 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents $6,561,239 $6,476,651 Accounts receivable (net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $382 in 2006, $Nil in 2005) 64,076 147,899 Inventories 32,421 54,505 Deposits paid 2,750,240 - Note receivable - 1,237,624 Other receivables 35,319 14,177 Total Current Assets 9,443,295 7,930,856 Property and equipment, net 4,186,065 1,866,865 Intangible assets, net 2,119,030 925,925 TOTAL ASSETS $15,748,390 $10,723,646 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Current Liabilities Accounts payable $10,726 $10,377 Receipt in advance 31,903 - Deposits received 447,713 - Other payables and accrued liabilities 752,729 533,961 Value added tax payable 788,602 633,342 Other taxes payable 163,546 44,123 Accrued dividends payable - 309,406 TOTAL LIABILITIES 2,195,219 1,531,209 COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES - - STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Common stock 70,600 70,000 Additional paid-in capital 8,045,085 7,409,685 Retained earnings 3,949,214 1,188,360 Statutory and other reserves 1,045,174 547,895 Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) 443,098 (23,503) TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY 13,553,171 9,192,437 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY $15,748,390 $10,723,646 ALONG MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (Stated in US Dollars) Year ended December 31, 2006 2005 Revenues $6,427,893 $4,515,395 Cost of revenues (1,308,468) (1,479,580) Gross profit 5,119,425 3,035,815 Operating expenses Selling and distribution 837,404 453,673 General and administrative 900,655 534,530 Professional fees 107,080 130,000 Consultancy fees - 1,173,000 Depreciation 95,616 85,929 Total expenses 1,940,755 2,377,132 Income before the following items and taxes 3,178,670 658,683 Interest income 23,759 18,106 Other income 55,832 - Finance cost (128) - Income before income taxes 3,258,133 676,789 Income taxes - - Net income $3,258,133 $676,789 Earnings per share - basic and diluted $0.046 $0.012 Weighted average number of common stock outstanding 70,207,123 58,060,882 ALONG MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (Stated in US Dollars) Year ended December 31, 2006 2005 Cash flows from operating activities Net income $3,258,133 $676,789 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: In-kind contribution - 30,927 Amortization on intangible assets 148,981 120,773 Depreciation on property and equipment 217,189 85,929 Issuance of common stock for services - 1,173,000 Changes in operating assets and liabilities Accounts receivable 86,961 (11,686) Inventories 23,422 253,383 Deposits paid (2,693,598) - Other receivables (20,241) (9,304) Accounts payable - (2,253) Receipt in advance 31,246 - Deposits received 438,493 - Other payables and accrued liabilities 200,924 264,967 Value added tax payable 131,234 282,696 Other taxes payable 115,513 19,784 Accrued dividends payable - 7,474 Net cash flows provided by operating activities 1,938,257 2,892,479 Cash flows from investing activities Payments to acquire property and equipment (2,381,535) (55,487) Payments to acquire intangible assets (627,861) - Repayments of note receivable 1,252,836 - Increase in note receivable - (512,986) Net cash flows used in investing activities (1,756,560) (568,473) Cash flows from financing activities Contribution by a stockholder - 1,281 Dividend paid (313,209) - Net cash flows (used in) provided by financing activities (313,209) 1,281 Effect of foreign currency translation on cash and cash equivalents 216,100 125,962 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 84,588 2,451,249 Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year 6,476,651 4,025,402 Cash and cash equivalents, end of year $6,561,239 $6,476,651 Forward looking statement Certain information contained in these materials is "forward-looking" information, such as projections, estimates, pro formas, or statements of intentions, expectations or plans. All forward-looking information is subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are outside of the control of the company. Consequently, actual results may, and probably will, differ materially from the results contemplated in such forward-looking information. About ALONG ALONG Mobile Technologies, Inc. is a mobile value-added services provider in the PRC. The Company designs, produces, publishes, manufactures, provides and distributes proprietary wireless entertainment applications such as ring- tones, games, images, videos and e-books to its customers. Our Wireless Applications are intended to be downloaded by our customers on a fee-basis by means of our proprietary public downloading terminals which are installed by us in strategic locations such as shopping centers, universities, entertainment centers, cinemas, hotels, airports, restaurants and parks. Interaction enriches your life. For more information about ALONG, please visit http://www.alonggame.com . Our customers will soon be able to download our games via the internet from the website http://www.whatplay.cn . For more information, please contact: ALONG Mobile Technologies Inc. Michael Wang Tel: +86-29-8836-0097 Fax: +86-29-8836-0090 Email: michaelwang@alonggame.com Web: http://www.alonggame.com SOURCE ALONG Mobile Technologies Inc.

PSC Will Become Datalogic Scanning and Datalogic Mobile Effective April 2, 2007 EUGENE, Ore., March 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Datalogic, a market leader in international data collection technology and services, is pleased to announce that the Datalogic transformation integration with PSC is proceeding well and with great enthusiasm. Last December, Datalogic announced a plan to move toward an autonomous divisional operating structure. ( Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070302/SFF002LOGO ) The goal of the transformation project is for PSC and Datalogic to better serve customers through a more focused, dedicated, and specialized business unit structure. PSC customers can expect to receive the same quality products, service and support that they receive today. The transformation process currently underway is designed to ensure a smooth and seamless transition for customers, partners, and vendors. On April 2, 2007, the PSC brand name and logo will be retired. Datalogic will be re-aligned into Datalogic Scanning, Datalogic Mobile, and Datalogic Automation. Datalogic Scanning will be headquartered in Eugene, Oregon. The Mobile and Automation divisions will be headquartered near Bologna, Italy. PSC products will be re-branded under Datalogic, as Datalogic Magellan(R), Datalogic PowerScan(R), Datalogic QuickScan(R) and Datalogic Falcon(R) products. "We are very excited to implement the Datalogic transformation project," said Bill Parnell, President and CEO of PSC Inc. "Integration with Datalogic and alignment to a more autonomous structure makes good business sense; it will make the company stronger and more effective." In addition to PSC's existing position leading the market in Fixed Retail Scanners, PSC and Datalogic combined will have the most complete offering of Hand-Held Scanners in the industry. The first sign of the integration is a star added to the Datalogic logo, representing the PSC legacy; this star adds a bright light to the company's future. About PSC Inc. PSC Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Datalogic S.p.A., is a global provider of automatic data-capture technology, products and services. PSC leads the market with flexible, responsive customer service and innovative equipment. PSC products and services support multiple industries throughout the supply chain/distribution channel including retail, manufacturing, transportation, logistics and warehousing sectors. NOTE: Falcon, Magellan, PowerScan, QuickScan and the PSC logo are registered trademarks of PSC Inc. PSC headquarters and manufacturing facilities are located in Eugene, Oregon, with sales and service offices located throughout the Americas, Europe, Asia and Australia. For more information, please contact your PSC representative, or visit http://www.psc.com . About Datalogic S.p.A. Datalogic S.p.A. is the largest European manufacturer of CCD and laser-based bar code readers and mobile computers. With their advanced technology, intelligent design, and solid reliability, the vast range of Datalogic products can satisfy any application need and have been setting industry standards for over 30 years. Datalogic is present in Europe, Asia, Australia, and the US with partners in over 40 countries, selected and qualified to offer the highest level of services and solutions in the industry. For more information, visit http://www.datalogic.com . For more information, please contact: Rhone Lee PSC VP of Human Resources Tel: +1-541-683-5700 SOURCE PSC Inc.

GREENWICH, Conn., March 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Interactive Brokers has recently added the trading of stocks and warrants in Hong Kong to its worldwide direct access platform. Commissions for stocks and warrants are 0.088% of the trade value, with an HKD 18.00 minimum, plus any stamp duty and SFC transaction fees. Interactive Brokers continues to offer the trading of Hong Kong Futures with commissions for the Hang Seng Index and other Hong Kong futures contracts starting at HKD 9.50 and going as low as HKD 2.00 for high volume customers*. A full list of all market centers and products that IB makes available in 16 countries can be found at http://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/trading/products.php . Traders and investors with a need for direct international access to stocks, warrants, options, futures, forex, and bonds are encouraged to complete an electronic application at http://www.interactivebrokers.com . "Trading internationally is simplified at Interactive Brokers because of our Universal Account(TM), a unique industry innovation launched by IB five years ago. A customer deposits cash in one of eight currencies and is able to trade stocks, options, futures, forex, and bonds on over 60 market centers worldwide from a single screen in one single account. When trading in multiple currency products, our customers have a choice of converting at tight interbank rates or creating a margin loan with the deposited currency as collateral," said Steve Sanders, SVP Product Development. About the Interactive Brokers Group Interactive Brokers Group (IBG) provides professional traders and investors with direct access to options, futures, stocks, forex, and bonds on over 60 market centers worldwide from a single IB Universal Account(TM). With consolidated equity capital that exceeds US $2.8 billion, IBG executes in excess of 500,000 trades/day and executes 21.6% of North American options**. In 2006, Barron's awarded Interactive Brokers its top star ranking overall and for lowest cost broker. For more information, please see the Interactive Brokers website at http://www.interactivebrokers.com. Securities products and services are offered by Interactive Brokers LLC (Member NYSE/NASD/SIPC). *Plus exchange, clearing and regulatory fees. **As of 12/31/06. For more information, please contact: Violeta Petrova Interactive Brokers LLC Tel: +1-203-618-7716 Email: vpetrova@interactivebrokers.com SOURCE Interactive Brokers

BEIJING, March 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- KongZhong Corporation (Nasdaq: KONG), a leading provider of wireless value-added services and the operator of a leading wireless Internet portal in China, today announced its unaudited fourth quarter and fiscal year 2006 financial results. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061108202413-56.gif ) Fourth Quarter 2006 Financial Highlights: -- Total revenues grew 7% year-over-year to $23.71 million, exceeding the Company's fourth quarter revenue guidance of $20.5 million to $21.5 million. -- Total mobile advertising revenues increased from $59,000 in the third quarter of 2006 to $104,000 in the fourth quarter of 2006. -- US GAAP net income was $ 3.66 million. Diluted earnings per ADS in the fourth quarter were $0.10. -- Non-GAAP net income in the fourth quarter of 2006 was $4.20 million. Non-GAAP diluted earnings per ADS were $0.12. Non-GAAP Financial Measures are described and reconciled to the corresponding GAAP measures in the section titled "Non-GAAP Financial Measures". Fiscal Year 2006 Financial Highlights: -- Total revenues in 2006 increased 37% from 2005 to reach a new record of $106.77 million, exceeding 2006 guidance of revenue between $97 million and $105 million. -- Total mobile advertising revenues in 2006 were $ 0.21 million. -- US GAAP Net income in 2006 increased 11% to $24.69 million from $22.17 million in 2005. Diluted earnings per ADS for 2006 were $0.69 compared to $0.62 for 2005. -- Non-GAAP net income in 2006 was $25.84 million. Non-GAAP diluted earnings per ADS for 2006 were $0.72. Commenting on the results, Yunfan Zhou, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said, "We are pleased that both of our fourth quarter revenues and fiscal year 2006 revenues exceeded the guidance, despite of the regulatory changes in 2006. In addition, we have seen continuous and steady growth of mobile advertising revenues which were mainly generated from our wireless Internet portal Kong.net. Our founders and management team's strong experiences in the wireless value-added services and Internet portal and community are very helpful to develop our wireless Internet portal business. We are confident about the future of our wireless Internet portal business and will increase our efforts to develop Kong.net in 2007." Financial Results: (Note: Unless otherwise stated, all financial statement amounts used in this press release are based on US GAAP and denominated in US dollars.) Revenues Total revenues for the fourth quarter increased 7% from the same quarter of 2005 to $23.71 million but decreased 5% from the third quarter of 2006. Revenues from 2.5G services accounted for approximately 39% of total revenues and revenues from 2G services represented the remaining 61%. Revenues from 2.5G services, which include services delivered using wireless application protocol (WAP), multimedia messaging service (MMS), and Java technologies, decreased 38% from the same period in 2005 and decreased 16% from the third quarter of 2006 to $9.17 million. The sequential revenues decrease was primarily due to the continuing effect of the regulatory changes introduced by China Mobile during the third quarter 2006 that, among other things, imposed a one-month free trial period for new subscription users, required that new users confirm subscriptions twice and mandated the termination of WAP subscriptions that have not been active for more than four months. WAP revenues in the fourth quarter of 2006 were $4.85 million, a decrease of 44% from the same quarter of 2005 and a decrease of 16% from the third quarter of 2006. MMS revenues in the fourth quarter of 2006 were $3.97 million, a decrease of 20% from the same period of 2005, and a decrease of 17% from the third quarter of 2006. Java revenues in the fourth quarter were $0.35 million, a 70% decrease from the fourth quarter of 2005 and a 19% decrease sequentially. Revenues from 2G services, including short messaging service (SMS), interactive voice response (IVR), and color ring back tone (CRBT), grew 96% year-over-year and increased 2% quarter-over-quarter to $14.39 million in the fourth quarter of 2006. Year-over-year growth in 2G revenues was primarily driven by the acquisition of Sharp Edge, which was completed in the first quarter of 2006. SMS revenues in the fourth quarter of 2006 were $11.66 million, which were 109% higher than the same period of 2005 and 7% higher than the previous quarter. IVR revenues in the fourth quarter of 2006 were $1.36 million, a 3% increase year-over-year but a 21% decrease sequentially. CRBT revenues grew by 210% year-over-year, but decreased 5% sequentially to $1.37 million in the fourth quarter of 2006. The table below sets forth the revenues breakdown by technology platforms. Q405 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 2.5G: 67% 64% 46% 44% 39% WAP 40% 32% 22% 23% 21% MMS 22% 28% 22% 19% 17% Java 5% 4% 2% 2% 1% 2G: 33% 36% 54% 56% 61% SMS 25% 29% 42% 43% 49% IVR 6% 4% 7% 7% 6% CRBT and others 2% 3% 5% 6% 6% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Total revenues from China Unicom, China Telecom, and China Netcom accounted for approximately 41% of the total fourth quarter revenues, compared to 25% in the third quarter of 2006. The increase in the relative proportion of revenues coming from operators other than China Mobile is mainly the result of a decline in revenues derived through China Mobile due to the regulatory changes discussed above and better revenue confirmation results from other operators at year end. This was also a reflection of the Company's continuously increasing efforts to develop business with operators other than China Mobile after the regulatory changes discussed above. Total mobile advertising revenues, which were mainly generated from KongZhong's wireless Internet portal Kong.net, increased from $59,000 in the third quarter of 2006 to $104,000 in the fourth quarter of 2006. Expenses The cost of revenues in the fourth quarter of 2006 totaled $11.58 million, an increase of 13% from the fourth quarter of 2005 and an increase of 2% from the third quarter of 2006. Gross margin in the fourth quarter of 2006 was 51% compared to 55% in the previous quarter. The lower gross margin was primarily due to the higher percentage of revenues derived from telecommunications operators other than China Mobile, which generally were derived at a higher cost compared to revenues derived from China Mobile. Total operating expenses in the fourth quarter of 2006 were $8.71 million, an increase of 40% year-over-year but a decrease of 11% quarter-over-quarter. Product development expenses decreased by 18% quarter-over-quarter and represented 11% of revenue. General and administrative expenses decreased by 6% from the third quarter of 2006 and represented 8% of revenues. Sales and marketing expenses decreased by 8% quarter-over-quarter and represented 18% of revenues. The decrease in operating expenses was primarily due to the headcount reduction during Q3 and other cost savings realized within the Company. Total cost associated with the Company's wireless Internet portal Kong.net business in the fourth quarter of 2006 was approximately $2.2 million, slightly lower than in the previous quarter. It included $0.7 million in marketing expenses. The Company recorded $0.30 million in non-cash share-based compensation expenses in the fourth quarter, compared to $0.52 million in the third quarter of 2006. The Company's total headcount declined from 816 as of Sep 30, 2006 to 798 as of December 31, 2006. Earnings US GAAP net income totaled $3.66 million in the fourth quarter of 2006, a decrease of 42% from the same period of last year and a 24% decrease from the third quarter of 2006. Diluted US GAAP earnings per ADS were $0.10 for the fourth quarter. Non-GAAP income in the fourth quarter of 2006 was $4.20 million, a 34% decrease from the same period in 2005 and a 24% decrease from the previous quarter. Diluted Non-GAAP earnings per ADS were $0.12. Balance Sheet and Cash Flow As of December 31, 2006, the Company had $131.40 million in cash and cash equivalents. Cash flow from operating activities totaled 11.46 million in the fourth quarter of 2006. Business Outlook: China Unicom informed all its wireless value-added service providers in January 2007 that effective April 1 2007, it will increase the service fees it charges service providers from the current 20% of gross revenues derived from China Unicom customers to 30%. The Company expects this to have an adverse impact on gross margins beginning in the second quarter of 2007. As a result of the continuing impact of regulatory changes introduced by telecommunication operators and the Ministry of Information Industry, and based on information available on March 2, 2007, the Company expects total revenues for the first quarter of 2007 to be between $20 million and $21 million. Conference Call: The Company's management team will conduct a conference call at 8:30 am Beijing time on March 2, (7:30 pm Eastern time and 4:30 pm Pacific time on March 1, 2007). A webcast of this conference call will be accessible on the Company's web site at http://ir.kongzhong.com . KongZhong Corporation Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (US$ thousands, except percentages, per share data, and share count) (Unaudited) For the Three For the Three For the Three Months Ended Months Ended Months Ended Dec. 31, 2005 Sep. 30, 2006 Dec. 31, 2006 (Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 3) Revenues $22,141 $25,082 $23,712 Cost of revenues 10,222 11,394 11,579 Gross profit 11,919 13,688 12,133 Operating expenses Product development 2,594 3,186 2,629 Sales & marketing 1,842 4,531 4,151 General & administrative 1,794 2,053 1,927 Subtotal 6,230 9,770 8,707 Operating income 5,689 3,918 3,426 Non-operating expenses (income) Interest expenses (income) (853) (1,036) (1,031) Other expenses (income) (9) 4 11 Subtotal (862) (1,032) (1,020) Income before tax expense 6,551 4,950 4,446 Income tax expense 287 131 782 Net income 6,264 4,819 3,664 Basic earnings per ADS $0.18 $0.14 $0.10 Diluted earnings per ADS $0.17 $0.14 $0.10 Margin Analysis: Gross margin 54% 55% 51% Operating margin 26% 16% 14% Net margin 28% 19% 15% Additional Data: 2.5G revenue $14,749 $10,974 $9,167 2G revenue 7,330 14,043 14,387 ADS outstanding (million) 34.57 35.15 35.28 ADS used in diluted EPS calculation (million) 35.85 35.66 35.71 Note 1: The conversion of Renminbi (RMB) into US dollar (USD) for the fourth quarter of 2005 is based on the weighted average rate of USD 1.00=RMB 8.0829 (the exchange rate quoted by the People's Bank of China). Note 2: The conversion of Renminbi (RMB) into US dollar (USD) for the third quarter of 2006 is based on the weighted average rate of USD 1.00=RMB7.9678 (the exchange rate quoted by the People's Bank of China). Note 3: The conversion of Renminbi (RMB) into US dollar (USD) for the fourth quarter of 2006 is based on the weighted average rate of USD 1.00=RMB 7.8641 (the exchange rate quoted by the People's Bank of China). KongZhong Corporation Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (US$ thousands, except percentages, per share data, and share count) (Unaudited) For the 12 For the 12 Months Ended Months Ended Dec. 31, 2005 Dec. 31, 2006 (Note 1) (Note 2) Revenues $77,753 $106,769 Cost of revenues 31,323 47,665 Gross profit 46,430 59,104 Operating expenses Product development 8,531 12,026 Sales & marketing 5,390 16,755 General & administrative 7,607 9,105 Class action lawsuit settlement and legal expenses related to the issues raised in the class-action litigation commenced in August 2004 4,843 -- Subtotal 26,371 37,886 Operating income 20,059 21,218 Non-operating expenses (income) Interest expenses (income) (2,640) (3,867) Investment gain(loss) -- (1,241) Other expenses (income) (6) 50 Subtotal (2,646) (5,058) Income before tax expense 22,705 26,276 Income tax expense 530 1,584 Net income 22,175 24,692 Basic earnings per ADS $0.64 $0.71 Diluted earnings per ADS $0.62 $0.69 Margin Analysis: Gross margin 60% 55% Operating margin 26% 20% Net margin 29% 23% Additional Data: 2.5G revenue $56,318 $51,795 2G revenue 21,258 54,685 ADS outstanding (million) 34.43 34.99 ADS used in diluted EPS calculation (million) 35.62 35.67 Note 1: The conversion of Renminbi (RMB) into US dollar (USD) for 2005 is based on the weighted average rate of USD 1.00=RMB8.1938 (the exchange rate quoted by the People's Bank of China). Note 2: The conversion of Renminbi (RMB) into US dollar (USD) for 2006 is based on the weighted average rate of USD 1.00=RMB7.974 (the exchange rate quoted by the People's Bank of China). KongZhong Corporation Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (US$ thousands) (Unaudited) For the Year For the Year Ended Ended Dec.31 2005 Dec.31, 2006 (Note 1) (Note 2) Cash Flows From Operating Activities Net Income $22,174 $24,692 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities Amortization of deferred share-based compensation 348 1,638 Depreciation and amortization 1,825 3,030 Loss (gain) on disposal of property and equipment (2) 17 Gain on sales of investment -- (1,241) Changes in operating assets and liabilities 5,224 (126) Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 29,569 28,010 Cash Flows From Investing Activities Proceeds from sales of investment -- 1,741 Purchase of property and equipment (2,148) (2,518) Proceeds from disposal of property and equipment 1 -- Purchases of long-term investments (500) -- Purchases of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired (1,435) (17,139) Net Cash Used in Investing Activities (4,082) (17,916) Cash Flows From Financing Activities Proceeds from exercise of employee and non-employee share options 303 2,214 Decrease(increase) in minority interest (97) (24) Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities 206 2,190 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes 735 1,976 Net increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents 26,428 14,260 Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Year 90,714 117,142 Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of Year 117,142 131,402 Note 1: The conversion of Renminbi (RMB) into US dollar (USD) for fiscal year 2005 is based on the weighted average rate of USD 1.00=RMB 8.1938 (the exchange rate quoted by the People's Bank of China). Note 2: The conversion of Renminbi (RMB) into US dollar (USD) for fiscal year of 2006 is based on the weighted average rate of USD 1.00=RMB 7.974 (the exchange rate quoted by the People's Bank of China). KongZhong Corporation Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (US$ thousands) (Unaudited) Dec.31, 2005 Sep. 30, 2006 Dec.31,2006 (Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 3) Cash and cash equivalents $117,142 $118,607 $131,402 Accounts receivable (net) 10,834 17,471 11,569 Other current assets 1,657 2,110 2,375 Total current assets 129,633 138,188 145,346 Rental deposits 404 565 461 Intangible assets 261 2,078 1,997 Property and equipment (net) 3,116 3,426 3,101 Long-term investment 500 -- -- Goodwill 1,169 15,751 15,836 Total assets $135,083 $160,008 $166,741 Accounts payable $3,995 $5,625 $6,013 Other current liabilities 7,290 4,712 4,951 Minority interest 24 24 -- Total liabilities 11,309 10,361 10,964 Shareholders' equity 123,774 149,647 155,777 Total liabilities & shareholders' equity $135,083 $160,008 $166,741 Note 1: The conversion of Renminbi (RMB) into US dollar (USD) is based on the exchange rate of Dec 31, 2005 USD1.00=RMB 8.0702 (the exchange rate quoted by the People's Bank of China). Note 2: The conversion of Renminbi (RMB) into US dollar (USD) is based on the exchange rate of Sep 30, 2006 USD1.00=RMB 7.9087 (the exchange rate quoted by the People's Bank of China). Note 3: The conversion of Renminbi (RMB) into US dollar (USD) is based on the exchange rate of Dec 31 , 2006 USD1.00=RMB 7.8087 (the exchange rate quoted by the People's Bank of China). Non-GAAP Financial Measures To supplement the unaudited condensed statements of income presented in accordance with United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP"), the Company uses non-GAAP financial measures ("Non-GAAP Financial Measures") of net income and net income per diluted ADS, which are adjusted from results based on GAAP to exclude certain infrequent or unusual or non-cash based expenses, gains and losses. The Non-GAAP Financial Measures are provided as additional information to help both management and investors compare business trends among different reporting periods on a consistent and more meaningful basis and enhance investors' overall understanding of the Company's current financial performance and prospects for the future. The Non-GAAP Financial Measures should be considered in addition to results prepared in accordance with GAAP, but should not be considered a substitute for or superior to GAAP results. In addition, our calculation of the Non-GAAP Financial Measures may be different from the calculation used by other companies, and therefore comparability may be limited. For the periods presented, the Company's non-GAAP net income and non-GAAP net income per diluted ADS exclude, as applicable, the amortization or write-off of intangibles, and non-cash share-based compensation expense. Reconciliation of the Company's Non-GAAP Financial Measures to the GAAP financial measures is set forth below. For the Three For the Three For the Three Months Ended Months Ended Months Ended Dec. 31, 2005 Sep. 30, 2006 Dec. 31, 2006 GAAP Net Income $6,264 $4,819 $3,664 Non-cash share-based compensation 77 521 301 Amortization or write-off of intangibles 27 192 230 Non-GAAP Net Income $6,368 $5,532 $4,195 Non-GAAP diluted net income per ADS 0.18 0.16 0.12 About KongZhong KongZhong Corporation is a leading provider of wireless value-added services and also operates one of the leading wireless Internet portals in China. The Company delivers wireless value-added services to consumers in China through multiple technology platforms including wireless application protocol (WAP), multimedia messaging service (MMS), JAVA, short messaging service (SMS), interactive voice response (IVR), and color ring back tone (CRBT). The Company also operates a wireless Internet portal, Kong.net, which enables users to access media and entertainment content directly from their mobile phones. Safe Harbor Statement This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Such forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements regarding trends in the wireless value-added services market and our future results of operations, financial condition and business prospects. Although such statements are based on our own information and information from other sources we believe to be reliable, you should not place undue reliance on them. These statements involve risks and uncertainties, and actual market trends and our results may differ materially from those expressed or implied in these forward looking statements for a variety of reasons. Potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, continued competitive pressure in China's wireless value-added services market and the effect of such pressure on prices; unpredictable changes in technology, consumer demand and usage preferences in this market; the state of and any change in our relationship with China's telecommunications operators; our dependence on the billing systems of telecommunication operators for our performance; changes in the regulations or policies of the Ministry of Information Industry and other relevant government authorities; and changes in political, economic, legal and social conditions in China, including the Chinese government's policies with respect to economic growth, foreign exchange, foreign investment and entry by foreign companies into China's telecommunications market. For additional discussion of these risks and uncertainties and other factors, please see the documents we file from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, which apply only as of the date of this press release. SOURCE KongZhong Corporation

MADISON, N.J., March 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, a division of Wyeth (NYSE: WYE), has received two positive opinions recommending approval for an extension of the indication for PREVENARTM (Pneumococcal Saccharide Conjugated Vaccine, Adsorbed) to the European market by the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP). The opinions recommend extending the indications of PREVENAR to include active immunization against pneumonia and acute otitis media (middle ear infection) caused by vaccine serotypes. PREVENAR is currently approved for active immunization of children from 2 months to 5 years of age against sepsis, meningitis, bacteraemic pneumonia and bacteraemia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes 4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F and 23F. Pneumococcal disease is a significant concern to children's health, estimated to result in more than one million deaths each year in young children around the world. "S. pneumoniae is the leading cause of bacterial pneumonia in humans beyond the first few weeks of life and is a major cause of death and illness worldwide," says Peter Paradiso, Vice President, Scientific Affairs, Wyeth Vaccines. "It also is an important cause of acute otitis media, which if left untreated, may lead to more serious diseases such as mastoiditis and meningitis. We welcome the CHMP's recommendation for both new indications in the EU which, if approved, will underscore the value of PREVENAR in helping to protect infants and young children from common pediatric illnesses caused by S. pneumoniae." PREVENAR is the first and only conjugate vaccine shown to be effective in reducing the incidence of pneumococcal disease (PD) in infants and toddlers. The CHMP recommendations of PREVENAR will now be forwarded to the European Commission (EC) for final approval, which is anticipated in the second quarter of 2007. Many health authorities have recognized the importance of protecting infants and young children against pneumococcal disease. PREVENAR is a part of the routine national childhood immunization schedule in 16 countries worldwide, including Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands and the United Kingdom (UK). About Pneumonia Pneumococcal pneumonia is an infection of the lungs caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae. There are many causes of pneumonia, including bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. When S. pneumoniae invades the lungs, the body's immune system responds, generating an inflammatory response. White blood cells, fluid and cellular debris then fill the air spaces of the lower respiratory tract causing physical symptoms such as coughing, fever and shortness of breath. In prelicensure clinical trials, PREVENAR was found to be 97.4 percent (95% CI: 82.7-99.9) efficacious in preventing serotype-specific invasive pneumococcal infections in infants who were fully vaccinated and 89.1 percent (95% CI: 73.7-95.85) efficacious for all cases of invasive pneumococcal disease regardless of serogroup. Importantly, in this clinical study, PREVENAR was effective in reducing the incidence of radiographically-confirmed pneumonia in children younger than two years of age by 23.4 percent (95% CI: 5.2-38.1). About Otitis Media Acute otitis media (AOM) is a common childhood disease with important ramifications to the overall health of infants and young children. The peak incidence of AOM occurs at 6 to 18 months of age, but it can also occur in older children. Complications of AOM include persistent middle ear effusion, chronic otitis media, transient hearing loss, or speech delays. PREVENAR has been shown to have an impact on AOM; in a clinical study, PREVENAR reduced vaccine serotype cases of AOM by 57 percent (95% CI: 44-67), cases of culture-confirmed pneumococcal AOM by 34 percent (95% CI: 21-45) and all cases of AOM by 6 percent (95% CI: -4-16). In the United States, a study found that following the introduction of PREVENAR, otitis media outpatient visit rates declined by 20 percent in children aged less than two years, representing 246 fewer otitis media visits per 1,000 children in the United States. About Pneumococcal Disease Pneumococcal disease describes a group of illnesses caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae, also known as pneumococcus. This bacterial pathogen, which affects both children and adults, is a major cause of death and illness worldwide. In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), pneumococcal disease is the number one vaccine-preventable cause of death in children younger than 5 years of age worldwide. Important Safety Information about PREVENAR In clinical trials (n=18,168), the most frequently reported adverse events included injection site reactions, fever (>/=38 degrees C/100.4 degrees F), irritability, drowsiness, restless sleep, decreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and rash. Risks are associated with all vaccines, including PREVENAR. Hypersensitivity to any vaccine component, including diphtheria toxoid, is a contraindication to its use. PREVENAR does not provide 100 percent protection against vaccine serotypes or protect against nonvaccine serotypes. Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Wyeth Pharmaceuticals has leading products in the areas of women's health care, infectious disease, gastrointestinal health, central nervous system, inflammation, transplantation, hemophilia, oncology, vaccines and nutritional products. Wyeth is one of the world's largest research-driven pharmaceutical and health care products companies. It is a leader in the discovery, development, manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceuticals, vaccines, biotechnology products and non-prescription medicines that improve the quality of life for people worldwide. The Company's major divisions include Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Wyeth Consumer Healthcare and Fort Dodge Animal Health. The statements in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements based on current expectations of future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. These risks and uncertainties include the inherent uncertainty of the timing and success of, and expense associated with, research, development, regulatory approval and commercialization of our products, including with respect to our pipeline products; government cost-containment initiatives; restrictions on third-party payments for our products; substantial competition in our industry, including from branded and generic products; data generated on our products; the importance of strong performance from our principal products and our anticipated new product introductions; the highly regulated nature of our business; product liability, intellectual property and other litigation risks and environmental liabilities; uncertainty regarding our intellectual property rights and those of others; difficulties associated with, and regulatory compliance with respect to, manufacturing of our products; risks associated with our strategic relationships; economic conditions including interest and currency exchange rate fluctuations; changes in generally accepted accounting principles; trade buying patterns; the impact of legislation and regulatory compliance; risks and uncertainties associated with global operations and sales; and other risks and uncertainties, including those detailed from time to time in our periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including our current reports on Form 8-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and annual report on Form 10-K, particularly the discussion under the caption "Item 1A, Risk Factors." The forward-looking statements in this press release are qualified by these risk factors. We assume no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise. For more information, please contact: Media Contacts: Natalie de Vane Tel: +1-484-865-5139 Gill Markham Tel: +011-44-1628-604-377 Investor Contact: Justin Victoria Tel: +1-973-660-5340 SOURCE Wyeth Pharmaceuticals

Diagnosis Often Takes a Year or More Even After Seeing a Physician LONDON, March 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- A new seven-country global survey reveals that effective patient-physician communication is key to earlier, accurate diagnosis and treatment for patients with neuropathic pain (NeP). NeP is a debilitating condition characterised by chronic, often severe nerve pain and is often a complication of common conditions including diabetes, herpes, cancer, HIV, multiple sclerosis, stroke, traumatic injury or surgery. The survey results, released today by the Neuropathic Pain Network (NPN), a coalition of patient advocacy organisations, found that in some countries patients wait up to 19 months on average and visit as many as two or more doctors before they receive an accurate diagnosis. Countries surveyed included the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Spain and Finland. Neuropathic Pain Difficult to Recognise Many patients need to visit more than one physician before their pain is recognised as neuropathic pain. Of physicians surveyed in the seven countries, the majority of whom were general practitioners, most do not find it very easy to recognise neuropathic pain. A majority of physicians in all countries report that a main factor in the delay is difficulty differentiating NeP from other pain conditions. This is important because treatments that may be effective in other types of pain often do not provide relief for NeP patients. Patient and Physician Checklist: Cover Three Key Areas According to the survey, patients wait on average between 5.7 to 19.5 months after they experience their first symptom before going to a physician; most patients believe the pain will 'go away by itself. Once patients consult a physician about their pain, limited or ineffective communication can further delay recognition of neuropathic pain. The survey found that physicians who recognise their patient's NeP are more likely to discuss the following three key areas with their patient. Physicians who do not ask questions covering these three key areas are less likely to identify their patient's condition as neuropathic pain. 1. Symptom Characteristics: Characterise the intensity and duration and describe how the pain feels with specific adjectives (e.g. "pins and needles," "burning," "stabbing," "numb," or "like electrical shocks") 2. Medical History: Share all medical history; NeP can be a complication of diabetes, herpes, cancer, HIV, traumatic injury or surgery 3. Location of Pain in the Body: Explain where on the body the pain is felt "Crippling neuropathic pain affects every aspect of patients' lives, often even limiting their ability to work, and yet it is typically under-diagnosed," said Ian Semmons, Board Member, Neuropathic Pain Network and Chairman, UK Action on Pain. "The survey suggests there are things patients can do to hasten their diagnosis and treatment. By sharing their pain symptom characteristics, medical history and location of pain in their body, patients can help their physicians more readily differentiate if their pain is neuropathic. We urge all pain patients, particularly those with diabetes, herpes, cancer or HIV to discuss these topics with their physicians." Screening Tools Not Widely Used To help physicians screen patients with pain, researchers have developed questionnaires for patients to complete in the waiting room prior to seeing the physician. Patients answer several questions about their pain experience, including questions covering the key topics uncovered in the survey. The tools can assist physicians in making a rapid, yet detailed assessment of a patient's pain experience. Of the seven countries in the survey, only in Mexico do a majority of physicians currently use available screening tools for most or all of their patients, although in all countries, there is great interest among physicians to learn more about them. "In many countries, physicians have increasingly limited time with patients, posing a particular challenge with neuropathic pain, which has been historically difficult to identify," said Michael Bennett, M.D., Senior Clinical Lecturer in Palliative Medicine and Honorary Senior Research Fellow, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK. "For these physicians, screening tools may be one solution, alerting physicians to the possibility of neuropathic pain in a timely manner. Whether through the use of these tools, or by simply engaging in thorough conversations, improving communication about symptoms of neuropathic pain can help us meet the needs of these long-suffering patients." Neuropathic Pain: A Debilitating Condition Neuropathic pain is a debilitating condition that is estimated to impact between 2.8 percent and 4.7 percent of people globally. NeP can have a significant impact on patients' lives, leaving many unable to work, walk or even wear clothes, as contact with their skin can cause an unbearable burning pain. Neuropathic pain is often under-diagnosed and under-treated. NeP is initiated or caused by a lesion or dysfunction of the nervous system (either peripheral or central). Patients often describe their symptoms as burning, stabbing or shock-like sensations. In recent years, a number of screening tools (e.g., Pain DETECT, LANSS, DN4, ID Pain) have been developed to help physicians identify this often-elusive condition. About the Survey In July 2006, the Neuropathic Pain Network and Pfizer Inc commissioned Harris Interactive to conduct a multi-country survey of NeP patients and the physicians who treat them. A survey of approximately 700 diagnosed NeP patients and 700 physicians was conducted in seven countries including: Finland, Germany, Korea, Italy, Mexico, Spain and UK. Fieldwork was conducted from August 18, 2006 through January 29, 2007. The results of any survey are subject to sampling variation. For a sample of 100, maximum potential sampling variation is + or - eight percentage points at the 95% confidence level. Funding for the survey was provided by Pfizer Inc. About the Neuropathic Pain Network The Neuropathic Pain Network (NPN) is a coalition of organisations that actively support people with neuropathic pain by enabling them to cope better with their pain, to obtain the best treatment and, ultimately, to improve the quality of their lives. The NPN has developed the first website solely dedicated to providing support for people with neuropathic (nerve) pain. For more information, please contact: Sejal Sedani Resolute Communications Tel: +44-20-7397-7474 Email: Sejal.sedani@resolutecommunications.com SOURCE The Neuropathic Pain Network; Pfizer